def fetchData(): global wd wd = str(os.getcwd()) print('All Files will go into the celpp folder') cred = (wd + '/credentials.txt') try: #attempts to connect to file required to connect to ftp print('Trying to open credentials.txt') fo = open(cred, 'r') fo.close() except: #writes file required to connect to ftp if not already made print('Writing credentials.txt file') fo = open(cred, 'w') fo.write('host\nuser [email protected]\npass #hail2pitt1\npath\ncontestantid 33824\nchallengepath /challengedata\nsubmissionpath /33824') fo.close() if(os.path.isdir(wd + '/challengedata')==False):#creates challengedata folder if it doesn't exist os.mkdir(wd + '/challengedata') os.chdir(wd + '/challengedata') else: #changes to challengedata folder if it exists os.chdir(wd + '/challengedata') ftp = FtpFileTransfer(cred) print('Connecting to') ftp.connect() print('Connected to ftp') ftp_files = ftp.list_files('challengedata')#creates list of files from box count = 0 #keep track number of files added to local folder for x in (ftp_files): split = os.path.splitext(x) dir = os.path.splitext(split[0]) if(str(split[1]) == '.gz'): if os.path.isfile(x) == True:#if it finds the zip file in local folder, unzips and deletes zippped file print('Unzipping folder ' + str(dir[0])) os.system('tar -xzf ' + x) print('Deleting zip file: ' + x) os.system('rm ' + x) elif os.path.isdir(str(dir[0])) == True:#if it finds the unzipped directory in local folders pass else: #if it can't find the week in any format; downloads, unzips, and removes zipped file ftp.download_file('challengedata/'+ x, wd + '/challengedata/' + x) print('Unzipping folder ' + str(dir[0])) os.system('tar -xzf ' + x) print('Deleting zip file: ' + x) os.system('rm ' + x) count = count + 1 print(str(dir[0]) + ' was just added to the challengedata folder') else: ftp.download_file('challengedata/'+ x, wd + '/challengedata/' + x) print('challengedata has been updated. ' + str(count) + ' week(s) was/were just added.') print('Disconnecting from ftp') ftp.disconnect()
def fetch_visual_file(): global wd wd = str(os.getcwd()) print('All Files will go into the celpp folder') cred = (wd + '/credentials.txt') try: #attempts to connect to file required to connect to ftp print('Trying to open credentials.txt') fo = open(cred, 'r') fo.close() except: #writes file required to connect to ftp if not already made print('Writing credentials.txt file') fo = open(cred, 'w') fo.write('host\nuser [email protected]\npass #hail2pitt1\npath\ncontestantid 33824\nchallengepath /challengedata\nsubmissionpath /33824') fo.close() if(os.path.isdir(wd + '/challengedata_Visualizaiton')==False):#creates challengedata folder if it doesn't exist print('challengedata_Visualizaiton directory does not exists. ') os.mkdir(wd + '/challengedata_Visualizaiton') os.chdir(wd + '/challengedata_Visualizaiton') else: #changes to challengedata folder if it exists os.chdir(wd + '/challengedata_Visualizaiton') ftp = FtpFileTransfer(cred) print('Connecting to') ftp.connect() print('Connected to ftp') ftp_files = ftp.list_files('challengedata')#creates list of files from box for x in (ftp_files): if (x == 'visual.txt'): ftp.download_file('challengedata/' + x, wd + '/challengedata/' + x) ftp.disconnect() print('Disconnected from ftp') def box_plot(rmsd, week_num): x_data = list(rmsd.keys()) y_data = [] for x in x_data: data = rmsd.get(x) y_data.append(data) y_best_rmsd = [] y_first_rmsd = [] for y in y_data: min_rmsd = min(y) first_rmsd = y[0] y_best_rmsd.append(min_rmsd) y_first_rmsd.append(first_rmsd) N = len(x_data) colors = ['hsl('+str(h)+',50%'+',50%)' for h in np.linspace(0, 360, N)] traces = [] for xd, yd, ybest, yfirst, cls in zip(x_data, y_data, y_best_rmsd, y_first_rmsd, colors): traces.append(go.Box( y=yd, name=xd, boxpoints='all', jitter=1, whiskerwidth=1, pointpos = -2, fillcolor=cls, marker=dict(size=3,), line=dict(width=1.5),)) traces.append(go.Scatter( showlegend = True, legendgroup = 'Best RMSD', y = ybest, x = xd, name = xd + ' Best RMSD', fillcolor=cls, marker = dict(size = 15, symbol = 'square-open', ), )) traces.append(go.Scatter( showlegend = True, legendgroup = 'First Pose RMSD', y = yfirst, x = xd, name = xd + ' First Pose RMSD', fillcolor = cls, marker = dict(size = 15, symbol = 'star', ),)) layout = go.Layout(title='RMSD for all Targets in Week' + str(week_num), yaxis=dict(autorange=True,showgrid=True,zeroline=True,dtick=5, gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', gridwidth=1, zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',zerolinewidth=2,), margin=dict(l=40,r=30,b=80,t=100,), paper_bgcolor='rgb(243, 243, 243)', plot_bgcolor='rgb(243, 243, 243)', showlegend=False) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return fig def bar_plot(rmsd, week_num): x_data = list(rmsd.keys()) y_data = [] for x in x_data: data = rmsd.get(x) y_data.append(data) y_best_rmsd = [] y_first_rmsd = [] for y in y_data: min_rmsd = min(y) first_rmsd = y[0] y_best_rmsd.append(min_rmsd) y_first_rmsd.append(first_rmsd) trace1 = go.Bar( x = x_data, y = y_best_rmsd, name='Best RMSD' ) trace2 = go.Bar( x = x_data, y = y_first_rmsd, name='First Pose RMSD' ) data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout(title='Best and First Pose RMSD for all Targets in Week' + str(week_num), barmode='group' ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig