コード例 #1
ファイル: MAIN.py プロジェクト: Xunnamius/pyGuess
def block_on_challenge(ignore_response, params, at_end=1, stall_time=60, debug=False, eval_response=True):
    global conn1, heartbeat;
    if(not conn1 or not heartbeat): MAR_exit(2);
    xtime = 0;
    # Give them 60 seconds
    while(xtime < stall_time):
        if(xtime == (stall_time-30)): Display.sysMsg('30 seconds remaining...');
        elif(xtime == (stall_time-10)): Display.sysMsg('10 seconds remaining...');

        sleeptime = time.clock();
        if(xtime % 5 == 0):
            # Setup our internal environment
            conn1.params = params;
            conn1.makeNulls = True;
            response = conn1.request();
            # print 'tempresp -> ', response
            if(response and response != ignore_response):
                if(eval_response): response = json_decode(response, debug);
                conn1.makeNulls = False;
                return response;
        sleeptime = 1 - (time.clock() - sleeptime);
        if(sleeptime > 0): time.sleep(sleeptime);
        xtime = xtime + 1;
    # We timed-out!
        if(at_end == 1):
            Display.evnMsg('Request TIMED OUT. Destroying room...');
            conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"kil", "SID":SID};
            response = conn1.request();
            Display.sysMsg('Room Destroyed!');
            heartbeat.pauseFlag = False;
            conn1.makeNulls = False;
        return False;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Popup.py プロジェクト: Xunnamius/pyGuess
import sys, threading, os, time;
from DisplayInterface import Display;

class Autodeath(threading.Thread):
    """ Die after x seconds """
    def __init__(self):
        # Clear the timer
        self.countdown = time.clock();
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, None, None, "Autodeath Thread");
        self.daemon = True;

    def run(self):
        self.countdown = time.clock();
        while(self.countdown + 30 > time.clock()):

challenger = sys.argv[1];
if(challenger and 0 < len(challenger) <= 25):
    death = Autodeath();
    Display.sysMsg(('----- MAR Battle Request Warning! -----').center(53));
    Display.sysMsg(time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y @ [%I:%M:%S]").center(51),"\n\n\n");
    Display.evnMsg("You have a pending battle request from " +challenger+"!");
    Display.evnMsg("Type 'Challenge' and then '"+challenger+"'");
    Display.evnMsg("in the main window to accept or do nothing to decline.\n");
    Display.sysMsg('This window will automatically close in 30 seconds.');
    Display.cooked_input('  Press "Enter" to immediately close this window.', True);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MAIN.py プロジェクト: Xunnamius/pyGuess
                                    # Challenge someone! Woooo!
                                    if(i == 0):
                                        heartbeat.pauseFlag = True;
                                        conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"cha", "SID":SID};
                                        conn1.params['chal'] = Display.cooked_input('> Enter the username of the player you\'d like to challenge: ');
                                        Display.sysMsg('Conversing with the server...');
                                        response = conn1.request();

                                        # Waiting for Challengee to accept/deny
                                        if(response == "$ChallengerWaiting"):
                                            Display.gameMsg('Waiting for a response from', conn1.params['chal']+'...');
                                            response = block_on_challenge('$NoDice', {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"bat2", "SID":SID});
                                            if(response != False):
                                                first = (False if response['opponent'] == response['first'] else True);
                                                Display.evnMsg('Challenge Accepted! '+(response['opponent']+' is' if not first else 'You\'re') + ' up first.');
                                                Display.sysMsg('Preparing battlefield...');
                                                MAR_battle(response['opponent'], first);
                                            else: Display.errorMsg("Connection to server was dropped. Please try again.");

                                        # Waiting for challenger's client to acknowledge our acceptance of their initial challenge
                                        elif(response == "$ChallengedWaiting"):
                                            Display.sysMsg('Waiting for acknowlegement...');
                                            response = block_on_challenge('$NoDice', {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"bat3", "SID":SID});
                                            if(response != False):
                                                first = (False if response['opponent'] == response['first'] else True);
                                                Display.evnMsg('Challenge Acknowledged! '+(response['opponent']+' is' if not first else 'You\'re') + ' up first.');
                                                Display.sysMsg('Preparing battlefield...');
コード例 #4
ファイル: MAIN.py プロジェクト: Xunnamius/pyGuess
def MAR_exit(status=0):
    if(status == 0): Display.gameMsg('Program Terminated.');
    else: Display.errorMsg('Program Terminated Unexpectedly ('+str(status)+')!');
    Display.evnMsg('(C) Copyright 2010 - Dark Gray. All Rights Reserved.');
コード例 #5
                        # Based on the distance from the answer, print a different result (to the same line)
                        if fdist <= length * modifiers[0] / 100:
                            print "slightly off."
                        elif dist > 0:
                            if fdist <= length * modifiers[1] / 100:
                                print "too low."
                                print "WAY too low!"
                            if fdist <= length * modifiers[1] / 100:
                                print "too high."
                                print "WAY too high!"
                    Display.errorMsg("That's not a letter,", name + ". You've lost two turns for that!")
                    maxTries = maxTries - 2
                report = maxTries - (tries + 1)
                Display.gameMsg("You have", (report if report > 0 else "no"), "tries remaining.")
                tries = tries + 1
            if answer == -1:
                Display.playerMsg("Good job!")
                Display.errorMsg("You failed", name + ".\nThe correct answer was " + answer + ".")
            state = Display.cooked_input("Try again? (y/n) ")
    Display.evnMsg("(C) Copyright 2010 - Dark Gray. All Rights Reserved.")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Display.errorMsg("Program Terminated.")