def gen_xci_parts(filepath,cachefolder=None,keepupd=False,id_target=False,keypatch=False,export_type='csv'): if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) else: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) files_list=sq_tools.ret_xci_offsets(filepath) files=list();filesizes=list() fplist=list() for k in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[k] fplist.append(entry[0]) for i in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[i] cnmtfile=entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca'): f=squirrelXCI(filepath) titleid,titleversion,base_ID,keygeneration,rightsId,RSV,RGV,ctype,metasdkversion,exesdkversion,hasHtmlManual,Installedsize,DeltaSize,ncadata=f.get_data_from_cnmt(cnmtfile) f.flush() f.close() for j in range(len(ncadata)): row=ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype']!='Meta' and row['NCAtype']!='Program': test1=str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca';test2=str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif row['NCAtype']=='Meta': # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) for j in range(len(ncadata)): row=ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype']=='Program': test1=str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca';test2=str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) f.flush() f.close() outheader = sq_tools.gen_nsp_header(files,filesizes) properheadsize=len(outheader) # print(properheadsize) # print(bucketsize) i=0;sum=properheadsize; for file in files: # print(file) # print(filesizes[i]) if i<(len(files)-1): sum+=filesizes[i] i+=1 # print(sum) # print(sum/bucketsize) multiplier=math.ceil(sum/bucketsize) # print(multiplier) remainder = bucketsize*multiplier - sum # print(bucketsize*multiplier) xci=squirrelXCI(filepath) outfile=os.path.join(cachefolder, "0") written=0; outf = open(outfile, 'w+b') outf.write(outheader) written+=len(outheader) for fi in files: for nspF in xci.hfs0: if str(nspF._path)=="secure": for nca in nspF: if nca._path==fi: crypto1=nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2=nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2>crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto2 if crypto2<=crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB(Keys.keyAreaKey(Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS(uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag='00'*0x01 crypto1=nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2=nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2=squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock(nca, keypatch,encKeyBlock,t) if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2=squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock(nca, keypatch,encKeyBlock,t) nca.rewind() i=0 newheader=xci.get_newheader(nca,encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2,hcrypto,gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written+=len(newheader) if (str(nca.header.contentType) != 'Content.PROGRAM'): nca.close() outf.write(data) written+=len(data) else: remainder = bucketsize*multiplier - written nca.close() outf.write(data) written+=len(data) break else:pass outf.close() if export_type=='json': files_json=os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.json") d={} d['0']={"step": 0, "filepath":outfile , "size":( bucketsize*multiplier) , "targetsize":( bucketsize*multiplier) , "off1":0, "off2":( bucketsize*multiplier) } for j in files_list: if j[0]==files[-1]: off1=j[1] off2=j[2] targetsize=j[3] d['1']={"step": 1, "filepath":filepath , "size":( os.path.getsize(filepath)) , "targetsize":targetsize, "off1":off1, "off2":off2 } app_json = json.dumps(d, indent=1) with open(files_json, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(app_json) # print(os.path.getsize(filepath)) else: for j in files_list: if j[0]==files[-1]: off1=j[1] off2=j[2] targetsize=j[3] tfile=os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.csv") i=0; with open(tfile,'w') as csvfile: if i==0: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format("step","filepath","size","targetsize","off1","off2")) i+=1 if i==1: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(0,outfile,( bucketsize*multiplier),( bucketsize*multiplier),0,( bucketsize*multiplier))) i+=1 if i==2: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}".format(1,filepath,( os.path.getsize(filepath)),targetsize,off1,off2)) i+=1
def gen_xci_parts_spec1(filepath, target_cnmt=None, cachefolder=None, keypatch=False): if keypatch != False: try: keypatch = int(keypatch) except: keypatch = False if cachefolder == None: cachefolder = os.path.join(ztools_dir, '_mtp_cache_') if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) else: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) files_list = sq_tools.ret_xci_offsets(filepath) files = list() filesizes = list() fplist = list() for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] fplist.append(entry[0]) if target_cnmt == None: for i in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[i] cnmtfile = entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca'): target_cnmt = cnmtfile break for i in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[i] cnmtfile = entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca') and target_cnmt == cnmtfile: f = squirrelXCI(filepath) titleid, titleversion, base_ID, keygeneration, rightsId, RSV, RGV, ctype, metasdkversion, exesdkversion, hasHtmlManual, Installedsize, DeltaSize, ncadata = f.get_data_from_cnmt( cnmtfile) f.flush() f.close() for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype'] != 'Meta' and row['NCAtype'] != 'Program': test1 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca' test2 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz' if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] if entry[0] == test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] if row['NCAtype'] == 'Meta': # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.cnmt.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype'] == 'Program': test1 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca' test2 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz' if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] if entry[0] == test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break break f.flush() f.close() outheader = sq_tools.gen_nsp_header(files, filesizes) properheadsize = len(outheader) # print(properheadsize) # print(bucketsize) i = 0 sum = properheadsize xci = squirrelXCI(filepath) outfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "0") outf = open(outfile, 'w+b') outf.write(outheader) written = 0 for fi in files: for nspF in xci.hfs0: if str(nspF._path) == "secure": for nca in nspF: if nca._path == fi: nca = Nca(nca) crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB( Keys.keyAreaKey( Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS(uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag = '00' * 0x01 crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 from mtp_tools import get_nca_ticket check, titleKey = get_nca_ticket(filepath, fi) if check == False: sys.exit("Can't verify titleckey") titleKeyDec = Keys.decryptTitleKey( titleKey, Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(int(masterKeyRev))) encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() nca.rewind() i = 0 newheader = xci.get_newheader(nca, encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2, hcrypto, gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written += len(newheader) break else: pass xci.flush() xci.close() outf.flush() outf.close() tfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.csv") with open(tfile, 'w') as csvfile: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format("step", "filepath", "size", "targetsize", "off1", "off2")) csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(0, outfile, properheadsize + written, properheadsize, 0, properheadsize)) k = 0 l = 0 for fi in files: for j in files_list: if j[0] == fi: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( k + 1, outfile, properheadsize + written, 0xC00, (properheadsize + l * 0xC00), (properheadsize + (l * 0xC00) + 0xC00))) off1 = j[1] + 0xC00 off2 = j[2] targetsize = j[3] - 0xC00 csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( k + 2, filepath, (os.path.getsize(filepath)), targetsize, off1, off2)) break k += 2 l += 1 nspname = "test.nsp" try: g = os.path.basename(filepath) g0 = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(g) if char == '['] g0 = (g[0:g0[0]]).strip() nspname = f"{g0} [{titleid}] [v{titleversion}] [{ctype}].nsp" except: pass return nspname
def gen_xci_parts_spec0(filepath,target_cnmt=None,cachefolder=None,keypatch=False,export_type='csv'): if cachefolder==None: cachefolder=os.path.join(ztools_dir, '_mtp_cache_') if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) else: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) program_name=None files_list=sq_tools.ret_xci_offsets(filepath) files=list();filesizes=list() fplist=list() for k in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[k] fplist.append(entry[0]) if target_cnmt==None: for i in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[i] cnmtfile=entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca'): target_cnmt=cnmtfile break for i in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[i] cnmtfile=entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca') and target_cnmt==cnmtfile: f=squirrelXCI(filepath) titleid,titleversion,base_ID,keygeneration,rightsId,RSV,RGV,ctype,metasdkversion,exesdkversion,hasHtmlManual,Installedsize,DeltaSize,ncadata=f.get_data_from_cnmt(cnmtfile) f.flush() f.close() for j in range(len(ncadata)): row=ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype']!='Meta' and row['NCAtype']!='Program': test1=str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca';test2=str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[k] if entry[0]==test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break for j in range(len(ncadata)): row=ncadata[j] if row['NCAtype']=='Meta': # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) for j in range(len(ncadata)): row=ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype']=='Program': test1=str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca';test2=str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId'])+'.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry=files_list[k] if entry[0]==test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break break f.flush() f.close() outheader = sq_tools.gen_nsp_header(files,filesizes) properheadsize=len(outheader) # print(properheadsize) # print(bucketsize) i=0;sum=properheadsize; for file in files: # print(file) # print(filesizes[i]) if i<(len(files)-1): sum+=filesizes[i] i+=1 # print(sum) # print(sum/bucketsize) multiplier=math.ceil(sum/bucketsize) # print(multiplier) remainder = bucketsize*multiplier - sum # print(bucketsize*multiplier) xci=squirrelXCI(filepath) outfile=os.path.join(cachefolder, "0") written=0; outf = open(outfile, 'w+b') outf.write(outheader) written+=len(outheader) movoffset=0 for fi in files: for nspF in xci.hfs0: if str(nspF._path)=="secure": for nca in nspF: if nca._path==fi: nca=Nca(nca) crypto1=nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2=nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2>crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto2 if crypto2<=crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB(Keys.keyAreaKey(Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS(uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag='00'*0x01 crypto1=nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2=nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() if crypto2>crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto2 if crypto2<=crypto1: masterKeyRev=crypto1 from mtp_tools import get_nca_ticket check,titleKey=get_nca_ticket(filepath,fi) if check==False: sys.exit("Can't verify titleckey") titleKeyDec = Keys.decryptTitleKey(titleKey, Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(int(masterKeyRev))) encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2=squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock(squirrelXCI,nca, keypatch,encKeyBlock,t) t.close() if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2=squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock(squirrelXCI,nca,keypatch,encKeyBlock,t) t.close() nca.rewind() i=0 newheader=xci.get_newheader(nca,encKeyBlock,crypto1,crypto2,hcrypto,gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written+=len(newheader) movoffset+=0xC00 if (str(nca.header.contentType) != 'Content.PROGRAM'): nca.close() outf.write(data) written+=len(data) break else:pass
def gen_xci_parts_spec0(filepath, target_cnmt=None, cachefolder=None, keypatch=False, export_type='csv'): if cachefolder == None: cachefolder = os.path.join(ztools_dir, '_mtp_cache_') if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) else: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) program_name = None files_list = sq_tools.ret_xci_offsets(filepath) files = list() filesizes = list() fplist = list() for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] fplist.append(entry[0]) if target_cnmt == None: for i in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[i] cnmtfile = entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca'): target_cnmt = cnmtfile break for i in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[i] cnmtfile = entry[0] if cnmtfile.endswith('.cnmt.nca') and target_cnmt == cnmtfile: f = squirrelXCI(filepath) titleid, titleversion, base_ID, keygeneration, rightsId, RSV, RGV, ctype, metasdkversion, exesdkversion, hasHtmlManual, Installedsize, DeltaSize, ncadata = f.get_data_from_cnmt( cnmtfile) f.flush() f.close() for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype'] != 'Meta' and row['NCAtype'] != 'Program': test1 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca' test2 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] if entry[0] == test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] if row['NCAtype'] == 'Meta': # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.cnmt.nca') files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.cnmt.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) for j in range(len(ncadata)): row = ncadata[j] # print(row) if row['NCAtype'] == 'Program': test1 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca' test2 = str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz' if test1 in fplist or test2 in fplist: # print(str(row['NcaId'])+'.nca') if test1 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.nca') filesizes.append(int(row['Size'])) elif test2 in fplist: files.append(str(row['NcaId']) + '.ncz') for k in range(len(files_list)): entry = files_list[k] if entry[0] == test2: filesizes.append(int(entry[3])) break break f.flush() f.close() outheader = sq_tools.gen_nsp_header(files, filesizes) properheadsize = len(outheader) # print(properheadsize) # print(bucketsize) i = 0 sum = properheadsize for file in files: # print(file) # print(filesizes[i]) if i < (len(files) - 1): sum += filesizes[i] i += 1 # print(sum) # print(sum/bucketsize) multiplier = math.ceil(sum / bucketsize) # print(multiplier) remainder = bucketsize * multiplier - sum # print(bucketsize*multiplier) xci = squirrelXCI(filepath) outfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "0") written = 0 outf = open(outfile, 'w+b') outf.write(outheader) written += len(outheader) movoffset = 0 for fi in files: for nspF in xci.hfs0: if str(nspF._path) == "secure": for nca in nspF: if nca._path == fi: nca = Nca(nca) crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB( Keys.keyAreaKey( Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS(uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag = '00' * 0x01 crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 from mtp_tools import get_nca_ticket check, titleKey = get_nca_ticket(filepath, fi) if check == False: sys.exit("Can't verify titleckey") titleKeyDec = Keys.decryptTitleKey( titleKey, Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(int(masterKeyRev))) encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() nca.rewind() i = 0 newheader = xci.get_newheader(nca, encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2, hcrypto, gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written += len(newheader) movoffset += 0xC00 if (str(nca.header.contentType) != 'Content.PROGRAM'): data = nca.close() outf.write(data) written += len(data) break else: pass xci.flush() xci.close() outf.close() if export_type == 'json': files_json = os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.json") d = {} d['0'] = { "step": 0, "filepath": outfile, "size": (written), "targetsize": (written), "off1": 0, "off2": (written) } for j in files_list: if j[0] == files[-1]: off1 = j[1] + 0xC00 off2 = j[2] targetsize = j[3] - 0xC00 d['1'] = { "step": 1, "filepath": filepath, "size": (os.path.getsize(filepath)), "targetsize": targetsize, "off1": off1, "off2": off2 } app_json = json.dumps(d, indent=1) with open(files_json, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(app_json) # print(os.path.getsize(filepath)) else: for j in files_list: if j[0] == files[-1]: off1 = j[1] + 0xC00 off2 = j[2] targetsize = j[3] - 0xC00 tfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.csv") i = 0 while True: with open(tfile, 'w') as csvfile: if i == 0: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( "step", "filepath", "size", "targetsize", "off1", "off2")) i += 1 if i == 1: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( 0, outfile, os.path.getsize(outfile), os.path.getsize(outfile), 0, os.path.getsize(outfile))) i += 1 if i == 2: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}".format( 1, filepath, (os.path.getsize(filepath)), targetsize, off1, off2)) i += 1 break nspname = "test.nsp" try: g = os.path.basename(filepath) g0 = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(g) if char == '['] g0 = (g[0:g0[0]]).strip() nspname = f"{g0} [{titleid}] [v{titleversion}] [{ctype}].nsp" except: pass return nspname
def gen_mxci_parts(input_files, cachefolder=None, keypatch=False): from listmanager import calculate_name if keypatch != False: try: keypatch = int(keypatch) except: keypatch = False if cachefolder == None: cachefolder = os.path.join(ztools_dir, '_mtp_cache_') if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) else: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) end_name, prlist = calculate_name(input_files, romanize=True, ext='.xci') print(f"Calculated name {end_name}") outheader, properheadsize, sz, files = gen_multi_file_header( prlist, input_files) properheadsize = len(outheader) outfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "0") outf = open(outfile, 'w+b') outf.write(outheader) # print(properheadsize) # print(bucketsize) i = 0 sum = properheadsize for fi in files: for filepath in input_files: if filepath.endswith('xci'): xci = squirrelXCI(filepath) written = 0 for nspF in xci.hfs0: if str(nspF._path) == "secure": for nca in nspF: if nca._path == fi: nca = Nca(nca) crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB( Keys.keyAreaKey( Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS( uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag = '00' * 0x01 crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 from mtp_tools import get_nca_ticket check, titleKey = get_nca_ticket( filepath, fi) if check == False: sys.exit("Can't verify titleckey") titleKeyDec = Keys.decryptTitleKey( titleKey, Keys.getMasterKeyIndex( int(masterKeyRev))) encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2( ): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2( ): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelXCI.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelXCI, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() nca.rewind() i = 0 newheader = xci.get_newheader( nca, encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2, hcrypto, gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written += len(newheader) break else: pass xci.flush() xci.close() elif filepath.endswith('nsp'): nsp = squirrelNSP(filepath) written = 0 for nca in nsp: if nca._path == fi: nca = Nca(nca) crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 crypto = aes128.AESECB( Keys.keyAreaKey( Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(masterKeyRev), nca.header.keyIndex)) hcrypto = aes128.AESXTS(uhx(Keys.get('header_key'))) gc_flag = '00' * 0x01 crypto1 = nca.header.getCryptoType() crypto2 = nca.header.getCryptoType2() if nca.header.getRightsId() != 0: nca.rewind() if crypto2 > crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto2 if crypto2 <= crypto1: masterKeyRev = crypto1 from mtp_tools import get_nca_ticket check, titleKey = get_nca_ticket(filepath, fi) if check == False: sys.exit("Can't verify titleckey") titleKeyDec = Keys.decryptTitleKey( titleKey, Keys.getMasterKeyIndex(int(masterKeyRev))) encKeyBlock = crypto.encrypt(titleKeyDec * 4) if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelNSP.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelNSP, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() if nca.header.getRightsId() == 0: nca.rewind() encKeyBlock = nca.header.getKeyBlock() if str(keypatch) != "False": t = tqdm(total=False, unit='B', unit_scale=False, leave=False) if keypatch < nca.header.getCryptoType2(): encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2 = squirrelNSP.get_new_cryptoblock( squirrelNSP, nca, keypatch, encKeyBlock, t) t.close() nca.rewind() i = 0 newheader = nsp.get_newheader(nca, encKeyBlock, crypto1, crypto2, hcrypto, gc_flag) outf.write(newheader) written += len(newheader) break else: pass nsp.flush() nsp.close() outf.flush() outf.close() tfile = os.path.join(cachefolder, "files.csv") with open(tfile, 'w') as csvfile: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format("step", "filepath", "size", "targetsize", "off1", "off2")) csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(0, outfile, properheadsize + written, properheadsize, 0, properheadsize)) k = 0 l = 0 for fi in files: for filepath in input_files: if filepath.endswith('xci'): files_list = sq_tools.ret_xci_offsets(filepath) elif filepath.endswith('nsp'): files_list = sq_tools.ret_nsp_offsets(filepath) for j in files_list: if j[0] == fi: csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( k + 1, outfile, properheadsize + written, 0xC00, (properheadsize + l * 0xC00), (properheadsize + (l * 0xC00) + 0xC00))) off1 = j[1] + 0xC00 off2 = j[2] targetsize = j[3] - 0xC00 csvfile.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( k + 2, filepath, (os.path.getsize(filepath)), targetsize, off1, off2)) break k += 2 l += 1 return end_name