def cb_uuid_to_str(_uuid: CBUUID) -> str: """Converts a CoreBluetooth UUID to a Python string. If ``_uuid`` is a 16-bit UUID, it is assumed to be a Bluetooth GATT UUID (``0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb``). Args _uuid: The UUID. Returns: The UUID as a lower case Python string (``xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx``) """ _uuid = _uuid.UUIDString() if len(_uuid) == 4: return "0000{0}-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb".format(_uuid.lower()) # TODO: Evaluate if this is a necessary method... # elif _is_uuid_16bit_compatible(_uuid): # return _uuid[4:8].lower() else: return _uuid.lower()
def centralManager_didDiscoverPeripheral_advertisementData_RSSI_( self, manager, peripheral, data, rssi): if CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey not in data: return service_data = hexlify(data[CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey][ CBUUID.UUIDWithString_("FD6F")].bytes().tobytes()).decode("ascii") encounter = Encounter( device_key=str(peripheral.identifier()), service_data=service_data,, rssi=rssi.intValue(), ) for listener in self.listeners: listener.new_encounter(encounter=encounter)
async def add_new_service(self, uuid: str): """ Add a service and all it's characteristics to be advertised Parameters ---------- uuid : str The string representation of the UUID of the service to be added """ logger.debug("Creating a new service with uuid: {}".format(uuid)) service_uuid: CBUUID = CBUUID.alloc().initWithString_(uuid) cb_service: CBMutableService = ( CBMutableService.alloc().initWithType_primary_(service_uuid, True)) bleak_service: BleakGATTServiceCoreBluetooth = ( BleakGATTServiceCoreBluetooth(obj=cb_service))[uuid] = bleak_service
async def add_new_characteristic(self, service_uuid: str, char_uuid: str, properties: GattCharacteristicsFlags, value: Optional[bytearray], permissions: int): """ Generate a new characteristic to be associated with the server Parameters ---------- service_uuid: str The string representation of the UUID for the service associated with the characteristic to be added char_uuid : str The string representation of the UUID for the characteristic to be added properties : GattCharacteristicsFlags The flags for the characteristic value : Optional[bytearray] The initial value for the characteristic permissions : int The permissions for the characteristic """ logger.debug( "Craeting a new characteristic with uuid: {}".format(char_uuid)) cb_uuid: CBUUID = CBUUID.alloc().initWithString_(char_uuid) cb_characteristic: CBMutableCharacteristic = ( CBMutableCharacteristic.alloc(). initWithType_properties_value_permissions_(cb_uuid, properties, value, permissions)) bleak_characteristic: BlessGATTCharacteristicCoreBluetooth = ( BlessGATTCharacteristicCoreBluetooth(obj=cb_characteristic)) service: BleakGATTService =[service_uuid] service.add_characteristic(bleak_characteristic) characteristics: List[CBMutableCharacteristic] = [ characteristic.obj for characteristic in service.characteristics ] service.obj.setCharacteristics_(characteristics)
def _convert_int_to_uuid(i: int) -> str: UUID_bytes = i.to_bytes(length=16, byteorder="big") UUID_data = NSData.alloc().initWithBytes_length_(UUID_bytes, len(UUID_bytes)) UUID_cb = CBUUID.alloc().initWithData_(UUID_data) return UUID_cb.UUIDString()
def _convert_uuid_to_int(_uuid: str) -> int: UUID_cb = CBUUID.alloc().initWithString_(_uuid) UUID_data = UUID_bytes = UUID_data.getBytes_length_(None, len(UUID_data)) UUID_int = int.from_bytes(UUID_bytes, byteorder="big") return UUID_int
def string2uuid(uuid_str: str) -> CBUUID: """Convert a string to a uuid""" return CBUUID.UUIDWithString_(uuid_str)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Originally from import struct from Foundation import CBCentralManager, CBUUID from PyObjCTools import AppHelper from btleclassifier import BTLEAdvClassifier from constants import C import btleclassifier import datetime wx2_service = CBUUID.UUIDWithString_(u'0C4C3000-7700-46F4-AA96-D5E974E32A54') wx2_characteristic_data = CBUUID.UUIDWithString_( u'0C4C3001-7700-46F4-AA96-D5E974E32A54') EXIT_COUNT = 10 class MyBLE(object): def __init__(self, debug=False): self.seen = set() self.debug = debug self.count_advertisements = 0 def centralManagerDidUpdateState_(self, manager): if self.debug: print("centralManagerDidUpdateState_")
def centralManagerDidUpdateState_(self, manager): self.manager = manager manager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices_options_( [CBUUID.UUIDWithString_(self.UUID)], {CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: objc.YES}, )