コード例 #1
ファイル: ModelAgent.py プロジェクト: lono175/Mario
    def agent_end(self, reward):
        modelReward = reward
        if reward == -10.0:
            reward = DeathPenalty
            modelReward = InPitPenalty

        lastActionId = self.lastAction
        #rewardFea = getTrainFeature(self.lastState, [round(modelReward, 0)], lastActionId) #don't learn the pseudo reward

        #if not self.AgentType() == SarsaAgent:

        #if self.isModelReady():
            #preReward, = self.RewardLearner.getClass(rewardFea)
            #print "pre reward: ", reward

        rewardFea = getRewardFeature(self.lastState, self.lastLastAction)
        print "before pre reward: ", self.rewardAgent.getQ(rewardFea, self.lastAction)
        self.rewardAgent.end(round(modelReward, 0))
        print "pre reward: ", self.rewardAgent.getQ(rewardFea, self.lastAction)

        print "end: ", reward, " step: ", self.stepNum, " dist:", self.lastState.mario.x
        self.totalStep = self.totalStep + self.stepNum

        #if self.DynamicLearner.empty() or self.RewardLearner.empty():

        if reward < 10: #only the reward on the finish line counts
            reward = 0
        self.distList[len(self.distList)-1] = (self.totalStep, self.lastState.mario.x, self.episodeNum, reward)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Sim.py プロジェクト: lono175/Mario
def ExpandPath(path, state, dynaLearner, rewardLearner):
    for actionId in path:
        nextState = SimState()
        if state.path != []:
            prevAction = state.path[len(state.path) - 1]
            prevAction = -1  # TODO: make it NoTask
        for i, world in enumerate(state.worldList):
            fea = getTestFeature(world, actionId)

            rewardFea = getRewardFeature(world, prevAction)
            # WARNING!! Don't change the order
            # reward, = rewardLearner.getClass(fea)
            reward = rewardLearner.getQ(rewardFea, actionId)

            distList = dynaLearner[actionId].getClass(fea, orange.GetProbabilities)  # TODO: add randomness here
            ax, ay, dx, dy = [GetSample(dist) for dist in distList]
            # ax, ay, dx, dy = [round(value, Precision) for value in sampleValue]
            # ll = [log(pair[1]) for pair in sampleValue] #loglikelihood

            m = world.mario
            sx = ax + m.sx
            sy = ay + m.sy

            newMario = copy.deepcopy(m)
            newMario.x = m.x + m.sx + dx
            newMario.y = m.y + m.sy + dy
            newMario.sx = sx
            newMario.sy = sy

            newWorld = copy.copy(world)  # with static assumption, everything other than mario stays the same
            newWorld.mario = newMario

            dir, isJump, isSpeed = getActionType(actionId)
            if (not (newWorld.mario.sy >= 0 and isJump)) and not (
                sx == 0.0 and sy == 0.0 and dx == 0.0 and dy == 0.0
            ):  # Jump does not increase y-speed, do not need to search anymore
                nextState.rewardList.append(state.rewardList[i] + reward)
                # nextState.probList.append(state.probList[i] + sum(ll))

        nextState.path = state.path + [actionId]
        state = nextState
    return state
コード例 #3
ファイル: ModelAgent.py プロジェクト: lono175/Mario
 def agent_start(self, obs):
     state = WorldState(obs)
     self.lastState = state
     fea = getSarsaFeature(state, NoTask)
     if self.isModelReady():
         self.agent.epsilon = self.HORDQ_episilon
         possibleAction = self.agent.getPossibleAction(fea)
         action = self.planning(state, possibleAction)
         action = self.agent.start(fea, action)
         if self.AgentType() == AgentType.SarsaAgent:
             self.agent.epsilon = self.HORDQ_episilon
             self.agent.epsilon = 0.05 #encourage exploration
         action = self.agent.start(fea, NoTask)
     rewardFea = getRewardFeature(state, NoTask)
     self.rewardAgent.start(rewardFea, action)
     self.stepNum = 0
     self.lastAction = action
     self.distList.append(()) #put a dummy one
     self.episodeNum = self.episodeNum + 1
     return makeAction(action)
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModelAgent.py プロジェクト: lono175/Mario
    def agent_step(self, reward, obs):
        #if reward < -0.01 + epsilon and reward > -0.01 - epsilon:
            #reward = -1

        state = WorldState(obs)

        fea = getSarsaFeature(state, self.lastAction)
        lastMario = self.lastState.mario
        mario = state.mario #for internal reward system
        dx = mario.x - lastMario.x

        reward = reward + dx
        modelReward = 0
        if isMarioInPit(state):
            print "in pit !!!!!!!"
            #reward = reward + InPitPenalty #no pit penalty for HORDQ
            modelReward = InPitPenalty
        if not self.isModelReady():
            #fea = getSarsaFeature(obs)
            action = self.agent.step(reward, fea, NoTask)
            #episilon greey policy
            if random.random() < self.epsilon:
                #select randomly
                action = self.actionList[int(random.random()*len(self.actionList))]
                print "random!!"
                possibleAction = self.agent.getPossibleAction(fea)
                #if fea[0] == (): #if not monster around, pass control to the planner
                    #possibleAction = self.actionList
                action = self.planning(state, possibleAction)

            print "planning", action
            self.agent.pseudoReward = 10000
            action = self.agent.step(reward, fea, action)
            self.agent.pseudoReward = self.initPseudoReward
        print "step loc:",  self.stepNum, " ", mario.x , " ", mario.y, " ", mario.sx, " ", mario.sy
        #state.path = []
        #state.reward = 0

        #nextState, isValid =  ExpandPath([0], state, self.DynamicLearner, self.RewardLearner)

        #print "pred loc:", nextState.mario.x , " ", nextState.mario.y, " ", nextState.mario.sx, " ", nextState.mario.sy
        #print "backoff reward: ", nextState.reward

        #nextState, isValid =  ExpandPath([action], state, self.DynamicLearner, self.RewardLearner)
        #print "pred loc:", nextState.mario.x , " ", nextState.mario.y, " ", nextState.mario.sx, " ", nextState.mario.sy
        #print "pred rewar:", action, " ", nextState.reward

        lastActionId = self.lastAction

        deltaX = mario.x - (lastMario.x + lastMario.sx)
        deltaY = mario.y - (lastMario.y + lastMario.sy)
        aX = mario.sx - lastMario.sx 
        aY = mario.sy - lastMario.sy 
        classVar = [round(aX, Precision), round(aY, Precision), round(deltaX, Precision), round(deltaY, Precision)]
        rewardClassVar = [round(modelReward, 0)]
        modelFea = getModelFeature(self.lastState, classVar)
        #rewardFea = getTrainFeature(self.lastState, rewardClassVar, lastActionId) #don't learn the pseudo reward

        if self.isModelReady(): #TODO: too dirty

            #predictModelClass = self.DynamicLearner[lastActionId].getClass(modelFea)
            #predictModelClass = [round(v, 1) for v in predictModelClass]
            #print "feature: ", lastActionId, " ", modelFea
            #print "predict: ", predictModelClass
            predictModelClass = self.DynamicLearner[lastActionId].getClass(modelFea)
            predictModelClass = [round(v, 1) for v in predictModelClass]
            roundClassVar = [round(v, 1) for v in classVar]
            print "feature: ", lastActionId, " ", modelFea
            print "predict: ", predictModelClass
            if not roundClassVar == predictModelClass:
                print "pass model-------------"
            if not self.AgentType() == AgentType.SarsaAgent:

        rewardFea = getRewardFeature(state, self.lastAction)
        print "before pre reward: ", self.rewardAgent.getQ(rewardFea, action)
        self.rewardAgent.step(rewardFea, modelReward, action)
        print "pre reward: ", self.rewardAgent.getQ(rewardFea, action)
        print "reward: ", modelReward
        #if self.isModelReady():
            #predictRewardClass = self.RewardLearner.getClass(rewardFea)
            #predictRewardClass = [round(v, 0) for v in predictRewardClass]
            #print "reward: ", modelReward
            #print "pre reward: ", predictRewardClass
            #if not rewardClassVar == predictRewardClass:
                #print "pass reward-------------"
            #if not self.AgentType() == SarsaAgent:

        self.lastState = state
        self.lastLastAction = self.lastAction
        self.lastAction = action

        self.stepNum = self.stepNum + 1

        self.distList[len(self.distList)-1] = (self.totalStep + self.stepNum, self.lastState.mario.x, self.episodeNum, 0)

        return makeAction(action)