コード例 #1
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def GetPlotOrders(self):
        """ Gets the curves to be displayed from the scenario and
			returns intantaneous values to be displayed on these curves
        PlotOrders = []

        for Curve in self.Curves:
            if Curve == 'best':
                value = self.Statistics['Properties']['best'][1]
            elif Curve == 'average':
                value = self.Statistics['Properties']['average'][1]
            elif Curve in self.Scenario.get_gene_names():
                # displaying average values of genes
                value = self.Statistics['Genomes']['average'][
            elif Curve in self.Scenario.phenemap():
                # displaying average values of phenes
                value = self.Statistics['Phenomes']['average'][
                value = self.Scenario.local_display(Curve)
                if value is None:
                    error(self.Name, ": unknown display instruction: " + Curve)
                    value = 0
            self.curve(Curve, int(value))
        return Observer.GetPlotOrders(self)
コード例 #2
ファイル: S_Gazelle.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def start_game(self, members):
		""" defines what is to be done at the group level each year
			before interactions occur - Used in 'life_game'
		if self.Parameter('Selectivity') == 0:	error('Selection method should be "Selectivity"')
		for indiv in members:	self.prepare(indiv)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Curves.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def start_Curve(self, Curve_id, location):
		""" defines where a curve should start
		except IndexError:
			error("Curves: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #4
    def start_Curve(self, Curve_id, location):
        """ defines where a curve should start
        except IndexError:
            error("Curves: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #5
ファイル: Population.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
	def lottery(self):
		" random selection of an individual by number in the population "
		winner = randint(0,self.popSize-1)
		for gr in self.groups:
			if gr.size > winner:	return (gr,winner)
			else:	winner -= gr.size
		error("Population: wrong population size", str(self.popSize))
コード例 #6
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def consistency(self):
        # if self.size() > self.sizeMax():
        # error("Alliances", "too many gurus: %d" % self.friends.size())
        # if self.followers.size() > self.followers.sizeMax():
        # error("Alliances", "too many followers: %d" % self.followers.friends.size())
        for F in self.followers:
            if self not in F:
                print('self: %s' % self)
                print("self's followers: %s" %
                      list(map(str, self.followers.names())))
                print('follower: %s' % F)
                print('its gurus: %s' % list(map(str, F.friends.names())))
                error("Alliances: non following followers")
            if self == F: error("Alliances: Narcissism")
##            print self.id, ' is in ', F.id, "'s guru list: ", [G.id for G in F.gurus.names()]
        for G in self:
            if self not in G.followers:
                print('\n\nself: %s' % self)
                print("self's gurus: %s" %
                      list(map(str, self.friends.names())))
                print('guru: %s' % G)
                print('its followers: %s' %
                      list(map(str, G.followers.names())))
                error("Alliances: unaware guru")
            if self == G: error("Alliances: narcissism")
##            print self.id, ' is in ', G.id, "'s follower list: ", [F.id for F in G.followers.names()]
##        print '\t', self.id, ' OK'
        if self.friends.size() > 0:
            if not self.friends.present(
                (self.friends.best(), self.friends.maximal())):
                error("Alliances: best guru is ghost")
        return ('%s consistent' % self.id)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def consistency(self):
		# if self.size() > self.sizeMax():
			# error("Alliances", "too many gurus: %d" % self.friends.size())
		# if self.followers.size() > self.followers.sizeMax():
			# error("Alliances", "too many followers: %d" % self.followers.friends.size())
		for F in self.followers.friends.names():
			if self not in F.friends.names():
				print('self: %s' % self)
				print("self's gurus: %s" % map(str, self.social_signature()))
				print('guru: %s' % G)
				print('its followers: %s' % map(str, G.followers.names()))
				error("Alliances: non following followers")
			if self == F:	error("Alliances: Narcissism")
##            print self.id, ' is in ', F.id, "'s guru list: ", [G.id for G in F.gurus.names()]
		for G in self.friends.names():
			if self not in G.followers.friends.names():
				print('\n\nself: %s' % self)
				print("self's gurus: %s" % map(str, self.social_signature()))
				print('guru: %s' % G)
				print('its followers: %s' % map(str, G.followers.names()))
				error("Alliances: unaware guru")
			if self == G:	error("Alliances: narcissism")
##            print self.id, ' is in ', G.id, "'s follower list: ", [F.id for F in G.followers.names()]
##        print '\t', self.id, ' OK'
		if self.friends.size() > 0:
			if not self.friends.present((self.friends.best(), self.friends.maximal())):
				error("Alliances: best guru is ghost")
コード例 #8
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def detach(self):
		""" The individual quits its guru and its followers
		for G in self.gurus.names():		self.quit_(G)
		for F in self.followers.names():	F.quit_(self)
		if self.gurus.names() != []:		error("Alliances: recalcitrant guru")
		if self.followers.names() != []:	error("Alliances: sticky followers")
コード例 #9
 def create_graphic_agent(self, Position, Shape=None):
     " creates a graphic agent and returns the Q-reference "
     if Shape is None: Shape = self.DEFAULTSHAPE
     if Shape == 'ellipse':
         return self.addEllipse(
             0, 0, Position.size, Position.size,
     if Shape == 'rectangle':
         return self.addRect(
             0, 0, Position.size, Position.size,
     if Shape not in self.KnownShapes:
         if os.path.exists(Shape):
             # print('Existing shape: %s' % Shape)
             self.KnownShapes[Shape] = QPixmap(Shape)  # loads the image
     if Shape in self.KnownShapes:
         agent = self.addPixmap(self.KnownShapes[Shape])
         scale = float(Position.size) / agent.boundingRect().width()
         agent.scale(scale, scale)
         return agent
     error("Ground: unknown shape: %s" % Shape)
コード例 #10
ファイル: Population.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def lottery(self):
		" random selection of an individual by number in the population "
		winner = randint(0,self.popSize-1)
		for gr in self.groups:
			if gr.size > winner:	return (gr,winner)
			else:	winner -= gr.size
		error("Population: wrong population size", str(self.popSize))
コード例 #11
 def init_genes(self, gene_list):
     " creates genes and puts them in a list "
     self.GeneMap = []
     locus = 0
     current_pos = 0
     # for (g_name,g_length) in gene_list:
     for GeneDefinition in gene_list:
         # genes are assigned locus and future position on DNA
         g_length = self.Parameter('GeneLength')  # default value
         g_coding = self.Parameter('GeneCoding')  # default value
         if isinstance(GeneDefinition, tuple):
             if len(GeneDefinition) == 2:
                 (g_name, g_length) = GeneDefinition
             elif len(GeneDefinition) == 3:
                 (g_name, g_length, g_coding) = GeneDefinition
                 error("Bad definition of gene map")
             g_name = GeneDefinition
         if g_length == 0:
             g_length = self.Parameter('GeneLength')  # compatibility
         NewGene = Gene_def(g_name, g_length, locus, current_pos, g_coding)
         locus += 1
         current_pos = NewGene.end
コード例 #12
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def statistics(self):
		""" gathers data from the stored examiners
			and stores them as a dictionary of tuples (a tuple per slot)
			(number_of_instances, best_of_each_coordinate,
			 average_of_each_coordinate, list_of_instances) """
		# one takes the first examiner as representative
		for Slot in self.storage[0].storages:
			if len(list(set([Exam.storages[Slot].itemLength for Exam in self.storage]))) > 1:
				error('Observer: ',self.Name + ': Inconsistent item length accross examiners')
			# computing the best value of each coordinate
			best = map(lambda x: max(x), transpose([Exam.storages[Slot].best \
													for Exam in self.storage]))
			# computing the total number of individual data
			cumulative_number = sum([Exam.storages[Slot].length for Exam in self.storage])
			# computing global statistics by summing averages weighted by corresponding numbers
			totals = transpose([map(lambda x: x*Exam.storages[Slot].length,
						  Exam.storages[Slot].average) for Exam in self.storage])
			if cumulative_number:
				average = map(lambda x: sum(x)/cumulative_number, totals)
				average = map(lambda x: sum(x), totals)
			self.Statistics[Slot] = dict([('length',cumulative_number), 
										  ('average', average),
										  ('data',reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, 
															  for Exam in self.storage))))])
		return self.Statistics
コード例 #13
ファイル: S_Gazelle.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def jump(self, gazelle):
		" Strong gazelles perform a jump proportional to their signalling gene "
		if not self.gazelle(gazelle):	error("Gazelle scenario:", "Signalling lion")
		if self.strongGazelle(gazelle):
			#return noise_add(gazelle.gene_relative_intensity('GazelleSignal'), self.Parameter('Noise'))
			return gazelle.gene_relative_intensity('GazelleSignal')
		return 0
コード例 #14
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def close_(self):
		if not self.open:   error('Observer: ', self.Name+': closing while not open')
		if self.length < 0: self.length = len(self.storage)
		elif self.length != len(self.storage):
			error('Observer: ', self.Name+': Inconsistent lengths')
		self.statistics()	# computes statistics 
		self.open = False
コード例 #15
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def detach(self):
		""" The individual quits its guru and its followers
		for G in self.names():		self.G_quit_(G)	# G is erased from self's guru list
		if self.names() != []:		error("Alliances: recalcitrant guru")
		if self.followers is not None:
			for F in self.followers.names():	self.F_quit_(F)	# self is erased from F's guru list
			if self.followers.names() != []:	error("Alliances: sticky  followers")
コード例 #16
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def F_quit_(self, Follower):
        """ the individual does not want its disciple any longer
        if self.followers is not None:
            error('Alliances', 'No Follower whatsoever')
コード例 #17
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def close_(self):
     if not self.open:
         error('Observer: ', self.Name + ': closing while not open')
     if self.length < 0: self.length = len(self.storage)
     elif self.length != len(self.storage):
         error('Observer: ', self.Name + ': Inconsistent lengths')
     self.statistics()  # computes statistics
     self.open = False
コード例 #18
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def get_friend(self, Offer, Partner, PartnerOffer):
		" Checks mutual acceptance before establishing friendship "
		if self.acquaintable(Offer, Partner, PartnerOffer):
			if not self.follow(Partner, PartnerOffer, Quit=self.end_friendship):
				error("Friend: self changed mind")
			if not Partner.follow(self, Offer, Quit=Partner.end_friendship):
				error("Friend: Partner changed mind")
			return True
		return False
コード例 #19
ファイル: S_Gazelle.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def start_game(self, members):
        """ defines what is to be done at the group level each year
			before interactions occur - Used in 'life_game'
        if self.Parameter('Selectivity') == 0:
            error('Selection method should be "Selectivity"')
        for indiv in members:
コード例 #20
ファイル: Plot_Area.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def move(self, Curve_designation, newpoint):
		" introduces a discontinuity in a curve "
		# one is tolerant about the meaning of Curve_designation
		Curve_id = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation)[0]
##			self.drawTo(newpoint, Curve_id, Drawing=False)
			self.Curves[Curve_id].add(newpoint, Draw=False)
		except IndexError:
			error("Draw_Area: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #21
ファイル: Plot_Area.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def plot(self, Curve_designation, newpoint, Width=3):
		" draws an additional segment on a curve "
		# one is tolerant about the meaning of Curve_designation
		Curve_id = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation)[0]
			self.drawTo(newpoint, Width, Curve_id)	# action on display
			self.Curves[Curve_id].add(newpoint)		# memory
		except IndexError:
			error("Draw_Area: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #22
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def get_friend(self, Offer, Partner, PartnerOffer):
     " Checks mutual acceptance before establishing friendship "
     if self.acquaintable(Offer, Partner, PartnerOffer):
         if not self.F_follow(Offer, Partner, PartnerOffer):
             error("Friend: self changed mind")
         if not Partner.F_follow(PartnerOffer, self, Offer):
             error("Friend: Partner changed mind")
         return True
     return False
コード例 #23
ファイル: Parameters.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def Parameter(self,ParamName, Silent=False, Optional=False):
			p = self.Params[ParamName]
		except KeyError:
			if Optional:
				return None
			error("Evolife_Parameters: Attempt to reach undefined parameter: ", ParamName)
		if not Silent:
		return p
コード例 #24
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def accepts(self, performance):
		" signals that the new individual can be accepted into the club "
		if self.size() >= self.sizeMax and performance <= self.minimal():
			return -1   # Note: priority given to former members
		# returning the rank that the candidate would be assigned
		#  return sorted([performance] + self.performances(),reverse=True).index(performance)
		rank = self.size() - sorted([performance] + self.performances()).index(performance)
		if rank <= self.sizeMax:
			return rank
		error('Alliances', 'accept')
コード例 #25
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def append(self, Name='Curve', Color='red', Legend=''):
     if Color not in self.Colors:
         if not Legend: Legend = Name
         self.Curves[Name] = Curve(Name, Color, Legend)
         self.Designations.append((Color, Name, Legend))
         self.Legends.append((Color, Legend))
         self.Values[Name] = None
         error('Observer', 'Two curves with same colour')
コード例 #26
 def move(self, Curve_designation, newpoint):
     " introduces a discontinuity in a curve "
     # one is tolerant about the meaning of Curve_designation
     Curve_id = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation)[0]
     # print('moving to', Curve_designation, Curve_id, newpoint)
         ##			self.drawTo(newpoint, Curve_id, Drawing=False)
         self.Curves[Curve_id].add(newpoint, Draw=False)
     except IndexError:
         error("Draw_Area: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #27
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def record(self, Position, Window='Field', Reset=False):
     " stores current position changes "
     if isinstance(Position, list): Buffer = list(Position)
     elif isinstance(Position, tuple): Buffer = [Position]
     else: error(Observer, "Should be tuple or list: " + str(Position))
     Keep = not Reset
     if Window == 'Field':
         self.Field_buffer = Keep * self.Field_buffer + Buffer
     elif Window == 'Trajectories':
         self.Trajectory_buffer = Keep * self.Trajectory_buffer + Buffer
コード例 #28
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def store(self, vector):
		if not self.open:
			error('Observer: ',self.Name+': not open')
			if self.itemLength > 0 and len(vector) != self.itemLength:
				error('Observer: ', self.Name + ': Inconsistent item length')
			self.itemLength = len(vector)
		except AttributeError, TypeError:
			self.itemLength = 1
コード例 #29
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def exits(self, oldMember):
		" a member goes out from the club "
		for (M,Perf) in self.__members[:]:  # safe to copy the list as it is changed within the loop
			if M == oldMember:
				return True
		print 'members: ', [(str(F[0]),F[1]) for F in self.__members],
		print 'exiled: ', str(oldMember)
		error('Alliances: non-member attempting to quit a club')
		return False
コード例 #30
ファイル: Phenotype.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def value(self, Value=-1, Levelling = False):
		if Value < 0:
			return self.__value
		if Value <= Phene.MaxPheneValue:
			self.__value = Value
		elif Levelling:
			self.__value = Phene.MaxPheneValue
			error("Phenotype: ", "Maximum value exceeded")
		return self.__value
コード例 #31
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def store(self, vector):
     if not self.open:
         error('Observer: ', self.Name + ': not open')
         if self.itemLength > 0 and len(vector) != self.itemLength:
             error('Observer: ', self.Name + ': Inconsistent item length')
         self.itemLength = len(vector)
     except (AttributeError, TypeError):
         self.itemLength = 1
コード例 #32
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def detach(self):
        """ The individual quits its guru and its followers
        for G in self.names():
            self.G_quit_(G)  # G is erased from self's guru list
        if self.names() != []: error("Alliances: recalcitrant guru")
        if self.followers is not None:
            for F in self.followers.names():
                self.F_quit_(F)  # self is erased from F's guru list
            if self.followers.names() != []:
                error("Alliances: sticky  followers")
コード例 #33
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def exits(self, oldMember):
     " a member goes out from the club "
     for (
             M, Perf
     ) in self.__members[:]:  # safe to copy the list as it is changed within the loop
         if M == oldMember:
             self.__members.remove((oldMember, Perf))
             return True
     print('exiled: %s' % str(oldMember))
     error('Alliances: non-member attempting to quit a club')
     return False
コード例 #34
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def enters(self, newMember, performance):
		if self.accepts(performance) >= 0:
			# First, check whether newMember is not already a member
			if newMember in self.names():
				self.exits(newMember)   # to prepare the come-back
			self.__members.append((newMember, performance))
			if self.size() > self.sizeMax:
				return self.worst() # the redundant individual will be ejected
			return None
		error("Alliances: unchecked admittance")
		return None
コード例 #35
 def plot(self, Curve_designation, newpoint, Width=3):
     " draws an additional segment on a curve "
     # one is tolerant about the meaning of Curve_designation
     Curve_id = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation)[0]
     # print('plotting to', Curve_designation, Curve_id, newpoint)
         self.drawTo(newpoint, Width, Curve_id)  # action on display
         self.Curves[Curve_id].add(newpoint)  # memory
         # if Width != self.Curves[Curve_id].thick:	print('changing thickness to', Width)
         self.Curves[Curve_id].thick = Width  # update thickness
     except IndexError:
         error("Draw_Area: unknown Curve ID")
コード例 #36
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def accepts(self, performance, conservative=True):
		" signals that the new individual can be accepted into the club "
		if self.size() >= self.sizeMax:
			if conservative and performance <= self.minimal():
				return -1   # equality: priority given to former members
			elif performance < self.minimal():	return -1
			# print 'acceptation de', performance, 'a la place de', self.minimal()
		# returning the rank that the candidate would be assigned
		#  return sorted([performance] + self.performances(),reverse=True).index(performance)
		rank = self.size() - sorted([performance] + self.performances()).index(performance)
		if rank <= self.sizeMax:	return rank
		error('Alliances', 'accept')
コード例 #37
ファイル: Evolife_Batch.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def ReturnFromThread(self, Best):
		""" The simulation thread returns the best current phenotype
		if Best == 'Buzy?':
			# this should never happen in batch mode
				error("Evolife_Batch","Inexistent buzy mode")
		self.BestResult = Best
		if self.Obs.Visible():
		if self.Obs.Over():
			return -1	# Stops the simulation thread
			return 0
コード例 #38
 def Parameter(self, ParamName, Silent=False, Default='dummy'):
     if Default != 'dummy': p = self.get(ParamName, Default)
             p = dict.__getitem__(self, ParamName)  # parent getitem
         except KeyError:
                 "Evolife_Parameters: Attempt to reach undefined parameter: ",
     if not Silent and ParamName not in self.relevant and ParamName in self:
     return p
コード例 #39
ファイル: Population.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def update(self, flagRanking = False, display=False):
		" updates groups and looks for empty groups "
		self.popSize = 0	# population size will be recomputed
		toBeRemoved = []
		for gr in self.groups:
			gr.location = self.popSize  # useful for separating groups when displaying them on an axis
			grsize = gr.update_(flagRanking, display=display)
			if grsize == 0:	toBeRemoved.append(gr)
			self.popSize += grsize
		for gr in toBeRemoved:	self.groups.remove(gr)
		if self.popSize == 0:	error("Population is empty")
		self.best_score = max([gr.best_score for gr in self.groups])
		return self.popSize
コード例 #40
    def ReturnFromThread(self, Best):
        """ The simulation thread returns the best current phenotype
        if Best == 'Buzy?':
            # this should never happen in batch mode
            error("Evolife_Batch", "Inexistent buzy mode")
        self.BestResult = Best
        if self.Obs.Visible():
        if self.Obs.Over():
            return -1  # Stops the simulation thread
            return 0
コード例 #41
ファイル: Genetic_map.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def locus_range(self, Locus):
		" returns the maximal amplitude of the gene at Locus "
		coding = self.get_gene(Locus).coding.lower()
		if coding in ['weighted', 'gray']:
			# Usual integer coding
			return (1 << self.get_gene(Locus).length ) - 1
		elif coding == 'unweighted':
			# Genes are coded as the number of 1s on the DNA section
			return self.get_gene(Locus).length
		elif coding == 'nocoding':
			return 1
			error("Genetic Map", 'unknown binary coding mode: %s' % str(coding))
コード例 #42
ファイル: S_WernerDyer.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def decision(self, Male, Female):
		""" The male decides which direction to take depending on the female's song
		AbsoluteDirection = self.direction(Male) 
			# Relative position of the male (position are numbered by increasing Manhattan distance)
			Cell = self.Ground.Neighbourhood(Female.location[0:2]).index(Male.location[0:2])
		except ValueError:
			print Male.location
			print Female.location
			error("Ghost male")

		return self.communication(Male, Female, Cell, AbsoluteDirection)
コード例 #43
ファイル: Population.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
	def update(self, flagRanking = False, display=False):
		" updates groups and looks for empty groups "
		self.popSize = 0	# population size will be recomputed
		toBeRemoved = []
		for gr in self.groups:
			gr.location = self.popSize  # useful for separating groups when displaying them on an axis
			grsize = gr.update_(flagRanking, display=display)
			if grsize == 0:	toBeRemoved.append(gr)
			self.popSize += grsize
		for gr in toBeRemoved:	self.groups.remove(gr)
		if self.popSize == 0:	error("Population is empty")
		self.best_score = max([gr.best_score for gr in self.groups])
		return self.popSize
コード例 #44
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def enters(self, newMember, performance, conservative=True):
     if self.accepts(performance, conservative=conservative) >= 0:
         # First, check whether newMember is not already a member
         if newMember in self.names():
             self.exits(newMember)  # to prepare the come-back
         if self.size() >= self.sizeMax:
             worst = self.worst(
             )  # the redundant individual will be ejected
             worst = None
         self.__members.append((newMember, performance))
         return worst
     error("Alliances: unchecked admittance")
     return None
コード例 #45
 def locus_range(self, Locus):
     " returns the maximal amplitude of the gene at Locus "
     coding = self.get_gene(Locus).coding.lower()
     if coding in ['weighted', 'gray']:
         # Usual integer coding
         return (1 << self.get_gene(Locus).length) - 1
     elif coding == 'unweighted':
         # Genes are coded as the number of 1s on the DNA section
         return self.get_gene(Locus).length
     elif coding == 'nocoding':
         return 1
         error("Genetic Map",
               'unknown binary coding mode: %s' % str(coding))
コード例 #46
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
 def accepts(self, performance, conservative=True):
     " signals that the new individual can be accepted into the club "
     if self.size() >= self.sizeMax:
         if conservative and performance <= self.minimal():
             return -1  # equality: priority given to former members
         elif performance < self.minimal():
             return -1
         # print 'acceptation de', performance, 'a la place de', self.minimal()
     # returning the rank that the candidate would be assigned
     #  return sorted([performance] + self.performances(),reverse=True).index(performance)
     rank = self.size() - sorted([performance] +
     if rank <= self.sizeMax: return rank
     error('Alliances', 'accept')
コード例 #47
ファイル: S_WernerDyer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def decision(self, Male, Female):
        """ The male decides which direction to take depending on the female's song
        AbsoluteDirection = self.direction(Male)
            # Relative position of the male (position are numbered by increasing Manhattan distance)
            Cell = self.Ground.Neighbourhood(Female.location[0:2]).index(
        except ValueError:
            error("Ghost male")

        return self.communication(Male, Female, Cell, AbsoluteDirection)
コード例 #48
ファイル: Curves.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def Curvenames(self, Names):
		""" records names for Curves
		Str =  '\nDisplay: \n\t'
			for (Curve_designation, Name) in Names:
				for P in self.Curves:
					CurveId = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation, default=None)[0]
					if P.ID == CurveId:
						Str += '\n\t%s:\t%s' % (P.ColName, P.name())
			Str += '\n'
		except IndexError:
			error("Curves: unknown Curve ID")
		return Str
コード例 #49
ファイル: Genetic_map.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def __init__(self, gene_name, gene_length, locus, position, length_def):
		""" A gene knows its name, its length,
			its locus (order in the list of genes) and its start and end position
			on the DNA
		self.name = gene_name
		if gene_length:
			self.length = gene_length
		elif length_def:
			self.length = length_def
			error('Gene definition','Zero length with zero Default length')
		self.locus = locus
		self.start = position
		self.end = position + self.length
コード例 #50
ファイル: Genetic_map.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def __init__(self, gene_name, gene_length, locus, position, coding):
		""" A gene knows its name, its length,
			its locus (order in the list of genes) and its start and end position
			on the DNA
		self.name = gene_name
		self.length = gene_length
		if self.length == 0:	error('Gene definition','Zero length with zero Default length')
		self.locus = locus					# rank in the list of genes
		self.start = position				# start location on DNA
		self.end = position + self.length	# end location on DNA
		self.coding = coding
		if self.coding in range(-1,3):
			# old numeric designation of coding
			self.coding = ['Nocoding', 'Weighted', 'Unweighted', 'Gray'][self.coding+1]		
コード例 #51
ファイル: Plot_Area.py プロジェクト: lesyk/Evolife
	def move_agent(self, Name, Coord):
		""" moves an agent's representative dot to some new location 
		# Coord in analysed as a Position + an optional segment starting from that position, 
		# and missing coordinates are completed
		(Position, Segment) = self.coordinates(Coord)	
		if not self.Toric and self.reframe(Position.point()):   # The window is reframed if necessary
		Location = self.convert(Position.point()) # Translation into physical coordinates
		if Name in self.positions:  	
			if self.positions[Name].colour != Position.colour:
				# Colour has changed, the agent is destroyed and reborn
				# print 'Changing colour'
				if str(Position.colour).startswith('-'):
					# print 'destorying agent'
					return  # negative colour means the agent is removed
				self.move_agent(Name, Coord)	# false recursive call
			if self.positions[Name].Coord == Position.Coord and self.segments[Name].Coord == Segment.Coord:
				return  # nothing to do
			#### moving an existing agent ####
			# print Name, Position.Coord,  self.positions[Name].Coord
			self.positions[Name] = Position	# recording the agent's new position
			AgentRef = self.GraphicAgents[Name][0]
			AgentRef.setPos(QPointF(Location[0],Location[1]))	# performing actual move
			if self.segments[Name].Coord:	# the segment is re-created
			if Segment.Coord:
				SegmentRef = self.create_graphic_segment(Position, Segment)
			else:	SegmentRef = None
			self.segments[Name] = Segment
			self.GraphicAgents[Name] = (AgentRef, SegmentRef)	# New Q-reference to graphic objects are memorized
		else:   #### creating the agent ####
			# print 'displaying', Name, 'in', Position.Coord
				if str(Position.colour).startswith('-'):
					# print 'Error negative colour in display -->\t\t', Position.Coord
				AgentRef = self.create_graphic_agent(Position)			
				if Segment.Coord:
					SegmentRef = self.create_graphic_segment(Position, Segment)
				else:	SegmentRef = None
				self.positions[Name] = Position	# recording the agent's new position
				self.segments[Name] = Segment
				self.GraphicAgents[Name] = (AgentRef, SegmentRef)	# Q-reference to graphic objects are memorized
			except IndexError:
				error("Draw_Area: unknown colour ID")
コード例 #52
ファイル: Genetic_map.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/pjld
	def locus_range(self, Locus):
		" returns the maximal amplitude of the gene at Locus "
		coding = self.Parameter('GeneCoding')
		if coding in range(-1,3):
			# old numeric designation of coding
			coding = ['NoCoding', 'Weighted', 'Unweighted', 'Gray'][coding+1]		
		if coding in ['Weighted', 'Gray']:
			# Usual integer coding
			return (1 << self.get_gene(Locus).length ) - 1
		elif coding == 'Unweighted':
			# Genes are coded as the number of 1s on the DNA section
			return self.get_gene(Locus).length
		elif coding == 'NoCoding':
			return 1
			error("Genetic Map", 'unknown binary coding mode: %d' % self.Parameter('GeneCoding'))
コード例 #53
    def __init__(self, gene_name, gene_length, locus, position, coding):
        """ A gene knows its name, its length,
			its locus (order in the list of genes) and its start and end position
			on the DNA
        self.name = gene_name
        self.length = gene_length
        if self.length == 0:
            error('Gene definition', 'Zero length with zero Default length')
        self.locus = locus  # rank in the list of genes
        self.start = position  # start location on DNA
        self.end = position + self.length  # end location on DNA
        self.coding = coding
        if self.coding in range(-1, 3):
            # old numeric designation of coding
            self.coding = ['Nocoding', 'Weighted', 'Unweighted',
                           'Gray'][self.coding + 1]
コード例 #54
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def F_follow(self, perf, G, G_perf, conservative=True):
		""" the individual wants to be G's disciple because of some of G's performance
			G may evaluate the individual's performance too
		# print '.',
		if self.F_affiliable(perf, G, G_perf, conservative=conservative):
			# the new guru is good enough and the individual is good enough for the guru
			# print '%s (%s) is about to follow %s (%s)' % (self, map(str, self.social_signature()), G, map(str, G.social_signature()))
			if not self.follow(G, G_perf, conservative=conservative, Quit=self.G_quit_):
				error("Alliances", "inconsistent guru")
			if G.followers is not None:	
				if not G.followers.follow(self, perf, conservative=conservative, Quit=G.F_quit_):
					error('Alliances', "inconsistent self")
			# self.consistency()
			# G.consistency()
			return True
		else:	return False
コード例 #55
ファイル: Curves.py プロジェクト: ArnoutDevos/Athens
	def Curvenames(self, Names):
		""" records names for Curves
		Str =  '\nDisplay: \n\t'
			for Curve_description in Names:
				(Curve_designation, Name, Legend) = Curve_description + (0, '', '')[len(Curve_description):]
				for P in self.Curves:
					CurveId = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation, default=None)[0]
					if P.ID == CurveId:
						P.legend(Legend if Legend else Name)
						Str += '\n\t%s:\t%s' % (P.ColName, P.legend())
			Str += '\n'
		except IndexError:
			error("Curves: unknown Curve ID")
		return Str
コード例 #56
ファイル: Observer.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def statistics(self):
        """ gathers data from the stored examiners
			and stores them as a dictionary of tuples (a tuple per slot)
			(number_of_instances, best_of_each_coordinate,
			 average_of_each_coordinate, list_of_instances) """
        # one takes the first examiner as representative
        for Slot in self.storage[0].storages:
            if len(
                            for Exam in self.storage
                        ]))) > 1:
                    'Observer: ',
                    self.Name + ': Inconsistent item length accross examiners')
            # computing the best value of each coordinate
            best = list(map(lambda x: max(x), transpose([Exam.storages[Slot].best \
                      for Exam in self.storage])))
            # computing the total number of individual data
            cumulative_number = sum(
                [Exam.storages[Slot].length for Exam in self.storage])
            # computing global statistics by summing averages weighted by corresponding numbers
            totals = transpose([
                    map(lambda x: x * Exam.storages[Slot].length,
                        Exam.storages[Slot].average)) for Exam in self.storage
            if cumulative_number:
                average = list(
                    map(lambda x: sum(x) / cumulative_number, totals))
                average = list(map(lambda x: sum(x), totals))
            self.Statistics[Slot] = dict([
                ('length', cumulative_number), ('best', best),
                ('average', average),
                     lambda x, y: x + y,
                               for Exam in self.storage))))
        return self.Statistics
コード例 #57
    def Curvenames(self, Names):
        """ records names for Curves
        Str = '\nDisplay: \n\t'
            for Curve_description in Names:
                (Curve_designation, Name,
                 Legend) = Curve_description + (0, '',
                CurveId = EvolifeColourID(Curve_designation, default=None)[0]
                for P in self.Curves:
                    if P.ID == CurveId:
                        P.legend(Legend if Legend else Name)
                        Str += '\n\t%s:\t%s' % (P.ColName, P.legend())
            Str += '\n'
        except IndexError:
            error("Curves: unknown Curve ID")
        return Str
コード例 #58
ファイル: Alliances.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
    def F_follow(self, perf, G, G_perf, conservative=True):
        """ the individual wants to be G's disciple because of some of G's performance
			G may evaluate the individual's performance too
        # print '.',
        if self.F_affiliable(perf, G, G_perf, conservative=conservative):
            # the new guru is good enough and the individual is good enough for the guru
            # print('%s (%s) is about to follow %s (%s)' % (self, list(map(str, self.social_signature())), G, list(map(str, G.social_signature()))))
            if not self.follow(
                    G, G_perf, conservative=conservative, Quit=self.G_quit_):
                error("Alliances", "inconsistent guru")
            if G.followers is not None:
                if not G.followers.follow(
                        self, perf, conservative=conservative, Quit=G.F_quit_):
                    error('Alliances', "inconsistent self")
                # self.consistency()
                # G.consistency()
            return True
            return False
コード例 #59
ファイル: Population.py プロジェクト: piochelepiotr/jump
	def one_year(self):
		" one year of life "
		if self.year < 0:
			# just to get a snapshot of the initial situation
			self.season()			# annual resetting and time increment
			return True
			self.limit()			# some individuals die to limit population size	
			self.migration()		# some individuals change group
			self.group_splitting()  # big groups split and small groups are dissolved
			self.season()			# annual resetting and time increment
			if self.Observer.Visible():
				self.statistics(Complete=True, Display=True)	   # compute statistics before reproduction
				try:	self.Observer.recordInfo('Best', self.groups[0].get_best())
				except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass	# no record of best individual
			return True
		except Exception as Msg:
			error("Population", str(Msg))
			return False
コード例 #60
    def txt_to_cfg(self, CfgTxtFile):
        """ retrieves a configuration from a text file
            # reads lines with following syntax:
            # [<Prefix/>*]<NameOfParameter> <ParameterValue> [<comments>]
            # Numerical parameters
            Numerical = FileAnalysis(
                CfgTxtFile, r"^(?:[^#]\S*/)?(\w+)\s+(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s")
            # # # # Numerical = [(V[1], Num(V[2])) for V in Numerical]
            # NonNumerical parameters
            # Alphabcal = FileAnalysis(CfgTxtFile, "^([^#]\S*/)?(\w+)\s+([^-0-9/]\S*).*$")
            Alphabcal = FileAnalysis(CfgTxtFile,
            # # # # Alphabcal = [(V[1],Alph(V[2])) for V in Alphabcal if not set(V[2]) <= set('-0123456789.') ]
            #cfg = dict([(V[1],int(V[2])) for V in R])
            cfg = dict(Numerical + Alphabcal)
            ##			if len(cfg) < len(Numerical + Alphabcal):
            ##				error("Evolife_Parameters: duplicated parameter", str([V for V in Numerical + Alphabcal if V not in cfg]))
            return cfg
        except IOError:
            error("Evolife_Parameters: Problem accessing configuration file",
        return None