class Communication(object): INSTANCE = None Lock = threading.RLock() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ 单例模式的 double check 确保线程安全,增加缓冲标量 确保第一次初始化完全 :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ _instance = None if not cls.INSTANCE: try: cls.Lock.acquire() if not cls.INSTANCE: _instance = object.__new__(cls) cls.INSTANCE = _instance finally: cls.Lock.release() return cls.INSTANCE def __init__(self, conf): self.redis = RedisWrapper(conf['redis']) self.etcd = EtcdWrapper(conf['etcd']) self.etcd_interval_time = conf['etcd']['interval'] self.watchdog = WatchDog(conf) self.node = conf['node'] self.ip = conf['local_ip'] = conf['application'] self.paths = conf['paths'] = dict() self._name = 'communication' self.log = list() self.hash = None # 重启刷新缓存 self.flush_data() @property def name(self): return self._name def work(self, *args): """ 获取 event loop,并启动异步循环 :param args: :return: """ loop = asyncio.SelectorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.call_soon_threadsafe(loop.create_task, self.handle()) loop.call_soon_threadsafe(loop.create_task, self.write_into_remote()) if platform.system() == "Windows": loop.call_soon_threadsafe(loop.create_task, self.monitor()) loop.run_forever() async def handle(self): """ 异步方法,监听 redis 给出的命令 :return: """ while True: # 获取外部命令,并处理 command = self.check_order() if command == b'get_status': self.write_into_local() elif command == b'restart': self.watchdog.restart = True self.flush_data() elif command == b'reload': self.watchdog.reload = True self.flush_data() self.re_load() elif command == b'upload': for path in self.paths: self.upload(path) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) def check_order(self): """ Get outside command :return: None or order """ try: if self.redis.get_len("order_name") > 0: return self.redis.dequeue("order_name") except Exception as e: log.error("\n%s", e) def write_into_local(self): """ Write the data to local redis :return: None """ if == 'ziyan': status = { 'node': self.node, 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'check_restart_time': self.watchdog.check_restart_num, 'handle_restart_time': self.watchdog.handle_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names } else: status = { 'node': self.node, 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'transport_restart_time': self.watchdog.transport_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names } try: self.redis.sadd('status', status) self.redis.expire('status', 60 * 5) except Exception as e: log.error("\n%s", e) def upload(self, path): """ upload specific path file :param path: :return: """ key = "/nodes/" + self.node + "/" + if 'toml' in path: key += '/conf' elif 'py' in path: key += '/code' elif 'lua' in path: key += '/lua' try: with open(path, 'rb') as f: self.etcd.write(key, except Exception as e: log.error("\n%s", e) def flush_data(self): """ Delete the existing key "status" :return: """ try: if self.redis.exists("status"): self.redis.delete("status") except Exception as e: log.error("\n%s", e) async def write_into_remote(self): """ 异步方法,每10分钟向服务器 etcd 中注册当前状态 :return: """ while True: if == 'ziyan': status = { 'node': self.node, 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'check_restart_time': self.watchdog.check_restart_num, 'handle_restart_time': self.watchdog.handle_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': list(self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names) } else: status = { 'node': self.node, 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'transport_restart_time': self.watchdog.transport_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': list(self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names) } key = "/nodes/" + self.node + "/" + + "/status" try: self.etcd.write(key, json.dumps(status)) log.debug("\nkey: %s\ndata: %s\n", key, status) except Exception as e: log.error("\n%s", e) await asyncio.sleep(self.etcd_interval_time) def enqueue_log(self, msg): """ 保存定长的历史 log 日志 :param msg: str, log :return: """ if len(self.log) < 10: self.log.append(msg) else: self.log.pop(0) self.log.append(msg) def re_load(self): conf = get_conf() self.node = conf['node'] self.ip = conf['local_ip'] = conf['application'] self.paths = conf['paths'] self.etcd_interval_time = conf['etcd']['interval'] async def monitor(self): while True: data = "" for file in self.paths: data += str(os.stat(file).st_mtime) sha = hashlib.sha1(data.encode()).hexdigest() if not self.hash: self.hash = sha elif self.hash != sha: self.hash = sha self.redis.rpush("order_name", "reload") await asyncio.sleep(30)
class Communication(object): INSTANCE = None Lock = threading.RLock() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ 单例模式的 double check 确保线程安全,增加缓冲标量 确保第一次初始化完全 :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ _instance = None if not cls.INSTANCE: try: cls.Lock.acquire() if not cls.INSTANCE: _instance = object.__new__(cls) cls.INSTANCE = _instance finally: cls.Lock.release() return cls.INSTANCE def __init__(self, conf): self.redis = RedisWrapper(conf['redis']) self.watchdog = WatchDog(conf) = conf['application'] = dict() self._name = 'communication' self.log = list() self.hash = None # 20-12-14 zhy: windows启动异常,communication中没有self.paths参数 self.__init_paths() # 重启刷新缓存 self.flush_data() def __init_paths(self): if == "ziyan": self.paths = [ './conf/conf.toml', './lua/enque_script.lua', './plugins/' ] elif == "chitu": self.paths = ['./conf/conf.toml'] else: self.paths = [] @property def name(self): return self._name def work(self, *args): """ 获取 event loop,并启动异步循环 :param args: :return: """ if platform.system() == "Windows": gevent.joinall( [gevent.spawn(self.handle), gevent.spawn(self.monitor)]) else: gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(self.handle), ]) def handle(self): """ 异步方法,监听 redis 给出的命令 :return: """ while True: # 获取外部命令,并处理 command = self.check_order() if command == b'get_status': self.write_into_local() elif command == b'restart': self.watchdog.restart = True self.flush_data() elif command == b'reload': self.watchdog.reload = True self.flush_data() self.re_load() gevent.sleep(0.5) def check_order(self): """ Get outside command :return: None or order """ try: if self.redis.get_len("order_name") > 0: return self.redis.dequeue("order_name") except Exception as err: log.exception(err) def write_into_local(self): """ Write the data to local redis :return: None """ if == 'ziyan': status = { 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'check_restart_time': self.watchdog.check_restart_num, 'handle_restart_time': self.watchdog.handle_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names } else: status = { 'data':, 'log': self.log, 'transport_restart_time': self.watchdog.transport_restart_num, 'real_time_thread_name': self.watchdog.thread_real_time_names } try: self.redis.sadd('status', status) self.redis.expire('status', 60 * 5) except Exception as err: log.exception(err) def flush_data(self): """ Delete the existing key "status" :return: """ try: if self.redis.exists("status"): self.redis.delete("status") except Exception as err: log.exception(err) def enqueue_log(self, msg): """ 保存定长的历史 log 日志 :param msg: str, log :return: """ if len(self.log) < 10: self.log.append(msg) else: self.log.pop(0) self.log.append(msg) def re_load(self): conf = get_conf() = conf['application'] def monitor(self): while True: data = "" for file in self.paths: data += str(os.stat(file).st_mtime) sha = hashlib.sha1(data.encode()).hexdigest() if not self.hash: self.hash = sha elif self.hash != sha: self.hash = sha self.redis.rpush("order_name", "reload") gevent.sleep(30)