コード例 #1
ファイル: TestProtein.py プロジェクト: lkuchenb/fred
    def test2_generate_peptides_novariants(self):
        Test if a list of proteins is correctly broken into peptide fragments.
        Here the proteins are constructed just from their sequence, having no
        transcript or variant information.
        pep_set = generate_peptides_from_proteins(self.prot_set, 3)

        # # Print peptide generator results:
        # for pep in pep_set:
        #     print pep, pep.proteins.items()
        #     print pep, pep.vars.items()
        #     print pep, pep.transcripts.items()

        # get the number of peptides generated for each protein in self.prot_set and sum up
        number_of_peps = sum(len(pep.proteins.keys()) for pep in pep_set)
        # The total number of peptides of length 3 from all proteins in self.pro_set should be 14
        self.assertEqual(number_of_peps, 14)

        # generated pep_set should consist only of unique-sequence entries
        unique_test_prot_set = list()

        unique_test_pep_set = set(generate_peptides_from_proteins(unique_test_prot_set, 3))
        unique_test_pep_seqs = set([str(pep) for pep in unique_test_pep_set])
        self.assertEqual(len(unique_test_pep_set), len(unique_test_pep_seqs))
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestDistance2Self.py プロジェクト: Al3n70rn/Fred2
    def setUp(self):
        self.peptides = [Peptide("SYFPEITHI"), Peptide("IHTIEPFYS")]
        testsequences_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename('Fred2', path.join('Data', 'examples', 'testSequences.fasta'))
        with open(testsequences_file, "rU") as handle:
            records = list(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"))
        prot_set = [Protein(str(r.seq)) for r in records]
        unique_test_pep_set = generate_peptides_from_proteins(prot_set, 9)
        self.selfpeptides = [str(x) for x in unique_test_pep_set]

        small_unique_test_pep_set = generate_peptides_from_proteins(small_prot_set, 9)
        self.fewselfpeptides = [str(x) for x in small_unique_test_pep_set]
コード例 #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.peptides = [Peptide("SYFPEITHI"), Peptide("IHTIEPFYS")]
        testsequences_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
            'Fred2', path.join('Data', 'examples', 'testSequences.fasta'))
        with open(testsequences_file, "rU") as handle:
            records = list(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"))
        prot_set = [Protein(str(r.seq)) for r in records]
        unique_test_pep_set = generate_peptides_from_proteins(prot_set, 9)
        self.selfpeptides = [str(x) for x in unique_test_pep_set]

        small_prot_set = [
        small_unique_test_pep_set = generate_peptides_from_proteins(
            small_prot_set, 9)
        self.fewselfpeptides = [str(x) for x in small_unique_test_pep_set]
コード例 #4
ファイル: TestProtein.py プロジェクト: lkuchenb/fred
    def test3_protein_from_variants(self):
        Generate some transcripts from the 3 input variants
        (should give 8 transcripts, check also if all fields are complete)
        Using a protein made from variants:

        Translate to proteins (check if all fields are there/filled)

        fragment to unique peptides
        (check for uniqueness of sequences, check fields of peptides, check
        correctness of fragments)
        dummy_db = DummyAdapter()
        dummy_vars = [var_10, var_11, var_12]

        proteins = []
        t = list(generate_transcripts_from_variants(dummy_vars, dummy_db, EIdentifierTypes.REFSEQ))
        for trans in t:
            # check gene id field:
            print trans
            self.assertEqual(trans.gene_id, "gene_1")

            # check trans id name:
            name = trans.transcript_id.split(":FRED2_")
            self.assertEqual(len(name), 2)
            self.assertTrue(name[0] == "tsc_1" or name[0] == "tsc_2")
            self.assertTrue(len(name[1]) == 1 and name[1].isdigit)

            # check var:
            self.assertTrue(len(trans.vars) > 0)

            # check sequence:
            self.assertTrue(str(trans) > 5)

            ### GET PROTS:
            # IGNORE invalid sequence lengths
            except ValueError:

        self.assertEqual(len(proteins), 8)

        ## CHECK Proteins:
        for prot in proteins:
            self.assertEqual(prot.gene_id, "gene_1")

            # check trans id name:
            name = prot.transcript_id.split(":FRED2_")
            self.assertEqual(len(name), 2)
            self.assertTrue(name[0] == "tsc_1" or name[0] == "tsc_2")
            self.assertTrue(len(name[1]) == 1 and name[1].isdigit)

            orig = prot.orig_transcript
            self.assertEqual(prot.transcript_id, orig.transcript_id)
            self.assertEqual(len(set(e for subl in prot.vars.itervalues() for e in subl)), len(orig.vars))

            # check sequence:
            self.assertTrue(str(prot) > 2)

        ## GENERATE Peptides:
        peptides = generate_peptides_from_proteins(proteins,2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestProtein.py プロジェクト: lkuchenb/fred
    def test4_peptides_from_variants(self):
        Ref trancript: AAAAACCCCCGGGGG
        ref protein:   KNPRG
        ref peps(3):   KNPR, NPRG

        variant1: heterozygous, fs+1 in first aa
        variant2: heterozygous, insertion +2 in last aa

        trans-var1: TKPPGA
        1: peps(3): TKPP, KPPG, PPGA

        trans-var2: KNPRG
        2: peps(3): KNPR, NPRG

            TRANSCRIPT: tsc_1:FRED2_3
            TRANSCRIPT: tsc_1:FRED2_3
            TRANSCRIPT: tsc_1:FRED2_3

            TRANSCRIPT: tsc_1:FRED2_0
            TRANSCRIPT: tsc_1:FRED2_0
        #TODO Somewhere here a print statement is called
        peps_trans1 = ["KNPR", "NPRG"]
        peps_trans2 = ["PPGA", "KPPG", "TKPP"]
        expected_vars = ["Variant(1C)", "Variant(15CC)"]
        expected = peps_trans1 + peps_trans2

        dummy_db = DummyAdapter()
        dummy_vars = [var_13, var_14]

        proteins = []
        transcripts = list(generate_transcripts_from_variants(dummy_vars, dummy_db, EIdentifierTypes.REFSEQ))
        for trans in transcripts:
            ### GET PROTS:
            # IGNORE invalid sequence lengths
            except ValueError:

        peptides = list(generate_peptides_from_proteins(proteins, 4))

        sequences = [str(pep) for pep in peptides]

        # Check if all peptides are generated as expected
        self.assertTrue(all(pep in sequences for pep in expected))
        # no duplicates or more than the expected ones:
        self.assertEqual(len(peptides), len(expected))

        #vari_peps = [pep.get_all_variants() for pep in peptides \
        #             if str(pep) in peps_trans2]

        #vars_ = [str(var) for varlist in vari_peps for var in varlist]

        # Check that for the peptides from the transcript containing the
        # variants, we also get all expected variants. Especally the first
        # variant needs to be present in all peptides
        for prot in proteins:
            for p in peptides:
                    vars_ = map(str, p.get_variants_by_protein(prot.transcript_id))
                    expected_vars = [str(v) for vars in prot.vars.itervalues() for v in vars]
                    print "peptide vars: ", vars_
                    print "Prot vars: ", expected_vars
                    print repr(p)
                    print repr(prot)
                    self.assertTrue(all(var in expected_vars for var in vars_))
                except KeyError:
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self,

        if not isinstance(cl_pred, ACleavageSitePrediction):
            raise ValueError(
                "Cleave site predictor must be of type ACleavageSitePrediction"

        if not isinstance(ep_pred, AEpitopePrediction):
            raise ValueError(
                "Epitope predictor must be of type AEpitopePrediction")

        if any(not isinstance(a, Allele) for a in alleles):
            raise ValueError("alleles contains non Allele objects.")

        if len(peptides) > 60:
                "The peptide set exceeds 60. Above this level one has to expect "
                "considerably long running times due to the complexity of the problem."

        _alleles = copy.deepcopy(alleles)

        #test if allele prob is set, if not set allele prob uniform
        #if only partly set infer missing values (assuming uniformity of missing value)
        prob = []
        no_prob = []
        for a in _alleles:
            if a.prob is None:

        if len(no_prob) > 0:
            #group by locus
            no_prob_grouped = {}
            prob_grouped = {}
            for a in no_prob:
                no_prob_grouped.setdefault(a.locus, []).append(a)
            for a in prob:
                prob_grouped.setdefault(a.locus, []).append(a)

            for g, v in no_prob_grouped.items():
                total_loc_a = len(v)
                if g in prob_grouped:
                    remaining_mass = 1.0 - sum(a.prob for a in prob_grouped[g])
                    for a in v:
                        a.prob = remaining_mass / total_loc_a
                    for a in v:
                        a.prob = 1.0 / total_loc_a
        probs = {a.name: a.prob for a in _alleles}
        if verbosity:
            for a in _alleles:
                print(a.name, a.prob)

        #Generate model
        #1. Generate peptides for which cleave sites have to be predicted
        #2. generate graph with dummy element
        self.__verbosity = verbosity

        pep_tmp = peptides[:]
        cl_edge_matrix = {}
        ep_edge_matrix = defaultdict(int)
        fragments = {}
        seq_to_pep = {}
        self.neo_cleavage = {}
        self.good_cleavage = {}

        if matrix is None:
            for start, stop in itr.combinations(pep_tmp, 2):
                if start == "Dummy" or stop == "Dummy":
                    seq_to_pep[str(start)] = start
                    seq_to_pep[str(stop)] = stop
                    cl_edge_matrix[(str(start), str(stop))] = 0
                    cl_edge_matrix[(str(stop), str(start))] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(str(start), str(stop))] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(str(stop), str(start))] = 0
                    start_str = str(start)
                    stop_str = str(stop)
                    frag = Protein(start_str + stop_str)
                    garf = Protein(stop_str + start_str)

                    fragments[frag] = (start_str, stop_str)
                    fragments[garf] = (stop_str, start_str)

            epi_pred = ep_pred.predict(generate_peptides_from_proteins(
                list(fragments.keys()), length),
            for index, row in epi_pred.iterrows():
                nof_epis = sum(comparator(row[a],threshold.get(a.name, 0)) for a in _alleles) \

                for protein in index[0].proteins.values():
                    start, stop = fragments[protein]
                    ep_edge_matrix[start, stop] += len(
                        index[0].proteinPos[protein.transcript_id]) * nof_epis

            cleave_pred = cl_pred.predict(list(fragments.keys()))
            #cleave_site_df = cleave_pred.xs((slice(None), (cleavage_pos-1)))
            for i in set(cleave_pred.index.get_level_values(0)):
                fragment = "".join(cleave_pred.ix[i]["Seq"])
                start, stop = fragments[fragment]

                cleav_pos = len(str(start)) - 1
                cl_edge_matrix[(start, stop)] = -1.0 * (
                    cleave_pred.loc[(i, len(str(start)) - 1), cl_pred.name] -
                    weight * sum(cleave_pred.loc[(i, j), cl_pred.name]
                                 for j in range(cleav_pos - 1, cleav_pos +
                                                4, 1) if j != cleav_pos))

                self.neo_cleavage[(start, stop)] = sum(
                    cleave_pred.loc[(i, j), cl_pred.name]
                    for j in range(cleav_pos - 1, cleav_pos + 4, 1)
                    if j != cleav_pos)
                                    stop)] = cleave_pred.loc[(i,
                                                              len(str(start)) -
                                                              1), cl_pred.name]

            cl_edge_matrix = matrix
            seq_to_pep = {str(p): p for p in pep_tmp}
            for p in seq_to_pep.keys():
                if p != "Dummy":
                    cl_edge_matrix[(p, "Dummy")] = 0
                    cl_edge_matrix[("Dummy", p)] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(p, "Dummy")] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[("Dummy", p)] = 0
        self.__seq_to_pep = seq_to_pep

        #3. initialize ILP
        self.__solver = SolverFactory(solver)
        model = ConcreteModel()

        E = [x for x in list(seq_to_pep.keys()) if x != "Dummy"]
        model.E = Set(initialize=E)
        model.E_prime = Set(initialize=list(seq_to_pep.keys()))
        model.ExE = Set(initialize=itr.permutations(E, 2), dimen=2)

        model.w_ab = Param(model.E_prime,
        model.e_ab = Param(model.E_prime,
        model.card = Param(initialize=len(model.E_prime))
        model.eps1 = Param(initialize=1e6, mutable=True)
        model.eps2 = Param(initialize=1e6, mutable=True)

        model.x = Var(model.E_prime, model.E_prime, within=Binary)
        model.u = Var(model.E, domain=PositiveIntegers, bounds=(2, model.card))

        model.cleavage_obj = Objective(
            rule=lambda mode: sum(model.w_ab[a, b] * model.x[a, b]
                                  for a in model.E_prime for b in model.E_prime
                                  if a != b),

        model.epitope_obj = Objective(
            rule=lambda mode: sum(model.e_ab[a, b] * model.x[a, b]
                                  for a in model.E_prime for b in model.E_prime
                                  if a != b),

        model.tour_constraint_1 = Constraint(
            rule=lambda model, a: sum(model.x[a, b] for b in model.E_prime
                                      if a != b) == 1)
        model.tour_constraint_2 = Constraint(
            rule=lambda model, a: sum(model.x[b, a] for b in model.E_prime
                                      if a != b) == 1)
        model.cardinality_constraint = Constraint(
            rule=lambda model, a, b: model.u[a] - model.u[b] + 1 <=
            (model.card - 1) * (1 - model.x[a, b]))
        model.cleavageobjective_constraint = Constraint(rule=lambda model: sum(
            model.w_ab[a, b] * model.x[a, b] for a in model.E_prime
            for b in model.E_prime if a != b) <= model.eps1)
        model.epitopeobjective_constraint = Constraint(rule=lambda model: sum(
            model.e_ab[a, b] * model.x[a, b] for a in model.E_prime
            for b in model.E_prime if a != b) <= model.eps2)
        self.objectsives = [model.cleavage_obj, model.epitope_obj]
        self.constraints = [
        self.epsilons = [model.eps2, model.eps1]
        self.instance = model
        if self.__verbosity > 0:
            print("MODEL INSTANCE")
コード例 #7
ファイル: EpitopeAssembly.py プロジェクト: Al3n70rn/Fred2
    def __init__(self, peptides, cl_pred, ep_pred, alleles, threshold, comparator, length=9, solver="glpk", weight=0.0, matrix=None, verbosity=0):

        if not isinstance(cl_pred, ACleavageSitePrediction):
            raise ValueError("Cleave site predictor must be of type ACleavageSitePrediction")

        if not isinstance(ep_pred, AEpitopePrediction):
            raise ValueError("Epitope predictor must be of type AEpitopePrediction")

        if any( not isinstance(a, Allele) for a in alleles):
            raise ValueError("alleles contains non Allele objects.")

        if len(peptides) > 60:
            warnings.warn("The peptide set exceeds 60. Above this level one has to expect " +
                          "considerably long running times due to the complexity of the problem.")

        _alleles = copy.deepcopy(alleles)

        #test if allele prob is set, if not set allele prob uniform
        #if only partly set infer missing values (assuming uniformity of missing value)
        prob = []
        no_prob = []
        for a in _alleles:
            if a.prob is None:

        if len(no_prob) > 0:
            #group by locus
            no_prob_grouped = {}
            prob_grouped = {}
            for a in no_prob:
                no_prob_grouped.setdefault(a.locus, []).append(a)
            for a in prob:
                prob_grouped.setdefault(a.locus, []).append(a)

            for g, v in no_prob_grouped.iteritems():
                total_loc_a = len(v)
                if g in prob_grouped:
                    remaining_mass = 1.0 - sum(a.prob for a in prob_grouped[g])
                    for a in v:
                        a.prob = remaining_mass/total_loc_a
                    for a in v:
                        a.prob = 1.0/total_loc_a
        probs = {a.name:a.prob for a in _alleles}
        if verbosity:
            for a in _alleles:
                print a.name, a.prob

        #Generate model
        #1. Generate peptides for which cleave sites have to be predicted
        #2. generate graph with dummy element
        self.__verbosity = verbosity

        pep_tmp = peptides[:]
        cl_edge_matrix = {}
        ep_edge_matrix = defaultdict(int)
        fragments = {}
        seq_to_pep = {}
        self.neo_cleavage = {}
        self.good_cleavage = {}

        if matrix is None:
            for start, stop in itr.combinations(pep_tmp, 2):
                if start == "Dummy" or stop == "Dummy":
                    seq_to_pep[str(start)] = start
                    seq_to_pep[str(stop)] = stop
                    cl_edge_matrix[(str(start), str(stop))] = 0
                    cl_edge_matrix[(str(stop), str(start))] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(str(start), str(stop))] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(str(stop), str(start))] = 0
                    start_str = str(start)
                    stop_str = str(stop)
                    frag = Protein(start_str+stop_str)
                    garf = Protein(stop_str+start_str)

                    fragments[frag] = (start_str, stop_str)
                    fragments[garf] = (stop_str, start_str)

            epi_pred = ep_pred.predict(generate_peptides_from_proteins(fragments.keys(), length), alleles=_alleles)
            for index,row in epi_pred.iterrows():
                nof_epis = sum(comparator(row[a],threshold.get(a.name, 0)) for a in _alleles) \

                for protein in index[0].proteins.itervalues():
                    start, stop = fragments[protein]
                    ep_edge_matrix[start,stop] += len(index[0].proteinPos[protein.transcript_id])*nof_epis

            cleave_pred = cl_pred.predict(fragments.keys())
            #cleave_site_df = cleave_pred.xs((slice(None), (cleavage_pos-1)))
            for i in set(cleave_pred.index.get_level_values(0)):
                fragment = "".join(cleave_pred.ix[i]["Seq"])
                start, stop = fragments[fragment]

                cleav_pos = len(str(start)) - 1
                cl_edge_matrix[(start, stop)] = -1.0 * (
                cleave_pred.loc[(i, len(str(start)) - 1), cl_pred.name] - weight * sum(
                    cleave_pred.loc[(i, j), cl_pred.name] for j in xrange(cleav_pos - 1, cleav_pos + 4, 1) if
                    j != cleav_pos))

                self.neo_cleavage[(start, stop)] = sum(
                    cleave_pred.loc[(i, j), cl_pred.name] for j in xrange(cleav_pos - 1, cleav_pos + 4, 1) if
                    j != cleav_pos)
                self.good_cleavage[(start, stop)] = cleave_pred.loc[(i, len(str(start)) - 1), cl_pred.name]

            cl_edge_matrix = matrix
            seq_to_pep = {str(p): p for p in pep_tmp}
            for p in seq_to_pep.iterkeys():
                if p != "Dummy":
                    cl_edge_matrix[(p,"Dummy")] = 0
                    cl_edge_matrix[("Dummy",p)] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[(p,"Dummy")] = 0
                    ep_edge_matrix[("Dummy",p)] = 0
        self.__seq_to_pep = seq_to_pep

        #3. initialize ILP
        self.__solver = SolverFactory(solver)
        model = ConcreteModel()

        E = filter(lambda x: x != "Dummy", seq_to_pep.keys())
        model.E = Set(initialize=E)
        model.E_prime = Set(initialize=seq_to_pep.keys())
        model.ExE = Set(initialize=itr.permutations(E,2), dimen=2)

        model.w_ab = Param(model.E_prime, model.E_prime, initialize=cl_edge_matrix)
        model.e_ab = Param(model.E_prime, model.E_prime, initialize=ep_edge_matrix)
        model.card = Param(initialize=len(model.E_prime))
        model.eps1 = Param(initialize=1e6, mutable=True)
        model.eps2 = Param(initialize=1e6, mutable=True)

        model.x = Var(model.E_prime, model.E_prime, within=Binary)
        model.u = Var(model.E, domain=PositiveIntegers, bounds=(2,model.card))

        model.cleavage_obj = Objective(
            rule=lambda mode: sum(model.w_ab[a,b]*model.x[a,b] for a in model.E_prime
                                   for b in model.E_prime if a != b),

        model.epitope_obj = Objective(
            rule=lambda mode: sum( model.e_ab[a,b]*model.x[a,b] for a in model.E_prime
                                   for b in model.E_prime if a != b),

        model.tour_constraint_1 = Constraint(model.E_prime,
                                             rule=lambda model, a:
                                             sum(model.x[a,b] for b in model.E_prime if a != b) == 1)
        model.tour_constraint_2 = Constraint(model.E_prime,
                                             rule=lambda model, a:
                                             sum(model.x[b,a] for b in model.E_prime if a != b) == 1)
        model.cardinality_constraint = Constraint(model.ExE,
                                                  rule=lambda model, a, b:
                                                  model.u[a]-model.u[b]+1 <= (model.card -1)*(1-model.x[a, b]))
        model.cleavageobjective_constraint = Constraint(rule=lambda model:
                                                sum(model.w_ab[a,b]*model.x[a,b] for a in model.E_prime
                                                        for b in model.E_prime if a != b) <= model.eps1)
        model.epitopeobjective_constraint = Constraint(rule=lambda model:
                                                sum(model.e_ab[a,b]*model.x[a,b] for a in model.E_prime
                                                        for b in model.E_prime if a != b) <= model.eps2)
        self.objectsives = [model.cleavage_obj, model.epitope_obj]
        self.constraints = [model.epitopeobjective_constraint, model.cleavageobjective_constraint]
        self.epsilons = [model.eps2, model.eps1]
        self.instance = model
        if self.__verbosity > 0:
            print "MODEL INSTANCE"