def parse(self, filePath): self._file = open(filePath) seekTo(self._file, 0) first = getCharToOrd(self._file) marker = getCharToOrd(self._file) if (first != 0xff or marker != JPEG_SOI): assert False, "Not in JPEG format !!" while (marker): first = getCharToOrd(self._file) if first != 0xff or first < 0: break marker = getCharToOrd(self._file) log("%s-%s" % (hex(first), hex(marker))) length = getBytes2(self._file) curPos = nowAt(self._file) log("length= %d, curPos=%d" % (length, curPos)) if marker in [JPEG_EOI, JPEG_SOS]: log("EOI or SOS ... exit parsing") break elif marker == JPEG_APP0: log("Enter", "[APP0]", "add") log("Leave", "[APP0]", "remove") pass # TBD elif marker == JPEG_APP1: log("Enter", "[APP1]", "add") header = getChar(self._file, 4) log("header = %s" % (header)) if header.lower() == 'exif': self.__parseAPP1(curPos + 6, curPos, curPos + length - 2) elif header.lower() == 'http': seekTo(self._file, curPos) xmpBuffer = getChar(self._file, length) checkURL = "" if xmpBuffer.startswith(checkURL): headLen = len(checkURL) self.__parseXMP(xmpBuffer[headLen:], length - headLen) pass log("Leave", "[APP1]", "remove") elif marker == JPEG_APP2: log("Enter", "[APP2]", "add") self.__parseAPP2(length) log("Leave", "[APP2]", "remove") pass # TBD elif marker == JPEG_APP13: log("Enter", "[APP13]", "add") log("Leave", "[APP13]", "remove") pass # TBD seekTo(self._file, curPos + length - 2)
def parse(self, filePath): self._file = open(filePath) seekTo(self._file, 0) first = getCharToOrd(self._file) marker = getCharToOrd(self._file) if (first != 0xff or marker != JPEG_SOI): assert False, "Not in JPEG format !!" while (marker): first = getCharToOrd(self._file) if first != 0xff or first < 0: break marker = getCharToOrd(self._file) log("%s-%s"%(hex(first), hex(marker))) length = getBytes2(self._file) curPos = nowAt(self._file) log("length= %d, curPos=%d"%(length,curPos)) if marker in [JPEG_EOI, JPEG_SOS]: log("EOI or SOS ... exit parsing") break elif marker == JPEG_APP0: log("Enter", "[APP0]", "add") log("Leave", "[APP0]", "remove") pass # TBD elif marker == JPEG_APP1: log("Enter", "[APP1]", "add") header = getChar(self._file, 4) log("header = %s"%(header)) if header.lower() == 'exif': self.__parseAPP1(curPos+6, curPos, curPos+length-2) elif header.lower() == 'http': seekTo(self._file, curPos) xmpBuffer = getChar(self._file, length) checkURL = "" if xmpBuffer.startswith(checkURL): headLen = len(checkURL) self.__parseXMP(xmpBuffer[headLen:], length-headLen) pass log("Leave", "[APP1]", "remove") elif marker == JPEG_APP2: log("Enter", "[APP2]", "add") self.__parseAPP2(length) log("Leave", "[APP2]", "remove") pass # TBD elif marker == JPEG_APP13: log("Enter", "[APP13]", "add") log("Leave", "[APP13]", "remove") pass # TBD seekTo(self._file, curPos+length-2)
def getBitsList(numBytes): lstBits = [] for _ in xrange(numBytes): bits_short = bin(getCharToOrd(self._fd))[2:] bits_full = '00000000'[len(bits_short):] + bits_short lstBits.extend([int(b) for b in bits_full]) return lstBits
def GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos): reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 numOfInputChannel = getCharToOrd(_fd) numOfOutputChannel = getCharToOrd(_fd) numOfCLUTGridPoints = getCharToOrd(_fd) padding = getCharToOrd(_fd) assert padding == 0 encodedParas = [] for _ in xrange(9): encodedParas.append(GetS15Fixed16Number(_fd)) numOfInputTableEntries = getBytes2(_fd) numOfOutputTableEntries = getBytes2(_fd) log(" InChannels(%d) / OutChannels(%d) / GridPts(%d) / EncodedPars(%s)"\ %(numOfInputChannel, numOfOutputChannel, numOfCLUTGridPoints,\ str(encodedParas))) log(" InTableEntries(%d) / OutTableEntries(%d)"\ %(numOfInputTableEntries, numOfOutputTableEntries)) inputTables = [] for _ in xrange(numOfInputChannel): tmp = [] for __ in xrange(numOfInputTableEntries): tmp.append(getBytes2(_fd)) inputTables.append(tmp) clut = [] for _ in xrange(numOfCLUTGridPoints ** numOfInputChannel): tmp = [] for __ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): tmp.append(getBytes2(_fd)) clut.append(tmp) outputTables = [] for _ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): tmp = [] for __ in xrange(numOfOutputTableEntries): tmp.append(getBytes2(_fd)) outputTables.append(tmp) return Lut16(sig, encodedParas, inputTables, clut, outputTables)
def GetCurveHelper(_fd, sig): reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 count = getBytes4(_fd) exp = None tblLookUp = [] if count in [0, 1]: first = 1.0 if count == 0 else getCharToOrd(_fd) second = 0.0 if count == 0 else getCharToOrd(_fd) exp = first + float(second/256.0) log(" count = %d / exp(%f)"%(count, exp)) else: for _ in xrange(count): first, second = getCharToOrd(_fd), getCharToOrd(_fd) v = first + float(second/256.0) tblLookUp.append(v) log(" count = %d "%(count)) sigDescObj = Curve(sig, exp, tblLookUp) return sigDescObj
def parseHeader(): log("Enter", "[ICCProfileHeader]", "add") profileSize = getBytes4(self._fd) cmmType = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) lstVer = [str(getCharToOrd(self._fd)) for _ in xrange(4)] self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_CMM_TYPE] = cmmType self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_VERSION] = lstVer[0] + "." + lstVer[1] deviceClass = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) colorSpaceOfData = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) pcs = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_DEVICE_CLASS] = dicDevCls2Name.get(deviceClass, "Not found") self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_COLOR_SPACE] = colorSpaceOfData.strip() self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_PROFILE_CONNECTION_SPACE] = pcs.strip() lstDatetime = [getBytes2(self._fd) for _ in xrange(6)] signature = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) assert signature == "acsp", "Not a standard ICC Profile !!" primaryPlatform = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) def getBitsList(numBytes): lstBits = [] for _ in xrange(numBytes): bits_short = bin(getCharToOrd(self._fd))[2:] bits_full = '00000000'[len(bits_short):] + bits_short lstBits.extend([int(b) for b in bits_full]) return lstBits lstProfileFlags = getBitsList(4) self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_CREATE_DATETIME] = "Datatime = %d/%d/%d-%d:%d:%d"%tuple(lstDatetime) self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_SIGNATURE] = signature self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_PLATFORM] = dicPlatformSig2Desc.get(primaryPlatform, "Not found") self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_IS_EMBEDED] = True if lstProfileFlags[0] == 1 else False self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_USED_INDENDENTLY] = False if lstProfileFlags[1] == 1 else True deviceManufacturer = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) deviceModel = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) lstDeviceAttributes = getBitsList(8) renderingIntent, zeroPadding = getBytes2(self._fd), getBytes2(self._fd) self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER] = deviceManufacturer self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_DEVICE_MODEL] = deviceModel self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_ATTR_T_R] = "Transparency" if lstDeviceAttributes[0] == 1 else "Reflective" self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_ATTR_M_G] = "Matte" if lstDeviceAttributes[1] == 1 else "Glossy" self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_RENDERING_INTENT] = dicRenderingIntent2Desc.get(renderingIntent, "Not found") intX, intY, intZ = getBytes4(self._fd), getBytes4(self._fd), getBytes4(self._fd) X = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', intX)) Y = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', intY)) Z = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', intZ)) CIEXYZ_X = X[0] / Y[0] CIEXYZ_Y = Y[0] / Y[0] CIEXYZ_Z = Z[0] / Y[0] profileCreator = ''.join(getChar(self._fd) for _ in xrange(4)) profileID = [hex(getCharToOrd(self._fd)) for _ in xrange(16)] reserved = [hex(getCharToOrd(self._fd)) for _ in xrange(28)] self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_PROFILE_CREATOR] = profileCreator self.__dicHeaderInfo[H_PROFILE_D50_XYZ] = "(%f, %f, %f)"%(CIEXYZ_X, CIEXYZ_Y, CIEXYZ_Z) log("Header Information : \n%s "%(pprint.pformat(self.__dicHeaderInfo, indent=2))) log("Leave", "[ICCProfileHeader]", "remove")
def GetSigObject(sig, type, _fd, size, tagStartPos=None): # _fd is already seeked to starting point of data # 4bytes type(description) is included in size sigDescObj = None if sig == "A2B0": if type == "mAB ": sigDescObj = GetAToBHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) pass elif sig == "A2B1": if type == "mAB ": sigDescObj = GetAToBHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) pass elif sig == "A2B2": if type == "mAB ": sigDescObj = GetAToBHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) pass elif sig in ["bXYZ", "gXYZ", "rXYZ", "bkpt", "wtpt", "lumi"]: reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 assert size == 20 X, Y, Z = GetXYZHelper(_fd) log(" XYZ = (%f, %f, %f)"%(X, Y, Z)) sigDescObj = XYZ(sig, X, Y, Z) elif sig == "B2A0": if type == "mBA ": sigDescObj = GetBToAHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif sig == "B2A1": if type == "mBA ": sigDescObj = GetBToAHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif sig == "B2A2": if type == "mBA ": sigDescObj = GetBToAHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif type == "mft2": sigDescObj = GetMultiFunctionTableHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif sig == "calt": pass elif sig == "ciis": content = ''.join(getChar(_fd) for _ in xrange(size-4)).strip('\0x00') log(" ciis content = %s "%(dicColorimetricIntentImageState2Desc.get(content, "Unknown"))) sigDescObj = Signature(sig, content) elif sig == "targ": pass elif sig == "cprt": if type == "mluc": sigDescObj = GetMlucHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) else: content = ''.join(getChar(_fd) for _ in xrange(size-4)) log(" cpry content = %s"%(content)) sigDescObj = Text(sig, content) pass elif sig == "chad": reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 assert size == 44 mat = [] for _ in xrange(9): intUnsigned = getBytes2(_fd) intSigned = intUnsigned - 65536 if intUnsigned >= 32768 else intUnsigned fracPart = getBytes2(_fd) v = intSigned + float(fracPart) / 65536 mat.append(v) log(" chad = %s"%(str(mat))) sigDescObj = S15Fixed16Array(sig, mat) pass elif sig == "gamt": pass elif sig == "kTRC": pass elif sig == "meas": reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 assert size == 36 obs = dicStdObserver2Desc.get(hex(getBytes4(_fd)), dicStdObserver2Desc[hex(0)]) tristimulusXYZ = GetXYZHelper(_fd) geo = dicGeometry2Desc.get(hex(getBytes4(_fd)), dicGeometry2Desc[hex(0)]) flareInt, flareFractional = getBytes2(_fd), getBytes2(_fd) flare = flareInt + float(flareFractional) / 65536 illuminantType = dicIlluminantType2Desc.get(hex(getBytes4(_fd)), dicIlluminantType2Desc[hex(0)]) log(" obs(%s) / triXYZ(%s) / geo(%s) / flare(%f) / illu(%s)"%(obs, str(tristimulusXYZ),\ geo, flare, illuminantType)) sigDescObj = Measurement(sig, obs, tristimulusXYZ, geo, flare, illuminantType) elif sig == "ncol": pass elif sig == "ncl2": pass elif sig == "pre0": pass elif sig == "pre1": pass elif sig == "pre2": pass elif sig in ["dscm"]: if type == "mluc": sigDescObj = GetMlucHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) elif sig in ["desc", "dmdd", "dmnd", "scrd", "vued"]: if type == "mluc": sigDescObj = GetMlucHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos) else: reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 asciiCount = getBytes4(_fd) log(" asciiCount = %d"%(asciiCount)) asciiInvariantDesc = getChar(_fd, asciiCount) log(" asciiInvariantDesc = %s"%(asciiInvariantDesc)) uniLangCode = getBytes4(_fd) uniCount = getBytes4(_fd) log(" uniLangCode, uniCount = %d, %d"%(uniLangCode, uniCount)) uniLocalizableDesc = None if uniCount != 0: uniLocalizableDesc = u"" for _ in xrange(uniCount): uniLocalizableDesc.join(getBytes2(_fd).decode("utf-8", "ignore")) log(" uniLocalizableDesc = %s"%(uniLocalizableDesc)) scriptCode = getBytes2(_fd) scriptCount = getCharToOrd(_fd) log(" scriptCode, scriptCount = %d, %d"%(scriptCode, scriptCount)) localMacintoshDesc = None if scriptCount != 0: localMacintoshDesc = getChar(_fd, min(67,scriptCount)) log(" localMacintoshDesc = %s"%(localMacintoshDesc)) sigDescObj = TextDescription(sig, asciiInvariantDesc,\ uniLocalizableDesc, localMacintoshDesc) pass elif sig == "pseq": pass elif sig == "psd0": pass elif sig == "psd1": pass elif sig == "psd2": pass elif sig == "psd3": pass elif sig == "ps2s": pass elif sig == "ps2i": pass elif sig == "rig0": content = ''.join(getChar(_fd) for _ in xrange(size-4)).strip('\0x00') log(" rig0 content = %s "%(content)) sigDescObj = Signature(sig, content) elif sig in ["rTRC", "gTRC", "bTRC"]: sigDescObj = GetCurveHelper(_fd, sig) elif sig == "scrn": pass elif sig == "tech": content = ''.join(getChar(_fd) for _ in xrange(size-4)).strip('\0x00') log(" tech content = %s "%(dicTechType2Desc.get(content, 'None'))) sigDescObj = Signature(sig, content) pass elif sig == "bfd ": pass elif sig == "vued": pass elif sig == "view": reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 illuminantXYZ = GetXYZHelper(_fd) surroundXYZ = GetXYZHelper(_fd) log(" illXYZ = (%f, %f, %f)"%(illuminantXYZ)) log(" surXYZ = (%f, %f, %f)"%(surroundXYZ)) illuminantType = dicIlluminantType2Desc.get(hex(getBytes4(_fd)), dicIlluminantType2Desc[hex(0)]) sigDescObj = ViewingConditions(sig, illuminantXYZ, surroundXYZ, illuminantType) log(" illuminantType = %s"%illuminantType) return sigDescObj
def GetAToBHelper(_fd, sig, tagStartPos, reverse=False): reserved = getBytes4(_fd) assert reserved == 0 numOfInputChannel = getCharToOrd(_fd) numOfOutputChannel = getCharToOrd(_fd) padding = getBytes2(_fd) log(" Input(%d) , Output(%d), padding(%d)"%(numOfInputChannel, numOfOutputChannel, padding)) assert padding == 0 sigDescObj = None lstBCurve = [] mMat = None lstMCurve = [] clut = [] lstACurve = [] offset2BCurve = getBytes4(_fd) if offset2BCurve != 0: here = nowAt(_fd) seekTo(_fd, tagStartPos + offset2BCurve) for _ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): subType = getChar(_fd, 4) log(" B Curve subtype = %s"%(subType)) if subType == "para": sigSubDescObj = GetParaCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstBCurve.append(sigSubDescObj) elif subType == "curv": sigSubDescObj = GetCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstBCurve.append(sigSubDescObj) seekTo(_fd, here) assert len(lstBCurve) == numOfOutputChannel offset2Matrix = getBytes4(_fd) if offset2Matrix != 0: here = nowAt(_fd) seekTo(_fd, tagStartPos + offset2Matrix) mat = [] for _ in xrange(12): intUnsigned = getBytes2(_fd) intSigned = intUnsigned - 65536 if intUnsigned >= 32768 else intUnsigned fracPart = getBytes2(_fd) v = intSigned + float(fracPart) / 65536 mat.append(v) log(" Matrix = %s"%(str(mat))) mMat = S15Fixed16Array(sig, mat) seekTo(_fd, here) offset2MCurve = getBytes4(_fd) if offset2MCurve != 0: here = nowAt(_fd) seekTo(_fd, tagStartPos + offset2MCurve) for _ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): subType = getChar(_fd, 4) log(" M Curve subtype = %s"%(subType)) if subType == "para": sigSubDescObj = GetParaCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstMCurve.append(sigSubDescObj) elif subType == "curv": sigSubDescObj = GetCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstMCurve.append(sigSubDescObj) seekTo(_fd, here) assert len(lstMCurve) == numOfOutputChannel offset2CLUT = getBytes4(_fd) if offset2CLUT != 0: # TODO : Check the implementation correctness here = nowAt(_fd) seekTo(_fd, tagStartPos + offset2CLUT) lstGridPoints = [] for _ in xrange(16): gridPts = getCharToOrd(_fd) if _ >= numOfInputChannel: assert gridPts == 0 lstGridPoints.append(gridPts) precision = getCharToOrd(_fd) padding = getBytes3(_fd) log(" >>> lstGridPoints : %s"%(str(lstGridPoints))) log(" >>> precision : %s / padding %s "%(str(precision), str(padding))) assert padding == 0 getDataPoint = getBytes2 if precision == 2 else getCharToOrd def fn(x, y): return x * y if y != 0 else x totalCLUTPts = reduce(fn, lstGridPoints) for _ in xrange(totalCLUTPts): tmp = [] for __ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): tmp.append(getDataPoint(_fd)) clut.append(tmp) seekTo(_fd, here) offset2ACurve = getBytes4(_fd) if offset2ACurve != 0: here = nowAt(_fd) seekTo(_fd, tagStartPos + offset2ACurve) for _ in xrange(numOfOutputChannel): subType = getChar(_fd, 4) log(" A Curve subtype = %s"%(subType)) if subType == "para": sigSubDescObj = GetParaCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstACurve.append(sigSubDescObj) elif subType == "curv": sigSubDescObj = GetCurveHelper(_fd, sig) lstACurve.append(sigSubDescObj) seekTo(_fd, here) assert len(lstACurve) == numOfOutputChannel log(" O2B(%d) / O2mat(%d) / O2M(%d) / O2CLUT(%d) / O2A(%d)"%(offset2BCurve,\ offset2Matrix, offset2MCurve, offset2CLUT, offset2ACurve)) if reverse: sigDescObj = LutBToA(sig, lstBCurve, mMat, lstMCurve, clut, lstACurve) else: sigDescObj = LutAToB(sig, lstBCurve, mMat, lstMCurve, clut, lstACurve) return sigDescObj