コード例 #1
def test_scalar_input_vector_function():
    x = ad(3.0, input_pos=[3, 0])
    f1 = x**2
    f2 = 5 + x
    f3 = x - 4
    f = ad([f1, f2, f3])
    assert np.all(np.ravel(f.val) == np.array([9, 8, -1]))
    assert np.all(f.der == np.array([[6, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]))
コード例 #2
def test_vector_input_vector_function():
    x = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y = ad(3.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x + y*x
    f2 = y**2
    f = ad([f1, f2])
    assert np.all(np.ravel(f.val) == np.array([8, 9]))
    assert np.all(f.der == np.array([[4, 2], [0, 6]]))
コード例 #3
def test_rsub():
    x = ad(3.0)
    f = 2 - x
    assert f.val == [-1]
    assert f.der == [-1]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = y1 - x1
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([-1, 1]))
コード例 #4
def test_neg():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = -x
    assert f.val == [-2]
    assert f.der == [-1]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(3.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = ad([-x1, -y1])
    assert np.all(np.ravel(f1.val) == np.array([-2, -3]))
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]]))
コード例 #5
def test_rpow():
    x = ad(3.0)
    f = 2**x
    assert f.val == [8]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [5.55]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(3.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = y1**x1
    assert f1.val == [9]
    assert np.all(np.round(f1.der, 2) == np.array([9.89, 6]))
コード例 #6
def test_pow():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = x**3
    assert f.val == [8]
    assert f.der == [12]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(3.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x1**y1
    assert f1.val == [8]
    assert np.all(np.round(f1.der, 2) == np.array([12, 5.55]))
コード例 #7
def test_rtruediv():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = 1 / x
    assert f.val == [0.5]
    assert f.der == [-0.25]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = y1 / x1
    assert f1.val == [2]
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([-1, 0.5]))
コード例 #8
def test_rmul():
    x = ad(3.0)
    f = 2*x
    assert f.val == [6]
    assert f.der == [2]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = y1*x1
    assert f1.val == 8
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([4, 2]))
コード例 #9
def test_radd():
    x = ad(3.0)
    f = 2 + x
    assert f.val == [5]
    assert f.der == [1]
    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = y1 + x1
    assert f1.val == [6]
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([1, 1]))
コード例 #10
def test_sub():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = x - 3
    assert f.val == [-1]
    assert f.der == [1]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x1 - y1
    assert f1.val == -2
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([1, -1]))
コード例 #11
def test_mul():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = x*3
    assert f.val == [6]
    assert f.der == [3]
    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x1*y1
    assert f1.val == [8]
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([4, 2]))
コード例 #12
def test_add():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = x + 3
    assert f.val == [5]
    assert f.der == [1]
    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x1 + y1
    assert f1.val == [6]
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([1, 1]))
コード例 #13
def test_truediv():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = x / 4
    assert f.val == [0.5]
    assert f.der == [0.25]

    x1 = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y1 = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    f1 = x1 / y1
    assert f1.val == [0.5]
    assert np.all(f1.der == np.array([0.25, -0.125]))
コード例 #14
    def animate_grad_desc(f,
        Creates an animation of the gradient descent method for scalar
        functions by plotting the function and showing the tangent lines
        at which the gradient was evaluated.

        f: str, required
            Input function on which to perform gradient descent.
        x0: int or float, required
            Starting x-value at which to initialize the algorithm.
        epsilon: int or float, optional
            Solution accuracy threshold.
        max_iters: int, optional
            The maximum number of times to run the algorithm.
        eta: int or float, optional
            The learning rate, which controls the algorithm step size.
        method: str, optional
            The gradient descent method to use: input 'grad' to use
            standard gradient descent and 'nesterov' to use
            Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent.
        runtime: int, optional
            The length of time to run the animation.

        A matplotlib animataion showing how gradient descent located
        a minimum of the input function, depending on the descent method
        # Get the minimum and history of x-values, y-values, and derivatives
        # for the input function using grad_descent
        if method == 'grad':
            results = Optimize.grad_descent(f, x0, epsilon, max_iters, eta)
        elif method == 'nesterov':
            results = Optimize.nesterov_grad_descent(f, x0, epsilon, max_iters,
            raise Exception(f'invalid gradient descent method: {method}')

        # Check if grad_descent returned None
        if results == None:
            print('Gradient descent did not find a minimum.')
            return None
            minimum, x_vals, y_vals, grad_vals = results[0], results[
                1], results[2], results[3]

            # Create a DreamDiff object to access private methods
            x = ad(1.0)

            # Create a list of x-vals searched
            t_vals = np.arange(min(x_vals) - 2, max(x_vals) + 2, 0.1)

            # Parse the input function string
            f_parsed = x._parse_input(f)

            # Calculate the values of the input function in the range of x-vals searched
            f_vals = [x._evaluate_function(f_parsed, t).val[0] for t in t_vals]

            # Initialize the animation
            fig = plt.figure()
            fig.suptitle("Gradient Descent for f(x)=" + f)

            # Run the animation for the duration of 'runtime'
            while runtime > 0:

                # Plot the animation, where each frame shows the function and
                # tangent line at which the gradient was evaluated
                for i in range(len(x_vals)):
                    grad = grad_vals[i]
                    intercept = y_vals[i] - grad * x_vals[i]
                    tangent_y = grad * t_vals + intercept
                    plt.plot(t_vals, f_vals, label='Function')
                    plt.plot(t_vals, tangent_y, '-r', label='Tangent')
                    plt.xlim(t_vals[0], t_vals[-1])
                    plt.ylim(min(f_vals), max(f_vals))
                    runtime -= 1
            return None
コード例 #15
    def nesterov_grad_descent(f, x0, epsilon, max_iters, eta):
        Implements Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent 
        optimization algorithm, which uses a momentum parameter 't'.

        f: str, required
            Input function on which to perform gradient descent.
        x0: int or float, required
            Starting x-value at which to initialize the algorithm.
        epsilon: int or float, optional
            Solution accuracy threshold.
        max_iters: int, optional
            The maximum number of times to run the algorithm.
        eta: int or float, optional
            The learning rate, which controls the algorithm step size.

        If a minimum is found, the algorithm returns its x-value, a list
        containing the previous points at which the derivative was 
        evaluated, a list of the function's values at those points, and
        a list of the function's derivatives at those points in a 4-tuple.
        If no minimum is found, None is returned.
        # Initialize xn at the starting point
        xn = x0

        # Create a DreamDiff object to access private methods
        x = ad(1.0)

        # Initialize the momentum coefficient
        t = 1.0

        # Initialize the y-value
        y = x0

        # Parse the input function string
        f_parsed = x._parse_input(f)

        # Initialize empty lists to hold results
        xn_history = []
        yn_history = []
        der_history = []

        # Run the algorithm at most 'max_iters' times
        for i in range(max_iters):

            # Calculate values, derivatives, and store in lists
            new_f = x._evaluate_function(f_parsed, y)
            yn = new_f.val[0]
            der = new_f.der[0]

            # Apply Nesterov's momentum update
            new_t = 0.5 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t**2))

            # Calculate the new gradient (scaled by learning rate)
            new_xn = y - eta * der
            new_y = new_xn + (t - 1.0) / (new_t) * (new_xn - xn)

            # If threshold is met, terminate the algorithm and return results
            if abs(new_xn - xn) < epsilon:
                print('Found solution after {} iterations.'.format(i))
                print('Solution is: {}'.format(new_xn))
                return (new_xn, xn_history, yn_history, der_history)

            # Reset conditions
            if np.dot(y - new_xn, new_xn - xn) > 0:
                new_y = new_xn
                new_t = 1

            # Update xn, y, t
            xn = new_xn
            y = new_y
            t = new_t

        # If no solution is found within 'max_iters', tell the user and return None
        print('No solution found after max iterations.')
        return None
コード例 #16
    def grad_descent(f, x0, epsilon=0.000001, max_iters=500, eta=0.1):
        Implements the gradient descent optimization algorithm.

        f: str, required
            Input function on which to perform gradient descent.
        x0: int or float, required
            Starting x-value at which to initialize the algorithm.
        epsilon: int or float, optional
            Solution accuracy threshold.
        max_iters: int, optional
            The maximum number of times to run the algorithm.
        eta: int or float, optional
            The learning rate, which controls the algorithm step size.

        If a minimum is found, the algorithm returns its x-value, a list
        containing the previous points at which the derivative was 
        evaluated, a list of the function's values at those points, and
        a list of the function's derivatives at those points in a 4-tuple.
        If no minimum is found, None is returned.
        # Initialize xn at the starting point
        xn = x0

        # Create a DreamDiff object to access private methods
        x = ad(1.0)

        # Parse the input function string
        f_parsed = x._parse_input(f)

        # Initialize empty lists to hold results
        xn_history = []
        yn_history = []
        der_history = []

        # Run the algorithm at most 'max_iters' times
        for i in range(max_iters):

            # Calculate values, derivatives, and store in lists
            new_f = x._evaluate_function(f_parsed, xn)
            yn = new_f.val[0]
            der = new_f.der[0]

            # Apply the gradient descent update (scaled by learning rate)
            new_xn = xn - eta * der

            # If threshold is met, terminate the algorithm and return results
            if abs(new_xn - xn) < epsilon:
                print('Found solution after {} iterations.'.format(i))
                print('Solution is: {}'.format(new_xn))
                return (new_xn, xn_history, yn_history, der_history)

            # Update xn
            xn = new_xn

        # If no solution is found within 'max_iters', tell the user and return None
        print('No solution found after max iterations.')
        return None
コード例 #17
    def newtons_method(f, x0, epsilon=0.000001, max_iters=500):
        Implements Newton's root-finding method for scalar functions.

        f: str, required
            Input function on which to perform Newton's method.
        x0: int or float, required
            Starting x-value at which to initialize the algorithm.
        epsilon: int or float, optional
            Solution accuracy threshold.
        max_iters: int, optional
            The maximum number of times to run the algorithm.

        If a root is found, the algorithm returns its x-value, a list
        containing the previous points at which the derivative was 
        evaluated, a list of the function's values at those points, and
        a list of the function's derivatives at those points in a 4-tuple.
        If no root is found or a zero derivative is reacahed, None is 
        # Initialize xn at the starting point
        xn = x0

        # Create a DreamDiff object to access private methods
        x = ad(1.0)

        # Parse the input function string
        f_parsed = x._parse_input(f)

        # Initialize empty lists to hold results
        xn_history = []
        yn_history = []
        der_history = []

        # Run the algorithm at most 'max_iters' times
        for i in range(max_iters):

            # Calculate values, derivatives, and store in lists
            new_f = x._evaluate_function(f_parsed, xn)
            yn = new_f.val[0]
            der = new_f.der[0]

            # If threshold is met, terminate the algorithm and return results
            if abs(yn) < epsilon:
                print('Found solution after {} iterations.'.format(i))
                print('Solution is: {}'.format(xn))
                return (xn, xn_history, yn_history, der_history)

            # If a zero derivative is reached, terminate the algorithm and
            # return None
            if der == 0:
                print('Reached zero derivative. No solution found.')
                return None

            # Apply the Newton's method update to xn
            xn = xn - yn / der

        # If no solution is found within 'max_iters', tell the user
        print('No solution found after max iterations.')
コード例 #18
def test_exp():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = fun.exp(x)
    assert np.round(f.val, 2) == [7.39]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [7.39]
コード例 #19
def test_logistic():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = fun.logistic(x)
    assert np.round(f.val, 2) == [0.88]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [0.10]
コード例 #20
 def c(ad_val):
     return ad(1)
コード例 #21
def test_get_total_vars():
    x = ad(2.0)
    y = ad(3.0, [1, 0])
    z = ad(4.0, [0, 1])
    var_list = [y, z]
    assert x._get_total_vars(var_list) == 2
コード例 #22
def test_get_all_scalar():
    x = ad(2.0)
    var_list = [1, 2, 3]
    assert x._check_all_scalar(var_list) == True
コード例 #23
def test_vector_input_scalar_function():
    x = ad(2.0, [1, 0])
    y = ad(3.0, [0, 1])
    f = 2*x + y
    assert f.val == 7
    assert np.all(np.ravel(f.der) == np.array([2, 1]))
コード例 #24
def test_str():
    x = ad(2.0)
    assert x.__str__() == 'Values:\n{}\nJacobian:\n{}'.format(np.array([2.0]), [1])
コード例 #25
 def a(ad_val):
     return ad(ad_val**2)
コード例 #26
def test_log2():
    x = ad(2.0)
    f = fun.log2(x)
    assert f.val == [1]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [0.72]
コード例 #27
 def b(ad_val):
     return ad(ad_val)
コード例 #28
def test_log10():
    x = ad(10.0)
    f = fun.log10(x)
    assert f.val == [1]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [0.04]
コード例 #29
    def animate_newtons(f, x0, epsilon=0.000001, max_iters=500, runtime=20):
        Creates an animation of Newton's root-finding method for scalar
        functions by plotting the function and showing the tangent lines
        at which the gradient was evaluated.

        f: str, required
            Input function on which to perform Newton's method.
        x0: int or float, required
            Starting x-value at which to initialize the algorithm.
        epsilon: int or float, optional
            Solution accuracy threshold.
        max_iters: int, optional
            The maximum number of times to run the algorithm.
        runtime: int, optional
            The length of time to run the animation.

        A matplotlib animataion showing how Newton's method located
        a root of the input function if a root was found, otherwise
        # Get the root and history of x-values, y-values, and derivatives
        # for the input function using newtons_method
        results = Optimize.newtons_method(f, x0, epsilon, max_iters)

        # Check if newtons_method returned None
        if results == None:
            print("Newton's method did not find a root.")
            return None
            root, x_vals, y_vals, grad_vals = results[0], results[1], results[
                2], results[3]

            # Create a DreamDiff object to access private methods
            x = ad(1.0)

            # Create a list of x-vals searched
            t_vals = np.arange(min(x_vals) - 2, max(x_vals) + 2, 0.1)

            # Parse the input function string
            f_parsed = x._parse_input(f)

            # Calculate the values of the input function in the range of x-vals searched
            f_vals = [x._evaluate_function(f_parsed, t).val[0] for t in t_vals]

            # Initialize the animation
            fig = plt.figure()
            fig.suptitle("Newton's Method for f(x)=" + f)

            # Run the animation for the duration of 'runtime'
            while runtime > 0:

                # Plot the animation, where each frame shows the function and
                # tangent line at which the gradient was evaluated
                for i in range(len(x_vals)):
                    grad = grad_vals[i]
                    intercept = y_vals[i] - grad * x_vals[i]
                    tangent_y = grad * t_vals + intercept
                    plt.plot(t_vals, f_vals, label='Function')
                    plt.plot(t_vals, tangent_y, '-r', label='Tangent')
                    plt.xlim(t_vals[0], t_vals[-1])
                    plt.ylim(min(f_vals), max(f_vals))
                    runtime -= 1
            return None
コード例 #30
def test_log():
    x = ad(np.e)
    f = fun.log(x)
    assert f.val == [1]
    assert np.round(f.der, 2) == [0.37]