コード例 #1
 def _analyze_company_source(self, company_id, source_type, from_date, to_date, write_to_filename):
     # Get documents.
     documents = getattr(self.dbmodel, 'get_'+source_type)(company_id, from_date, to_date)
     # Create a final list.
     docs_list = []
     for doc in documents:
         #print doc['id'],
         # Process text.
         if source_type == 'articles':
             text = TextProcessing.process_article_text(doc['text'])
             text = TextProcessing.process_facebook_text(doc['text'])
         # Skip empty documents.
         if len(text) == 0:
         # Get sentiment values of the text.
         if source_type == 'articles':
             sentiment_number = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment('custom_dict_orig', text, True)
             sentiment_number = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment('custom_dict_orig', text, False)
         sentiment_polarity = self.s_analyzer.format_sentiment_value(sentiment_number)
         # Save data.
         doc_date = self._get_doc_date(source_type, doc)
         docs_list.append([company_id, doc_date, sentiment_number, sentiment_polarity])
     # Write to file.
     self.text_writer.write_file(docs_list, write_to_filename, 'csv', ',', 'a')
コード例 #2
 def _analyze_documents_by_source(self, company_id, source_type, from_date, to_date, write_to_filename=False):
     # Get documents
     documents = getattr(self.dbmodel, 'get_'+source_type)(company_id, from_date, to_date)
     # Create a final list
     docs_list = []
     for doc in documents:
         # Process text
         if source_type == 'articles':
             text = TextProcessing.process_article_text(doc['text'])
             text = TextProcessing.process_facebook_text(doc['text'])
         # Skip empty documents
         if len(text) == 0:
         # Get sentiment values of the text
         sent_sum, sent_division = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment_values('vader', text)
         # Add this to list
         docs_list.append([sent_sum, sent_division, text])
     # Prepare header
     header = ['sentiment_sum', 'sentiment_division', 'text']
     docs_list.insert(0, header)
     file_name = '%d_%s' % (company_id, source_type)
     self.text_writer.write_file(docs_list, file_name, 'csv', '\t', 'w')
コード例 #3
 def _process_tweets(self, company_id, examined_date, used_dict_name='vader'):
     # Select all Yahoo Finance articles.
     tweets = self.dbmodel.get_daily_tweets(company_id, examined_date)
     counter = {'pos': 0, 'neu': 0, 'neg': 0}
     # Calculate sentiment for all articles.
     for tw in tweets:
         #print("Tweet: %s") % tw['tw_id'],
         tw_text = TextProcessing.process_facebook_text(tw['text'])
         if len(tw_text) == 0:
             continue    # skip empty tweets
         sent_value = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment(used_dict_name, tw_text, False)
         polarity = self.s_analyzer.format_sentiment_value(sent_value)
         counter[polarity] += 1
         #print("| %s ... %s") % (str(round(sent_value, 4)), polarity)
     # result
     return counter
コード例 #4
 def _process_yahoo(self, company_id, examined_date, used_dict_name='vader'):
     # Select all Yahoo Finance articles.
     articles = self.dbmodel.get_daily_articles(company_id, examined_date)
     counter = {'pos': 0, 'neu': 0, 'neg': 0}
     # Calculate sentiment for all articles
     for art in articles:
         #print("Yahoo article: %s") % art['id'],
         art_text = TextProcessing.process_article_text(art['text'])
         if len(art_text) == 0:
             continue    # skip empty articles
         sent_value = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment(used_dict_name, art_text, True)
         polarity = self.s_analyzer.format_sentiment_value(sent_value)
         counter[polarity] += 1
         #print("| %s ... %s") % (str(round(sent_value, 4)), polarity)
     # result
     return counter
コード例 #5
 def _process_fb_comments(self, company_id, examined_date, used_dict_name='vader'):
     # Select all FB comments.
     comments = self.dbmodel.get_daily_fb_comments(company_id, examined_date)
     counter = {'pos': 0, 'neu': 0, 'neg': 0}
     # Calculate sentiment for all posts
     for com in comments:
         #print("FB comment: %s") % com['id'],
         com_text = TextProcessing.process_facebook_text(com['text'])
         if len(com_text) == 0:
             continue    # skip empty comments
         sent_value = self.s_analyzer.calculate_vader_sentiment(used_dict_name, com_text, False)
         polarity = self.s_analyzer.format_sentiment_value(sent_value)
         counter[polarity] += 1
         #print("| %s ... %s") % (str(round(sent_value, 4)), polarity)
     # result
     return counter