def __init__(self, argumentHandler, *args, **kwargs): fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.argumentHandler = argumentHandler self.source = self.argumentHandler.getSource() self.configFile = self.argumentHandler.getConfigFile() self.dirmaker = Dirmaker(self.configFile) # making the temporary dirs self.dirmaker.removePreviousTree(self.source) self.dirmaker.makeDirs(self.source) self.pathTempDir = self.dirmaker.getPathTempDir()
class ImageFS(Fuse): def __init__(self, argumentHandler, *args, **kwargs): fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.argumentHandler = argumentHandler self.source = self.argumentHandler.getSource() self.configFile = self.argumentHandler.getConfigFile() self.dirmaker = Dirmaker(self.configFile) # making the temporary dirs self.dirmaker.removePreviousTree(self.source) self.dirmaker.makeDirs(self.source) self.pathTempDir = self.dirmaker.getPathTempDir() def getattr(self, path): self.dirmaker.makeDirs(self.source) if path.split("/")[len(path.split("/")) - 1] not in self.dirmaker.getDirNames(): if os.path.isdir(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path) and not os.path.isdir(self.source + path): shutil.rmtree(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path) for dirName in self.dirmaker.getDirNames(): if len(path.split("/" + dirName)) > 1: if os.path.isfile(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path): return os.lstat(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path) else: pathSplit = path.split("/" + dirName) return self.returnLstat(pathSplit) return os.lstat(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path) def readdir(self, path, offset): self.bool = 0 dirents = [".", ".."] for dirName in self.dirmaker.getDirNames(): if len(path.split("/" + dirName)) > 1: pathSplit = path.split("/" + dirName) tempFiles = os.listdir(self.source + pathSplit[0]) files = [] for f in tempFiles: if os.path.isfile(self.source + pathSplit[0] + "/" + f): files.append(f) self.bool = 1 break if not self.bool: files = os.listdir(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path) self.bool = 0 for f in files: dirents.append(f) for r in dirents: yield fuse.Direntry(str(r)) def open(self, path, flags): ###controle of file al bestaat, zoniet: aanmaken! if not os.path.isfile(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path): for dirName in self.dirmaker.getDirNames(): if len(path.split("/" + dirName)) > 1: paramDict = self.dirmaker.getParams(dirName) pathSplit = path.split("/" + dirName) srcPath = self.source + pathSplit[0] + pathSplit[len(pathSplit) - 1] destPath = self.pathTempDir + self.source + path commmaker = MyImageMagickCommandMaker(srcPath, destPath, paramDict) commmaker.makeCommand() break accmode = os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR if (flags & accmode) != os.O_RDONLY: return -errno.EACCES commmaker.executeCommand() else: pass def read(self, path, size, offset): imgFile = open(self.pathTempDir + self.source + path, "rb") imgBytes = imgFile.close() return imgBytes ## returning lstat info def returnLstat(self, pathSplit): if pathSplit[len(pathSplit) - 1].strip() == "": return os.lstat(self.source + pathSplit[0]) else: p = self.source + pathSplit[0] + pathSplit[len(pathSplit) - 1] if os.path.isfile(p): return os.lstat(p) else: pass def searchConfigFile(self, argv): for arg in argv: if len(arg.split("config=")) > 1: return os.path.abspath(arg.split("config=")[1]) break