def main(): level = logging.DEBUG progressbar.streams.wrap_stderr() # needed for logging compatability logging.basicConfig( format= "{asctime}:{msecs:03.0f} [{levelname:^9}] {filename}:{lineno:d} : {message}", # noqa datefmt="%H:%M:%S", style="{", level=level) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(LoggingBreakPoint()) statusBar = progressbar.ProgressBar( prefix="{variables.unit} >> {variables.status} :: [", variables={ "unit": "--", "status": "--" }, widgets=[progressbar.widgets.AnimatedMarker(), "]"], redirect_stdout=True) args = getArguments() with open(args.dyld_path, "rb") as f: dyldCtx = DyldContext(f) runForAllImages(f, dyldCtx, statusBar, logger, stopIndex=20) # runForAllImages(f, dyldCtx, statusBar, logger, startIndex=1020) # runForAllImages(f, dyldCtx, statusBar, logger) pass
def _openSubCaches( mainCachePath: str, numSubCaches: int) -> Tuple[List[DyldContext], List[BinaryIO]]: """Create DyldContext objects for each sub cache. Assumes that each sub cache has the same base name as the main cache, and that the suffixes are preserved. Also opens the symbols cache, and adds it to the end of the list. Returns: A list of subcaches, and their file objects, which must be closed! """ subCaches = [] subCachesFiles = [] subCacheSuffixes = [i for i in range(1, numSubCaches + 1)] subCacheSuffixes.append("symbols") for cacheSuffix in subCacheSuffixes: subCachePath = f"{mainCachePath}.{cacheSuffix}" cacheFileObject = open(subCachePath, mode="rb") cacheFileCtx = DyldContext(cacheFileObject) subCaches.append(cacheFileCtx) subCachesFiles.append(cacheFileObject) pass return subCaches, subCachesFiles
def _imageRunner(dyldPath: str, imageIndex: int) -> None: level = logging.DEBUG loggingStream = io.StringIO() # setup logging logger = logging.getLogger(f"Worker: {imageIndex}") handler = logging.StreamHandler(loggingStream) formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt= "{asctime}:{msecs:03.0f} [{levelname:^9}] {filename}:{lineno:d} : {message}", # noqa datefmt="%H:%M:%S", style="{", ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(level) # process the image with open(dyldPath, "rb") as f: dyldFile = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) dyldCtx = DyldContext(dyldFile) imageOffset = dyldCtx.convertAddr(dyldCtx.images[imageIndex].address) machoFile = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_COPY) machoCtx = MachOContext(machoFile, imageOffset) extractionCtx = ExtractionContext(dyldCtx, machoCtx, _DummyProgressBar(), logger) try: linkedit_optimizer.optimizeLinkedit(extractionCtx) stub_fixer.fixStubs(extractionCtx) objc_fixer.fixObjC(extractionCtx) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) pass # cleanup handler.close() return loggingStream.getvalue()
def runForAllImages(dyldFile: BufferedReader, dyldCtx: DyldContext, statusBar: progressbar.ProgressBar, logger: logging.Logger, startIndex: int = 0, stopIndex: int = -1) -> None: total = dyldCtx.header.imagesCount for index, imageData in enumerate(dyldCtx.images[startIndex:], startIndex): if index == stopIndex: break # TODO: Imp sub caches imageOffset = dyldCtx.convertAddr(imageData.address) imagePath = dyldCtx.readString(imageData.pathFileOffset)[0:-1] imagePath = imagePath.decode("utf-8") imageName = imagePath.split("/")[-1] # Make a writable copy of the dyld file machoFile = mmap.mmap(dyldFile.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_COPY) machoCtx = MachOContext(machoFile, imageOffset) extractionCtx = ExtractionContext(dyldCtx, machoCtx, statusBar, logger) # Test space start slide_info.processSlideInfo(extractionCtx) linkedit_optimizer.optimizeLinkedit(extractionCtx) stub_fixer.fixStubs(extractionCtx) objc_fixer.fixObjC(extractionCtx) macho_offset.optimizeOffsets(extractionCtx) # Test space end"processed: ({index + 1}/{total}): {imageName}") pass statusBar.update(unit="Extractor", status="Done") pass
def _extractImage(dyldFile: BufferedReader, dyldCtx: DyldContext, image: dyld_cache_image_info, outputPath: str) -> None: """Extract an image and save it. The order of converters is essentally a reverse of Apple's SharedCacheBuilder """ logger = logging.getLogger() # get a a writable copy of the MachOContext machoFile = mmap.mmap(dyldFile.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_COPY) machoCtx = MachOContext(machoFile, dyldCtx.convertAddr(image.address)) statusBar = progressbar.ProgressBar( prefix="{variables.unit} >> {variables.status} :: [", variables={ "unit": "--", "status": "--" }, widgets=[progressbar.widgets.AnimatedMarker(), "]"], redirect_stdout=True) extractionCtx = ExtractionContext(dyldCtx, machoCtx, statusBar, logger) slide_info.processSlideInfo(extractionCtx) linkedit_optimizer.optimizeLinkedit(extractionCtx) stub_fixer.fixStubs(extractionCtx) objc_fixer.fixObjC(extractionCtx) macho_offset.optimizeOffsets(extractionCtx) # Write the MachO file with open(outputPath, "wb") as outFile: statusBar.update(unit="Extractor", status="Writing file") newMachoCtx = extractionCtx.machoCtx # get the size of the file linkEditSeg = newMachoCtx.segments[b"__LINKEDIT"].seg fileSize = linkEditSeg.fileoff + linkEditSeg.filesize outFile.write( statusBar.update(unit="Extractor", status="Done")
def _imageRunner(dyldPath: str, imageIndex: int) -> None: level = logging.DEBUG loggingStream = io.StringIO() # setup logging logger = logging.getLogger(f"Worker: {imageIndex}") handler = logging.StreamHandler(loggingStream) formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt= "{asctime}:{msecs:03.0f} [{levelname:^9}] {filename}:{lineno:d} : {message}", # noqa datefmt="%H:%M:%S", style="{", ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(level) # process the image with open(dyldPath, "rb") as f: dyldCtx = DyldContext(f) subCacheFiles: List[BinaryIO] = [] try: # add sub caches if there are any if dyldCtx.hasSubCaches(): subCacheFileCtxs, subCacheFiles = _openSubCaches( dyldPath, dyldCtx.header.numSubCaches) dyldCtx.addSubCaches(subCacheFileCtxs) pass machoOffset, context = dyldCtx.convertAddr( dyldCtx.images[imageIndex].address) machoCtx = MachOContext(context.fileObject, machoOffset, True) # Add sub caches if necessary if dyldCtx.hasSubCaches(): mappings = dyldCtx.mappings mainFileMap = next((mapping[0] for mapping in mappings if mapping[1] == context)) machoCtx.addSubfiles(mainFileMap, ((m, ctx.makeCopy(copyMode=True)) for m, ctx in mappings)) pass extractionCtx = ExtractionContext(dyldCtx, machoCtx, _DummyProgressBar(), logger) # TODO: implement a way to select convertors slide_info.processSlideInfo(extractionCtx) linkedit_optimizer.optimizeLinkedit(extractionCtx) stub_fixer.fixStubs(extractionCtx) objc_fixer.fixObjC(extractionCtx) macho_offset.optimizeOffsets(extractionCtx) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) pass finally: for file in subCacheFiles: file.close() pass pass pass # cleanup handler.close() return loggingStream.getvalue()
parser.add_argument("dyld_path", type=pathlib.Path, help="A path to the target DYLD cache.") parser.add_argument( "-j", "--jobs", type=int, default=mp.cpu_count(), help="Number of jobs to run simultaneously." # noqa ) args = parser.parse_args(namespace=_DyldExtractorArgs) # create a list of images images: List[str] = [] with open(args.dyld_path, "rb") as f: dyldCtx = DyldContext(f) for index, image in enumerate(dyldCtx.images): imagePath = dyldCtx.readString(image.pathFileOffset)[0:-1] imagePath = imagePath.decode("utf-8") imageName = imagePath.split("/")[-1] images.append(imageName) pass summary = "" with mp.Pool(, initializer=_workerInitializer) as pool: # create jobs for each image jobs: List[Tuple[str, mp.pool.AsyncResult]] = [] for index, imageName in enumerate(images): jobs.append((imageName,
def main(): args = getArguments() # Configure Logging level = logging.WARNING # default option if args.verbosity == 0: # Set the log level so high that it doesn't do anything level = 100 elif args.verbosity == 2: level = logging.INFO elif args.verbosity == 3: level = logging.DEBUG progressbar.streams.wrap_stderr() # needed for logging compatability logging.basicConfig( format= "{asctime}:{msecs:3.0f} [{levelname:^9}] {filename}:{lineno:d} : {message}", # noqa datefmt="%H:%M:%S", style="{", level=level) with open(args.dyld_path, "rb") as f: with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as dyldFile: dyldCtx = DyldContext(dyldFile) # enumerate images, create a map of paths and images imageMap = {} for imageData in dyldCtx.images: path = dyldCtx.readString(imageData.pathFileOffset) path = path[0:-1] # remove null terminator path = path.decode("utf-8") imageMap[path] = imageData # list images option if args.list_frameworks: imagePaths = imageMap.keys() # filter if needed if args.filter: filterTerm = args.filter.strip().lower() imagePaths = _filterImages(imagePaths, filterTerm) print("Listing Images\n--------------") for path in imagePaths: print(path) return # extract image option if args.extract: extractionTarget = args.extract.strip() targetPaths = _filterImages(imageMap.keys(), extractionTarget) if len(targetPaths) == 0: print(f"Unable to find image \"{extractionTarget}\"") return outputPath = args.output if outputPath is None: outputPath = pathlib.Path("binaries/" + extractionTarget) os.makedirs(outputPath.parent, exist_ok=True) print(f"Extracting {targetPaths[0]}") _extractImage(f, dyldCtx, imageMap[targetPaths[0]], outputPath) return