コード例 #1
    def send(self):

        if not self.connection:
            if os.environ.has_key('DOTSTAR_HOST'):
                host = os.environ.get('DOTSTAR_HOST')
                host = config.get("HOST")
            if os.environ.has_key('DOTSTAR_PORT'):
                port = os.environ.get('DOTSTAR_PORT')
                port = config.get("PORT")

            self.connection = Client((host, port))

        # Start
        out_buffer = bytearray()
        out_buffer += bytearray((0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00))
        out_buffer += self.data

        if self.pixel_count:
            footerLen = (self.pixel_count + 15) / 16
            footerLen = ((len(self.data) / 4) + 15) / 16
        fBuf = bytearray()
        for i in range(int(footerLen)):
            # This is different than AdaFruit library, which uses zero's in the xfer[2] spi_ioc_transfer struct.

        # End Frame
コード例 #2
ファイル: logo.py プロジェクト: chrisrossx/DotStar_Emulator
    def on_render(self):

        font = globals.current_app.get_font(22)

        c = config.get("BRAND_TITLE")
        text = font.render(config.get("WINDOW_CAPTION"), True, c)
        text_pos = text.get_rect()

        text_pos.center = self.surface.get_rect().center
        self.surface.blit(text, text_pos)
コード例 #3
    def initialize_grid(self):
        Step through all of the calculations to determine the grid size and led size.

        :return: None

        # Store Grid Size
        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        if self.draw_borders:
            self.perimeter_border_size = Vector2(config.get("PERIMETER_BORDER_SIZE"))
            self.perimeter_border_size = Vector2(0, 0)

        # Calculate cell_size

        # Create Background

        # Calculate LED Size

        log.info("LED size calculated %s, with borders %s", self.led_size, self.cell_size)

        # store led rects, of just the LED rect
        self.led_rects = [[None for x in range(int(self.grid_size.y))] for y in range(int(self.grid_size.x))]
        # each grid cells rect, includes led borders
        self.grid_rects = [[None for x in range(int(self.grid_size.y))] for y in range(int(self.grid_size.x))]

        for x in range(int(self.grid_size.x)):
            for y in range(int(self.grid_size.y)):

                top = self.grid_background_position.y + (self.cell_size.y * y)
                left = self.grid_background_position.x + (self.cell_size.x * x)
                top += self.border_size.y
                left += self.border_size.x
                top += self.perimeter_border_size.y
                left += self.perimeter_border_size.x

                width = self.cell_size.x - (self.border_size.x * 2)
                height = self.cell_size.y - (self.border_size.y * 2)

                rect = pygame.Rect(left, top, width, height)
                self.led_rects[x][y] = rect

                top = self.grid_background_position.y + (self.cell_size.y * y) + self.perimeter_border_size.y
                left = self.grid_background_position.x + (self.cell_size.x * x) + self.perimeter_border_size.x

                width = self.cell_size.x
                height = self.cell_size.y

                rect = Rect(left, top, width, height)
                self.grid_rects[x][y] = rect
コード例 #4
    def on_render(self):

        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))

        # if self.draw_borders > 0:
        self.surface.blit(self.grid_background_surface, self.grid_background_position)

        bg_color = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS_COLORS")[self.draw_borders - 1]

        # adjust font size for pixel index rendering based on size of the pixel
        if self.led_size.x >= 30 and self.led_size.y >= 30:
            font = globals.current_app.get_font(18)
            font = globals.current_app.get_font(8)

        for y in range(int(self.grid_size.y)):
            for x in range(int(self.grid_size.x)):
                index = globals.mapping_data.get(x, y)
                if index is not None:
                    c, b, g, r = globals.strip_data.get(index)
                    color = (r, g, b)
                    color = bg_color
                if index is not None and self.draw_indexes > 0:
                    text = font.render(str(index), True, self.draw_indexes_colors[self.draw_indexes - 1])
                    text_pos = text.get_rect()
                    text_pos.center = self.led_surface.get_rect().center
                    self.led_surface.blit(text, text_pos)
                self.surface.blit(self.led_surface, self.led_rects[x][y])
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self):
        Data model of a strip of LED's and also handles processes received data packets.

        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))

        # self.pixel_count = int(self.grid_size.x * self.grid_size.y)
        self.pixel_count = globals.mapping_data.pixel_count

        # setup initial pixel data
        size = self.pixel_count * 4
        self.data = bytearray(size)

        self.spi_index = 0  # current pixel index of the spi_in function

        self.updated = None  # datetime of last time start frame was received
        self.packet_length = 0  # count of number of individual bytes received since last start frame was received.

        self._dirty = True  # keep track if data has been changed since last update call

        # cache blinker signals
        self._signal_startrecv = blinker.signal("stripdata.startrecv")
        self._signal_updated = blinker.signal("stripdata.updated")

        self.header_bytes_found = 0
        self.buffer_count = 0
        self.buffer = bytearray((0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))
コード例 #6
    def calculate_cell_size(self, max_grid_pixel_size):
        Given the max grid pixel size, determine the size of the individual grid cells.

        :param max_grid_pixel_size: pygame.math.Vector2 of the max size of the whole grid.
        :return: None

        width = max_grid_pixel_size.x / float(self.grid_size.x)
        height = max_grid_pixel_size.y / float(self.grid_size.y)

        # Check that the LED size is at least 1px
        if width <= 1.0 or height <= 1.0:
                "Calculated LED cell size less than 1 pixel.  The WINDOW_SIZE is to small to fit "
                "the configured GRID_SIZE")
            raise Exception("LED size less than 1 pixel")

        # Sqaure up the LED
        if config.get("SQUARE_LED"):
            if width < height:
                height = width
                width = height

        self.cell_size = vector2_to_floor(Vector2(width, height))
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self):
        Data model of a strip of LED's and also handles processes received data packets.

        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))

        # self.pixel_count = int(self.grid_size.x * self.grid_size.y)
        self.pixel_count = globals.mapping_data.pixel_count

        # setup initial pixel data
        size = self.pixel_count * 4
        self.data = bytearray(size)

        self.spi_index = 0  # current pixel index of the spi_in function

        self.updated = None  # datetime of last time start frame was received
        self.packet_length = 0  # count of number of individual bytes received since last start frame was received.

        self._dirty = True  # keep track if data has been changed since last update call

        # cache blinker signals
        self._signal_startrecv = blinker.signal("stripdata.startrecv")
        self._signal_updated = blinker.signal("stripdata.updated")

        self.header_bytes_found = 0
        self.buffer_count = 0
        self.buffer = bytearray((0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))
コード例 #8
    def calculate_cell_size(self, max_grid_pixel_size):
        Given the max grid pixel size, determine the size of the individual grid cells.

        :param max_grid_pixel_size: pygame.math.Vector2 of the max size of the whole grid.
        :return: None

        width = max_grid_pixel_size.x / float(self.grid_size.x)
        height = max_grid_pixel_size.y / float(self.grid_size.y)

        # Check that the LED size is at least 1px
        if width <= 1.0 or height <= 1.0:
            log.error("Calculated LED cell size less than 1 pixel.  The WINDOW_SIZE is to small to fit "
                      "the configured GRID_SIZE")
            raise Exception("LED size less than 1 pixel")

        # Sqaure up the LED
        if config.get("SQUARE_LED"):
            if width < height:
                height = width
                width = height

        self.cell_size = vector2_to_floor(Vector2(width, height))
コード例 #9
    def create_background(self):
        Calculates the background size and position, and creates the surface.

        :return: None

        # Initial background Size
        background_size_px = Vector2(self.grid_size.x * self.cell_size.x,
                                     self.grid_size.y * self.cell_size.y)
        # add in perimeter border size

        background_size_px.x += (self.perimeter_border_size.x * 2)
        background_size_px.y += (self.perimeter_border_size.y * 2)

        self.grid_background_surface = pygame.Surface(vector2_to_int(background_size_px))

        if self.draw_borders > 0:
            color = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS_COLORS")[self.draw_borders - 1]

        grid_background_position_rect = self.grid_background_surface.get_rect()
        grid_background_position_rect.centerx = self.layout.size.x / 2
        grid_background_position_rect.centery = self.layout.size.y / 2

        # Center the grid background in its space
        self.grid_background_position = Vector2(grid_background_position_rect.topleft)
コード例 #10
    def calculate_led_size(self):
        Calculate the led size for each cell.

        :return: None

        if self.draw_borders:
            self.border_size = Vector2(config.get("BORDER_SIZE"))
            self.border_size = Vector2(0, 0)

        width = self.cell_size.x - (self.border_size.x * 2)
        height = self.cell_size.y - (self.border_size.y * 2)

        self.led_size = vector2_to_floor(Vector2(width, height))

        self.led_surface = pygame.Surface(self.led_size)

        # Check that the LED size is at least 1px
        if self.led_size.x <= 1.0 or self.led_size.y <= 1.0:
                "LED border size is to large for calculated LED size '(%s, %s) pixels'",
                self.cell_size.x, self.cell_size.y)
            raise Exception("LED border size is to large.")
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args
        self.mapping_data = MappingData()

        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        self.pixel_count = self.mapping_data.pixel_count
        size = self.pixel_count * 4

        # data does not include start and end bytes
        self.data = bytearray(size)
        self.connection = None

        print("Data Type:", self.data_type)

        if self.args.rate:
            self.repeat_mode = "rate"
            self.repeat_rate = float(self.args.rate)
            print("Repeat Mode: Frequency")
            print('Frequency Set:', self.repeat_rate)

            self.repeat_mode = "loop"
            if self.args.loop:
                self.range = range(int(args.loop))
                print("Repeat Mode: Loop")
                print("Loops Count:", args.loop)
                print("Repeat Mode: None, send once")
                self.range = range(1)
コード例 #12
    def on_render(self):

        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))

        # if self.draw_borders > 0:

        bg_color = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS_COLORS")[self.draw_borders - 1]

        # adjust font size for pixel index rendering based on size of the pixel
        if self.led_size.x >= 30 and self.led_size.y >= 30:
            font = globals.current_app.get_font(18)
            font = globals.current_app.get_font(8)

        for y in range(int(self.grid_size.y)):
            for x in range(int(self.grid_size.x)):
                index = globals.mapping_data.get(x, y)
                if index is not None:
                    c, b, g, r = globals.strip_data.get(index)
                    color = (r, g, b)
                    color = bg_color
                if index is not None and self.draw_indexes > 0:
                    text = font.render(
                        str(index), True,
                        self.draw_indexes_colors[self.draw_indexes - 1])
                    text_pos = text.get_rect()
                    text_pos.center = self.led_surface.get_rect().center
                    self.led_surface.blit(text, text_pos)
                self.surface.blit(self.led_surface, self.led_rects[x][y])
コード例 #13
    def create_background(self):
        Calculates the background size and position, and creates the surface.

        :return: None

        # Initial background Size
        background_size_px = Vector2(self.grid_size.x * self.cell_size.x,
                                     self.grid_size.y * self.cell_size.y)
        # add in perimeter border size

        background_size_px.x += (self.perimeter_border_size.x * 2)
        background_size_px.y += (self.perimeter_border_size.y * 2)

        self.grid_background_surface = pygame.Surface(

        if self.draw_borders > 0:
            color = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS_COLORS")[self.draw_borders - 1]

        grid_background_position_rect = self.grid_background_surface.get_rect()
        grid_background_position_rect.centerx = self.layout.size.x / 2
        grid_background_position_rect.centery = self.layout.size.y / 2

        # Center the grid background in its space
        self.grid_background_position = Vector2(
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self):
        Provide the mapping from a single series strip of DotStar pixels to an x, y grid


        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        self.pixel_count = 0

        self.data = [[None for x in range(int(self.grid_size.y))] for y in range(int(self.grid_size.x))]

        pixel_mapping = config.get("PIXEL_MAPPING")
        if pixel_mapping is not None:
            self.pixel_count = int(self.grid_size.x * self.grid_size.y)
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self):
        Widget to show information about the running screen.

        super(RunningInfo, self).__init__(x=145)
        self.layout.margin.set(0, 5, 10, 5)

        # LED information widgets
        self.led_grid_position_txt = []  # value of grid position
        self.led_strip_index_txt = []  # value of strip index
        self.led_value_txt = []  # value of strip index color
        self.led_color = []  # widget to show color block of strip index color

        row_size = 14
        left = SizedRows(row_size)
        right = SizedRows(row_size)

        left.set(self.hd_txt("Information"), 0)

        i = 1
        left.set(self.lbl_text("Emulator FPS:"), i)
        self.emulator_fps_txt = self.val_text("")
        right.set(self.emulator_fps_txt, i)

        i += 1
        left.set(self.lbl_text("Grid size:"), i)
        grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        pixel_count = globals.mapping_data.pixel_count
        self.grid_size_txt = self.val_text("({:.0f}, {:.0f}), {:.0f}".format(grid_size.x, grid_size.y, pixel_count))
        right.set(self.grid_size_txt, i)

        i += 1
        left.set(self.lbl_text("Packet Updated:"), i)
        self.packet_updated_txt = self.val_text("")
        right.set(self.packet_updated_txt, i)

        i += 1
        left.set(self.lbl_text("Packet length:"), i)
        self.packet_length_txt = self.val_text("")
        right.set(self.packet_length_txt, i)

        i += 1
        left.set(self.lbl_text("Packet Rate:"), i)
        self.packet_rate = self.val_text("")
        right.set(self.packet_rate, i)

        i += 2
        self.pixel_info_count = 4
        self.create_pixel_info(left, right, i)

コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, use_surface=True):
        Main display of DotStar Grid.

        Renders each LED in a x, y grid fashion.  Each grid cell is a LED.  Each grid cell can have its own borders.
        The main grid can also have a grid.

        Configuration [
            'GRID_SIZE': (x, y),  # Grid size
            'BORDER_SIZE': (x, y),  # Pixel size of the border drawn around each LED
            'PERIMETER_BORDER_SIZE': (x, y)  # Pixel size of the border drawn around the whole grid
            'GRID_BACKGROUND_COLOR': (r, g, b) or pygame.Color  # Color of the border/background of the grid
            'SQUARE_LED': True or False  # if True the LED's will be square, else fit to screen.

        :param use_surface: `bool`, default=True, use a surface to render the widget

        super(DotGridWidget, self).__init__(use_surface=use_surface)

        # Add a margin around the grid
        self.layout.margin.set(*[5 for i in range(4)])

        self.grid_size = None  # Number Columns, Rows of the grid
        self.cell_size = None  # Pixel size of each grid cell

        self.led_surface = None  # Reusable surface to render LEDs
        self.led_size = None  # Pixel size of the colored led inside the grid cell
        self.border_size = None  # Pixel size of the border to draw around the LED inside the grid cell
        self.grid_background_position = None  # pixel offset of background surface
        self.grid_background_surface = None  # background surface
        self.perimeter_border_size = None  # pixel size of perimeter border
        self.led_rects = None  # Cache the Rects of the LEDs, positioned to this widget
        self.grid_rects = None  # Cache the Rects of the grid Rects, position to this widget

        self.draw_borders = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS")  # Borders around each LED can be toggled on and off
        self.draw_indexes = config.get("DRAW_INDEXES")  # Borders around each LED can be toggled on and off
        self.draw_indexes_colors = config.get("DRAW_INDEXES_COLORS")

        # connect to signal used to toggle the borders.
コード例 #17
    def prebuilt_mappings(self):

        zero_location = config.get("ZERO_LOCATION")

        # Top Left
        if zero_location == 0:
            cardinal = False
            left_to_right = True

        # Top Right
        elif zero_location == 1:
            cardinal = False
            left_to_right = False

        # Bottom Left
        elif zero_location == 2:
            cardinal = True
            left_to_right = True

        # Bottom Right
        elif zero_location == 3:
            cardinal = True
            left_to_right = False

        # Configuration Error
            raise AttributeError(
                "invalid ZERO_LOCATION configuration '{}'".format(

        # Render the correct pattern
        pattern = config.get("PATTERN")
        if pattern == 0:
            self.vertical(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 1:
            self.vertical_daisy(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 2:
            self.horizontal(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 3:
            self.horizontal_daisy(cardinal, left_to_right)
            raise AttributeError(
                "invlude PATTERN configuration '{}'".format(pattern))
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self):
        Provide the mapping from a single series strip of DotStar pixels to an x, y grid


        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        self.pixel_count = 0

        self.data = [[None for x in range(int(self.grid_size.y))]
                     for y in range(int(self.grid_size.x))]

        pixel_mapping = config.get("PIXEL_MAPPING")
        if pixel_mapping is not None:
            self.pixel_count = int(self.grid_size.x * self.grid_size.y)
コード例 #19
    def __init__(self, dotgrid):
        super(DotGridSelect, self).__init__()

        self.dotgrid = dotgrid

        self.clear_event = blinker.signal("dotgrid.select.clear")
        self.set_event = blinker.signal("dotgrid.select.set")

        self.step = 0
        self.elapsed = 0
        self.speed = config.get("DOT_GRID_SELECT_SPEED")
        self.colors = config.get("DOT_GRID_SELECT_COLORS")

        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.rect = None
        self.selected = False

コード例 #20
    def confirm_customer_size(pixel_mapping):

        rows = len(pixel_mapping)
        if rows != int(Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE")).y):
            raise Exception("Custom PIXEL_MAPPING rows '{}' does not match GRID_SIZE.y '{}'".format(rows, int(

        columns = []
        for y in range(len(pixel_mapping)):
            x = len(pixel_mapping[y])
            if x not in columns:

        if len(columns) != 1:
            raise Exception("Custom PIXEL_MAPPING columns malformed, all are not of equal length.")

        if columns[0] != int(Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE")).x):
            raise Exception("Custom PIXEL_MAPPING columns '{}' does not match GRID_SIZE.x '{}'".format(columns[0], int(

        return columns[0], rows
コード例 #21
    def prebuilt_mappings(self):

        zero_location = config.get("ZERO_LOCATION")

        # Top Left
        if zero_location == 0:
            cardinal = False
            left_to_right = True

        # Top Right
        elif zero_location == 1:
            cardinal = False
            left_to_right = False

        # Bottom Left
        elif zero_location == 2:
            cardinal = True
            left_to_right = True

        # Bottom Right
        elif zero_location == 3:
            cardinal = True
            left_to_right = False

        # Configuration Error
            raise AttributeError("invalid ZERO_LOCATION configuration '{}'".format(zero_location))

        # Render the correct pattern
        pattern = config.get("PATTERN")
        if pattern == 0:
            self.vertical(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 1:
            self.vertical_daisy(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 2:
            self.horizontal(cardinal, left_to_right)
        elif pattern == 3:
            self.horizontal_daisy(cardinal, left_to_right)
            raise AttributeError("invlude PATTERN configuration '{}'".format(pattern))
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self, rate):
        self.mapping_data = MappingData()

        self.grid_size = Vector2(config.get("GRID_SIZE"))
        self.pixel_count = self.mapping_data.pixel_count
        size = self.pixel_count * 4

        # data does not include start and end bytes
        self.data = bytearray(size)
        self.connection = None
        self.is_stopped = False

        print("Data Type:", self.data_type)
コード例 #23
    def __init__(self):
        Read emulator strip SPI data in a TCP socket.
        TCPReader runs in its own thread, and will acquire a lock from strip_data before
        writing data.

        HOST and PORT set in config.

        super(TCPReader, self).__init__()

        self.host = config.get("HOST")
        self.port = config.get("PORT")
        self.listener = None

        # Thread Loop
        self.running = True

        # Report back to the main thread if we could bind to the port or not. Main thread will not continue
        # if port was not bound to.
        self.startup = threading.Event()
        self.startup_success = False
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self):
        Read emulator strip SPI data in a TCP socket.
        TCPReader runs in its own thread, and will acquire a lock from strip_data before
        writing data.

        HOST and PORT set in config.

        super(TCPReader, self).__init__()

        self.host = config.get("HOST")
        self.port = config.get("PORT")
        self.listener = None

        # Thread Loop
        self.running = True

        # Report back to the main thread if we could bind to the port or not. Main thread will not continue
        # if port was not bound to.
        self.startup = threading.Event()
        self.startup_success = False
コード例 #25
ファイル: about.py プロジェクト: chrisrossx/DotStar_Emulator
    def text_panel():
        panel = panels.CenterSingle(25)

        rows_panel = panels.SizedRows(18, use_surface=True, color=(40, 40, 40))
        rows_panel.layout.requested_size = Vector2(500, 400)

        filename = os.path.join(MEDIA_PATH, 'about.txt')
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            text = f.read()

        text_split = text.split("\n")

        widget = TextLabelWidget(config.get("WINDOW_CAPTION"), 18, config.get("BRAND_TITLE"))
        widget.layout.margin.set(0, 0, 0, 5)
        rows_panel.set(widget, 0)

        for i, line in enumerate(text_split):
            widget = TextLabelWidget(line, 12, (255, 255, 255))
            widget.layout.margin.set(0, 0, 0, 5)
            rows_panel.set(widget, i+2)

        return panel
コード例 #26
    def __init__(self):
        super(RunningScene, self).__init__()

        self.draw_borders = config.get("DRAW_BORDERS")
        self.draw_indexes = config.get("DRAW_INDEXES")

        self.updated_txt = None
        self.led_grid_position_txt = None
        self.led_strip_index_txt = None
        self.led_value_txt = None
        self.led_color = None

        two_columns = panels.TwoColumns(config.get("EMU_RUNNING_MIN_RIGHT_COL_WIDTH"))

        self.dotgrid = DotGridWidget()

        right = panels.TwoRows(40)


        right2 = panels.TwoRows(-60)

        running_info = RunningInfo()


        select = DotGridSelect(self.dotgrid)

        rect = running_info.emulator_fps_txt.layout.global_rect
コード例 #27
ファイル: about.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/DotStar_Emulator
    def text_panel():
        panel = panels.CenterSingle(25)

        rows_panel = panels.SizedRows(18, use_surface=True, color=(40, 40, 40))
        rows_panel.layout.requested_size = Vector2(500, 400)

        filename = os.path.join(MEDIA_PATH, 'about.txt')
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            text = f.read()

        text_split = text.split("\n")

        widget = TextLabelWidget(config.get("WINDOW_CAPTION"), 18,
        widget.layout.margin.set(0, 0, 0, 5)
        rows_panel.set(widget, 0)

        for i, line in enumerate(text_split):
            widget = TextLabelWidget(line, 12, (255, 255, 255))
            widget.layout.margin.set(0, 0, 0, 5)
            rows_panel.set(widget, i + 2)

        return panel
コード例 #28
    def __init__(self, rect):
        Entity to draw the FPS value to the screen. This is an entity, so that it can be updated at a high rate
        without redrawing the entire GUI.

        :param rect: pygame.Rect on where the FPS should be drawn.
        super(RunningFPS, self).__init__()
        self.rect = rect

        self.font = globals.current_app.get_font(13)
        self.text = None
        self.text_pos = None
        self.update_rate = config.get("FPS_UPDATE_RATE")
        self.elapsed = self.update_rate + 1
コード例 #29
    def on_draw_indexes(self, sender):
        Callback for the Draw Indexes button pressed event.

        :param sender: blinker sender
        :return: None

        self.draw_indexes += 1
        if self.draw_indexes > len(config.get("DRAW_INDEXES_COLORS")):
            self.draw_indexes = 0
        sender.text = self.draw_indexes_text()

        # Send signal to dotgrid to set the draw_indexes
        blinker.signal("dotgrid.drawindexes").send(None, draw_indexes=self.draw_indexes)
コード例 #30
    def bottom_right_panel(self):
        Bottom panel of the right side, menu / buttons.

        :return: gui Panel

        panel = panels.TwoRows(16, use_surface=True, color=config.get("BRAND_BOX_BG"))
        panel.layout.margin.set(0, 5, 0, 5)

        text = TextLabelWidget("Menu", 10, (255, 227, 43))
        text.layout.margin.left = 4

        bottom = panels.Grid(3, 2)
        bottom.layout.margin.set(0, 2, 2, 2)

        # Buttons

        fps_button = ButtonWidget(self.fps_text(), key=pygame.K_f)
        bottom.set(fps_button, 0, 0)
        blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_fps, sender=fps_button)

        borders_button = ButtonWidget(self.draw_borders_text(), key=pygame.K_b)
        bottom.set(borders_button, 0, 1)
        blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_border, sender=borders_button)

        # edit_button = ButtonWidget("[E] Edit Grid", key=pygame.K_e)
        # bottom.set(edit_button, 2, 0)
        # blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_edit, sender=edit_button)

        edit_button = ButtonWidget(self.draw_indexes_text(), key=pygame.K_i)
        bottom.set(edit_button, 1, 0)
        blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_draw_indexes, sender=edit_button)

        exit_button = ButtonWidget("[X] Exit", key=pygame.K_x)
        bottom.set(exit_button, 2, 1)
        blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_exit, sender=exit_button, weak=True)

        about_button = ButtonWidget("[F1] About", key=pygame.K_F1)
        blinker.signal("gui.button.pressed").connect(self.on_about, sender=about_button, weak=True)
        bottom.set(about_button, 1, 1)

        return panel
コード例 #31
    def on_border(self, sender):
        Callback for the Draw border button pressed event.

        :param sender: blinker sender
        :return: None

        # self.draw_borders = not self.draw_borders
        self.draw_borders += 1
        if self.draw_borders > len(config.get("DRAW_BORDERS_COLORS")):
            self.draw_borders = 0

        sender.text = self.draw_borders_text()

        # Send signal to dotgrid to set the draw_borders
        blinker.signal("dotgrid.drawborders").send(None, draw_borders=self.draw_borders)
コード例 #32
    def calculate_led_size(self):
        Calculate the led size for each cell.

        :return: None

        if self.draw_borders:
            self.border_size = Vector2(config.get("BORDER_SIZE"))
            self.border_size = Vector2(0, 0)

        width = self.cell_size.x - (self.border_size.x * 2)
        height = self.cell_size.y - (self.border_size.y * 2)

        self.led_size = vector2_to_floor(Vector2(width, height))

        self.led_surface = pygame.Surface(self.led_size)

        # Check that the LED size is at least 1px
        if self.led_size.x <= 1.0 or self.led_size.y <= 1.0:
            log.error("LED border size is to large for calculated LED size '(%s, %s) pixels'",
                      self.cell_size.x, self.cell_size.y)
            raise Exception("LED border size is to large.")