コード例 #1
ファイル: ExportGrid.py プロジェクト: ZigmundRat/CrossMgr
	def toExcelSheetXLSX( self, formats, sheet ):
		''' Write the contents of the grid to an xlwt excel sheet. '''
		titleStyle				= formats['titleStyle']
		headerStyleAlignLeft	= formats['headerStyleAlignLeft']
		headerStyleAlignRight	= formats['headerStyleAlignRight']
		styleAlignLeft			= formats['styleAlignLeft']
		styleAlignRight			= formats['styleAlignRight']
		rowTop = 0
		if self.title:
			for line in self.title.split('\n'):
				sheet.write(rowTop, 0, line, titleStyle)
				rowTop += 1
			rowTop += 1
		sheetFit = FitSheetWrapperXLSX( sheet )
		# Write the colnames and data.
		rowMax = 0
		for col, c in enumerate(self.colnames):
			isSpeed = (c == _('Speed'))
			if isSpeed and self.data[col]:
					c = self.colnames[col] = self.data[col][0].split()[1]
				except IndexError:
					c = self.colnames[col] = ''

			headerStyle = headerStyleAlignLeft if col in self.leftJustifyCols else headerStyleAlignRight
			style = styleAlignLeft if col in self.leftJustifyCols else styleAlignRight
			sheetFit.write( rowTop, col, c, headerStyle, bold=True )
			for row, v in enumerate(self.data[col]):
				if isSpeed and v:
					v = (u'{}'.format(v).split() or [''])[0]
					if v == u'"':
						v += u'    '
				rowCur = rowTop + 1 + row
				if rowCur > rowMax:
					rowMax = rowCur
				sheetFit.write( rowCur, col, v, style )
			if isSpeed:
				self.colnames[col] = _('Speed')
		if self.footer:
			rowMax += 2
			for line in self.footer.split('\n'):
				sheet.write( rowMax, 0, line.strip(), styleAlignLeft )
				rowMax += 1
		# Add branding at the bottom of the sheet.
		sheet.write( rowMax + 2, 0, self.brandText, styleAlignLeft )
コード例 #2
ファイル: ExportGrid.py プロジェクト: johndowen/CrossMgr
    def toExcelSheetXLSX(self, formats, sheet):
        ''' Write the contents of the grid to an xlwt excel sheet. '''
        titleStyle = formats['titleStyle']
        headerStyleAlignLeft = formats['headerStyleAlignLeft']
        headerStyleAlignRight = formats['headerStyleAlignRight']
        styleAlignLeft = formats['styleAlignLeft']
        styleAlignRight = formats['styleAlignRight']

        rowTop = 0
        if self.title:
            for line in self.title.split('\n'):
                sheet.write(rowTop, 0, line, titleStyle)
                rowTop += 1
            rowTop += 1

        sheetFit = FitSheetWrapperXLSX(sheet)

        # Write the colnames and data.
        rowMax = 0
        for col, c in enumerate(self.colnames):
            isSpeed = (c == _('Speed'))
            if isSpeed and self.data[col]:
                    c = self.colnames[col] = self.data[col][0].split()[1]
                except IndexError:
                    c = self.colnames[col] = ''

            headerStyle = headerStyleAlignLeft if col in self.leftJustifyCols else headerStyleAlignRight
            style = styleAlignLeft if col in self.leftJustifyCols else styleAlignRight

            sheetFit.write(rowTop, col, c, headerStyle, bold=True)
            for row, v in enumerate(self.data[col]):
                if isSpeed and v:
                    v = (u'{}'.format(v).split() or [''])[0]
                    if v == u'"':
                        v += u'    '
                rowCur = rowTop + 1 + row
                if rowCur > rowMax:
                    rowMax = rowCur
                sheetFit.write(rowCur, col, v, style)

            if isSpeed:
                self.colnames[col] = _('Speed')

        if self.footer:
            rowMax += 2
            for line in self.footer.split('\n'):
                sheet.write(rowMax, 0, line.strip(), styleAlignLeft)
                rowMax += 1

        # Add branding at the bottom of the sheet.
        sheet.write(rowMax + 2, 0, self.brandText, styleAlignLeft)
コード例 #3
def JPResultsExport(workbook, sheet):
    race = Model.race
    if not race:


    sheetFit = FitSheetWrapperXLSX(sheet)

    titleStyle = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
    leftAlignStyle = workbook.add_format()
    rightAlignStyle = workbook.add_format({'align': 'right'})
    timeStyle = workbook.add_format({
        'num_format': 'hh:mm:ss',
        'align': 'right'

    Finisher = Model.Rider.Finisher

    row = 0
    for cat in race.getCategories(startWaveOnly=False, uploadOnly=True):
        results = GetResults(cat)
        if not results:

        gender = None

        for rr in results:
            if row == 0:
                for col, field in enumerate(JPResultFields):
                    sheetFit.write(row, col, field, titleStyle, bold=True)
                row += 1

                finishTime = (
                    rr.lastTime -
                    rr.raceTimes[0]) if rr.status == Finisher else None
                if race.roadRaceFinishTimes:
                    finishTime = floor(finishTime)[
                        0]  # Truncate decimal seconds.
                finishTime /= (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0
                               )  # Convert to fraction of a day.
            except Exception as e:
                finishTime = None

            valueStyle = {
                'body_number': (rr.num, rightAlignStyle),
                'racer_code': (getattr(rr, 'License', None), leftAlignStyle),
                'family_name': (getattr(rr, 'LastName', None), leftAlignStyle),
                'first_name': (getattr(rr, 'FirstName', None), leftAlignStyle),
                'team': (getattr(rr, 'Team', None), leftAlignStyle),
                'uci_id': (formatUciId(getattr(rr, 'UCIID', None)) if hasattr(
                    rr, 'UCIID') else None, leftAlignStyle),
                'gender': (gender, leftAlignStyle),
                'birth_date': (getattr(rr, 'DateOfBirth',
                                       None), leftAlignStyle),
                'entry_status': (getattr(rr, 'EntryStatus',
                                         None), leftAlignStyle),
                (rr.pos if rr.status == Finisher else None, rightAlignStyle),
                'result_status': (getStatusName(rr.status), leftAlignStyle),
                (rr.laps if rr.status == Finisher else None, rightAlignStyle),
                (finishTime if rr.status == Finisher else None, timeStyle),
                'category_code': (cat.name, leftAlignStyle),

            for col, field in enumerate(JPResultFields):
                value, style = valueStyle[field]
                if value is not None:
                    sheetFit.write(row, col, value, style)

            row += 1
コード例 #4
ファイル: VTTAExport.py プロジェクト: pythonthings/CrossMgr
def VTTAExport( workbook, sheet ):
	race = Model.race
	if not race:
	SyncExcelLink( race )
	raceDiscipline = getattr( race, 'discipline', 'Cyclo-cross' )
	if 'cyclo' in raceDiscipline.lower():
		raceDiscipline = 'Cyclo-cross'
	elif 'road' in raceDiscipline.lower():
		raceDiscipline = 'Road Race'
	if race.isTimeTrial:
		raceDiscipline = 'Time Trial'

	sheetFit = FitSheetWrapperXLSX( sheet )
	titleStyle = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
	leftAlignStyle = workbook.add_format()
	rightAlignStyle = workbook.add_format({'align': 'right'})
	catDetails = dict( (cd['name'], cd) for cd in GetCategoryDetails() )
	hasDistance = None
	maxLaps = 0
	publishCategories = race.getCategories( startWaveOnly = False, uploadOnly = True )
	for cat in publishCategories:
		results = GetResults( cat )
		if not results:
		cd = catDetails[cat.fullname]
		if cd.get('raceDistance', None):
			hasDistance = True
		maxLaps = max( maxLaps, max(rr.laps for rr in results) )
	if maxLaps == 1 or maxLaps > 99:
		maxLaps = 0
	lapTimeStartCol = (2 if hasDistance else 0) + lenVTTAFields
	year, month, day = race.date.split( '-' )
	raceDate = datetime.date( year = int(year), month = int(month), day = int(day) ).strftime( '%m/%d/%Y' )
	row = 0
	for cat in publishCategories:
		results = GetResults( cat )
		if not results:
		raceGender = getattr(cat, 'gender', 'Open')
		if raceGender == 'Open':
			raceGender = 'All'
		cd = catDetails[cat.fullname]
		raceDistance = cd.get('raceDistance', '')
		raceDistanceType = cd.get('distanceUnit', '')
		for rr in results:
			if row == 0:
				for col, field in enumerate(VTTAFields):
					sheetFit.write( row, col, field, titleStyle, bold=True )
				if hasDistance:
					sheetFit.write( row, lenVTTAFields  , 'Race Distance', titleStyle, bold=True )
					sheetFit.write( row, lenVTTAFields+1, 'Race Distance Type', titleStyle, bold=True )
				for i in six.moves.range(maxLaps):
					sheetFit.write( row, lapTimeStartCol + i, 'Rider Lap {}'.format(i + 1), titleStyle, bold=True )
				row += 1
				finishTime = formatTimeGap(rr.lastTime - rr.raceTimes[0]) if rr.status == Model.Rider.Finisher else ''
			except Exception as e:
				finishTime = ''

			for col, field in enumerate(VTTAFields):
					'Race Date':		lambda : sheet.write( row, col, raceDate, rightAlignStyle ),
					'Race Gender':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, raceGender, leftAlignStyle ),
					'Race Discipline':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, raceDiscipline, leftAlignStyle ),
					'Race Category':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, cat.name, leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Bib #':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, rr.num, rightAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Last Name':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'LastName', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider First Name':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'FirstName', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Age':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'Age', ''), rightAlignStyle ),
					'Rider City':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'City', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider StateProv':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col,
																getattr(rr, 'StateProv', '') or getattr(rr, 'Prov', '') or getattr(rr, 'State', ''),
																leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Nat.':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'Nat.', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Team':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'Team', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider License #':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'License', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider UCICode':	lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, getattr(rr, 'UCICode', ''), leftAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Place':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, 'DNP' if rr.pos in {'NP', 'OTL', 'PUL'} else toInt(rr.pos), rightAlignStyle ),
					'Rider Time':		lambda : sheetFit.write( row, col, finishTime, rightAlignStyle ),
			if hasDistance:
				sheetFit.write( row, lenVTTAFields  , raceDistance, rightAlignStyle )
				sheetFit.write( row, lenVTTAFields+1, raceDistanceType, rightAlignStyle )

			if maxLaps:
				for i, lapTime in enumerate(rr.lapTimes):
					sheetFit.write( row, lapTimeStartCol + i, formatTimeGap(lapTime), rightAlignStyle )
			row += 1