コード例 #1
class RecognitionSubscriber(object):
    Class that subscribes on compute_faces_and_position
    receives images and computes the face id and target location from this
    and publishes this on the people_simple topic
    def __init__(self):
        This class does not take any arguments
        self.fr = FaceRecognizer()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.__odom_callback)

        # Subscribe on the received images
        rospy.Subscriber('/custom/compute_faces_and_positions', Image,

        # Pubish the computed information
        self.recognition_pub = rospy.Publisher('/custom/people_simple',

        self.position_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/custom/people_positions',

        # Contineously keep track of the current odometry to calculate target location
        # in correspondance to odom
        self.odom = Odometry()

        # Keep lists of the recognized ids, locations and times
        # lists are easy to remove a target id from all lists after a
        # while and to check if id is present, ...
        self.recognized_ids = []
        self.recognized_locs = []
        self.recognized_times = []

    def publish_position(self, x, y, frame_id):
        Publish the position of a detected face on the map 
        arguments: x, y, frame_id (reference)  
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = frame_id
        pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        pose.pose.position.x = x
        pose.pose.position.y = y

    def __request_callback(self, msg):
        Callback if image is received, faces are detected and 
        added to the global array of people
        A message is sent with the ids, locations and face widths 
        in a multiarray.
        cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, 'rgb8')
            cv2.imwrite('rec_img.png', cv_image)
        ret = self.fr.recognize_people(cv_image)
        simple_msg = Float32MultiArray()
        if ret:
            print('new face detected')
            locs, ids = ret
            for i, loc in zip(ids, locs):
                if i in self.recognized_ids:
                    index = self.recognized_ids.index(i)
                    self.recognized_locs[index] = loc
                    self.recognized_times[index] = datetime.datetime.now()
            print('No faces detected')

        # Publish the computed info on the simple_people topic
        # as a multiarray. The structure is defined as [id, xpos, ypos, width]
        # in a repeated fashion for multiple faces.
        # The width might be used as a metric for how far the face is away
        dim = MultiArrayDimension()
        dim.label = 'id_and_pos'
        dim.size = 3
        dim.stride = 0
        dim2 = MultiArrayDimension()
        dim2.label = 'length_faces'
        dim2.size = len(self.recognized_ids)
        dim2.stride = 0
        simple_msg.layout.dim = [dim, dim2]
        simple_msg.layout.data_offset = 0
        data = []
        # Add the recognized faces around the table to the message
        for i, loc in zip(self.recognized_ids, self.recognized_locs):
            width = self.__get_width(loc)
            x, y, valid = self.__calculate_people_positions(width)
            data = np.concatenate((data, [i, x, y, width]), axis=0)
        simple_msg.data = data
        # Publish the message

        # Check if person is seen in the last TIME_BEFORE_FORGOTTEN seconds and otherwise remove
        for index, time in enumerate(self.recognized_times):
            if abs((time - datetime.datetime.now()
                    ).total_seconds()) > TIME_BEFORE_FORGOTTEN:
                del self.recognized_ids[index]
                del self.recognized_locs[index]
                del self.recognized_times[index]

    def __odom_callback(self, msg):
        Keep the odometry up to date
        self.odom = msg

    def __get_width(self, location):
        Helper function to calculate the width of a face
        return abs(location[3] - location[1])

    def __get_height(self, location):
        Helper function to calculate the height of a face
        return abs(location[0] - location[2])

    def __get_center(self, location):
        Helper function to calculate the center of a face
        def get_top_left(location):
            return location[3], location[0]

        def get_bottom_right(location):
            return location[1], location[2]

        # Calculate the x, y position of the found person
        x_l, y_l = get_top_left(location)
        x_r, y_r = get_bottom_right(location)
        point = Point()
        point.x = (x_l + x_r) / 2.0
        point.y = (y_l + y_r) / 2.0
        point.z = 0
        return point

    def __calculate_people_positions(self, width):
        Calculate the peoples position based on the current odometry
        Assume that the face is straight ahead and the distance is 
        dependent on the face width 
        _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
        target_pose = copy.deepcopy(self.odom)
        #fac = 1.0/width
        offset = 0.10
        fac = max(-1.36 * np.log10(width) + 3.63, 0)
        #fac = 0.3
        x = target_pose.pose.pose.position.x + fac - offset  #np.cos(yaw)  * fac * width
        y = target_pose.pose.pose.position.y  #- np.sin(yaw)  * fac * width

        #self.publish_position(x, y, 'base_link')

        listener = tf.TransformListener()
        listener.waitForTransform("/base_link", "/odom", rospy.Time(0),
        laser_point = PointStamped()
        laser_point.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        laser_point.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        laser_point.point.x = x
        laser_point.point.y = y
        laser_point.point.z = 0.0
        p = listener.transformPoint("odom", laser_point)
        x = p.point.x
        y = p.point.y
        valid = fac < 1.6

        #new_vec = transform(np.asarray([x,y,0]), 'base_link', 'odom')
        #x = new_vec[0]
        #y = new_vec[1]

        self.publish_position(x, y, 'odom')

        return x, y, valid
コード例 #2
class RecognitionServer(object):
    In class so that the same face recognizer class is used
    for all images (Ids and face embeddings are stored there)
    # -- 
    When receiving a request, it publishes a simple solution on '/custom/people_simple' 
    def __init__(self):
        self.fr = FaceRecognizer()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Pose, self.__odom_callback)
        self.odom = Pose()

        self.recognition_pub = rospy.Publisher('/custom/people_simple',

    def __odom_callback(self, msg):
        self.odom = msg

    def __get_center(self, location):
        def get_top_left(location):
            return location[3], location[0]

        def get_bottom_right(location):
            return location[1], location[2]

        # Calculate the x, y position of the found person
        x_l, y_l = get_top_left(location)
        x_r, y_r = get_bottom_right(location)

        point = Point()
        point.x = (x_l + x_r) / 2.0
        point.y = (y_l + y_r) / 2.0
        point.z = 0
        return point

    def __calculate_people_positions(self):
        _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
        target_pose = copy.deepcopy(self.odom)
        target_pose.position.x += np.sin(yaw)
        target_pose.position.x += np.cos(yaw)
        return target_pose.x, target_pose.y

    def handle_service_request(self, request):
        cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(request.img, 'bgr8')
        ret = self.fr.recognize_people(cv_image)
        if ret:
            locs, ids = ret
            # Publish simple info on the simple_people topic
            simple_msg = Float32MultiArray()
            dim = MultiArrayDimension()
            dim.label = 'id_and_pos'
            dim.size = 3
            dim.stride = 0
            dim2 = MultiArrayDimension()
            dim2.label = 'length_faces'
            dim2.size = len(ids)
            dim2.stride = 0
            simple_msg.layout.dim.label = [dim, dim2]
            simple_msg.data_offset = 0
            data = []
            for i in ids:
                x, y = self.__calculate_people_positions()
                np.concatenate(data, [i, x, y])
            simple_msg.data = data

            print(len(data), 3 * len(ids))

            # publish the simple message

            # Handle service request
            message = DetectFaceResponse()
            message.ids = ids
            message.positions = [self.__get_center(loc) for loc in locs]
            return message
            return DetectFaceResponse()