コード例 #1
ファイル: pysssslib.py プロジェクト: ckuethe/PySSSS
def s4_decode(keys,output):
  interpolator = PGF256Interpolator()
  zero = GF256elt(0)
  data = ""
  for i in keys:

  # End Of Key    
  eok = False

  while not eok:
    points = []
    for i in xrange(0,len(keys)):
      while True:
        b = keys[i].read(1)
        if 0 == len(b):
          eok = True
        # Skip points with X value of 0, they were added to respect the entropy of the output
        X = ord(b)
        if 0 == X:
          keys[i].seek(keys[i].tell() + 1)

      if eok:
      # Extract X/Y
      Y = ord(keys[i].read(1))
      # Push point

    if eok:
      if 0 != i:
        raise Exception('Unexpected EOF while reading key %d' % i)

    # Decode next byte
    byte = interpolator.interpolate(points).f(zero)
    data += chr(byte)

  # check for successful decode
  signature = data[0:8]
  data = data[8:]
  rv = True if ('GF256OK_' in signature) else False

  return rv
コード例 #2
  def __Lj(self,points,j):
    result = GF256elt(1)
    x = PGF256((GF256elt(0),GF256elt(1)))
    for i in xrange(0,len(points)):
      if j == i:
      # P = x
      P = x
      P = (P - points[i][0]) * (GF256elt(1) / (points[j][0] - points[i][0])) 

      result = P * result
    return result
コード例 #3
    def __sub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, GF256elt):
            c = self.coeffs()
            c[0] -= other
            return PGF256(c)

        if not isinstance(other, PGF256):
            raise Exception()

        minDeg = min(self.deg(), other.deg())
        maxDeg = max(self.deg(), other.deg())

        coeffs = []

        for i in xrange(0, minDeg + 1):
            coeffs.append(self.coeff(i) - other.coeff(i))

        zero = GF256elt(0)

        for i in xrange(minDeg + 1, maxDeg + 1):
            if self.deg() > other.deg():
                coeffs.append(zero - other.coeff(i))

        return PGF256(coeffs)
コード例 #4
    def coeff(self, i):
        "Return the coefficient for x^i."

        if i >= len(self.__coefficients):
            return GF256elt(0)
            return self.__coefficients[i]
コード例 #5
def pickRandomPolynomial(degree,zero):
  """Pick a random PGF256 polynomial P such that P(0) = zero"""
  coeffs = []
  # Set f(0)
  # Pick coefficients for x^n with n < degree
  for c in xrange(1,degree):
  # Pick non null coefficient for x^degree
  return PGF256(coeffs)
コード例 #6
def decode(keys,output):
  interpolator = PGF256Interpolator()
  zero = GF256elt(0)
  data = ""

  # End Of Key    
  eok = False

  while not eok:
    points = []
    for i in xrange(0,len(keys)):
      while True:
        b = keys[i].read(1)
        if 0 == len(b):
          eok = True
        # Skip points with X value of 0, they were added to respect the entropy of the output
        X = ord(b)
        if 0 == X:
          keys[i].seek(keys[i].tell() + 1)

      if eok:
      # Extract X/Y
      Y = ord(keys[i].read(1))
      # Push point

    if eok:
      if 0 != i:
        raise Exception('Unexpected EOF while reading key %d' % i)

    # Decode next byte
    byte = interpolator.interpolate(points).f(zero)
コード例 #7
    def coeffs(self):
        "Return a clone of the array of coefficients"

        c = []

        zero = GF256elt(0)

        for i in xrange(0, self.deg() + 1):
            c.append(self.coeff(i) + zero)

        return c
コード例 #8
ファイル: pysssslib.py プロジェクト: ckuethe/PySSSS
def _s4_encodeByte(byte,n,k):
  # Allocate array to track duplicates
  picked = [False for i in xrange(0,256)]
  # Pick a random polynomial
  P = pickRandomPolynomial(k-1,GF256elt(byte))
  # Generate the keys
  keys = ["" for i in xrange(0,n)]
  for i in xrange(0,n):

    # Pick a not yet picked X value in [0,255],
    # we need a value in [1,255] but to have a credible entropy for bytes we pick it in [0,255]
    # and simply output garbage if we picked 0
    # If we do not do that then the output keys will NEVER have 00 in even positions (starting
    # at 0) which would be a little suspicious for some random data
    pick = random.randint(1,255)
    while picked[pick] or pick == 0:
      # 0 values will be discarded but output it anyway with trailing garbage
      if pick == 0:
        keys[i] += chr(0)
        keys[i] += chr(random.randint(0,255))
      pick = random.randint(1,255)
    # Keep track of the value we just picked    
    picked[pick] = True
    X = GF256elt(pick)
    Y = P.f(X)
    keys[i] += chr(int(X))
    keys[i] += chr(int(Y))

  return keys
コード例 #9
    def f(self, x):
        "Compute f(x) where f is the current polynomial. We use Horner's scheme for faster result."

        if not isinstance(x, GF256elt):
            raise Exception()

        result = GF256elt(0)

        for i in range(1, len(self.__coefficients) + 1):
            result = result * x
            result += self.__coefficients[len(self.__coefficients) - i]

        return result
コード例 #10
  def interpolate(self,points):
    """Returns a PGF256 polynomial interpolating all GF256xGF256 tuples in points."""

    # Check that all points have different X
    for i in xrange(0,len(points)):
      if points[i][0] in map(lambda x: x[0],points[i+1:]):
        raise Exception("Duplicate point exception")
    # Special case for k=2

    if (2 == len(points)):
      x = PGF256((GF256elt(0),GF256elt(1)))
      P = PGF256([points[1][1]]) * (x - points[0][0]) * (GF256elt(1) / (points[1][0] - points[0][0]))
      P = P + PGF256([points[0][1]]) * (x - points[1][0]) * (GF256elt(1) / (points[0][0] - points[1][0]));
      return P

    # Build the interpolating polynomial
    # L(x) = sigma(j=0,j <= k,yj * Lj(x))
    # Where k = len(points) - 1
    # and Lj(x) = pi(i=0,i <= k and i != j, (x-xi)/(xj - xi))
    # Lj(xi) = kronecker_delta(i,j)
    result = PGF256([GF256elt(0)])
    for j in xrange(0,len(points)):
      result = result + (self.__Lj(points,j) * points[j][1])

    return result
コード例 #11
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, GF256elt):
            c = self.coeffs()
            return PGF256(map(lambda x: x * other, c))

        if not isinstance(other, PGF256):
            raise Exception()

        rescoeffs = [
            GF256elt(0) for i in xrange(0,
                                        self.deg() + other.deg() + 1)

        for i in xrange(0, self.deg() + 1):
            for j in xrange(0, other.deg() + 1):
                rescoeffs[i + j] += self.coeff(i) * other.coeff(j)

        return PGF256(rescoeffs)