コード例 #1
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: betable/s3cmd
    def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive = True):
        ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have
        ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path.
        ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else
        ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part
        ## in the relative path.
        ## Complicated, eh? See an example:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield:
        ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield:
        ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields:
        ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }

        info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri)

        s3 = S3(Config())
        response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(), prefix = remote_uri.object(), recursive = recursive)

        rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object()
        remote_uri_original = remote_uri
        if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/':
            rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/')+1]
            remote_uri = S3Uri("s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base))
        rem_base_len = len(rem_base)
        rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
        break_now = False
        for object in response['list']:
            if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != "/":
                ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-)
                key = os.path.basename(object['Key'])
                object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri()
                break_now = True
                rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)   ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list
                key = object['Key'][rem_base_len:]      ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !!
                object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key
            rem_list[key] = {
                'size' : int(object['Size']),
                'timestamp' : dateS3toUnix(object['LastModified']), ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-(
                'md5' : object['ETag'][1:-1],
                'object_key' : object['Key'],
                'object_uri_str' : object_uri_str,
                'base_uri' : remote_uri,
                'dev' : None,
                'inode' : None,
            if rem_list[key]['md5'].find("-") != -1: # always get it for multipart uploads
                _get_remote_attribs(S3Uri(object_uri_str), rem_list[key])
            md5 = rem_list[key]['md5']
            rem_list.record_md5(key, md5)
            if break_now:
        return rem_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: wizsec/s3cmd
def filter_exclude_include(src_list):
    info(u"Applying --exclude/--include")
    cfg = Config()
    exclude_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
    for file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % file)
        excluded = False
        for r in cfg.exclude:
            if r.search(file):
                excluded = True
                debug(u"EXCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_exclude[r]))
        if excluded:
            ## No need to check for --include if not excluded
            for r in cfg.include:
                if r.search(file):
                    excluded = False
                    debug(u"INCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_include[r]))
        if excluded:
            ## Still excluded - ok, action it
            debug(u"EXCLUDE: %s" % file)
            exclude_list[file] = src_list[file]
            debug(u"PASS: %r" % (file))
    return src_list, exclude_list
コード例 #3
ファイル: tsub.py プロジェクト: twolfe18/twpt
	def __init__(self, homeDir, name, f_hasFailed, interactive=False, newjob=True, quiet=False):
			homeDir is where experiments are stored
			name is the name of this experiment
				if there is another job with the same name, they are assumed
				to be the same. delete old jobs that you do not want to be confused with
			f_hasFailed is a function that takes a log file and returns a boolean for
				whether or not the job has failed
			if in interactive mode, will prompt user for input
				this should not be used for scripts, which would hang forever in these cases
		self.name = name
		self.home = os.path.join(homeDir, name)
		self.logDir = os.path.join(self.home, 'log')
		self.f_hasFailed = f_hasFailed

		if os.path.isfile(self.home):
			raise Exception('you the home directory you gave must not have any files or folders that match the name you gave')

		if newjob:
			print 'creating new job:', self.home
			if os.path.isdir(self.home):
				if interactive:
					print "the directory %s already exists" % (self.home)
					r = raw_input('would you like me to delete it for you? [y|n] ')
					if str2bool(r):
						os.system('rm -r ' + self.home)
						os.system('mkdir ' + self.home)
						raise Exception('cannot proceed')
					raise Exception('please give a unique name or delete old jobs: ' + self.home)
			elif 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.home):
				raise Exception('cannot make home directory!')

			if not os.path.isdir(self.logDir) and 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.logDir):
				raise Exception('cannot make log directory!')
			assert os.path.isdir(self.home)
			assert os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
			if not quiet: print 'loading existing job:', self.home

		self.javaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'java.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# start with "-D"
		self.metaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'meta.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# xmx, jar, profile, etc
		self.qsubOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'qsub.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# mem_free, h_rt

		self.prepared = False
コード例 #4
ファイル: RunInterface.py プロジェクト: liangjj/scSuperSolver
    def makeRun(self, baseConfig, runData):
        """Make a new run of config files from the base config and runData.

        runData is a list of tuples which contain a label and a dict.
        Labels are used to name generated configs and their specified output 
        files.  The dicts are key-value pairs for data to modify in the
        base config.  Return a list of the names of config files generated.

        configNames = []
        baseConfigFullPath = os.path.join(self.path, baseConfig)
        for label, labelData in runData:
            newConfig = FileDict(baseConfigFullPath)
            newConfigFullPath = os.path.join(self.path, label + "_config")
            labelData.update({"outputLogName" : label + "_out.fd",
                              "errorLogName" : label + "_error",
                              "debugLogName" : label + "_debug"})
            for key, value in labelData.items():
                newConfig.setGlobal(str(key), str(value))
        return configNames
コード例 #5
    def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive = True):
        ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have
        ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path.
        ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else
        ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part
        ## in the relative path.
        ## Complicated, eh? See an example:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield:
        ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield:
        ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields:
        ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }

        info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri)

        s3 = S3(Config())
        response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(), prefix = remote_uri.object(), recursive = recursive)

        rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object()
        remote_uri_original = remote_uri
        if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/':
            rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/')+1]
            remote_uri = S3Uri("s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base))
        rem_base_len = len(rem_base)
        rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
        break_now = False
        for object in response['list']:
            if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != "/":
                ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-)
                key = os.path.basename(object['Key'])
                object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri()
                break_now = True
                rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)   ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list
                key = object['Key'][rem_base_len:]      ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !!
                object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key
            rem_list[key] = {
                'size' : int(object['Size']),
                'timestamp' : dateS3toUnix(object['LastModified']), ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-(
                'md5' : object['ETag'][1:-1],
                'object_key' : object['Key'],
                'object_uri_str' : object_uri_str,
                'base_uri' : remote_uri,
                'dev' : None,
                'inode' : None,
            if rem_list[key]['md5'].find("-"): # always get it for multipart uploads
                _get_remote_attribs(S3Uri(object_uri_str), rem_list[key])
            md5 = rem_list[key]['md5']
            rem_list.record_md5(key, md5)
            if break_now:
        return rem_list
コード例 #6
    def makeRun(self, baseConfig, runData):
        """Make a new run of config files from the base config and runData.

        runData is a list of tuples which contain a label and a dict.
        Labels are used to name generated configs and their specified output 
        files.  The dicts are key-value pairs for data to modify in the
        base config.  Return a list of the names of config files generated.

        configNames = []
        baseConfigFullPath = os.path.join(self.path, baseConfig)
        for label, labelData in runData:
            newConfig = FileDict(baseConfigFullPath)
            newConfigFullPath = os.path.join(self.path, label + "_config")
                "outputLogName": label + "_out.fd",
                "errorLogName": label + "_error",
                "debugLogName": label + "_debug"
            for key, value in labelData.items():
                newConfig.setGlobal(str(key), str(value))
        return configNames
コード例 #7
def compare_filelists(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote):
    def __direction_str(is_remote):
        return is_remote and "remote" or "local"

    def _compare(src_list, dst_lst, src_remote, dst_remote, file):
        """Return True if src_list[file] matches dst_list[file], else False"""
        attribs_match = True
        if not (src_list.has_key(file) and dst_list.has_key(file)):
                u"%s: does not exist in one side or the other: src_list=%s, dst_list=%s"
                % (file, src_list.has_key(file), dst_list.has_key(file)))
            return False

        ## check size first
        if 'size' in cfg.sync_checks:
            if 'size' in dst_list[file] and 'size' in src_list[file]:
                if dst_list[file]['size'] != src_list[file]['size']:
                        u"xfer: %s (size mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" %
                        (file, src_list[file]['size'], dst_list[file]['size']))
                    attribs_match = False

        ## check md5
        compare_md5 = 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks
        # Multipart-uploaded files don't have a valid md5 sum - it ends with "...-nn"
        if compare_md5:
            if (src_remote == True and '-' in src_list[file]['md5']) or (
                    dst_remote == True and '-' in dst_list[file]['md5']):
                compare_md5 = False
                info(u"disabled md5 check for %s" % file)
        if attribs_match and compare_md5:
                src_md5 = src_list.get_md5(file)
                dst_md5 = dst_list.get_md5(file)
            except (IOError, OSError):
                # md5 sum verification failed - ignore that file altogether
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (file))

            if src_md5 != dst_md5:
                ## checksums are different.
                attribs_match = False
                debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" %
                      (file, src_md5, dst_md5))

        return attribs_match

    # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-)
    assert (not (src_remote == False and dst_remote == False))

    info(u"Verifying attributes...")
    cfg = Config()
    ## Items left on src_list will be transferred
    ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list
    ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2
    update_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)
    ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted
    copy_pairs = []

    debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" %
          (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote)))

    for relative_file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file))

        if dst_list.has_key(relative_file):
            ## Was --skip-existing requested?
            if cfg.skip_existing:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

                same_file = _compare(src_list, dst_list, src_remote,
                                     dst_remote, relative_file)
            except (IOError, OSError):
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (relative_file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

            if same_file:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (transfer not needed)" % relative_file)
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                del (dst_list[relative_file])

                # look for matching file in src
                    md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
                except IOError:
                    md5 = None
                if md5 is not None and dst_list.by_md5.has_key(md5):
                    # Found one, we want to copy
                    dst1 = list(dst_list.by_md5[md5])[0]
                    debug(u"DST COPY src: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                        (src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                    del (src_list[relative_file])
                    del (dst_list[relative_file])
                    # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                    # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                    dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)
                    update_list[relative_file] = src_list[relative_file]
                    del src_list[relative_file]
                    del dst_list[relative_file]

            # dst doesn't have this file
            # look for matching file elsewhere in dst
                md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
            except IOError:
                md5 = None
            dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5)
            if dst1 is not None:
                # Found one, we want to copy
                debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                    (src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                del (src_list[relative_file])
                # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere.  Get it.
                # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)

    for f in dst_list.keys():
        if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f):
            # leave only those not on src_list + update_list
            del dst_list[f]

    return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs
コード例 #8
def fetch_remote_list(args,
    def _get_remote_attribs(uri, remote_item):
        response = S3(cfg).object_info(uri)
        if not response.get('headers'):

            md5 = response['s3cmd-attrs']['md5']
            remote_item.update({'md5': md5})
            debug(u"retreived md5=%s from headers" % md5)
        except KeyError:

    def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive=True):
        ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have
        ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path.
        ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else
        ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part
        ## in the relative path.
        ## Complicated, eh? See an example:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield:
        ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield:
        ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields:
        ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }

        info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri)
        empty_fname_re = re.compile(r'\A\s*\Z')

        total_size = 0

        s3 = S3(Config())
        response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(),

        rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object()
        remote_uri_original = remote_uri
        if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/':
            rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/') + 1]
            remote_uri = S3Uri(u"s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base))
        rem_base_len = len(rem_base)
        rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)
        break_now = False
        for object in response['list']:
            if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != "/":
                ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-)
                key = unicodise(os.path.basename(deunicodise(object['Key'])))
                object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri()
                break_now = True
                rem_list = FileDict(
                )  ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list
                key = object['Key'][
                    rem_base_len:]  ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !!
                object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key
            if empty_fname_re.match(key):
                # Objects may exist on S3 with empty names (''), which don't map so well to common filesystems.
                warning(u"Empty object name on S3 found, ignoring.")
            rem_list[key] = {
                'size': int(object['Size']),
                'timestamp': dateS3toUnix(
                ),  ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-(
                'md5': object['ETag'].strip('"\''),
                'object_key': object['Key'],
                'object_uri_str': object_uri_str,
                'base_uri': remote_uri,
                'dev': None,
                'inode': None,
            if '-' in rem_list[key][
                    'md5']:  # always get it for multipart uploads
                _get_remote_attribs(S3Uri(object_uri_str), rem_list[key])
            md5 = rem_list[key]['md5']
            rem_list.record_md5(key, md5)
            total_size += int(object['Size'])
            if break_now:
        return rem_list, total_size

    cfg = Config()
    remote_uris = []
    remote_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple, set):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 's3':
            raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % arg)

    total_size = 0

    if recursive:
        for uri in remote_uris:
            objectlist, tmp_total_size = _get_filelist_remote(uri,
            total_size += tmp_total_size
            for key in objectlist:
                remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                remote_list.record_md5(key, objectlist.get_md5(key))
        for uri in remote_uris:
            uri_str = uri.uri()
            ## Wildcards used in remote URI?
            ## If yes we'll need a bucket listing...
            wildcard_split_result = re.split("\*|\?", uri_str, maxsplit=1)
            if len(wildcard_split_result) == 2:  # wildcards found
                prefix, rest = wildcard_split_result
                ## Only request recursive listing if the 'rest' of the URI,
                ## i.e. the part after first wildcard, contains '/'
                need_recursion = '/' in rest
                objectlist, tmp_total_size = _get_filelist_remote(
                    S3Uri(prefix), recursive=need_recursion)
                total_size += tmp_total_size
                for key in objectlist:
                    ## Check whether the 'key' matches the requested wildcards
                    if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(objectlist[key]['object_uri_str'],
                        remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                ## No wildcards - simply append the given URI to the list
                key = unicodise(os.path.basename(deunicodise(uri.object())))
                if not key:
                    raise ParameterError(
                        u"Expecting S3 URI with a filename or --recursive: %s"
                        % uri.uri())
                remote_item = {
                    'base_uri': uri,
                    'object_uri_str': uri.uri(),
                    'object_key': uri.object()
                if require_attribs:
                    _get_remote_attribs(uri, remote_item)

                remote_list[key] = remote_item
                md5 = remote_item.get('md5')
                if md5:
                    remote_list.record_md5(key, md5)
                total_size += remote_item.get('size', 0)

    remote_list, exclude_list = filter_exclude_include(remote_list)
    return remote_list, exclude_list, total_size
コード例 #9

    cfg = Config()

    cache = HashCache()
    if cfg.cache_file:
        except IOError:
            info(u"No cache file found, creating it.")

    local_uris = []
    local_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)
    single_file = False

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple, set):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 'file':
            raise ParameterError(
                "Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg)
        if uri.isdir() and not recursive:
            raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" %
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self,
			homeDir is where experiments are stored
			name is the name of this experiment
				if there is another job with the same name, they are assumed
				to be the same. delete old jobs that you do not want to be confused with
			f_hasFailed is a function that takes a log file and returns a boolean for
				whether or not the job has failed
			if in interactive mode, will prompt user for input
				this should not be used for scripts, which would hang forever in these cases
        self.name = name
        self.home = os.path.join(homeDir, name)
        self.logDir = os.path.join(self.home, 'log')
        self.f_hasFailed = f_hasFailed

        if os.path.isfile(self.home):
            raise Exception(
                'you the home directory you gave must not have any files or folders that match the name you gave'

        if newjob:
            print 'creating new job:', self.home
            if os.path.isdir(self.home):
                if interactive:
                    print "the directory %s already exists" % (self.home)
                    r = raw_input(
                        'would you like me to delete it for you? [y|n] ')
                    if str2bool(r):
                        os.system('rm -r ' + self.home)
                        os.system('mkdir ' + self.home)
                        raise Exception('cannot proceed')
                    raise Exception(
                        'please give a unique name or delete old jobs: ' +
            elif 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.home):
                raise Exception('cannot make home directory!')

            if not os.path.isdir(
                    self.logDir) and 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.logDir):
                raise Exception('cannot make log directory!')
            assert os.path.isdir(self.home)
            assert os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
            if not quiet: print 'loading existing job:', self.home

        self.javaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'java.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # start with "-D"
        self.metaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'meta.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # xmx, jar, profile, etc
        self.qsubOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'qsub.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # mem_free, h_rt

        self.prepared = False
コード例 #11
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: wizsec/s3cmd
def fetch_remote_list(args, require_attribs = False, recursive = None):
    def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive = True):
        ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have
        ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path.
        ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else
        ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part
        ## in the relative path.
        ## Complicated, eh? See an example:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield:
        ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield:
        ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields:
        ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }

        info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri)

        s3 = S3(Config())
        response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(), prefix = remote_uri.object(), recursive = recursive)

        rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object()
        remote_uri_original = remote_uri
        if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/':
            rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/')+1]
            remote_uri = S3Uri("s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base))
        rem_base_len = len(rem_base)
        rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
        break_now = False
        for object in response['list']:
            if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != "/":
                ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-)
                key = os.path.basename(object['Key'])
                object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri()
                break_now = True
                rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)   ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list
                key = object['Key'][rem_base_len:]      ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !!
                object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key
            rem_list[key] = {
                'size' : int(object['Size']),
                'timestamp' : dateS3toUnix(object['LastModified']), ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-(
                'md5' : object['ETag'][1:-1],
                'object_key' : object['Key'],
                'object_uri_str' : object_uri_str,
                'base_uri' : remote_uri,
                'dev' : None,
                'inode' : None,
            md5 = object['ETag'][1:-1]
            rem_list.record_md5(key, md5)
            if break_now:
        return rem_list

    cfg = Config()
    remote_uris = []
    remote_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 's3':
            raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % arg)

    if recursive:
        for uri in remote_uris:
            objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(uri)
            for key in objectlist:
                remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                remote_list.record_md5(key, objectlist.get_md5(key))
        for uri in remote_uris:
            uri_str = str(uri)
            ## Wildcards used in remote URI?
            ## If yes we'll need a bucket listing...
            if uri_str.find('*') > -1 or uri_str.find('?') > -1:
                first_wildcard = uri_str.find('*')
                first_questionmark = uri_str.find('?')
                if first_questionmark > -1 and first_questionmark < first_wildcard:
                    first_wildcard = first_questionmark
                prefix = uri_str[:first_wildcard]
                rest = uri_str[first_wildcard+1:]
                ## Only request recursive listing if the 'rest' of the URI,
                ## i.e. the part after first wildcard, contains '/'
                need_recursion = rest.find('/') > -1
                objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(S3Uri(prefix), recursive = need_recursion)
                for key in objectlist:
                    ## Check whether the 'key' matches the requested wildcards
                    if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(objectlist[key]['object_uri_str'], uri_str):
                        remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                ## No wildcards - simply append the given URI to the list
                key = os.path.basename(uri.object())
                if not key:
                    raise ParameterError(u"Expecting S3 URI with a filename or --recursive: %s" % uri.uri())
                remote_item = {
                    'base_uri': uri,
                    'object_uri_str': unicode(uri),
                    'object_key': uri.object()
                if require_attribs:
                    response = S3(cfg).object_info(uri)
                    'size': int(response['headers']['content-length']),
                    'md5': response['headers']['etag'].strip('"\''),
                    'timestamp' : dateRFC822toUnix(response['headers']['date'])
                    # get md5 from header if it's present.  We would have set that during upload
                    if response['headers'].has_key('x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs'):
                        attrs = parse_attrs_header(response['headers']['x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs'])
                        if attrs.has_key('md5'):
                            remote_item.update({'md5': attrs['md5']})

                remote_list[key] = remote_item
    return remote_list
コード例 #12

    # nodes with diff expr genes in this graph
    diff_expressed_nodes = G.nodes & diff_expressed

    # for each node (from diff expr) making a set of  other diff expt gene nodes reachable from it
    for node in diff_expressed_nodes:
        diff_expr_descendants = nx.descendants(G, node) & diff_expressed_nodes

    all_mega_ancestorz += optimal_greedy(G, diff_expressed)

freq = {k: len(v) for k, v in diff_ancestors.items()}
freq = sorted(freq.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

hsa_names = FileDict(file='data/hsa_names.tsv',

n_top_genes = 10
print('Top {} genes:'.format(n_top_genes))
hsa_names.preload(*[gene for gene, fr in freq[:n_top_genes]])
for gene, fr in freq[:n_top_genes]:
    print('{:>4} : {:>7} : {}'.format(fr, gene, hsa_names[gene]))

print('Top {} genes in optimal-greedy algorithm:'.format(n_top_genes))
for gene, fr in all_mega_ancestorz.most_common(n_top_genes):
    print('{:>4} : {:>7} : {}'.format(fr, gene, hsa_names[gene]))

print('Looking in the supergraph')
supergraph.graph['name'] = 'SuperGraph'
コード例 #13
ファイル: tsub.py プロジェクト: twolfe18/twpt
class Job:

	def fromDir(jobDir, interactive=False, quiet=False):
		if not os.path.isdir(jobDir):
			raise Exception('you must give a directory: ' + jobDir)
		home, name = os.path.split(jobDir)
		return Job(home, name, interactive, newjob=False, quiet=quiet)
	def jobsRunning():
		jobs = set()
		lines = subprocess.check_output('qstat').strip()
		if len(lines) == 0:
			return jobs
		ar = lines.split('\n')
		assert len(ar) >= 3	# first two lines are formatting
		for jstr in ar[2:]:
		return jobs

	def killEverything():
		for jid in Job.jobsRunning():
			os.system('qdel '+jid)

	def __init__(self, homeDir, name, f_hasFailed, interactive=False, newjob=True, quiet=False):
			homeDir is where experiments are stored
			name is the name of this experiment
				if there is another job with the same name, they are assumed
				to be the same. delete old jobs that you do not want to be confused with
			f_hasFailed is a function that takes a log file and returns a boolean for
				whether or not the job has failed
			if in interactive mode, will prompt user for input
				this should not be used for scripts, which would hang forever in these cases
		self.name = name
		self.home = os.path.join(homeDir, name)
		self.logDir = os.path.join(self.home, 'log')
		self.f_hasFailed = f_hasFailed

		if os.path.isfile(self.home):
			raise Exception('you the home directory you gave must not have any files or folders that match the name you gave')

		if newjob:
			print 'creating new job:', self.home
			if os.path.isdir(self.home):
				if interactive:
					print "the directory %s already exists" % (self.home)
					r = raw_input('would you like me to delete it for you? [y|n] ')
					if str2bool(r):
						os.system('rm -r ' + self.home)
						os.system('mkdir ' + self.home)
						raise Exception('cannot proceed')
					raise Exception('please give a unique name or delete old jobs: ' + self.home)
			elif 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.home):
				raise Exception('cannot make home directory!')

			if not os.path.isdir(self.logDir) and 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.logDir):
				raise Exception('cannot make log directory!')
			assert os.path.isdir(self.home)
			assert os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
			if not quiet: print 'loading existing job:', self.home

		self.javaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'java.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# start with "-D"
		self.metaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'meta.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# xmx, jar, profile, etc
		self.qsubOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'qsub.settings'), exists=not newjob)	# mem_free, h_rt

		self.prepared = False
	def getResourceDirectory(self, parentFolderName, childFolderName, overwrite=True):
		'''see getResourceFile for details'''
		folder = os.path.join(self.home, parentFolderName, childFolderName)
		if os.path.isdir(folder):
			if not overwrite: raise
			os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder)
		return folder

	def getResourceFile(self, folderName, fileName, overwrite=True):
			example usage: folderName='diagnostics', fileName='parameters.txt',
			this just returns a path to home/diagnostics/parameters.txt
			resources are usefule for job-specific output (avoid job output collision)
		folder = os.path.join(self.home, folderName)
		if not os.path.isdir(folder):
			os.system('mkdir ' + folder)
		f = os.path.join(folder, fileName)
		if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(f):
			raise Exception('this file already exists! ' + f)
		return f

	def addLib(self, dirOrFile):
		if os.path.isfile(dirOrFile):
			cp = selt.class_path() + ':' + dirOrFile
			self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', cp)
			l = all_jars_in(dirOrFile)
			self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', ':'.join(l))

	def jar(self):
		return self.metaOpt.getValue('jar')
	def main_class(self):
		return self.metaOpt.getValue('main_class')
	def class_path(self):
		return self.metaOpt.getValue('class_path')
	def xmx(self):
		return self.metaOpt.getValue('xmx')
	def profile(self):
		return self.metaOpt.getValue('profile', 'n') == 'y'
	def mem_free(self):
		return self.qsubOpt.getValue('mem_free')

	def use_asserts(self):
		return str2bool(self.metaOpt.getValue('asserts'))

	def command_line_args(self):
		f = codecs.open(os.path.join(self.home, 'command_line_args.txt'), 'r', 'utf-8')
		args = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
		return args

	def setJavaOption(self, key, value):
		self.javaOpt.setValue(key, value)

	def qsubScript(self):
		return os.path.join(self.home, 'job.sh')
	def writeQsubScript(self, cmd):
		f = self.qsubScript()
		ff = codecs.open(f, 'w', 'utf-8')
		ff.write("#$ -cwd\n")	# run from current directory
		ff.write("#$ -j y\n")	# join stderr to stdout
		ff.write("#$ -V\n")
		ff.write("#$ -l h_rt=72:00:00\n")	# timeout
		ff.write("#$ -l mem_free=%s\n" % (self.mem_free()))
		ff.write("#$ -M [email protected]\n")
		ff.write("#$ -m as\n") # a=aborted b=begining e=end s=suspended
		ff.write("#$ -o %s\n" % self.logDir)
		ff.write(cmd + " && echo -e \"finished\\t`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S\"`\" >> %s\n" % (self.metaOpt.filename))
		return f
	def prepare(self):

		# java and jar
		cmd = 'java'
		if self.jar() != 'None':
			if not os.path.isfile(self.jar()):
				raise Exception('JAR file provide is not a file! ' + self.jar())
			cmd += " -jar %s \\\n\t" % (self.jar())
			jarMD5 = subprocess.check_output("sha1sum %s" % (self.jar()), shell=True).strip()
			self.metaOpt.setValue('jar-sha1', jarMD5)

		# class path, assert
		cmd += ' -cp ' + self.class_path() + ' \\\n\t'
		#cmd += ' -cp ' + self.class_path() + ':' + self.home + ' \\\n\t'
		if self.use_asserts():
			cmd += ' -ea \\\n\t'

		# profiling
		if self.profile():
			cmd += ' -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=20,heap=sites \\\n\t'

		# java options
		for k,v in self.javaOpt.iteritems():
			if not k.startswith('-D'):
				k = '-D'+k
			cmd += " %s=\"%s\" \\\n\t" % (k,v)

		# main class
		cmd += ' '+self.main_class() + ' \\\n\t'

		# command line arguments
		args = self.command_line_args()
		for a in args:
			cmd += " %s \\\n\t\t" % (a)

		# generate a shell script for SGE
		self.prepared = True
	def setSubmission(self, class_path, main_class, args, jar=None, xmx='2G', mem_free='3G', \
			profile=False, asserts=True, actuallySubmit=False):

		f = codecs.open(os.path.join(self.home, 'command_line_args.txt'), 'w', 'utf-8')
		for a in args:
			f.write(a + '\n')

		xmx = canonicalMemoryDescription(xmx)
		mem_free = canonicalMemoryDescription(mem_free)

		if jar is None: jar = 'None'
		self.metaOpt.setValue('jar', jar)
		self.metaOpt.setValue('main_class', main_class)
		self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', class_path)
		self.metaOpt.setValue('xmx', xmx)
		self.qsubOpt.setValue('mem_free', mem_free)
		self.metaOpt.setValue('profile', bool2str(profile))
		self.metaOpt.setValue('asserts', bool2str(asserts))

		if actuallySubmit:
	def submit(self):
		# don't submit the same job twice
		assert self.submittedAt() is None
		assert self.jid() is None
		assert self.prepared
		qsubScript = self.qsubScript()
		self.metaOpt.setValue('submitted', timestamp())
		r = subprocess.check_output("qsub -N %s %s" % (self.name, qsubScript), shell=True)
		jid = int(r.split()[2])
		self.metaOpt.setValue('jid', jid, flush=True)
		print "submitted job \"%s\" (%d)" % (self.name, jid)

	def submittedAt(self):
		s = self.metaOpt.getValue('submitted')
		if s: return parsetime(s)
		else: return None

	def jid(self):
		s = self.metaOpt.getValue('jid')
		if s: return int(s)
		else: return None
	def failed(self):
		if self.recentlySubmitted():
			return False
		f = self.newestLog()
		if not f:
			print 'there is no log file, assuming it failed!'
			return self.f_hasFailed(f)

	def recentlySubmitted(self):
		give qsub some time to get its stuff together...
		for the first 5 seconds after submitting, just assume the
		job is running normally
		assert self.submittedAt() is not None
		return time.time() - self.submittedAt() < 10.0

	def isFinished(self):
		if self.recentlySubmitted() or self.isRunning():
			return False
		return self.metaOpt.hasKey('finished')

	def isRunning(self):
		if self.recentlySubmitted():
			return True
		assert self.jid() is not None
		assert type(self.jid()) is int
		running = Job.jobsRunning()
		return self.jid() in running

	def wait(self, timeout=48*60*60, secsBetweenPolls=30, exceptionOnTimeout=False):
		assert self.jid() is not None
		assert type(self.jid()) is int
		total = 0
		while total < timeout and self.isRunning():
			total += secsBetweenPolls
		if exceptionOnTimeout and total >= timeout:
			raise Exception("waited for %d seconds and job is not done!" % (total))
			print "waited %d seconds, but %d is done!" % (total, self.jid())

	def kill(self):
		if not self.isRunning():
			raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
		assert self.jid() is not None
		assert type(self.jid()) is int
		os.system("qdel %d" % (self.jid()))

	def pause(self):
		if not self.isRunning():
			raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
		assert self.jid() is not None
		assert type(self.jid()) is int
		os.system("qalter -u %d" % (self.jid()))

	def unpause(self):
		if not self.isRunning():
			raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
		assert self.jid() is not None
		assert type(self.jid()) is int
		os.system("qalter -U %d" % (self.jid()))

	def logs(self):
		assert self.logDir is not None and os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
		return [os.path.join(self.logDir, x) for x in os.listdir(self.logDir)]
	def newestLog(self):
		l = self.logs()
		if len(l) == 0:
			raise Exception('there are no logs!')
		return l[-1]
コード例 #14
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: tarigancana/s3cmd
def fetch_local_list(args, is_src=False, recursive=None):
    def _fetch_local_list_info(loc_list):
        len_loc_list = len(loc_list)
        total_size = 0
            u"Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on %d files, this may take some time..."
            % len_loc_list)
        counter = 0
        for relative_file in loc_list:
            counter += 1
            if counter % 1000 == 0:
                info(u"[%d/%d]" % (counter, len_loc_list))

            if relative_file == '-': continue

            full_name = loc_list[relative_file]['full_name']
                sr = os.stat_result(os.stat(deunicodise(full_name)))
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    # file was removed async to us getting the list
                'size': sr.st_size,
                'mtime': sr.st_mtime,
                'dev': sr.st_dev,
                'inode': sr.st_ino,
                'uid': sr.st_uid,
                'gid': sr.st_gid,
                'sr': sr  # save it all, may need it in preserve_attrs_list
                ## TODO: Possibly more to save here...
            total_size += sr.st_size
            if 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks:
                md5 = cache.md5(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size)
                if md5 is None:
                        md5 = loc_list.get_md5(
                            relative_file)  # this does the file I/O
                    except IOError:
                    cache.add(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size,
                loc_list.record_hardlink(relative_file, sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino,
                                         md5, sr.st_size)
        return total_size

    def _get_filelist_local(loc_list, local_uri, cache):
        info(u"Compiling list of local files...")

        if local_uri.basename() == "-":
                uid = os.geteuid()
                gid = os.getegid()
                uid = 0
                gid = 0
            loc_list["-"] = {
                'full_name': '-',
                'size': -1,
                'mtime': -1,
                'uid': uid,
                'gid': gid,
                'dev': 0,
                'inode': 0,
            return loc_list, True
        if local_uri.isdir():
            local_base = local_uri.basename()
            local_path = local_uri.path()
            if is_src and len(cfg.files_from):
                filelist = _get_filelist_from_file(cfg, local_path)
                single_file = False
                if cfg.follow_symlinks:
                    filelist = _fswalk_follow_symlinks(local_path)
                    filelist = _fswalk_no_symlinks(local_path)
                single_file = False
            local_base = ""
            local_path = local_uri.dirname()
            filelist = [(local_path, [], [local_uri.basename()])]
            single_file = True
        for root, dirs, files in filelist:
            rel_root = root.replace(local_path, local_base, 1)
            for f in files:
                full_name = os.path.join(root, f)
                if not os.path.isfile(deunicodise(full_name)):
                    if os.path.exists(deunicodise(full_name)):
                        warning(u"Skipping over non regular file: %s" %
                if os.path.islink(deunicodise(full_name)):
                    if not cfg.follow_symlinks:
                        warning(u"Skipping over symbolic link: %s" % full_name)
                relative_file = os.path.join(rel_root, f)
                if os.path.sep != "/":
                    # Convert non-unix dir separators to '/'
                    relative_file = "/".join(relative_file.split(os.path.sep))
                if cfg.urlencoding_mode == "normal":
                    relative_file = replace_nonprintables(relative_file)
                if relative_file.startswith('./'):
                    relative_file = relative_file[2:]
                loc_list[relative_file] = {
                    'full_name': full_name,

        return loc_list, single_file

    def _maintain_cache(cache, local_list):
        # if getting the file list from files_from, it is going to be
        # a subset of the actual tree.  We should not purge content
        # outside of that subset as we don't know if it's valid or
        # not.  Leave it to a non-files_from run to purge.
        if cfg.cache_file and len(cfg.files_from) == 0:
            for i in local_list.keys():

    cfg = Config()

    cache = HashCache()
    if cfg.cache_file:
        except IOError:
            info(u"No cache file found, creating it.")

    local_uris = []
    local_list = FileDict(ignore_case=False)
    single_file = False

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple, set):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 'file':
            raise ParameterError(
                "Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg)
        if uri.isdir() and not recursive:
            raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" %

    for uri in local_uris:
        list_for_uri, single_file = _get_filelist_local(local_list, uri, cache)

    ## Single file is True if and only if the user
    ## specified one local URI and that URI represents
    ## a FILE. Ie it is False if the URI was of a DIR
    ## and that dir contained only one FILE. That's not
    ## a case of single_file==True.
    if len(local_list) > 1:
        single_file = False

    local_list, exclude_list = filter_exclude_include(local_list)
    total_size = _fetch_local_list_info(local_list)
    _maintain_cache(cache, local_list)
    return local_list, single_file, exclude_list, total_size
コード例 #15
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: wizsec/s3cmd
            if src_md5 != dst_md5:
                ## checksums are different.
                attribs_match = False
                debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_md5, dst_md5))

        return attribs_match

    # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-)
    assert(not(src_remote == False and dst_remote == False))

    info(u"Verifying attributes...")
    cfg = Config()
    ## Items left on src_list will be transferred
    ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list
    ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2
    update_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
    ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted
    copy_pairs = []

    debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" % (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote)))

    for relative_file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file))

        if dst_list.has_key(relative_file):
            ## Was --skip-existing requested?
            if cfg.skip_existing:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file))
コード例 #16
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: wizsec/s3cmd
def fetch_local_list(args, recursive = None):
    def _get_filelist_local(loc_list, local_uri, cache):
        info(u"Compiling list of local files...")

        if deunicodise(local_uri.basename()) == "-":
            loc_list["-"] = {
                'full_name_unicode' : '-',
                'full_name' : '-',
                'size' : -1,
                'mtime' : -1,
            return loc_list, True
        if local_uri.isdir():
            local_base = deunicodise(local_uri.basename())
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.path())
            if cfg.follow_symlinks:
                filelist = _fswalk_follow_symlinks(local_path)
                filelist = _fswalk_no_symlinks(local_path)
            single_file = False
            local_base = ""
            local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.dirname())
            filelist = [( local_path, [], [deunicodise(local_uri.basename())] )]
            single_file = True
        for root, dirs, files in filelist:
            rel_root = root.replace(local_path, local_base, 1)
            for f in files:
                full_name = os.path.join(root, f)
                if not os.path.isfile(full_name):
                if os.path.islink(full_name):
                                    if not cfg.follow_symlinks:
                relative_file = unicodise(os.path.join(rel_root, f))
                if os.path.sep != "/":
                    # Convert non-unix dir separators to '/'
                    relative_file = "/".join(relative_file.split(os.path.sep))
                if cfg.urlencoding_mode == "normal":
                    relative_file = replace_nonprintables(relative_file)
                if relative_file.startswith('./'):
                    relative_file = relative_file[2:]
                sr = os.stat_result(os.lstat(full_name))
                loc_list[relative_file] = {
                    'full_name_unicode' : unicodise(full_name),
                    'full_name' : full_name,
                    'size' : sr.st_size,
                    'mtime' : sr.st_mtime,
                    'dev'   : sr.st_dev,
                    'inode' : sr.st_ino,
                    'uid' : sr.st_uid,
                    'gid' : sr.st_gid,
                    'sr': sr # save it all, may need it in preserve_attrs_list
                    ## TODO: Possibly more to save here...
                if 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks:
                    md5 = cache.md5(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size)
                    if md5 is None:
                                md5 = loc_list.get_md5(relative_file) # this does the file I/O
                            except IOError:
                            cache.add(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size, md5)
                    loc_list.record_hardlink(relative_file, sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, md5)
        return loc_list, single_file

    def _maintain_cache(cache, local_list):
        if cfg.cache_file:
            for i in local_list.keys():
                cache.unmark_for_purge(local_list[i]['dev'], local_list[i]['inode'], local_list[i]['mtime'], local_list[i]['size'])

    cfg = Config()

    cache = HashCache()
    if cfg.cache_file:
        except IOError:
            info(u"No cache file found, creating it.")

    local_uris = []
    local_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
    single_file = False

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 'file':
            raise ParameterError("Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg)
        if uri.isdir() and not recursive:
            raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" % arg)

    for uri in local_uris:
        list_for_uri, single_file = _get_filelist_local(local_list, uri, cache)

    ## Single file is True if and only if the user
    ## specified one local URI and that URI represents
    ## a FILE. Ie it is False if the URI was of a DIR
    ## and that dir contained only one FILE. That's not
    ## a case of single_file==True.
    if len(local_list) > 1:
        single_file = False

    _maintain_cache(cache, local_list)

    return local_list, single_file
コード例 #17
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: StarfishStorage/s3cmd
def compare_filelists(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote):
    def __direction_str(is_remote):
        return is_remote and "remote" or "local"

    def _compare(src_list, dst_lst, src_remote, dst_remote, file):
        """Return True if src_list[file] matches dst_list[file], else False"""
        attribs_match = True
        if not (src_list.has_key(file) and dst_list.has_key(file)):
            info(u"%s: does not exist in one side or the other: src_list=%s, dst_list=%s" % (file, src_list.has_key(file), dst_list.has_key(file)))
            return False

        ## check size first
        if 'size' in cfg.sync_checks:
            if 'size' in dst_list[file] and 'size' in src_list[file]:
                if dst_list[file]['size'] != src_list[file]['size']:
                    debug(u"xfer: %s (size mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_list[file]['size'], dst_list[file]['size']))
                    attribs_match = False

        ## check md5
        compare_md5 = 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks
        # Multipart-uploaded files don't have a valid md5 sum - it ends with "...-nn"
        if compare_md5:
            if (src_remote == True and '-' in src_list[file]['md5']) or (dst_remote == True and '-' in dst_list[file]['md5']):
                compare_md5 = False
                info(u"disabled md5 check for %s" % file)
        if attribs_match and compare_md5:
                src_md5 = src_list.get_md5(file)
                dst_md5 = dst_list.get_md5(file)
            except (IOError,OSError):
                # md5 sum verification failed - ignore that file altogether
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (file))

            if src_md5 != dst_md5:
                ## checksums are different.
                attribs_match = False
                debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_md5, dst_md5))

        return attribs_match

    # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-)
    assert(not(src_remote == False and dst_remote == False))

    info(u"Verifying attributes...")
    cfg = Config()
    ## Items left on src_list will be transferred
    ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list
    ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2
    update_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
    ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted
    copy_pairs = []

    debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" % (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote)))

    for relative_file in src_list.keys():
        debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file))

        if dst_list.has_key(relative_file):
            ## Was --skip-existing requested?
            if cfg.skip_existing:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file))

                same_file = _compare(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote, relative_file)
            except (IOError,OSError):
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (relative_file))
                warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (relative_file))

            if same_file:
                debug(u"IGNR: %s (transfer not needed)" % relative_file)

                # look for matching file in src
                    md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
                except IOError:
                    md5 = None
                if md5 is not None and dst_list.by_md5.has_key(md5):
                    # Found one, we want to copy
                    dst1 = list(dst_list.by_md5[md5])[0]
                    debug(u"DST COPY src: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                    copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                    # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                    # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                    dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)
                    update_list[relative_file] = src_list[relative_file]
                    del src_list[relative_file]
                    del dst_list[relative_file]

            # dst doesn't have this file
            # look for matching file elsewhere in dst
                md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file)
            except IOError:
               md5 = None
            dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5)
            if dst1 is not None:
                # Found one, we want to copy
                debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file))
                copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file))
                # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere.  Get it.
                # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again,
                # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter).
                dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5)

    for f in dst_list.keys():
        if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f):
            # leave only those not on src_list + update_list
            del dst_list[f]

    return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs
コード例 #18
ファイル: FileLists.py プロジェクト: 007g3m1n1/s3cmd
def fetch_remote_list(args, require_attribs = False, recursive = None, uri_params = {}):
    def _get_remote_attribs(uri, remote_item):
        response = S3(cfg).object_info(uri)
        'size': int(response['headers']['content-length']),
        'md5': response['headers']['etag'].strip('"\''),
        'timestamp' : dateRFC822toUnix(response['headers']['date'])
            md5 = response['s3cmd-attrs']['md5']
            remote_item.update({'md5': md5})
            debug(u"retreived md5=%s from headers" % md5)
        except KeyError:

    def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive = True):
        ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have
        ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path.
        ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else
        ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part
        ## in the relative path.
        ## Complicated, eh? See an example:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield:
        ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield:
        ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }
        ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list:
        ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields:
        ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} }

        info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri)
        empty_fname_re = re.compile(r'\A\s*\Z')

        s3 = S3(Config())
        response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(), prefix = remote_uri.object(),
                                  recursive = recursive, uri_params = uri_params)

        rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object()
        remote_uri_original = remote_uri
        if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/':
            rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/')+1]
            remote_uri = S3Uri("s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base))
        rem_base_len = len(rem_base)
        rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)
        break_now = False
        for object in response['list']:
            if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != "/":
                ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-)
                key = os.path.basename(object['Key'])
                object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri()
                break_now = True
                rem_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)   ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list
                key = object['Key'][rem_base_len:]      ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !!
                object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key
            if empty_fname_re.match(key):
                # Objects may exist on S3 with empty names (''), which don't map so well to common filesystems.
                warning(u"Empty object name on S3 found, ignoring.")
            rem_list[key] = {
                'size' : int(object['Size']),
                'timestamp' : dateS3toUnix(object['LastModified']), ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-(
                'md5' : object['ETag'][1:-1],
                'object_key' : object['Key'],
                'object_uri_str' : object_uri_str,
                'base_uri' : remote_uri,
                'dev' : None,
                'inode' : None,
            if rem_list[key]['md5'].find("-") > 0: # always get it for multipart uploads
                _get_remote_attribs(S3Uri(object_uri_str), rem_list[key])
            md5 = rem_list[key]['md5']
            rem_list.record_md5(key, md5)
            if break_now:
        return rem_list

    cfg = Config()
    remote_uris = []
    remote_list = FileDict(ignore_case = False)

    if type(args) not in (list, tuple):
        args = [args]

    if recursive == None:
        recursive = cfg.recursive

    for arg in args:
        uri = S3Uri(arg)
        if not uri.type == 's3':
            raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % arg)

    if recursive:
        for uri in remote_uris:
            objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(uri, recursive = True)
            for key in objectlist:
                remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                remote_list.record_md5(key, objectlist.get_md5(key))
        for uri in remote_uris:
            uri_str = unicode(uri)
            ## Wildcards used in remote URI?
            ## If yes we'll need a bucket listing...
            wildcard_split_result = re.split("\*|\?", uri_str, maxsplit=1)
            if len(wildcard_split_result) == 2: # wildcards found
                prefix, rest = wildcard_split_result
                ## Only request recursive listing if the 'rest' of the URI,
                ## i.e. the part after first wildcard, contains '/'
                need_recursion = '/' in rest
                objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(S3Uri(prefix), recursive = need_recursion)
                for key in objectlist:
                    ## Check whether the 'key' matches the requested wildcards
                    if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(objectlist[key]['object_uri_str'], uri_str):
                        remote_list[key] = objectlist[key]
                ## No wildcards - simply append the given URI to the list
                key = os.path.basename(uri.object())
                if not key:
                    raise ParameterError(u"Expecting S3 URI with a filename or --recursive: %s" % uri.uri())
                remote_item = {
                    'base_uri': uri,
                    'object_uri_str': unicode(uri),
                    'object_key': uri.object()
                if require_attribs:
                    _get_remote_attribs(uri, remote_item)

                remote_list[key] = remote_item
                md5 = remote_item.get('md5')
                if md5:
                    remote_list.record_md5(key, md5)

    remote_list, exclude_list = filter_exclude_include(remote_list)
    return remote_list, exclude_list
コード例 #19
class Job:
    def fromDir(jobDir, interactive=False, quiet=False):
        if not os.path.isdir(jobDir):
            raise Exception('you must give a directory: ' + jobDir)
        home, name = os.path.split(jobDir)
        return Job(home, name, interactive, newjob=False, quiet=quiet)

    def jobsRunning():
        jobs = set()
        lines = subprocess.check_output('qstat').strip()
        if len(lines) == 0:
            return jobs
        ar = lines.split('\n')
        assert len(ar) >= 3  # first two lines are formatting
        for jstr in ar[2:]:
        return jobs

    def killEverything():
        for jid in Job.jobsRunning():
            os.system('qdel ' + jid)

    def __init__(self,
			homeDir is where experiments are stored
			name is the name of this experiment
				if there is another job with the same name, they are assumed
				to be the same. delete old jobs that you do not want to be confused with
			f_hasFailed is a function that takes a log file and returns a boolean for
				whether or not the job has failed
			if in interactive mode, will prompt user for input
				this should not be used for scripts, which would hang forever in these cases
        self.name = name
        self.home = os.path.join(homeDir, name)
        self.logDir = os.path.join(self.home, 'log')
        self.f_hasFailed = f_hasFailed

        if os.path.isfile(self.home):
            raise Exception(
                'you the home directory you gave must not have any files or folders that match the name you gave'

        if newjob:
            print 'creating new job:', self.home
            if os.path.isdir(self.home):
                if interactive:
                    print "the directory %s already exists" % (self.home)
                    r = raw_input(
                        'would you like me to delete it for you? [y|n] ')
                    if str2bool(r):
                        os.system('rm -r ' + self.home)
                        os.system('mkdir ' + self.home)
                        raise Exception('cannot proceed')
                    raise Exception(
                        'please give a unique name or delete old jobs: ' +
            elif 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.home):
                raise Exception('cannot make home directory!')

            if not os.path.isdir(
                    self.logDir) and 0 != os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.logDir):
                raise Exception('cannot make log directory!')
            assert os.path.isdir(self.home)
            assert os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
            if not quiet: print 'loading existing job:', self.home

        self.javaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'java.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # start with "-D"
        self.metaOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'meta.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # xmx, jar, profile, etc
        self.qsubOpt = FileDict(os.path.join(self.home, 'qsub.settings'),
                                exists=not newjob)  # mem_free, h_rt

        self.prepared = False

    def getResourceDirectory(self,
        '''see getResourceFile for details'''
        folder = os.path.join(self.home, parentFolderName, childFolderName)
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            if not overwrite: raise
            os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder)
        return folder

    def getResourceFile(self, folderName, fileName, overwrite=True):
			example usage: folderName='diagnostics', fileName='parameters.txt',
			this just returns a path to home/diagnostics/parameters.txt
			resources are usefule for job-specific output (avoid job output collision)
        folder = os.path.join(self.home, folderName)
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
            os.system('mkdir ' + folder)
        f = os.path.join(folder, fileName)
        if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(f):
            raise Exception('this file already exists! ' + f)
        return f

    def addLib(self, dirOrFile):
        if os.path.isfile(dirOrFile):
            cp = selt.class_path() + ':' + dirOrFile
            self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', cp)
            l = all_jars_in(dirOrFile)
            self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', ':'.join(l))

    def jar(self):
        return self.metaOpt.getValue('jar')

    def main_class(self):
        return self.metaOpt.getValue('main_class')

    def class_path(self):
        return self.metaOpt.getValue('class_path')

    def xmx(self):
        return self.metaOpt.getValue('xmx')

    def profile(self):
        return self.metaOpt.getValue('profile', 'n') == 'y'

    def mem_free(self):
        return self.qsubOpt.getValue('mem_free')

    def use_asserts(self):
        return str2bool(self.metaOpt.getValue('asserts'))

    def command_line_args(self):
        f = codecs.open(os.path.join(self.home, 'command_line_args.txt'), 'r',
        args = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
        return args

    def setJavaOption(self, key, value):
        self.javaOpt.setValue(key, value)

    def qsubScript(self):
        return os.path.join(self.home, 'job.sh')

    def writeQsubScript(self, cmd):
        f = self.qsubScript()
        ff = codecs.open(f, 'w', 'utf-8')
        ff.write("#$ -cwd\n")  # run from current directory
        ff.write("#$ -j y\n")  # join stderr to stdout
        ff.write("#$ -V\n")
        ff.write("#$ -l h_rt=72:00:00\n")  # timeout
        ff.write("#$ -l mem_free=%s\n" % (self.mem_free()))
        ff.write("#$ -M [email protected]\n")
        ff.write("#$ -m as\n")  # a=aborted b=begining e=end s=suspended
        ff.write("#$ -o %s\n" % self.logDir)
            cmd +
            " && echo -e \"finished\\t`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S\"`\" >> %s\n"
            % (self.metaOpt.filename))
        return f

    def prepare(self):

        # java and jar
        cmd = 'java'
        if self.jar() != 'None':
            if not os.path.isfile(self.jar()):
                raise Exception('JAR file provide is not a file! ' +
            cmd += " -jar %s \\\n\t" % (self.jar())
            jarMD5 = subprocess.check_output("sha1sum %s" % (self.jar()),
            self.metaOpt.setValue('jar-sha1', jarMD5)

        # class path, assert
        cmd += ' -cp ' + self.class_path() + ' \\\n\t'
        #cmd += ' -cp ' + self.class_path() + ':' + self.home + ' \\\n\t'
        if self.use_asserts():
            cmd += ' -ea \\\n\t'

        # profiling
        if self.profile():
            cmd += ' -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=20,heap=sites \\\n\t'

        # java options
        for k, v in self.javaOpt.iteritems():
            if not k.startswith('-D'):
                k = '-D' + k
            cmd += " %s=\"%s\" \\\n\t" % (k, v)

        # main class
        cmd += ' ' + self.main_class() + ' \\\n\t'

        # command line arguments
        args = self.command_line_args()
        for a in args:
            cmd += " %s \\\n\t\t" % (a)

        # generate a shell script for SGE
        self.prepared = True

    def setSubmission(self, class_path, main_class, args, jar=None, xmx='2G', mem_free='3G', \
      profile=False, asserts=True, actuallySubmit=False):

        f = codecs.open(os.path.join(self.home, 'command_line_args.txt'), 'w',
        for a in args:
            f.write(a + '\n')

        xmx = canonicalMemoryDescription(xmx)
        mem_free = canonicalMemoryDescription(mem_free)

        if jar is None: jar = 'None'
        self.metaOpt.setValue('jar', jar)
        self.metaOpt.setValue('main_class', main_class)
        self.metaOpt.setValue('class_path', class_path)
        self.metaOpt.setValue('xmx', xmx)
        self.qsubOpt.setValue('mem_free', mem_free)
        self.metaOpt.setValue('profile', bool2str(profile))
        self.metaOpt.setValue('asserts', bool2str(asserts))

        if actuallySubmit:

    def submit(self):
        # don't submit the same job twice
        assert self.submittedAt() is None
        assert self.jid() is None
        assert self.prepared
        qsubScript = self.qsubScript()
        self.metaOpt.setValue('submitted', timestamp())
        r = subprocess.check_output("qsub -N %s %s" % (self.name, qsubScript),
        jid = int(r.split()[2])
        self.metaOpt.setValue('jid', jid, flush=True)
        print "submitted job \"%s\" (%d)" % (self.name, jid)

    def submittedAt(self):
        s = self.metaOpt.getValue('submitted')
        if s: return parsetime(s)
        else: return None

    def jid(self):
        s = self.metaOpt.getValue('jid')
        if s: return int(s)
        else: return None

    def failed(self):
        if self.recentlySubmitted():
            return False
        f = self.newestLog()
        if not f:
            print 'there is no log file, assuming it failed!'
            return self.f_hasFailed(f)

    def recentlySubmitted(self):
		give qsub some time to get its stuff together...
		for the first 5 seconds after submitting, just assume the
		job is running normally
        assert self.submittedAt() is not None
        return time.time() - self.submittedAt() < 10.0

    def isFinished(self):
        if self.recentlySubmitted() or self.isRunning():
            return False
        return self.metaOpt.hasKey('finished')

    def isRunning(self):
        if self.recentlySubmitted():
            return True
        assert self.jid() is not None
        assert type(self.jid()) is int
        running = Job.jobsRunning()
        return self.jid() in running

    def wait(self,
             timeout=48 * 60 * 60,
        assert self.jid() is not None
        assert type(self.jid()) is int
        total = 0
        while total < timeout and self.isRunning():
            total += secsBetweenPolls
        if exceptionOnTimeout and total >= timeout:
            raise Exception("waited for %d seconds and job is not done!" %
            print "waited %d seconds, but %d is done!" % (total, self.jid())

    def kill(self):
        if not self.isRunning():
            raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
        assert self.jid() is not None
        assert type(self.jid()) is int
        os.system("qdel %d" % (self.jid()))

    def pause(self):
        if not self.isRunning():
            raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
        assert self.jid() is not None
        assert type(self.jid()) is int
        os.system("qalter -u %d" % (self.jid()))

    def unpause(self):
        if not self.isRunning():
            raise Exception('jid is none, job is not live')
        assert self.jid() is not None
        assert type(self.jid()) is int
        os.system("qalter -U %d" % (self.jid()))

    def logs(self):
        assert self.logDir is not None and os.path.isdir(self.logDir)
        return [os.path.join(self.logDir, x) for x in os.listdir(self.logDir)]

    def newestLog(self):
        l = self.logs()
        if len(l) == 0:
            raise Exception('there are no logs!')
        return l[-1]