def __init__(self, CS_pin='Y8', SO_pin='Y7', SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_temp = 0 self.last_error_tc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(20)
def __init__(self, CS_pin='Y5', SO_pin='Y7', SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_room_temp = 0 self.last_read_tc_temp = 0 self.fault = 0 self.open_circuit = 0 self.short_to_gnd = 0 self.short_to_vcc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(window_size=16, div=8)
def __init__(self,CS_pin='Y8',SO_pin='Y7',SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_temp = 0 self.last_error_tc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(20)
def __init__(self,CS_pin='Y5',SO_pin='Y7',SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_room_temp = 0 self.last_read_tc_temp = 0 self.fault = 0 self.open_circuit = 0 self.short_to_gnd = 0 self.short_to_vcc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(window_size=16,div=8)
class MAX31885(): def __init__(self,CS_pin='Y5',SO_pin='Y7',SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_room_temp = 0 self.last_read_tc_temp = 0 self.fault = 0 self.open_circuit = 0 self.short_to_gnd = 0 self.short_to_vcc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(window_size=16,div=8) def read(self): # self.CS_pin.low() # pyb.delay(2) # self.CS_pin.high() # pyb.delay(220) #check if new reading should be available #if True: if pyb.millis()-self.last_read_time > 100: #/* # Bring CS pin low to allow us to read the data from # the conversion process #*/ self.CS_pin.low() # # Read bits D[31:18] for the Temp. Loop for each bit reading # the value and storing the final value in 'temp' # tc_temp = 0 self.SCK_pin.high() sign = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() for i in range(13): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 13 - i) tc_temp += read self.SCK_pin.low() if sign == 1: tc_temp*=-1 self.FIR.push(tc_temp) tc_temp/=8.0 # D17 dummy self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() # D16 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.fault = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D15-D4 # Roomtemp, signed self.SCK_pin.high() sign = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() room_temp = 0 for i in range(11): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 11 - i) room_temp += read self.SCK_pin.low() if sign == 1: room_temp*=-1 room_temp/=32.0 # D3 dummy self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() # D2 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.short_to_vcc = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D1 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.short_to_gnd = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D0 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.open_circuit = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() self.CS_pin.high() self.last_read_time = pyb.millis() self.last_read_room_temp = room_temp self.last_read_tc_temp = tc_temp return tc_temp,room_temp #to soon for new reading else: return self.last_read_tc_temp,self.last_read_room_temp
def tpv(): global h_inicio, fir_elegido, sector_elegido, ejercico_elegido, g_seleccion_usuario, rwyInUse h_inicio = 0. imprimir_fichas = False #Elección del fir,sector y ejercicio [fir_elegido, sector_elegido, ejercicio_elegido, imprimir_fichas] = g_seleccion_usuario logging.debug('Total escogido: ' + str(fir_elegido) + " " + str(sector_elegido) + " " + str(ejercicio_elegido)) ejercicio = [] incidencias = [] fir = FIR(fir_elegido[1]) punto = fir.points rutas = fir.routes limites = fir.boundaries[sector_elegido[0]] tmas = fir.tmas deltas = fir.deltas aeropuertos = fir.aerodromes esperas_publicadas = fir.holds rwys = fir.rwys rwyInUse = fir.rwyInUse procedimientos = fir.procedimientos proc_app = fir.proc_app auto_departures = fir.auto_departures[sector_elegido[0]] min_sep = fir.min_sep[sector_elegido[0]] local_maps = fir.local_maps ask_tag = False for airp in rwys.keys(): if len(rwys[airp].split(',')) > 1: ask_tag = True break if ask_tag: rwy_chg = Tk() txt_titulo = Label(rwy_chg, text='ESPECIFIQUE PISTA(S) EN USO') txt_titulo.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=2) line = 1 com_airp = [['', 0]] for airp in rwys.keys(): com_airp.append([airp, 0.0]) txt_airp = Label(rwy_chg, text=airp.upper()) txt_airp.grid(column=0, row=line, sticky=W) com_airp[line][1] = ComboBox(rwy_chg, bg='white', editable=True) num = 0 for pista in rwys[airp].split(','): com_airp[line][1].insert(num, pista) if pista == rwyInUse[airp]: com_airp[line][1].pick(num) num = num + 1 com_airp[line][1].grid(column=1, row=line, sticky=W) line = line + 1 but_acept = Button(rwy_chg, text='Aceptar') but_acept.grid(column=0, row=line, columnspan=2) def close_rwy_chg(e=None, window=rwy_chg): global rwyInUse com_airp.pop(0) for [airp, num] in com_airp: print 'Pista en uso de ', airp, ' es ahora: ', num.cget( 'value'), '. Cambiando los procedimientos' rwyInUse[airp] = num.cget('value') window.destroy() window.quit() but_acept['command'] = close_rwy_chg window_width = rwy_chg.winfo_reqwidth() window_height = rwy_chg.winfo_reqheight() screen_width = rwy_chg.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = rwy_chg.winfo_screenheight() px = (screen_width - window_width) / 2 py = (screen_height - window_height) / 2 rwy_chg.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (px, py)) rwy_chg.mainloop() # Lectura del fichero de performances config = ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(fir_elegido[1])) config.readfp(open('Modelos_avo.txt', 'r')) # Ahora se crean los planes de vuelo del ejercicio logging.debug('Leyendo archivo ' + ejercicio_elegido[1]) config.readfp(open(ejercicio_elegido[1], 'r')) hora = config.get('datos', 'hora_inicio') if hora == '': # incidencias.append('No hay hora de inicio en ejercicio') logging.critical('No hay hora de inicio') return h_inicio = float(hora[0:2]) * 60. * 60. + float(hora[3:5]) * 60. try: [rumbo, intensidad] = config.get('datos', 'viento').split(',') intensidad, rumbo = float(intensidad), (float(rumbo) + 180.0) % 360.0 wind = [intensidad, rumbo] #[intensidad * sin(rumbo), -intensidad * cos (rumbo)] except: wind = [0.0, 0.0] # Inicialización de variables en avió set_global_vars(punto, wind, aeropuertos, esperas_publicadas, rwys, rwyInUse, procedimientos, proc_app, min_sep) aviones = config.items('vuelos') for (nombre, resto) in aviones: logging.debug('Leyendo avión ' + nombre.upper() + '...') auxi = False lista = resto.split(',') d = Airplane() d.set_callsign(nombre.upper()) d.set_kind(lista[0]) try: d.perf = BADA.Performance(lista[0], "bada.txt") except: logging.warning("No BADA info for " + nombre.upper() + " (" + lista[0] + ")") d.set_wake(lista[1]) d.set_origin(lista[2]) d.set_destination(lista[3]) d.set_rfl(float(lista[4])) cfl = float(lista[5]) d.set_cfl(float(lista[4])) d.ecl = d.cfl ruta = [] for p in lista[6:]: if len(p) == 15: alt = float(p[8:11]) d.set_alt(alt) spd = float(p[12:15]) d.set_filed_tas(spd) ias = spd / (1. + 0.002 * d.rfl) d.set_std_spd() fijo = fijo_ant hora = float( p[1:3]) + float(p[3:5]) / 60. + float(p[5:7]) / 60 / 60 d.set_initial_t(0.) # elif len(p) > 10 and p[0] == 'H': # incidencias.append(d.get_callsign()+': Grupo HhhmmssFfffVvvv no está comleto') logging.warning('Grupo HhhmmssFfffVvvv no está completo') auxi = True return else: punto_esta = False for q in punto: if p == q[0]: ruta.append([q[1], q[0], '00:00']) fijo_ant = q[0] punto_esta = True if not punto_esta: # incidencias.append(d.get_callsign()+': Punto ' + p + ' no encontrado') logging.warning('Punto ' + p + ' no encontrado') auxi = False if auxi: logging.debug('ok') # Ahora incluimos las performances del avión if d.get_wake() == 'H': d.turn = 2.4 * 60. * 60. elif d.get_wake() == 'L': d.turn = 3.75 * 60. * 60. else: d.turn = 3.0 * 60. * 60. kind_aux = d.get_kind() while kind_aux[0].isdigit(): kind_aux = kind_aux[1:] if config.has_option('performances', kind_aux): aux = config.get('performances', kind_aux).split(',') d.fl_max = float(aux[1]) d.rate_climb_max = float(aux[2]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_climb_std = float(aux[3]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_desc_max = float(aux[4]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_desc_std = float(aux[5]) / 100. * 60. d.spd_std = float(aux[6]) d.spd_max = float(aux[7]) d.spd_tma = float(aux[8]) d.spd_app = float(aux[9]) else: #incidencias.append(d.get_callsign()+': No tengo parámetros del modelo ' + d.get_kind() + '. Usando datos estándar') logging.warning('No tengo parámetros del modelo ' + d.get_kind() + '. Usando datos estándar') if config.has_option('performances', 'estandar' + d.estela.upper()): aux = config.get('performances', 'estandar' + d.estela.upper()).split(',') d.fl_max = float(aux[1]) d.rate_climb_max = float(aux[2]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_climb_std = float(aux[3]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_desc_max = float(aux[4]) / 100. * 60. d.rate_desc_std = float(aux[5]) / 100. * 60. d.spd_std = float(aux[6]) d.spd_max = float(aux[7]) d.spd_tma = float(aux[8]) d.spd_app = float(aux[9]) # Load the aircraft requirements if config.has_section('req') and config.has_option('req', nombre): req = config.get('req', nombre) req_time_str = req[:4] req = req[5:] if (req[0] == '"' and req[-1] == '"') or (req[0] == "'" and req[-1] == "'"): req = req[1:-1] # TODO this should be done in a helper function req_time = float( req_time_str[0:2]) + float(req_time_str[2:4]) / 60. d.reports.append({'time': req_time, 'text': 'Request: ' + req}) # Cálculo de la estimada al primer punto d.route = ruta pos = ruta[0][0] logging.debug('Antes del recálculo ' + fijo + ' ' + str(hora) + ' ' + str(ruta)) d.set_position(pos) route = [] for a in ruta: route.append(a) route.pop(0) d.set_route(route) d.set_initial_heading() estimadas = calc_eto(d) logging.debug('Estimadas en primera vuelta ' + str(estimadas)) # Cálculo de la estimada ajustada for i in range(len(ruta)): if ruta[i][1] == fijo: desfase = hora - estimadas[i] break aux = [] for i in range(len(ruta)): eto = desfase + estimadas[i] h = int(eto) m = int((eto * 60. + 0.5) - h * 60.) aux.append([ruta[i][0], ruta[i][1], '%02d:%02d' % (h, m), eto]) aux.pop(0) d.set_route(aux) d.set_alt(alt) d.set_cfl(cfl) d.spd = 0.0 d.set_std_spd() d.set_initial_t(desfase) d.set_position(pos) d.set_initial_heading() # Recálculo para el caso de que al aplicar las SIDs o STARs cambien los puntos de la ruta # Mantendremos la eto sobre el primer punto de la ruta fijo = ruta[0][1] hora = d.t d.set_initial_t(0.0) d.route = ruta d.set_se_pinta( False) # Some previous function has incorrectly set this to True # We need it to be false so that SID and STARs are # added correctly complete_flight_plan(d) ruta = d.route logging.debug('Después del recálculo ' + str(fijo) + ' ' + str(hora) + ' ' + str(ruta)) pos = ruta[0][0] d.set_position(pos) route = [] for a in ruta: route.append(a) # I'm not sure why by default we want to eliminate the first element of the route, # but certainly we do not want to be doing that with our departures if d.get_origin in fir.release_required_ads[sector_elegido[0]]: logging.debug("local dep, not popping route point") else: route.pop(0) d.set_route(route) d.set_initial_heading() estimadas = calc_eto(d) logging.debug('Estimadas en segunda vuelta: ' + str(estimadas)) # Cálculo de la estimada ajustada for i in range(len(ruta)): if ruta[i][1] == fijo: desfase = hora - estimadas[i] break aux = [] for i in range(len(ruta)): eto = desfase + estimadas[i] h = int(eto) m = int((eto * 60. + 0.5) - h * 60.) aux.append([ruta[i][0], ruta[i][1], '%02d:%02d' % (h, m), eto]) aux.pop(0) d.set_route(aux) d.set_alt(alt) d.set_cfl(cfl) d.spd = 0.0 d.set_std_spd() d.set_initial_t(desfase) d.set_position(pos) d.set_initial_heading() hist = [] d.set_campo_eco(d.route[-1][1][0:3]) for dest in aeropuertos: if d.destino == dest: d.set_campo_eco(dest[2:4]) d.set_app_fix() ejercicio.append(d) logging.debug('ok') # Set the EOBT, calculate the sector entry time and sort aircraft by # their flight strip printing time orden = [] for s in range(len(ejercicio)): a = ejercicio[s] # Set EOBT if a.get_origin() in fir.local_ads[sector_elegido[0]]: # As of revision 326 there is no place where to store the EOBT of a departing flight, # so the ETO of the first route point is taken a.set_eobt(a.route[0][3]) # Calculate sector entry time for i in range(len(a.route)): if a.get_sector_entry_fix()==None and \ a.route[i][1] in fir.boundaries[sector_elegido[0]]: # a.route[i][1] in firdef.get(sector_elegido[1],'limites').split(','): a.set_sector_entry_fix(a.route[i][1]) a.set_sector_entry_time( a.route[i][3]) # The ETO over the point elif a.get_sector_entry_fix()==None and \ a.route[i][1] in fijos_impresion_secundarios: a.set_sector_entry_fix(a.route[i][1]) a.set_sector_entry_time( a.route[i][3]) # The ETO over the point if a.get_sector_entry_time() == None: a.set_sector_entry_fix(a.route[0][1]) a.set_sector_entry_time( a.route[0][3]) # If all else fails, use the first ETO # Set the flight strip printing time if a.get_eobt() <> None: a.t_impresion = a.get_eobt() - 10. / 60. # 10min before EOBT else: a.t_impresion = a.get_sector_entry_time( ) - 10. / 60. # 10min before sector entry time orden.append((a.t_impresion, s)) logging.debug( + "\tSector entry:\t" + a.get_sector_entry_fix()) orden.sort() # Manejo de la impresión de fichas #if imprimir_fichas==1: if True: parseraux = ConfigParser() parseraux.readfp(open(ejercicio_elegido[1], 'r')) if parseraux.has_option('datos', 'comentario'): name = parseraux.get('datos', 'comentario') else: name = ejercicio_elegido[1] ss = StripSeries(exercise_name=name, output_file="fichas.pdf") ss2 = StripSeries(exercise_name=name, output_file="minifichas.pdf") for (aux, s) in orden: a = ejercicio[s] # Nombre contiene el indicativo OACI para sacar el callsign nombre = '' for i in range(len( if nombre == '' or[i].isalpha() or[i] == "*": #remove * from the callsign if[i] <> "*": nombre = nombre +[i].upper() else: break if config.has_option('indicativos_de_compania', nombre): callsign = config.get('indicativos_de_compania', nombre) else: callsign = '' a.radio_callsign = callsign logging.debug( + '\t' + nombre + '\t' + callsign) ruta = '' for f in a.route: if f[1][0] != '_': ruta = ruta + ' ' + f[1] # Flight Strip creation # First we determine whether this flight will pass any of the # primary flight strip printing points. If it doesn't, then # it will use the secondary flight strip printing points instead current_printing_fixes = fir.fijos_impresion_secundarios[ sector_elegido[0]] at_least_one_strip_printed = False for i in range(len(a.route)): for fix in fir.fijos_impresion[sector_elegido[0]]: if a.route[i][1] == fix: current_printing_fixes = fir.fijos_impresion[ sector_elegido[0]] # Print a coord flight strip if it's a departure from an AD we have to release if a.get_origin() in fir.local_ads[sector_elegido[0]]: fd = FlightData() fd.callsign = fd.exercice_name = name fd.ciacallsign = callsign fd.model = a.tipo fd.wake = a.estela fd.speed = a.filed_tas fd.responder = "C" fd.origin = a.origen fd.destination = a.destino fd.fl = str(int(a.rfl)) fd.cssr = "----" fd.route = ruta fd.rules = "" t = a.t_impresion fd.print_time = '%02d%02d' % ( int(t), int((t * 60. + 0.5) - int(t) * 60.)) t = a.get_eobt() try: fd.eobt = '%02d%02d' % ( int(t), int((t * 60. + 0.5) - int(t) * 60.)) except: logging.warning('Cannot obtain EOBT for flight %s', fd.eobt = '????' fd.fs_type = "coord" ss.draw_flight_data(fd) # Print a flight strip for every route point which is any of the # current_printing_fixes if a.get_origin() in fir.release_required_ads[sector_elegido[0]]: prev = a.get_origin() t = a.get_eobt() try: prev_t = '%02d%02d' % (int(t), int((t * 60. + 0.5) - int(t) * 60.)) except: logging.warning('Cannot get EOBT for flight %s', prev_t = '' else: prev = prev_t = '' for i in range(len(a.route)): if prev == '' and a.route[i][ 1] in fir.fijos_impresion_secundarios[ sector_elegido[0]]: prev = a.route[i][1] prev_t = a.route[i][2][0:2] + a.route[i][2][3:5] elif prev == '': prev = 'ENTRAD' prev_t = '' if a.route[i][1] in current_printing_fixes: # Main flight strip fix fijo = a.route[i][1] fijo_t = a.route[i][2][0:2] + a.route[i][2][3:5] # Calculate next flight strip fix #if i==len(a.route)-1 and firdef.has_option(sector_elegido[1],'local_ads') and \ # a.get_destination() in firdef.get(sector_elegido[1],'local_ads').split(','): if i == len(a.route) - 1 and a.get_destination( ) in fir.local_ads[sector_elegido[0]]: next = a.get_destination() next_t = '' elif i == len(a.route) - 1: next = 'SALIDA' next_t = '' else: next = a.route[i + 1][1] next_t = a.route[i + 1][2][0:2] + a.route[i + 1][2][3:5] fd = FlightData() fd.callsign = fd.exercice_name = name fd.ciacallsign = callsign fd.prev_fix = prev fd.fix = fijo fd.next_fix = next fd.prev_fix_est = prev_t fd.fix_est = fijo_t fd.next_fix_est = next_t fd.model = a.tipo fd.wake = a.estela fd.speed = a.filed_tas fd.responder = "C" fd.origin = a.origen fd.destination = a.destino fd.fl = str(int(a.rfl)) fd.cfl = str(int(a.cfl)) fd.cssr = "----" fd.route = ruta fd.rules = "" fd.print_time = '%02d%02d' % ( int(a.t_impresion), int((a.t_impresion * 60. + 0.5) - int(a.t_impresion) * 60.)) ss.draw_flight_data(fd) if not at_least_one_strip_printed: ss2.draw_flight_data(fd, 0.5, 0.6, num_colums=2) at_least_one_strip_printed = True prev = fijo prev_t = fijo_t if not while DlgPdfWriteError().result == 'retry' and not pass if not while DlgPdfWriteError().result == 'retry' and not pass # Cerrar ficheros if len(incidencias) != 0: visual = Tk() texto = Text(visual, height=20, width=80, bg='white') texto.insert('end', 'Fichero con datos del FIR: ' + fir_elegido[1] + '\n') texto.insert('end', 'Fichero con ejercicio: ' + ejercicio_elegido[1] + '\n') texto.insert('end', '\n') texto.insert('end', 'Errores encontrados\n') texto.insert('end', '-------------------\n') for error in incidencias: texto.insert('end', error + '\n') but_roger = Button(visual, text='Continuar') def inicio_ejer(e=None): visual.destroy() visual.quit() but_roger['command'] = inicio_ejer texto.pack() but_roger.pack() but_roger.focus_set() visual.mainloop() return [ punto, ejercicio, rutas, limites, deltas, tmas, local_maps, h_inicio, wind, aeropuertos, esperas_publicadas, rwys, procedimientos, proc_app, rwyInUse, auto_departures, min_sep ]
class MAX31885(): def __init__(self, CS_pin='Y5', SO_pin='Y7', SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_room_temp = 0 self.last_read_tc_temp = 0 self.fault = 0 self.open_circuit = 0 self.short_to_gnd = 0 self.short_to_vcc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(window_size=16, div=8) def read(self): # self.CS_pin.low() # pyb.delay(2) # self.CS_pin.high() # pyb.delay(220) #check if new reading should be available #if True: if pyb.millis() - self.last_read_time > 100: #/* # Bring CS pin low to allow us to read the data from # the conversion process #*/ self.CS_pin.low() # # Read bits D[31:18] for the Temp. Loop for each bit reading # the value and storing the final value in 'temp' # tc_temp = 0 self.SCK_pin.high() sign = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() for i in range(13): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 13 - i) tc_temp += read self.SCK_pin.low() if sign == 1: tc_temp *= -1 self.FIR.push(tc_temp) tc_temp /= 8.0 # D17 dummy self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() # D16 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.fault = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D15-D4 # Roomtemp, signed self.SCK_pin.high() sign = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() room_temp = 0 for i in range(11): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 11 - i) room_temp += read self.SCK_pin.low() if sign == 1: room_temp *= -1 room_temp /= 32.0 # D3 dummy self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() # D2 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.short_to_vcc = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D1 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.short_to_gnd = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # D0 fault self.SCK_pin.high() self.open_circuit = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() self.CS_pin.high() self.last_read_time = pyb.millis() self.last_read_room_temp = room_temp self.last_read_tc_temp = tc_temp return tc_temp, room_temp #to soon for new reading else: return self.last_read_tc_temp, self.last_read_room_temp
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "--audio_file", help=".ogg or .wav file to playback and filter. Fallback: white noise") parser.add_argument("--tty_dump", default="/dev/ttyUSB2", help="UartMemoryDumper for data") parser.add_argument("--br_dump", default=115200, type=int, help="UartMemoryDumper baudrate") args = parser.parse_args() #---------------------------------- # Read soundfile #---------------------------------- chunkSize = 256 if args.audio_file: aDat, fSample =, always_2d=True) # Make it mono aDat = mean(aDat, 1) # Make it loud aDat /= amax(aDat) aDat.resize(int(ceil(aDat.size / chunkSize)), chunkSize) print("Read audio file:", fSample, aDat.shape) else: # Fallback is white noise fSample = 22400 def wng(): while True: yield random.rand(chunkSize) * 2 - 1 aDat = wng() #---------------------------------- # Setup pyaudio, write audio stream #---------------------------------- p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # 16 bit per channel, and 1 channel audio stream =, channels=1, rate=fSample, output=True) f = FIR(zeros(128)) def audioPlayer(): for chunk in aDat: # Filter the chunk of samples sOut = f.filtChunk(chunk) # Play result stream.write((sOut * 2**15).astype(int16).tostring()) threading.Thread(target=audioPlayer).start() #---------------------------------------------- # Setup serial reader thread #---------------------------------------------- # Line plot fig, ax = subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 3)) l, = ax.plot(arange(128), zeros(128), "-o") ax.axis((0, 1, 0, 1)) fig.tight_layout() ser = Serial(args.tty_dump, args.br_dump) def read_from_port(): while ser.isOpen(): ser.read_until(b"\x42") buf = readData = fromstring(buf, dtype=">u2").astype(float) / 4096 # readData = roll(readData, 64) readData = (readData)**2 # Update the filter coefficients h_t = f.setCoeffs(readData, False) # Update plot w, h_ff = scipy.signal.freqz(h_t) l.set_data(w / pi, abs(h_ff)) # l.set_ydata(h_t) fig.canvas.draw_idle() atexit.register(ser.close) threading.Thread(target=read_from_port).start() show()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "image_file", help="image file which will provide the filter coefficients") parser.add_argument( "--audio_file", help= ".ogg or .wav file to playback and filter. If not given, white noise is used." ) parser.add_argument("--scan_rate", type=float, default=10.0, help="how many seconds per scan through the image") parser.add_argument("--x_offs", default=0, type=int, help="horizontal image offset in pixel") args = parser.parse_args() #---------------------------------- # Read soundfile #---------------------------------- if args.audio_file: aDat, fSample =, always_2d=True) # Make it mono aDat = mean(aDat, 1) # Make it loud aDat /= amax(aDat) print("Read audio file:", fSample, aDat.shape) else: # Fallback is white noise fSample = 44100 aDat = random.rand(int(fSample * args.scan_rate * 2)) * 2 - 1 #---------------------------------- # Read image file #---------------------------------- img ="L") img = img.crop([args.x_offs, 0, args.x_offs + 128, img.size[1]]) print("Read image file:", img.size) imgDat = asarray(img) #---------------------------------- # Setup pyaudio #---------------------------------- p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # 16 bit per channel, and 1 channel audio stream =, channels=1, rate=fSample, output=True) #---------------------------------- # Filter parameters #---------------------------------- samplesPerScan = fSample * args.scan_rate samplesPerUpdate = int(samplesPerScan / imgDat.shape[0]) print("Filter update rate: {:.1f} Hz".format(fSample / samplesPerUpdate)) f = FIR(ones(imgDat.shape[1])) rowIndex = 0 # Split aDat up in `samplesPerUpdate` sized chunks aDat.resize(int(ceil(aDat.size / samplesPerUpdate)), samplesPerUpdate) for chunk in aDat: # Filter the chunk of samples sOut = f.filtChunk(chunk) # Play result stream.write((sOut * 2**15).astype(int16).tostring()) # Update the filter coefficients f.setCoeffs(imgDat[rowIndex, :].astype("float")) # Scan through the image line by line rowIndex += 1 if rowIndex >= imgDat.shape[0]: print("*", end="", flush=True) rowIndex = 0
class MAX6675(): def __init__(self,CS_pin='Y8',SO_pin='Y7',SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_temp = 0 self.last_error_tc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(20) def read(self): # self.CS_pin.low() # pyb.delay(2) # self.CS_pin.high() # pyb.delay(220) #check if new reading should be available #if True: if pyb.millis()-self.last_read_time > 220: #/* # Bring CS pin low to allow us to read the data from # the conversion process #*/ self.CS_pin.low() #/* Cycle the clock for dummy bit 15 */ self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.high() #/* # Read bits 14-3 from MAX6675 for the Temp. Loop for each bit reading # the value and storing the final value in 'temp' # */ value = 0 for i in range(12): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 12 - i) value += read self.SCK_pin.low() #/* Read the TC Input inp to check for TC Errors */ self.SCK_pin.high() error_tc = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # /* # Read the last two bits from the chip, faliure to do so will result # in erratic readings from the chip. # */ for i in range(2): self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() self.CS_pin.high() self.FIR.push(value) temp = (value * 0.25) self.last_read_time = pyb.millis() self.last_read_temp = temp self.last_error_tc = error_tc return temp,error_tc #to soon for new reading else: return self.last_read_temp,self.last_error_tc
class MAX6675(): def __init__(self, CS_pin='Y8', SO_pin='Y7', SCK_pin='Y6'): #Thermocouple self.CS_pin = pyb.Pin(CS_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.CS_pin.high() self.SO_pin = pyb.Pin(SO_pin, pyb.Pin.IN) self.SO_pin.low() self.SCK_pin = pyb.Pin(SCK_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) self.SCK_pin.low() self.last_read_time = 0 self.last_read_temp = 0 self.last_error_tc = 0 self.FIR = FIR(20) def read(self): # self.CS_pin.low() # pyb.delay(2) # self.CS_pin.high() # pyb.delay(220) #check if new reading should be available #if True: if pyb.millis() - self.last_read_time > 220: #/* # Bring CS pin low to allow us to read the data from # the conversion process #*/ self.CS_pin.low() #/* Cycle the clock for dummy bit 15 */ self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.high() #/* # Read bits 14-3 from MAX6675 for the Temp. Loop for each bit reading # the value and storing the final value in 'temp' # */ value = 0 for i in range(12): self.SCK_pin.high() read = self.SO_pin.value() read = (read << 12 - i) value += read self.SCK_pin.low() #/* Read the TC Input inp to check for TC Errors */ self.SCK_pin.high() error_tc = self.SO_pin.value() self.SCK_pin.low() # /* # Read the last two bits from the chip, faliure to do so will result # in erratic readings from the chip. # */ for i in range(2): self.SCK_pin.high() pyb.delay(1) self.SCK_pin.low() self.CS_pin.high() self.FIR.push(value) temp = (value * 0.25) self.last_read_time = pyb.millis() self.last_read_temp = temp self.last_error_tc = error_tc return temp, error_tc #to soon for new reading else: return self.last_read_temp, self.last_error_tc