コード例 #1
dog2 = Dog(inputName, inputBreed, aggression, hunger) #Instantiates dog2 with 4 paramaters

print(dog1) #Prints dog1
print(' ') #space

print('Is', dog1.name, "'s aggression okay?") #Asks user if dog1's agression is okay
print('1 - Yes')
print('2 - No')
myInput = int(input('Enter number: ')) #Gets user input yes/no and sets it to var myInput
print(' ') #space

if myInput == 2: #If myInput is equal to 2 (No)
    newAgg = input(f'Enter {dog1.name}\'s new aggression level (1-10): ') #Asks user for new aggression number
    print(' ') #space
    dog1.aggression = newAgg #Sets dog1's aggression to new aggression

print('Is', dog1.name, "'s hunger okay?") #Asks user if dog1's hunger is okay
print('1 - Yes')
print('2 - No')
myInput = int(input('Enter number: ')) #Gets user input yes/no and sets it o var myInput
print(' ') #space

if myInput == 2: #If my input is equal to 2 (No)
    newHunger = input(f'Enter {dog1.name}\'s new hunger level (1-10): ')#Asks user for new hunger number
    print(' ') #space
    dog1.hunger = newHunger #Sets dog1's hunger to new hunger


print(dog1)#Output dog1