コード例 #1
def run():
    thres = int(10**10)
    for _n, p in enumerate(primelist(1000000)):
        n = _n + 1
        if n % 2 == 0:
        elif 2 * n * p > thres:
            return n
コード例 #2
def run():
    n = 1000000
    primes = primelist(n)

    i, result = 0, 1
    while result * primes[i] < n:
        result *= primes[i]
        i += 1
    return result
コード例 #3
def run():
    N = 1000000
    primes = primelist(N)

    circPrimes = []
    for i in primes:
        if all(is_prime(x) for x in CircPerms(i)):

    return len(circPrimes)
コード例 #4
def run():

    primes = primelist(10000000)
    Asmall, _ = sequence_slow(80, primes)
    Abig = sequence_fast(500500-80, Asmall, primes)

    out = 1
    for i, a in enumerate(Abig):
        out = (out*primes[i]**(2**a-1)) % 500500507

    return out
コード例 #5
def primeFactors(x):
    # returns the prime factors of x.
    primes = primelist(x + 1)

    factors = []
    while x > 1:
        for p in primes:
            if x % p == 0:
                x = x // p
    return factors
コード例 #6
def run():
    primes = primelist(1000000)[4:]

    truncPrimes = []
    for p in primes:
        if all(is_prime(x) for x in leftTrunc(p)) and all(is_prime(x) for x in rightTrunc(p)):

        if len(truncPrimes) == 11:

    return sum(truncPrimes)
コード例 #7
def run():
    p_max = 1000000
    a_max = int(sqrt(p_max - 1))
    primes = primelist(p_max)
    ans = {}

    for a in range(1, a_max):
        p = 3 * a**2 + 3 * a + 1
        if p in primes:
            ans[p] = a

    #for k, v in ans.items(): print(f'p = {k}, n = {v}')
    return len(ans)
コード例 #8
def run(N=10000000):
    primes = primelist(N // 2)

    Sum = 0
    for i, p in enumerate(primes):
        if p * primes[i + 1] > N:
        for q in primes[i + 1:]:
            if p * q > N: break
            M = largest_integer_divisible_by_2_primes(p, q, N)
            #print(p, q, M)
            Sum += M

    return Sum
コード例 #9
def run():

    target = 8
    primes = primelist(1000000)
    found = False
    targetExclusionList = ''
    targetRepDigs = ''
    for n in range(2, 8):
        primeSet = list((str(x)) for x in primes if numDigits(x) == n)
        for ex in exclusionList(n):
            currentCount = Counter()
            for p in primeSet:
                repDigs = ''
                changeDigs = ''
                for i, k in enumerate(ex):
                    if k == '1':  #exclude
                        changeDigs += p[i]
                        repDigs += p[i]

                if changeDigs.count(changeDigs[0]) == len(
                        changeDigs):  #if all changing digits are equal
                    currentCount[repDigs] += 1
                    if currentCount[repDigs] == target:
                        found = True
                        targetExclusionList = ex
                        targetRepDigs = repDigs
                if found:
            if found:
        if found:  #go through array again and print answers
            ans = []

            for p in primeSet:
                repDigs = ''
                changeDigs = ''
                for i, k in enumerate(targetExclusionList):
                    if k == '1':  #exclude
                        changeDigs += p[i]
                        repDigs += p[i]

                if changeDigs.count(changeDigs[0]) == len(
                        changeDigs):  #if all changing digits are equal
                    if repDigs == targetRepDigs:

    return min(int(x) for x in ans)
コード例 #10
def run():
    primes = [x for x in primelist(10000) if numDigits(x) == 4]

    for p in primes:
        primePerms = list(set(sorted(x for x in Perms(p) if is_prime(x))))

        while len(primePerms) >= 3:
            diff = primePerms[1] - primePerms[0]
            for n in primePerms[2:]:
                if (n - primePerms[0]) / diff == 2:
                    out = ''.join([str(x) for x in primePerms[0:3]])
                    if len(out) == 12:
                        return int(out)
    return -1
コード例 #11
def run():
    N = 50000000
    primes = primelist(N)
    count = 2
    for p in primes[1:]:
        if (p+1)%4 == 0:
            # print(p)
            count += 1
        if (2*p+2)%4 == 0 and 4*p < N:
            # print(4*p)
            count += 1
        if (4*p+4)%4 == 0 and 16*p < N:
            # print(16*p)
            count += 1
    return count
コード例 #12
def run():

    primes = primelist(10000)
    squares = list(x * x for x in range(1, 100))

    for i in range(7, 10000, 2):

        if i not in primes:
            thisNumisGood = False
            for p in (x for x in primes if x <= i - 1):
                if ((i - p) / 2).is_integer() and int((i - p) / 2) in squares:
                    thisNumisGood = True
            if not thisNumisGood:
                return i

    return -1
コード例 #13
def run():
    primes = primelist(limit)
    aMax, bMax, nMax = 0, 0, 0

    for a in range(-Range, Range):
        # b must be prime for the case n=0
        for b in (b_ for b_ in primes if b_ < Range):
            f = lambda x: x**2 + a * x + b

            n = 0
            while f(n) in primes:
                n += 1

            if n > nMax:
                aMax, bMax, nMax = a, b, n

    return aMax * bMax
コード例 #14
def run():
    primes = primelist(100)
    for n in range(2, 100):
        num_ways = ways(n, len(primes) - 1, primes)
        if num_ways > 5000:
            return n
コード例 #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Solution to Project Euler problem 110

Author: Jaime Liew
from EulerFunctions import primelist
from collections import Counter
from math import sqrt, ceil

N_max = int(5e8)
primes = primelist(N_max)

def product(lst):
    out = 1
    for x in lst:
        out *= x
    return out

def primeFactor(n):
    primefactors = Counter()
    while n > 1:
        for p in primes:
            if n%p == 0:
                n = n//p
                primefactors[p] += 1
    return dict(primefactors)
コード例 #16
def run():
    N = 600851475143

    return max(p for p in primelist(int(N**0.5)) if N % p == 0)
コード例 #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Solution to Project Euler problem X

Author: Jaime Liew
from EulerFunctions import primelist

primes = primelist(100000)

def npf(n):  #number of prime factors
    num = 0
    for p in (x for x in primes if x <= n / 2):
        if n % p == 0:
            num += 1
    if num == 0:
        return 1
        return num

def run():

    notFound = True

    i = 134000  # 2*3*5*7
    while notFound:
        if i % 1000 == 0:
コード例 #18
def run():
    N = 2000000
    primes = primelist(N)
    return sum(primes)
    return -1