コード例 #1
    def start_ftp_on_remote(session_object, command, username, password):
        """ To start ftp connection on remote machine

            1. session_object = session object to be used
            2. command(string) = ftp command
            2. username(string) = username
            3. password(string) = password

            1. status(bool) = True/False

        cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", ":", command)
        cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", ":", username)
        status, response = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object,
                                                  ".*", ">", password)
        if status and "Login successful" in response:
            status = True
            pNote("ftp session established successfully")
            status = False
            pNote("ftp session cannot be established", "error")
        return status
コード例 #2
    def get_file_size(session_object, prompt, filename, session=None):
        To get file size for a given file
        This assumes you are in the correct directory
        This also handles file size in ftp and sftp prompt

            1. session_object = session object to be used
            2. prompt(string) = prompt expected
            2. filename(string) = filename string
            3. session(string) = ftp/sftp/others

            1. status(bool) = True/False

        if session == "ftp":

            command = "ls {} ".format(filename)
            output = cli_Utils.send_command_and_get_response(session_object,
                                                             ".*", ">",
            size1 = ([line for line in output.split("\n")
                      if filename in line][1].split(" "))
            size = [line for line in size1 if line != ""][4]

        elif session == "sftp":

            command = "ls -l {} ".format(filename)
            output = cli_Utils.send_command_and_get_response(session_object,
                                                             ".*", ">", command)
            size1 = output.split("\n")[1].split(" ")
            size = [line for line in size1 if line != ""][4]

            command = "ls -l {} | awk '{{print $5}}'".format(filename)
            _, output = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                               prompt, command)
            # to remove discrepancy between solaris and linux
            output_list = [output.replace('\r', '')
                           for output in output.split("\n")
                           if command not in output]
            size = output_list[0]

        pNote("File:%s size found to be:%s"%(filename, str(size)))
        return size
コード例 #3
    def start_sftp_on_remote(session_object, command, password, prompt):
        """ To start sftp connection on remote machine

            1. session_object = session object to be used
            2. command(string) = sftp command
            3. username(string) = username
            4. password(string) = password
            5. prompt(string) = prompt in source system

            1. status(bool) = True/False

        status, response = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                                  "password:|>", command)

        if re.search('.*(?i)remote host identification has changed.*', response):
            line_del = re.search('Offending key in .*?:(\d+)', response).group(1)

            ssh_key_remove = "sed '"+line_del+"d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts> /tmp/temp "\
                             "&& mv -f /tmp/temp  ~/.ssh/known_hosts"

            status, _ = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                               prompt, ssh_key_remove)

            status, response = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                                      "password:|>", command)
        if re.search('(yes/no)', response):
            status, _ = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                               '.*(?i)password.*', 'yes')
            if status != True:
                status, response = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*",
                                                          "password:|>", command)

        status, _ = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", ">",
        if status == True:
            status = True
            pNote("sftp session established successfully")
            status = False
            pNote("sftp session cannot be established", "error")
        return status
コード例 #4
    def file_exists_on_remote(session_object, prompt, filename):
        To check file exists
        This assumes you are in the correct directory

            1. session_object = session object to be used
            2. prompt(string) = prompt expected
            3. filename(string) = filename string

            1. status(bool) = True/False

        status = False
        command = "ls -l {}".format(filename)
        _, output = cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", prompt,
        if output.find("No such file or directory") >= 0:
            pNote("File:%s not  found"%(filename), "error")
            status = True

        return status
コード例 #5
    def sftp_from_remotehost(cls, session_object, ip_type, sftp_operation, port,
                             filepath, prompt, dest_address, username,
                             password, filepath_dest):
        """sftp(test both put and get).This keyword can be used to transfer
        file from source _system to destination system or vice versa.
        It checks the size after transfer in both get and put.

            1. session_object(string)  = name of the Linux machine on which\
                                      to execute
            2. ip_type(string) = iptype of the dest system through \
                                 which it needs to be connected.
                                 needs to be one of \
                                 (ip/ipv4/dns/lmp_ip/lmp_ipv6).It has to be \
                                 present in the input data file.
            3. sftp_operation(string) = get/put/both
            4. port(string) = source port
            5. filepath(string) = file with filepath in source\
                                  system(used for put)
            6. prompt(string)  = prompt of the source system
            7. dest_address(string) = ipv4 address or defaulted to lcn ip
            8. username(string) = username of the dest system
            9. password(string) = password of the dest system
            9. filepath_dest(string) = file with filepath in destination\
                               system(used for get)
            1. bool (True/False)

        put = True if ("put" in sftp_operation or "both" in sftp_operation) \
                   else False
        get = True if ("get" in sftp_operation or "both" in sftp_operation) \
                   else False

        status_get = False if get else True
        status_put = False if put else True

        filedir, filename = (file_Utils.getDirName(filepath),
        filedir_dest, filename_dest = (file_Utils.getDirName(filepath_dest),

        sftp_cmd = "sftp"
        if ip_type == "ipv6":
            sftp_cmd = "sftp6"

        # move into the path
        cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", prompt, "cd {}".
        command = sftp_cmd +"  -oPort={0} {1}@{2}".format(port, username,

        # check whether file is available
        putfilepresent = cls.file_exists_on_remote(session_object, prompt,
        if putfilepresent:
            # check the put file size
            put_file_size = cls.get_file_size(session_object, prompt, filename)

            pNote("Specified put file:{} not found".format(filename), "error")

        # Starting the sftp connection
        status = cls.start_sftp_on_remote(session_object, command,
                                          password, prompt)
        if status:
            cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", ">", "cd {}".

            if putfilepresent and put:
                status_put = cls.sftp_put_from_remote(session_object,
                                                      filename, filedir)
                put_file_size_transf = cls.get_file_size(session_object, ">",
                if status_put:
                    pNote("Actual put file size:%s Transferred put file size"
                          ":%s"%(str(put_file_size), str(put_file_size_transf)))
                    if str(put_file_size) == str(put_file_size_transf):
                        status_put = True
                        pNote("Transferred put file size matches the origin")
                        status_put = False
                        pNote("Transferred put file size does not"
                              "match the origin")

            if get:
                # check whether file is available
                getfilepresent = cls.file_exists_on_remote(session_object, ">",

                if getfilepresent:
                    gfile_size = cls.get_file_size(session_object, ">",
                    status_get = cls.sftp_get_from_remote(session_object,

                    # exiting the sftp terminal
                    cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", prompt, "exit")

                    if status_get:
                        # check the get file size after transfer
                        gfile_size_transf = cls.get_file_size(session_object,

                        pNote("Actual get file size:%s Transferred get file"
                        if str(gfile_size) == str(gfile_size_transf):
                            status_get = True
                            pNote("Transferred get file size matches the origin")
                            status_get = False
                            pNote("Transferred get file size matches the origin")
                    pNote("Specified get file:{} not found".format(filename_dest),

                cli_Utils.send_command(session_object, ".*", prompt, "exit")

            status = status_get and status_put
            status = False
        return  status