def straight(): ## if random.randrange(4) == 2: ## ReleaseKey(W) ## else: PressKey(W) ReleaseKey(A) ReleaseKey(D) print("Driver is Moving Stright")
def right(): PressKey(W) PressKey(D) ReleaseKey(A) # ReleaseKey(W) # ReleaseKey(D) time.sleep(t_time) ReleaseKey(D) print("Driver is Moving right")
def left(): PressKey(W) PressKey(A) # ReleaseKey(W) ReleaseKey(D) # ReleaseKey(A) time.sleep(t_time) ReleaseKey(A) print("Driver is Moving left")
def FrontFrameCapture(): # --------------------------------------- Front Frame ---------------------------------------------------------- # get The Screen window Fhwnd = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow() FwDC = win32gui.GetWindowDC(Fhwnd) # create DC object for FdcObj = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(FwDC) FcDC = FdcObj.CreateCompatibleDC() # bitmapping The captured Frame FdataBitMap = win32ui.CreateBitmap() FdataBitMap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(FdcObj, w, h) # Cropping Window FcDC.SelectObject(FdataBitMap) FcDC.BitBlt((0, 0), (w, h), FdcObj, (0, 30), win32con.SRCCOPY) # dataBitMap.SaveBitmapFile(cDC, 'Test.jpg') bmpinfo = FdataBitMap.GetInfo() bmpstr = FdataBitMap.GetBitmapBits(True) im1 = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (bmpinfo['bmWidth'], bmpinfo['bmHeight']), bmpstr, 'raw', 'BGRX', 0, 1) Front = np.array(im1) Front = cv2.cvtColor(Front, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) PressKey(ChangeView) time.sleep(delay) ReleaseKey(ChangeView) # time.sleep(0.0000000000000001) # Cleaning Some memory (Avoid Exception) FdcObj.DeleteDC() FcDC.DeleteDC() win32gui.ReleaseDC(Fhwnd, FwDC) win32gui.DeleteObject(FdataBitMap.GetHandle()) return Front
def main(): last_time = time.time() for i in list(range(5))[::-1]: print("Your Testing Neural Network will start in : " + str(i + 1)) time.sleep(1) paused = False while (True): if not paused: # 800x600 windowed mode # screen = np.array(ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(0,40,800,640))) screen = Eyes.FrontFrameCapture() # print('loop took {} seconds'.format(time.time() - last_time)) # last_time = time.time() screen = cv2.cvtColor(screen, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) screen = cv2.resize(screen, (160, 120)) prediction = model.predict([screen.reshape(160, 120, 1)])[0] print(prediction) turn_thresh = .90 fwd_thresh = 0.40 if prediction[1] > fwd_thresh: straight() elif prediction[0] > turn_thresh: left() elif prediction[2] > turn_thresh: right() else: straight() keys = key_check() # p pauses game and can get annoying. if 'T' in keys: if paused: paused = False time.sleep(1) else: paused = True ReleaseKey(A) ReleaseKey(W) ReleaseKey(D) time.sleep(1)
continue PFrame = Eyes.FrontFrameCapture() PFrame = cv2.cvtColor(PFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) PFrame = cv2.resize(PFrame, (480, 270)) keys = Register.key_check() output = Register.key_to_output(keys) Data.append([PFrame, output]) # Save Bulk if len(Data) % 1000 == 0: print("################### Saving Bulk Number : " + str(i + 1) + "###################")'Naive-Data\\' + file_name + '-' + str(i + 1) + '.npy', Data) i = i + 1 Data.clear() # print('Loop took {} Seconds'.format(time.time() - last_time)) # last_time = time.time() if 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() ReleaseKey(ChangeView) break # unneccssory Staff for now # PFrame, original_image, m1, m2 = Detector.Detect(PFrame) # cv2.imshow('Front', original_image) # cv2.waitKey(1)