コード例 #1
	def generateForcingFields(self, conc_idx, inputs, outputs):
		    Generate a forcing field taking spacial masks, timezones, and time averaging into account.

		Keyword Arguments:

		  Index of concentration file in self.conc_files.  Done this way
		  so that it's easy to access yesterday's and tomorrow's files.

		inputs and outputs:*DataFile*
		   dicts of DataFiles where the key is the relative day (so, -1 is yesterday)


		Warning:  This pretty much assumes each file is a day
		A dictionary, where key names are variable names, and each
		contain a float32 3D field.

		Forcing.log("Running %s.generateForcingFields()"%type(self))

		# Some variable used later
		scalar = None

		if self.griddedTimeZoneFld == None:
			# Assume all timezones are GMT
			print "Warning!  No gridded time zone information loaded.  Using a field of zeros."
			tz = np.zeros((self.ni,self.nj))
			tz = self.griddedTimeZoneFld

		if len(self.species) == 0:
			raise NoSpeciesException("Must specify species")

		# We doing time averaging?
		if self.averaging in ['AVG_MAX', 'AVG_MAX8', 'AVG_MAX24']:
			averaging_window = self.averaging_window
			averaging_window = None
			#if self.averaging == 'AVG_MASK' or self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE'
			if self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE':
				# Ensure this is set right
				self.timeMask = range(0,25)
			# If it's the mask, then the timemask should already be set

		# Create zero fields to allocate our arrays
		fld_empty=np.zeros((len(self.species), self.nt, self.nk_f, self.nj, self.ni), dtype=np.float32)

		# Get the relative days, so [-1 0 1] for [yesterday, today, tomorrow]
		rdays = inputs.keys()
		# Probably an easiesr way to initalize this since we're only writing later, but for now we'll do it.
		for d in rdays:
			flds[d] = fld_empty.copy()

		# This is NOT efficient.  Could probably easily make it
		# more efficient by implementing some sort of cache though..
		for idx_s, species in enumerate(self.species):
			#print "Iteratiing through species %d=%s"%(idx_s, species)

			# Initialize the data flds.  Set to zero if there's a day that doesn't exist
			for d in rdays:
				if inputs[d] is None:
					datas[d] = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nk_f, self.nj, self.ni), dtype=np.float32)
					datas[d] = inputs[d].variables[species][:]

			# Recall, mask is already considered in these vectors
			for k in self._layers:
				# I think there's a better way to do the next two loops, don't know it though.
				for i in range(0,self.ni):
					for j in range(0,self.nj):

						# Spatial mask
						if not self.space[j,i]:
							# This is masked out.  Set to zero and go to the next cell
							for d in rdays:
								flds[d][idx_s][0:self.nt,k,j,i] = np.zeros((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	# TEMP HACK!!
						#   # This temp hack is used to ensure the mask is working
						#	fld_yest[0:self.nt,k,j,i]  = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	fld_today[0:self.nt,k,j,i] = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	fld_tom[0:self.nt,k,j,i]   = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	continue

						# Take averaging into consideration
						# For almost all of these averagings, we'll have to
						# build a vector of all values for all times at that
						# cell.  Unfortunately, the data is organized in the 
						# opposite way as we want (time is the top index..)
						if do_averaging:
							for d in rdays:
								vecs[d]  = datas[d][:Forcing.dayLen,k,j,i]

							# REMOVE!
							#if i==self.debug_i and j==self.debug_j:
							#	print "vec_today[%d,%d]: "%(self.debug_j, self.debug_i), vec_today

							# Prepares a vector of values with respect to the
							# direction we're going to calculate the average
							# (forward/backward), the window size, and time
							# zone 

							vec = Forcing.prepareTimeVectorForAvg(vecs, timezone=tz[j][i], winLen=averaging_window, debug=False)
							#print "i=%d,j=%d, preped vec[%d] = %s"%(i,j,len(vec)," ".join(map(str, vec)))

							# Calculate the moving window average
							avgs = Forcing.calcMovingAverage(vec, winLen=averaging_window)
							#print "i=%d,j=%d, avg vec[%d]    = %s"%(i,j,len(avgs)," ".join(map(str, avgs)))

							# And then, for the 8-hour max to be used for a
							# forcing term, generate a vector for yesterday,
							# today and tomorrow with the forcing terms in them

							if self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld is not None:
								scalar = self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld[j][i]/averaging_window

							vecs = Forcing.applyForceToAvgTime(avgs, days=vecs.keys(), winLen=averaging_window, timezone=tz[j][i], min_threshold=self.threshold, forcingValue=scalar)

# This was done blindly
							for d in rdays:
								flds[d][idx_s][:24,k,j,i] = vecs[d]

						elif self.averaging == 'AVG_MASK' or self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE':
							raise NotImplementedError( "Mask timing or no averaging is not yet tested.  Averaging options=%s"%self.averaging )
							# The comments assume timezone = -6
							for t_gmt in self.timeMask:
								# when t_gmt = 0, t_loc = -6, so we're into yesterday
								t_loc = t_gmt + tz[j][i]

								# Reference the arrays
								if t_loc < 0:
									dfld = data_yest
									#ffld = fld_yest
								elif t_loc>0 and t_loc<Forcing.dayLen:
									dfld = data_today
									#ffld = fld_today
									dfld = data_tomorrow
									#ffld = fld_tomorrow

								# I have to write in GMT
# This is wrong, as local times can write into another day.. maybe.. but since there's no averaging, another iteration will take care of that..
								ffld = fld_today

								# fld[-6] is fld[18]
								if threshold is not None:
									if val > threshold:
										force = 1
									if val > 0.0:
										force = 1

								# Set the field in the referenced forcing field
								ffld[t_loc,k,j,i] = force

							raise NotImplementedError( "Unavailable time averaging method (%s) selected"%self.averaging )

						#endif averaging
					#endfor j
				#endfor i
			#endfor k

		#endfor species

		return flds
コード例 #2
	def loadScalarField(self):
		""" Open up the mortality and population files and read
		their values.  Generate a field to multiply forcing by.

		Forcing = F * Pop * Mortality * VSL

		if self.beta is None:
			raise ForcingException("Must supply concentration response factor")

		if self._mortality_fname is None or self._mortality_var is None:
			raise ForcingException("Must supply mortality file")

		if self._pop_fname is None or self._pop_var is None:
			raise ForcingException("Must supply population file")

		# This is optional
		#if self.vsl is None:
		#	raise ForcingException("Must specify statistical value of life (in millions)")

		# Open the mortality file
			mortality = DataFile(self._mortality_fname, mode='r', open=True)
		except IOError as ex:
			Forcing.error("Error!  Cannot open mortality file %s.  File exists? %r"%(self._mortality_fname, os.path.isfile(self._mortality_fname)))

		# Check dimensions
		if not (mortality.dimensions['COL'] == self.ni and mortality.dimensions['ROW'] == self.nj):
			raise ValueError("Error, dimensions in mortality file %s do not match domain."%self._mortality_fname)

		# Read the field
			# dims are TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL.. so skip TSTEP and LAY
			# this should be made more general, or the file should be made better.
			mfld = mortality.variables[self._mortality_var][0][0]
		except IOError as e:
			raise e
		except IndexError as e:
			raise ForcingFileDimensionException("Mortality NetCDF file seems to have incompatible dimensions.  Currently require shape (TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL).  This is marked to be improved, as the data does not vary with time or layer.")

		# Close the file
		if self._pop_fname != self._pop_fname:

			# Open the population file
				pop = DataFile(self._pop_fname, mode='r', open=True)
			except IOError as ex:
				Forcing.error("Error!  Cannot open population file %s"%(self._pop_fname))

			# Check dimensions
			if not (pop.dimensions['COL'] == self.ni and pop.dimensions['ROW'] == self.nj):
				raise ValueError("Error, dimensions in population file %s do not match domain."%self._pop_fname)
			# Same file?
			pop = mortality

		# Read the field
			# dims are TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL.. so skip TSTEP and LAY
			pfld = pop.variables[self._pop_var][0][0]
		except IOError as e:
			raise e
		except IndexError as e:
			raise ForcingFileDimensionException("Population NetCDF file seems to have incompatible dimensions.  Currently require shape (TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL).  This is marked to be improved, as the data does not vary with time or layer.")


		# Debug, remember, when debugging this against plotted data or fortran
		# code: values like (70,70) started at index 1 whereas we started at
		# index 0, so (70,70)=(69,69)
		#print "[j=%d,i=%d] = mfld * mfld_scale * pfld * self.beta / 365 = %e %e %e %e %e = %e"%(self.debug_j, self.debug_i, mfld[self.debug_j,self.debug_i], (10.**-4), pfld[self.debug_j,self.debug_i], self.beta, 365.0, mfld[self.debug_j,self.debug_i]*(10.**-4)*pfld[self.debug_j,self.debug_i]*self.beta/365.0)

		# (mfld * pfld) is element wise multiplication, not matrix multiplication
		# Take leap years into account?
		Forcing.debug("[TODO]: Leap years are not yet accounted for.")
		self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld = mfld * self.mort_scale / 365.0 * pfld * self.beta
		if self.vsl is not None:
			self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld = self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld * self.vsl