コード例 #1
def build_zee_selection(meta_tree):
    ''' Build the Zee selection '''
    meta = meta_tree
    selection = And(
        # Trigger selection
        # FIXME!!
        meta.doubleEPass > 0.5,

        # Leading muon selection
        meta.e1_e2_SS < 0.5,
        meta.e1_e2_Mass < 111.2,
        meta.e1_e2_Mass > 71.2,
        meta.e1Pt > 20,
        meta.e2Pt > 10,

        # Apply Iso
        meta.e1RelPFIsoDB < 0.25,
        meta.e2RelPFIsoDB < 0.25,

        # Apply ID

        # Missing hits
        meta.e1MissingHits < 1.5,
        meta.e2MissingHits < 1.5,
        meta.e1AbsEta < 2.5,
        meta.e2AbsEta < 2.5,
        meta.bjetVeto < 1,
    return selection
コード例 #2
def build_zmm_selection(meta_tree):
    ''' Build the Zmumu selection '''
    meta = meta_tree
    selection = And(
        # Trigger selection
        meta.doubleMuPass > 0.5,

        # Leading muon selection
        meta.m1_m2_SS < 0.5,
        meta.m1_m2_Mass < 111.2,
        meta.m1_m2_Mass > 71.2,
        meta.m1Pt > 20,
        meta.m2Pt > 10,
        meta.m1RelPFIsoDB < 0.25,
        meta.m2RelPFIsoDB < 0.25,
        meta.m1AbsEta < 2.4,
        meta.m2AbsEta < 2.4,
        meta.m1IsGlobal > 0.5,
        meta.m1IsTracker > 0.5,
        meta.m1GlbTrkHits > 10.5,
        meta.m2IsGlobal > 0.5,
        meta.m2IsTracker > 0.5,
        meta.m2GlbTrkHits > 10.5,
        meta.bjetVeto < 1,
    return selection
コード例 #3

Implementation of ZH search in the mu-mu-mu-tau channel


from Analyzer import Analyzer
from FinalStateAnalysis.PlotTools.megautil import MetaTree, And, Or
from zh_zmm_selection import build_zmm_selection

meta = MetaTree()

# Selection to ensure there is only one candidate per final state
unique = And(
    # Pick the best Z candidate in the first two positions
    meta.m1_m2_Zcompat < meta.m1_m3_Zcompat,
    meta.m1_m2_Zcompat < meta.m2_m3_Zcompat,
    meta.m1Pt > meta.m2Pt)

base_selections = And(
    # Build the leading ZMM selection

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.m3Pt > 10,
    meta.m3AbsEta < 2.4,
    meta.tPt > 20,
    meta.tAbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.tDecayFinding > 0.5,

    # Vetoes
コード例 #4

Implementation of ZH search in the e-e-e-tau channel


from Analyzer import Analyzer
from FinalStateAnalysis.PlotTools.megautil import MetaTree, And, Or
from zh_zee_selection import build_zee_selection

meta = MetaTree()

# Selection to ensure there is only one candidate per final state
unique = And(
    # Pick the best Z candidate in the first two positions
    meta.e1_e2_Zcompat < meta.e1_e3_Zcompat,
    meta.e1_e2_Zcompat < meta.e2_e3_Zcompat,
    meta.e1Pt > meta.e2Pt)

base_selections = And(
    # Build the leading zee selection

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.e3Pt > 10,
    meta.e3AbsEta < 2.4,
    meta.tPt > 20,
    meta.tAbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.tDecayFinding > 0.5,

    # Vetoes
コード例 #5

Implementation of ZH search in the mu-mu-tau-tau channel


from Analyzer import Analyzer
from FinalStateAnalysis.PlotTools.megautil import MetaTree, And, Or
from zh_zmm_selection import build_zmm_selection

meta = MetaTree()

unique = And(
    meta.m1Pt > meta.m2Pt,
    meta.t1Pt > meta.t2Pt,

base_selections = And(
    # Build the leading ZMM selection

    # Subleading Z selection
    meta.t1Pt > 20,
    meta.t1AbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.t1DecayFinding > 0.5,
    meta.t2Pt > 20,
    meta.t2AbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.t2DecayFinding > 0.5,

    # Vetoes
    meta.muGlbIsoVetoPt10 < 1,
コード例 #6
base_selections = And(

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.ePt > 10,
    meta.eAbsEta < 2.5,
    meta.tPt > 20,
    meta.tAbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.tDecayFinding > 0.5,

    # Vetoes
    meta.muGlbIsoVetoPt10 < 1,
    meta.eVetoCicTightIso < 1,
    #meta.bjetVeto < 1,
    meta.tauVetoPt20 < 1,

    # DZ cuts
    abs(meta.m1DZ - meta.m2DZ) < 0.1,
    abs(meta.m1DZ - meta.eDZ) < 0.1,
    abs(meta.m1DZ - meta.tDZ) < 0.1,

    # Tau cleaning
    meta.tAntiElectronMVA > 0.5,
    meta.tCiCTightElecOverlap < 0.5,
    meta.tAntiMuonLoose > 0.5,
    meta.tMuOverlap < 0.5,
    meta.eMissingHits < 0.5,
コード例 #7

Implementation of ZH search in the mu-mu-mu-e channel


from Analyzer import Analyzer
from FinalStateAnalysis.PlotTools.megautil import MetaTree, And, Or
from zh_zee_selection import build_zee_selection

meta = MetaTree()

unique = And(
    # Pick the best Z candidate in the first two positions
    meta.e1_e2_Zcompat < meta.e1_e3_Zcompat,
    meta.e1_e2_Zcompat < meta.e2_e3_Zcompat,
    meta.e1Pt > meta.e2Pt

base_selections = And(

    # Build the leading zee selection

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.e3Pt > 10,
    meta.e3AbsEta < 2.5,

    meta.mPt > 10,
    meta.mAbsEta < 2.4,
コード例 #8

Implementation of ZH search in the mu-mu-mu-e channel


from Analyzer import Analyzer
from FinalStateAnalysis.PlotTools.megautil import MetaTree, And, Or
from zh_zmm_selection import build_zmm_selection

meta = MetaTree()

unique = And(
    # Pick the best Z candidate in the first two positions
    meta.m1_m2_Zcompat < meta.m1_m3_Zcompat,
    meta.m1_m2_Zcompat < meta.m2_m3_Zcompat,
    meta.m1Pt > meta.m2Pt

base_selections = And(

    # Build the leading ZMM selection

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.m3Pt > 10,
    meta.m3AbsEta < 2.4,

    meta.ePt > 10,
    meta.eAbsEta < 2.5,
コード例 #9
base_selections = And(

    # Build the leading ZMM selection

    # Subleading muon selection
    meta.mPt > 10,
    meta.mAbsEta < 2.4,
    meta.tPt > 20,
    meta.tAbsEta < 2.3,
    meta.tDecayFinding > 0.5,

    # Vetoes
    meta.muGlbIsoVetoPt10 < 1,
    meta.eVetoCicTightIso < 1,
    #meta.bjetVeto < 1,
    meta.tauVetoPt20 < 1,

    # DZ cuts
    abs(meta.e1DZ - meta.e2DZ) < 0.1,
    abs(meta.e1DZ - meta.mDZ) < 0.1,
    abs(meta.e1DZ - meta.tDZ) < 0.1,

    # Tau cleaning
    meta.tAntiElectronLoose > 0.5,
    meta.tCiCTightElecOverlap < 0.5,
    meta.tAntiMuonTight > 0.5,
    meta.tMuOverlap < 0.5,
    #meta.mVBTFID > 0.5,
    meta.mIsGlobal > 0.5,
    meta.mIsTracker > 0.5,
    meta.mGlbTrkHits > 10.5,