def testClientValidator(): validator = Validator() cl = Client("", "", "", "") try: validator.validateClient(cl) assert False except ValidatorException as ex: assert len(ex.getErrors()) == 4 cl = Client(1, "Asmarandei", "", "") try: validator.validateClient(cl) assert False except ValidatorException as ex: assert len(ex.getErrors()) == 2 cl = Client(1, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "") try: validator.validateClient(cl) assert False except ValidatorException as ex: assert len(ex.getErrors()) == 1 cl = Client(1, "Asmarandei", "Ana", 2990128798) try: validator.validateClient(cl) assert True except ValidatorException as ex: assert False
def sign_up_client(self, ip): """ The function signs the socket in self.current_socket in to the system as a client. Creates a new thread that will communicate with him. """ new_socket = self.current_socket # Add the socket of the client to the open_clients_socket list. self.general.open_entities_sockets.append(new_socket) # Create the new client a thread which he'll use to communicate with the server. client_communicator = ClientCommunicator(self.general, self.communication.generate_socket()) # Wait until the server will supply a new id for the next new client. while self.general.next_client_id == -1: pass # Create the new client. current_client = Client(self.general, ip, self.general.next_client_id, new_socket, client_communicator) client_communicator.client = current_client # Add the new client to the system. self.general.clients.append(current_client) # Insert the client to the data base. self.general.main.new_clients_ids.append( # Notify the client that he is now connected to the server. Send him the new socket he'll communicate with. current_client.send_connected()
def testRepoClientiValidator(): validator = Validator() repo = ClientiRepo() cl = Client(1, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "2990127392163") cl2 = Client(2, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "8131282742412") try: validator.validateRepoClienti(cl2, repo.getAll()) except ValidatorException as ex: assert len(ex.errors) == 1 try: except ValueError: assert True
def testStoreClient(): client1 = Client(1, "Titulescu", "Miguel", "2990901920390") rep = ClientiRepo() assert len(rep.getAll()) == 1 client2 = Client(2, "Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria", "2990902199921") assert len(rep.getAll()) == 2 client3 = rep.find("Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria") assert client2 == client3 client4 = rep.modifica("Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria", "Asmarandei", "Ana", "29993982378") assert client4 == Client(2, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "29993982378") rep.sterge("Asmarandei", "Ana") assert len(rep.getAll()) == 1
def testRepoClienti(): fName = "Test" clearFileContent(fName) repo = ClientiFileRepo(fName) assert len(repo.getAll()) == 0, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "299878759374")), "Iloaia", "Andreea", "9826491624")) assert len(repo.getAll()) == 2 assert repo.find("Asmarandei", "Ana") == Client(1, "Asmarandei", "Ana", "299878759374") repo.sterge("Asmarandei", "Ana") assert len(repo.getAll()) == 1 repo.modifica("Iloaia", "Andreea", "Iloai", "Andre", "2891269283273") assert repo.find("Iloai", "Andre") == Client(2, "Iloai", "Andre", "2998765432")
def createClientFromLine(self, line): """ Proceseaza o linie din fisier si creaza un client Returneaza un client """ fields = line.split(";") cl = Client(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]) return cl
def generate_clients(self): file = open("Random/Clients.txt", "r") clients = file.readlines() file.close() for client in clients: client = client.split(",") c_id = client[0] c_name = client[1] self._client_list.append(Client(c_id, c_name, 0))
def __load_clients(self): file = open(self.__file, "r") clients = file.readlines() client_list = [] for client in clients: client.strip() client = client.replace("\n", "") client = client.split(",") client_list.append( Client(str(client[0]), str(client[1]), int(client[2]))) file.close() return client_list
def testServiceClient(): repClient = ClientiRepo() val = Validator() srv = ServiceClient(repClient, val) cl1 = srv.createClient(1, "Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria", 29901292736) srv.createClient(2, "Iloaia", "Andreea", 2991092893756) srv.createClient(3, "Joanta", "Tudor", 2919837263723) srv.createClient(4, "Ceparu", "Stefan", 21992836644) assert len(srv.getAllClient()) == 4 assert srv.findNume("Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria") == cl1 cl2 = srv.stergeNume("Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria") assert cl2 == cl1 cl3 = srv.modificaClient("Ceparu", "Stefan", "Cep", "Ste", 2999019273273) cl4 = Client(4, "Cep", "Ste", 2999019273273) assert cl3 == cl4
def createClient(self, id, nume, prenume, CNP): """ Stocheaza clientul nume, prenume , CNP - siruri de caractere returneaza clientul raise RepositoryExeption - daca clientul exista deja raise ValidationException - daca datele date sunt invalide """ #creaza obiectul student cl = Client(id, nume, prenume, CNP) #valideaza datele introduse de utilizator self.__val.validateClient(cl) self.__val.validateRepoClienti(cl, self.getAllClient()) #stocheaza student folosind repository return cl
def testStoreInchirieri(): repFilm = FilmeRepo() repClient = ClientiRepo() film = Film(1, "Sabrina", "Interzis sub 16 ani", "Horror,SF") client = Client(1, "Titulescu", "Miguel", "2990901920390") film.setId(1) client.setId(2) rep = InchirieriRepo() inchiriere = Inchirieri(film.getId(), client.getId(), film.getTitlu(), client.getNume(), client.getPrenume(), False) assert len(rep.getAll()) == 1 rep.returnareFilm("Titulescu", "Miguel", "Sabrina") assert inchiriere.getAdus() == True inchiriere1 = Inchirieri(2, 3, "Sabrina", "Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria", False) inchiriere2 = Inchirieri(3, 3, "Friends", "Asmarandei", "Ana-Maria", False)
def update_client(self, c_id, name): client = self.__repoClients.getClient(c_id) stats = client.get_stats() new_client = Client(c_id, name, stats) self.__repoUndo.add_action(('update_client', client, new_client)) self.__repoClients.update_client(client, new_client)
def add_client(self, c_id, c_name, stats): client = Client(c_id, c_name, stats) self.__validClients.validate_client(client) self.__repoUndo.add_action(('add_client', client)) self.__repoClients.add(client)