def make_fixed_range_log_plot(self): c1 = + '_log_fixedrange') c1.SetGrid() c1.SetLogy() self.canvases.append(c1) ## Use the ModalInterval class to display the shortest range containing ## 100% of all the entries. mi = self.modal_interval mi.setFraction(1) fullrange = (mi.lowerBound(), mi.upperBound()) plot = self.deltaE.frame(roo.Range(*self.fixed_range_log)) plot.SetTitle(', '.join(self.labels)) self.fit_data.plotOn(plot, roo.MarkerColor(self.color_data), roo.MarkerStyle(self.marker_style), roo.LineColor(self.color_data)) self.model.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(self.color_model)) if fullrange[0] + fullrange[1] > 0: layout = (0.6, 0.9, 0.87) else: layout = (0.2, 0.5, 0.87) self.model.paramOn(plot, roo.Format("NEU", roo.AutoPrecision(2)), roo.Layout(*layout)) ## Fine tune the y-axis range so that we see all the events. plot.SetMinimum(0.5) ## Add a larger top margin to the y-axis range plot.SetMaximum(pow(plot.GetMaximum(), 1.1)) plot.Draw() self.plots.append(plot)
def main(): '''This is the entry point to execution.''' print 'Welcome to test_pkeys - test of the mode and effective sigma' print 'extraction for a generic distribution using ParametrizedKeysPdf.' w = ROOT.RooWorkspace('w', 'w') truepdf = w.factory('Gaussian::truepdf(x[-5,5],m[0],s[1])') data = truepdf.generate(ROOT.RooArgSet(w.var('x')), 10000)'truepdf') plot = w.var('x').frame() data.plotOn(plot) truepdf.plotOn(plot) plot.Draw() toypdf = ParameterizedKeysPdf('toypdf', 'toypdf', w.var('x'), w.factory('mtoy[0,-5,5]'), w.factory('stoy[1,0.1,5]'), data, rho=3) toypdf.shape.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) toypdf.fitTo(data) toypdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kGreen)) plot.Draw() canvases.update() print 'Exiting test_pkeys with success!'
def plot_x(self): ''' Create a canvas with x data overlayed with its PDF. ''' self.xplot = self.xvar.frame(), roo.LineColor(self.color), roo.MarkerColor(self.color)) self.xpdf.plotOn(self.xplot, roo.LineColor(self.color)) self.xplot.SetTitle('') self.xplot.Draw()
def make_uuplot(ux, uy): plot = ux.uniform_var.frame(), roo.LineColor(ux.color), roo.MarkerColor(ux.color)) ux.uniform_pdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ux.color), roo.Range(0, 1)) uy.uniform_pdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(uy.color), roo.Range(0, 1), roo.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed)), roo.LineColor(uy.color), roo.MarkerColor(uy.color), roo.MarkerStyle(4))'uu') plot.Draw() return plot
def make_fixed_range_zoom_plot(self): c1 = + '_lin_fixedrange') c1.SetGrid() self.canvases.append(c1) plot = self.deltaE.frame(roo.Range(*self.fixed_range_zoom)) plot.SetTitle(', '.join(self.labels)) self.fit_data.plotOn(plot, roo.MarkerColor(self.color_data), roo.MarkerStyle(self.marker_style), roo.LineColor(self.color_data)) self.model.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(self.color_model)) self.model.paramOn(plot, roo.Format("NEU", roo.AutoPrecision(2)), roo.Layout(0.2, 0.52, 0.87)) plot.Draw() self.plots.append(plot)
def plot_uniform(self): ''' Create a canvas with transformed x data overlayed with a uniform pdf. ''' self.uplot = self.uniform_var.frame(), roo.LineColor(self.color), roo.MarkerColor(self.color)) self.uniform_pdf.plotOn(self.uplot, roo.Range(0, 1), roo.LineColor(self.color)) cname = '_'.join( [self.uniform_var.GetName(), 'of', self.xvar.GetName()]) self.uplot.SetTitle('') self.uplot.Draw()
def make_qqplots(ux, uy): xyplot = uy.xvar.frame() xyplot.SetTitle('') xycorr = QQCorrector(ux.xvar, ux.xpdf, uy.xvar, uy.xpdf) xycorr.SetName('y'), roo.LineColor(uy.color), roo.MarkerColor(uy.color)) uy.xpdf.plotOn(xyplot, roo.LineColor(uy.color)), roo.LineColor(ux.color), roo.MarkerColor(ux.color)) yxplot = ux.xvar.frame() yxplot.SetTitle('') yxcorr = QQCorrector(uy.xvar, uy.xpdf, ux.xvar, ux.xpdf) yxcorr.SetName('x'), roo.LineColor(ux.color), roo.MarkerColor(ux.color)) ux.xpdf.plotOn(yxplot, roo.LineColor(ux.color)), roo.LineColor(uy.color), roo.MarkerColor(uy.color))'qqxy') xyplot.Draw()'qqyx') yxplot.Draw() return xyplot, yxplot
def test_downsampling(): ''' Tests the downsampling. ''' import FWLite.Tools.canvases as canvases print '== Downsampling Test ==' big_data = get_toy_data(1000) resampler = Resampler(big_data) small_data = resampler.downsample(50) keep(big_data, small_data) big_data.Print() small_data.Print() xvar = big_data.get()['x'] xvar.setBins(20) plot = xvar.frame() big_data.plotOn(plot, roo.MarkerColor(ROOT.kRed), roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) small_data.plotOn(plot, roo.MarkerStyle(24))'downsampling_test') plot.Draw() keep(plot)
def plot_model_and_change_parameter_values(w): ''' void plot_model_and_change_parameter_values(w) Plots model `gaus' and changes the parameter values. ''' ## Construct plot frame in 'x' xframe = w.var('x').frame(roo.Title('Gaussian PDF')) ## Plot gauss in frame (i.e. in x). w.pdf('gauss').plotOn(xframe) ## Change the value of sigma to 3. w.var('sigma').setVal(3) ## Plot gauss in frame (i.e. in x) and draw frame on canvases. w.pdf('gauss').plotOn(xframe, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) ## Create a canvas and draw the plot frame on it.'Gaussian_PDF') xframe.Draw()
graph = qq12.get_interpolation_graph(granularity=20) graph.SetName('qqcorr_graph') graph.Write() qqfile.Close() #______________________________________________________________________________ ## Read the corrector from a file and plot on top of the original qqfile = ROOT.TFile.Open('test_qqcorrector.root') workspace = qqfile.Get('qqcorr') workspace.Print() func12 = workspace.function('qqcorr') plot12f = w.var('x').frame() plot12f.SetTitle('') plot12f.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Raw x') plot12f.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Corrected x') qq12.plotOn(plot12f) func12.plotOn(plot12f, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed), roo.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed)) graph = qqfile.Get('qqcorr_graph')'qq12f').SetGrid() plot12f.Draw() graph.Draw('p') canvases.update() #qqfile.Close() #______________________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == '__main__': import user
def main(): ''' Main entry point of execution. ''' ## C r e a t e d a t a s e t w i t h X a n d Y v a l u e s ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make weighted XY dataset with asymmetric errors stored ## The StoreError() argument is essential as it makes ## the dataset store the error in addition to the values ## of the observables. If errors on one or more observables ## are asymmetric, one can store the asymmetric error ## using the StoreAsymError() argument x = ROOT.RooRealVar('x', 'x', -11, 11) y = ROOT.RooRealVar('y', 'y', -10, 200) dxy = ROOT.RooDataSet('dxy', 'dxy', ROOT.RooArgSet(x, y), roo.StoreError(ROOT.RooArgSet(x, y))) ## Fill an example dataset with X,err(X),Y,err(Y) values for i in range(11): ## Set X value and error x.setVal(-10 + 2 * i) if i < 5: x.setError(0.5 / 1.) else: x.setError(1.0 / 1.) ## Set Y value and error y.setVal(x.getVal() * x.getVal() + 4 * math.fabs(ROOT.gRandom.Gaus())) y.setError(math.sqrt(y.getVal())) dxy.add(ROOT.RooArgSet(x, y)) ## End of loop over dxy entries ## P e r f o r m c h i 2 f i t t o X + / - d x a n d Y + / - d Y v a l u e s ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make fit function a = ROOT.RooRealVar('a', 'a', 0.0, -10, 10) b = ROOT.RooRealVar('b', 'b', 0, -100, 100) f = ROOT.RooPolyVar('f', 'f', x, ROOT.RooArgList(b, a, roo.RooConst(1))) ## Plot dataset in X-Y interpretation frame = x.frame( roo.Title('#chi^{2} fit of function set of ' '(X#pmdX,Y#pmdY) values')) dxy.plotOnXY(frame, roo.YVar(y)) ## Fit chi^2 using X and Y errors f.chi2FitTo(dxy, roo.YVar(y)) ## Overlay fitted function f.plotOn(frame) ## Alternative: fit chi^2 integrating f(x) over ranges defined by X errors, ## rather than taking point at center of bin f.chi2FitTo(dxy, roo.YVar(y), roo.Integrate(True)) ## Overlay alternate fit result f.plotOn(frame, roo.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed), roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) ## Draw the plot on a canvas canvases.wwidth = 600 canvases.wheight = 600'rf609_xychi2fit') ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.1) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) frame.Draw() canvases.update()
def make_tplot(self): ''' Create the plot of the transform ''' self.tplot = self.xvar.frame() self.xcdf.plotOn(self.tplot, roo.LineColor(self.color))
def test(): ''' Tests the RooRhoKeysPdf class. ''' import FWLite.Tools.canvases as canvases import FWLite.Tools.cmsstyle as cmsstyle ROOT.RooRandom.randomGenerator().SetSeed(2) global gnlls, hrhoval, hrhoerr hrhoval = ROOT.TH1F('hrhoval', 'hrhoval', 100, 0, 5) hrhoerr = ROOT.TH1F('hrhoerr', 'hrhoerr', 100, 0, 1) gnlls = [] for itoy in range(1): global w w = ROOT.RooWorkspace('w', 'w') # model = w.factory('Gaussian::model(x[-50, 50], mean[0], sigma[1])') model = w.factory('BreitWigner::model(x[-5, 5], mean[0], sigma[1])') x = w.var('x') oset = ROOT.RooArgSet(x) data = model.generate(oset, 1000) w.Import(data) # rho = w.factory('rho[1, 0, 100]') # testpdf = RooRhoKeysPdf('testpdf', 'testpdf', x, rho, data) # w.Import(testpdf) testpdf = w.factory('RooRhoKeysPdf::testpdf(x, rho[1, 0, 100], modelData)') rho = w.var('rho') plot = x.frame() data.plotOn(plot) model.plotOn(plot) testpdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) rho.setVal(2) testpdf.LoadDataSet(data) testpdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kGreen)) rho.setVal(3) testpdf.LoadDataSet(data) testpdf.plotOn(plot, roo.LineColor(ROOT.kBlack))'RooRhoKeysPdf_Test%d' % itoy) plot.Draw() canvases.update() resampler = Resampler(data) data0 = resampler.prescale(2, [0], 'data0') data1 = resampler.prescale(2, [1], 'data1') w.Import(data0) w.Import(data1) testpdf0 = w.factory('RooRhoKeysPdf::testpdf0(x, rho, data0)') testpdf1 = w.factory('RooRhoKeysPdf::testpdf1(x, rho, data1)') gnll = ROOT.TGraph() for rhoval in [0.5 + 0.05 * i for i in range(50)]: rho.setVal(rhoval) testpdf0.LoadDataSet(data0) testpdf1.LoadDataSet(data1) nll = 0 nll += testpdf0.createNLL(data1).getVal() nll += testpdf1.createNLL(data0).getVal() # print rhoval, nll gnll.SetPoint(gnll.GetN(), rhoval, nll) locmin = ROOT.TMath.LocMin(gnll.GetN(), gnll.GetY()) xmin = gnll.GetX()[max(locmin-5, 0)] xmax = gnll.GetX()[min(locmin+5, gnll.GetN()-1)] fres = gnll.Fit('pol2', 's', '', xmin, xmax) p1 = fres.Get().GetParams()[1] p2 = fres.Get().GetParams()[2] rhoval = - 0.5 * p1 / p2 rhoerr = 1/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(2 * p2) hrhoval.Fill(rhoval) hrhoerr.Fill(rhoerr)'gnll%d' % itoy) gnll.Draw('ap') gnll.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#rho') gnll.GetYaxis().SetTitle('- log L') gnlls.append(gnll)'rhoerr') hrhoerr.Draw()'rhoval') hrhoval.Draw() canvases.update() from FWLite.Tools.modalinterval import ModalInterval global mi mi = ModalInterval('data0')) print mi.halfSampleMode()
def color_args(color): ''' Returns the two RooFit commands to set marker and line color to the givne one. ''' return roo.MarkerColor(color), roo.LineColor(color)