コード例 #1
def completeness_erf(bin_centres,
    # calculates a grid for completeness.
    # Should be done to the same size as N, take bin_centres from N.
    # takes flux_limit and background (in nJy), and snr_target
    # stretch is variable.

    dz = bin_centres['z'][1] - bin_centres['z'][0]
    dlog10L = bin_centres['log10L'][1] - bin_centres['log10L'][0]

    if not cosmo: cosmo = FLARE.core.default_cosmo()

    c = np.zeros((len(bin_centres['z']), len(bin_centres['log10L'])))

    for i, z in enumerate(bin_centres['z']):
        for j, log10L in enumerate(bin_centres['log10L']):

            f = np.linspace(lum_to_flux(10**(log10L - dlog10L / 2), cosmo, z),
                            lum_to_flux(10**(log10L + dlog10L / 2), cosmo, z),
            N_fract = 0.

            for fluxx in f:
                N_fract += 0.5 * (1.0 + cps.erf(stretch *
                                                (fluxx - flux_limit)))

            c[i, j] = N_fract / N_samples

    return c.T
コード例 #2
def completeness_sample(bin_centres,
    # calculates a grid for completeness.
    # Should be done to the same size as N, take bin_centres from N.
    # takes flux_limit and background (in nJy), and snr_target
    # stretch is variable.

    dz = bin_centres['z'][1] - bin_centres['z'][0]
    dlog10L = bin_centres['log10L'][1] - bin_centres['log10L'][0]

    if not cosmo: cosmo = FLARE.core.default_cosmo()

    c = np.zeros((len(bin_centres['z']), len(bin_centres['log10L'])))

    for i, z in enumerate(bin_centres['z']):
        for j, log10L in enumerate(bin_centres['log10L']):
            z_sample = np.random.uniform(z - dz / 2, z + dz / 2, N_samples)
            log10L_sample = np.random.uniform(log10L - dlog10L / 2,
                                              log10L + dlog10L / 2, N_samples)
            f = lum_to_flux(10**log10L_sample, cosmo, z_sample)

            N_fract = 0.

            for q in range(N_samples):
                N_fract += 0.5 * (1.0 + cps.erf(stretch * (f[q] - flux_limit)))

            c[i, j] = N_fract / N_samples

    return c.T
コード例 #3
def flux_sample_bin_plot(samples, cosmo=False, bins=100, range=[[0., 15.], [0., 3.]], save_file=False):
    # --- make nice plot

    if not cosmo: cosmo = FLARE.core.default_cosmo()

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))

    z_array = samples['z']
    f_array = lum_to_flux(10. ** samples['log10L'], cosmo, z_array) * (10. ** 9)

    cm = plt.get_cmap('plasma')

    plt.hist2d(z_array, np.log10(f_array), bins=bins, range=range, cmap=cm)

    bar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical')
    bar.set_label(r'$\rm N$', rotation=90)

    plt.ylabel(r"$\rm log_{10}(f_{\nu}/ [nJy])$")
    plt.xlabel(r"$\rm z$")
    plt.xlim(range[0][0], range[0][-1])
    plt.ylim(range[1][0], range[1][-1])

    if save_file == False:
        return fig
        plt.savefig(save_file + '.png', dpi=300)
コード例 #4
def completeness_erf_legacy(bin_centres,
    # calculates a grid for completeness. Due to a design fla.....feature, this only calculates completeness in the bin
    # that gets dissected by the flux cut. Will most likely be removed in a future revision.
    # Should be done to the same size as N, take bin_centres from N.
    # takes flux_limit and background (in nJy), and snr_target
    # stretch is variable.

    dz = bin_centres['z'][1] - bin_centres['z'][0]
    dlog10L = bin_centres['log10L'][1] - bin_centres['log10L'][0]

    if not cosmo: cosmo = FLARE.core.default_cosmo()

    c = np.zeros((len(bin_centres['z']), len(bin_centres['log10L'])))

    for i, z in enumerate(bin_centres['z']):
        for j, log10L in enumerate(bin_centres['log10L']):

            if abs(log10L -
                   np.log10(flux_to_L(flux_limit, cosmo, z))) <= dlog10L:
                # print(abs(log10L-np.log10(flux_to_L(flux_limit, cosmo, z))))
                f = np.linspace(
                    lum_to_flux(10**(log10L - dlog10L / 2), cosmo, z),
                    lum_to_flux(10**(log10L + dlog10L / 2), cosmo, z),
                N_fract = 0.

                for fluxx in f:
                    N_fract += 0.5 * (1.0 + cps.erf(stretch *
                                                    (fluxx - flux_limit)))
                c[i, j] = N_fract / N_samples

    return c.T
コード例 #5
def completeness_cut(bin_centres, flux_limit, stretch=1.0, cosmo=False):
    # calculates a grid for completeness.
    # Should be done to the same size as N, take bin_centres from N.
    # takes flux_limit and background (in nJy), and snr_target
    # stretch is variable.

    dz = bin_centres['z'][1] - bin_centres['z'][0]
    dlog10L = bin_centres['log10L'][1] - bin_centres['log10L'][0]

    if not cosmo: cosmo = FLARE.core.default_cosmo()

    c = np.zeros((len(bin_centres['z']), len(bin_centres['log10L'])))

    for i, z in enumerate(bin_centres['z']):
        for j, log10L in enumerate(bin_centres['log10L']):
            f = lum_to_flux(10**log10L, cosmo, z)
            c[i, j] = 0.5 * (1.0 + cps.erf(stretch * (f - flux_limit)))

    return c.T
コード例 #6
def M_to_m(M, cosmo, z):
    lum = photconv.M_to_lum(M)
    flux = photconv.lum_to_flux(lum, cosmo, z)
    m = photconv.flux_to_m(flux)
    return m