def test_fast_bw_uniform(): print("Make op...") from NativeOp import FastBaumWelchOp op = FastBaumWelchOp().make_op() # (am_scores, edges, weights, start_end_states, float_idx, state_buffer) print("Op:", op) n_batch = 3 seq_len = 7 n_classes = 5 from Fsa import FastBwFsaShared fsa = FastBwFsaShared() for i in range(n_classes): fsa.add_edge(i, i + 1, emission_idx=i) # fwd fsa.add_edge(i + 1, i + 1, emission_idx=i) # loop assert n_classes <= seq_len fast_bw_fsa = fsa.get_fast_bw_fsa(n_batch=n_batch) print("edges:") print(fast_bw_fsa.edges) edges = fast_bw_fsa.edges.view("float32") edges_placeholder = T.fmatrix(name="edges") weights = fast_bw_fsa.weights weights_placeholder = T.fvector(name="weights") print("start_end_states:") print(fast_bw_fsa.start_end_states) start_end_states = fast_bw_fsa.start_end_states.view("float32") start_end_states_placeholder = T.fmatrix(name="start_end_states") am_scores = numpy.ones((seq_len, n_batch, n_classes), dtype="float32") * numpy.float32(1.0 / n_classes) am_scores = -numpy.log(am_scores) # in -log space am_scores_placeholder = T.ftensor3(name="am_scores") float_idx = numpy.ones((seq_len, n_batch), dtype="float32") float_idx_placeholder = T.fmatrix(name="float_idx") last_state_idx = numpy.max(fast_bw_fsa.start_end_states[1]) # see get_automata_for_batch state_buffer = numpy.zeros((2, last_state_idx + 1), dtype="float32") state_buffer_placeholder = T.fmatrix(name="state_buffer") print("Construct call...") fwdbwd, obs_scores = op( am_scores_placeholder, edges_placeholder, weights_placeholder, start_end_states_placeholder, float_idx_placeholder, state_buffer_placeholder) f = theano.function(inputs=[am_scores_placeholder, edges_placeholder, weights_placeholder, start_end_states_placeholder, float_idx_placeholder, state_buffer_placeholder], outputs=[fwdbwd, obs_scores]) print("Done.") print("Eval:") fwdbwd, score = f(am_scores, edges, weights, start_end_states, float_idx, state_buffer) print("score:") print(repr(score)) assert_equal(score.shape, (seq_len, n_batch)) bw = numpy.exp(-fwdbwd) print("Baum-Welch soft alignment:") print(repr(bw)) assert_equal(bw.shape, (seq_len, n_batch, n_classes)) from numpy import array, float32 if seq_len == n_classes: print("Extra check identity...") for i in range(n_batch): assert_almost_equal(numpy.identity(n_classes), bw[:, i]) if seq_len == 7 and n_classes == 5: print("Extra check ref_align (7,5)...") assert_allclose(score, 8.55801582, rtol=1e-5) # should be the same everywhere ref_align = \ array([[[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], [[0.33333316, 0.66666663, 0., 0., 0.]], [[0.06666669, 0.53333354, 0.40000018, 0., 0.]], [[0., 0.20000014, 0.60000014, 0.19999999, 0.]], [[0., 0., 0.39999962, 0.53333312, 0.06666663]], [[0., 0., 0., 0.66666633, 0.33333316]], [[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.99999982]]], dtype=float32) assert_equal(ref_align.shape, (seq_len, 1, n_classes)) ref_align = numpy.tile(ref_align, (1, n_batch, 1)) assert_equal(ref_align.shape, bw.shape) # print("Reference alignment:") # print(repr(ref_align)) print("mean square diff:", numpy.mean(numpy.square(ref_align - bw))) print("max square diff:", numpy.max(numpy.square(ref_align - bw))) assert_allclose(ref_align, bw, rtol=1e-5) print("Done.")
def test_fast_bw_uniform(): print("Make op...") op = make_fast_baum_welch_op(compiler_opts=dict( verbose=True)) # will be cached, used inside :func:`fast_baum_welch` # args: (am_scores, edges, weights, start_end_states, float_idx, state_buffer) print("Op:", op) n_batch = 3 seq_len = 7 n_classes = 5 from Fsa import FastBwFsaShared fsa = FastBwFsaShared() for i in range(n_classes): fsa.add_edge(i, i + 1, emission_idx=i) # fwd fsa.add_edge(i + 1, i + 1, emission_idx=i) # loop assert n_classes <= seq_len fast_bw_fsa = fsa.get_fast_bw_fsa(n_batch=n_batch) edges = tf.constant(fast_bw_fsa.edges, dtype=tf.int32) weights = tf.constant(fast_bw_fsa.weights, dtype=tf.float32) start_end_states = tf.constant(fast_bw_fsa.start_end_states, dtype=tf.int32) am_scores = numpy.ones((seq_len, n_batch, n_classes), dtype="float32") * numpy.float32(1.0 / n_classes) am_scores = -numpy.log(am_scores) # in -log space am_scores = tf.constant(am_scores, dtype=tf.float32) float_idx = tf.ones((seq_len, n_batch), dtype=tf.float32) # from TFUtil import sequence_mask_time_major # float_idx = tf.cast(sequence_mask_time_major(tf.convert_to_tensor(list(range(seq_len - n_batch + 1, seq_len + 1)))), dtype=tf.float32) print("Construct call...") fwdbwd, obs_scores = fast_baum_welch(am_scores=am_scores, float_idx=float_idx, edges=edges, weights=weights, start_end_states=start_end_states) print("Done.") print("Eval:") fwdbwd, score =[fwdbwd, obs_scores]) print("score:") print(repr(score)) assert_equal(score.shape, (seq_len, n_batch)) bw = numpy.exp(-fwdbwd) print("Baum-Welch soft alignment:") print(repr(bw)) assert_equal(bw.shape, (seq_len, n_batch, n_classes)) from numpy import array, float32 if seq_len == n_classes: print("Extra check identity...") for i in range(n_batch): assert_almost_equal(numpy.identity(n_classes), bw[:, i]) if seq_len == 7 and n_classes == 5: print("Extra check ref_align (7,5)...") assert_allclose(score, 8.55801582, rtol=1e-5) # should be the same everywhere ref_align = \ array([[[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], [[0.33333316, 0.66666663, 0., 0., 0.]], [[0.06666669, 0.53333354, 0.40000018, 0., 0.]], [[0., 0.20000014, 0.60000014, 0.19999999, 0.]], [[0., 0., 0.39999962, 0.53333312, 0.06666663]], [[0., 0., 0., 0.66666633, 0.33333316]], [[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.99999982]]], dtype=float32) assert_equal(ref_align.shape, (seq_len, 1, n_classes)) ref_align = numpy.tile(ref_align, (1, n_batch, 1)) assert_equal(ref_align.shape, bw.shape) # print("Reference alignment:") # print(repr(ref_align)) print("mean square diff:", numpy.mean(numpy.square(ref_align - bw))) print("max square diff:", numpy.max(numpy.square(ref_align - bw))) assert_allclose(ref_align, bw, rtol=1e-5) print("Done.")