def __init__(self): debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::__init__()") Dynagen.__init__(self) self.gns3_data = None self.rpcap_mapping = {} self.local_addresses = map(lambda addr: unicode(addr.toString()), QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface.allAddresses()) self.local_addresses += ['', '::', '', 'localhost', '::1', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', QtNetwork.QHostInfo.localHostName()]
def __init__(self): debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::__init__()") Dynagen.__init__(self) self.gns3_data = None self.rpcap_mapping = {} self.local_addresses = map(lambda addr: unicode(addr.toString()), QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface.allAddresses()) self.local_addresses += [ '', '::', '', 'localhost', '::1', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', QtNetwork.QHostInfo.localHostName() ]
def open_config(self, FILENAME): """ Open the config file """ debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(%s)" % unicode(FILENAME)) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): self.check_replace_GUID_NIO(FILENAME) config = Dynagen.open_config(self, FILENAME) debugmsg(2, ("DynagenSub::open_config(): config = ", config)) self.filename = FILENAME self.gns3_data = None if 'GNS3-DATA' in config.sections: debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered into: if 'GNS3-DATA'") self.gns3_data = config['GNS3-DATA'].copy() if self.gns3_data.has_key('configs'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['configs']): projectConfigsDir = self.gns3_data['configs'] else: projectConfigsDir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['configs'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs = os.path.abspath( projectConfigsDir) if self.gns3_data.has_key('workdir'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['workdir']): projectWorkdir = self.gns3_data['workdir'] else: projectWorkdir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['workdir'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir = os.path.abspath( projectWorkdir) config.sections.remove('GNS3-DATA') count = len(config.sections) progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog( translate("DynagenSub", "Starting hypervisors ..."), translate("DynagenSub", "Abort"), 0, count, globals.GApp.mainWindow) progress.setMinimum(1) progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents) current = 0 debugmsg( 3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), config.sections = ", config.sections)) for section in config.sections: progress.setValue(current) globals.GApp.processEvents( QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) if progress.wasCanceled(): progress.reset() break server = config[section] #debugmsg(3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), server = ", server)) # Returns long config of hypervisor if ' ' in (emulator, host) =' ') debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), emulator = %s, host = %s" % (unicode(emulator), unicode(host))) if ':' in host: # unpack the server and port # controlPort is ignored controlPort = host.split(':')[-1] host = self.getHost(host) if emulator == 'qemu' and globals.GApp.systconf[ 'qemu'].enable_QemuManager and globals.GApp.systconf[ 'qemu'].import_use_QemuManager and host in self.local_addresses: globals.GApp.QemuManager.startQemu(int(controlPort), host) debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager") # Override qemu & qemu-img paths server['qemupath'] = globals.GApp.systconf[ 'qemu'].qemu_path server['qemuimgpath'] = globals.GApp.systconf[ 'qemu'].qemu_img_path # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug( unicode( "Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s" ) % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server[ 'workingdir'] or not os.access( server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access( globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf[ 'qemu'].qemuwrapper_workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'], host, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # ASA has no image if == '5520' and device[ 'initrd'] and device['kernel']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, ASA 5520" ) if not os.access(device['initrd'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): initrd_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values( )[0].initrd else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "ASA initrd", "ASA initrd %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative initrd" ) % device['initrd']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA initrd %s cannot be found, use initrd %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['initrd']), initrd_name) device['initrd'] = initrd_name if not os.access(device['kernel'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): kernel_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values( )[0].kernel else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "ASA kernel", "ASA kernel %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative kernel" ) % device['kernel']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA kernel %s cannot be found, use kernel %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['kernel']), kernel_name) device['kernel'] = kernel_name continue # AWP has no default image if == 'Soft32' and device[ 'initrd'] and device['kernel']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, AWP Soft32" ) if not os.access(device['initrd'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.awprouterimages.keys()): initrd_name = globals.GApp.awprouterimages.values( )[0].initrd else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "AWP initrd", "AWP initrd %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative initrd" ) % device['initrd']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local AWP initrd %s cannot be found, use initrd %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['initrd']), initrd_name) device['initrd'] = initrd_name if not os.access(device['kernel'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.awprouterimages.keys()): kernel_name = globals.GApp.awprouterimages.values( )[0].kernel else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "AWP kernel", "AWP kernel %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative kernel" ) % device['kernel']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local AWP kernel %s cannot be found, use kernel %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['kernel']), kernel_name) device['kernel'] = kernel_name continue # IDS has no default image if == 'IDS-4215' and device[ 'image1'] and device['image2']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, IDS" ) if not os.access(device['image1'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image1_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values( )[0].image1 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "IDS image (hda)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image" ) % device['image1']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image1']), image1_name) device['image1'] = image1_name if not os.access(device['image2'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image2_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values( )[0].image2 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "IDS image (hdb)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image" ) % device['image2']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image2']), image2_name) device['image2'] = image2_name continue if not in ('525', 'O-series', 'QemuDevice'): continue # Check if the image path is a relative path if os.path.exists(device['image']) == False: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath if == 'O-series' and device['image']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, JunOS" ) if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.junosimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.junosimages.values( )[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "JunOS image", "JunOS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image" ) % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local JunOS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name if == 'QemuDevice' and device['image']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, QemuDevice" ) if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.qemuimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.qemuimages.values( )[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "Qemu image", "Qemu guest image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image" ) % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local Qemu guest image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name elif device['image']: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, elif device, possibly PIX" ) # must be a PIX device # check if the PIX image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.piximages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.piximages.values( )[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate( "PIX image", "PIX image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image" ) % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local PIX image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name elif emulator == 'vbox' and globals.GApp.systconf[ 'vbox'].enable_VBoxManager and globals.GApp.systconf[ 'vbox'].import_use_VBoxManager and host in self.local_addresses: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered VBoxManager") globals.GApp.VBoxManager.startVBox(int(controlPort), host) # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', abspath = %s" % unicode(abspath)) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug( unicode( "Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s" ) % server['workingdir']) debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', os.path.dirname(FILENAME) = %s" % unicode(os.path.dirname(FILENAME))) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server[ 'workingdir'] or not os.access( server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access( globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf[ 'vbox'].vboxwrapper_workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'], host, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', device...") else: = debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), = %s, = %s" % (unicode(, unicode( controlPort = None if ':' in #(, controlPort) =':') controlPort =':')[-1] = self.getHost( if server['port'] != None: controlPort = server['port'] if controlPort == None: controlPort = '7200' # need to start local hypervisors if globals.GApp.HypervisorManager and globals.GApp.systconf[ 'dynamips'].import_use_HypervisorManager and in self.local_addresses: debugmsg( 2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered Dynamips HypervisorManager" ) # update and to match with Hypervisor Manager Binding configuration, # having hypervisors using mixed with others using localhost will bring issues ... if ( == 'localhost' and != globals.GApp. systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding): print "Warning: using localhost in your topology file is not recommended" # = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding # = + ':' + controlPort debug("Start hypervisor on port: " + str(controlPort)) try: s = socket.create_connection( (, int(controlPort)), 60.0) s.close() print "Warning: a process is already running on port %i, please consider closing it or killing it as this may negatively impact your topology" % int( controlPort) except: pass hypervisor = globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.startNewHypervisor( int(controlPort),, processcheck=False) globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.waitHypervisor( hypervisor, # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug( unicode( "Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s" ) % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server[ 'workingdir'] or not os.access( server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access( globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'],, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir debugmsg(3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), server.sections = ", server.sections)) for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # check if the IOS image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if in DEVICETUPLE: # Check if this is a relative image path and convert to an absolute path if necessary abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath debug( unicode( "Converting relative image path to absolute path: %s" ) % device['image']) if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): selected_images = [] image_to_use = None for (image, conf ) in globals.GApp.iosimages.iteritems(): if conf.chassis == selected_images.append(image) if len(selected_images): message = unicode( "Local IOS image %s\ncannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s\n\nPlease choose an alternative image:" ) % (device['image'],, controlPort) selected_images.sort() (selection, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem( globals.GApp.mainWindow, translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image"), translate("DynagenSub", message), selected_images, 0, False) if ok: image_to_use = unicode(selection) if image_to_use == None and len( selected_images) == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( globals.GApp.mainWindow, translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image"), translate( "DynagenSub", "IOS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative %s image" ) % (device['image'], continue if image_to_use == None and len( selected_images) > 1: for image in selected_images: conf = globals.GApp.iosimages[image] if conf.default: image_to_use = image break if not image_to_use: image_to_use = selected_images[0] image_name = globals.GApp.iosimages[ image_to_use].filename ram = globals.GApp.iosimages[ image_to_use].default_ram idlepc = globals.GApp.iosimages[ image_to_use].idlepc print translate( "DynagenSub", "Local IOS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead" ) % (device['image'], image_name) device['image'] = image_name device['ram'] = ram if idlepc: device['idlepc'] = idlepc else: print translate( "DynagenSub", "WARNING: no IDLE PC value found for %s, please apply one before using this topology!" ) % device['image'] # check if the config file is accessible, if not find an alternative config elif device.has_key('cnfg') and device['cnfg']: # Check if this is a relative config path and convert to an absolute path if necessary debugmsg( 3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), device.has_key('cnfg') and device['cnfg']" ) abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['cnfg'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['cnfg'] = abspath debug( unicode( "Converting relative config path to absolute path: %s" ) % device['cnfg']) if not os.access(device['cnfg'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs: basename = os.path.basename(device['cnfg']) if sys.platform.startswith( 'win' ) and basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's an unix/posix path import posixpath basename = posixpath.basename( device['cnfg']) elif basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's a Windows path import ntpath basename = ntpath.basename( device['cnfg']) new_config_path = globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs + os.sep + basename if not os.path.exists(new_config_path): # this case is handled in NETFile print translate("DynagenSub", "Local configuration %s cannot be found for router %s, use default base configuration instead") \ % (device['cnfg'], else: print translate("DynagenSub", "Local configuration %s cannot be found for router %s, use configuration %s instead") \ % (device['cnfg'],, new_config_path) device['cnfg'] = new_config_path current += 1 progress.setValue(count) progress.deleteLater() progress = None debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), returning config") #debugmsg(3, ("config = ", config)) return config
def open_config(self, FILENAME): """ Open the config file """ debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(%s)" % unicode(FILENAME)) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): self.check_replace_GUID_NIO(FILENAME) config = Dynagen.open_config(self, FILENAME) debugmsg(2, ("DynagenSub::open_config(): config = ", config)) self.filename = FILENAME self.gns3_data = None if 'GNS3-DATA' in config.sections: debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered into: if 'GNS3-DATA'") self.gns3_data = config['GNS3-DATA'].copy() if self.gns3_data.has_key('configs'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['configs']): projectConfigsDir = self.gns3_data['configs'] else: projectConfigsDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['configs'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs = os.path.abspath(projectConfigsDir) if self.gns3_data.has_key('workdir'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['workdir']): projectWorkdir = self.gns3_data['workdir'] else: projectWorkdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['workdir'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir = os.path.abspath(projectWorkdir) config.sections.remove('GNS3-DATA') count = len(config.sections) progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(translate("DynagenSub", "Starting hypervisors ..."), translate("DynagenSub", "Abort"), 0, count, globals.GApp.mainWindow) progress.setMinimum(1) progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents) current = 0 debugmsg(3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), config.sections = ", config.sections)) for section in config.sections: progress.setValue(current) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) if progress.wasCanceled(): progress.reset() break server = config[section] #debugmsg(3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), server = ", server)) # Returns long config of hypervisor if ' ' in (emulator, host) =' ') debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), emulator = %s, host = %s" % (unicode(emulator), unicode(host))) if ':' in host: # unpack the server and port # controlPort is ignored controlPort = host.split(':')[-1] host = self.getHost(host) if emulator == 'qemu' and globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].enable_QemuManager and globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].import_use_QemuManager and host in self.local_addresses: globals.GApp.QemuManager.startQemu(int(controlPort), host) debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager") # Override qemu & qemu-img paths server['qemupath'] = globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].qemu_path server['qemuimgpath'] = globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].qemu_img_path # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s") % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server['workingdir'] or not os.access(server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access(globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].qemuwrapper_workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'], host, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # ASA has no image if == '5520' and device['initrd'] and device['kernel']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, ASA 5520") if not os.access(device['initrd'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): initrd_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values()[0].initrd else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("ASA initrd", "ASA initrd %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative initrd") % device['initrd']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA initrd %s cannot be found, use initrd %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['initrd']), initrd_name) device['initrd'] = initrd_name if not os.access(device['kernel'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): kernel_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values()[0].kernel else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("ASA kernel", "ASA kernel %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative kernel") % device['kernel']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA kernel %s cannot be found, use kernel %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['kernel']), kernel_name) device['kernel'] = kernel_name continue # AWP has no default image if == 'Soft32' and device['initrd'] and device['kernel']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, AWP Soft32") if not os.access(device['initrd'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.awprouterimages.keys()): initrd_name = globals.GApp.awprouterimages.values()[0].initrd else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("AWP initrd", "AWP initrd %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative initrd") % device['initrd']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local AWP initrd %s cannot be found, use initrd %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['initrd']), initrd_name) device['initrd'] = initrd_name if not os.access(device['kernel'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.awprouterimages.keys()): kernel_name = globals.GApp.awprouterimages.values()[0].kernel else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("AWP kernel", "AWP kernel %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative kernel") % device['kernel']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local AWP kernel %s cannot be found, use kernel %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['kernel']), kernel_name) device['kernel'] = kernel_name continue # IDS has no default image if == 'IDS-4215' and device['image1'] and device['image2']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, IDS") if not os.access(device['image1'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image1_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values()[0].image1 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("IDS image (hda)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image") % device['image1']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image1']), image1_name) device['image1'] = image1_name if not os.access(device['image2'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image2_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values()[0].image2 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("IDS image (hdb)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image") % device['image2']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image2']), image2_name) device['image2'] = image2_name continue if not in ('525', 'O-series', 'QemuDevice'): continue # Check if the image path is a relative path if os.path.exists(device['image']) == False: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath if == 'O-series' and device['image']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, JunOS") if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.junosimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.junosimages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("JunOS image", "JunOS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image") % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local JunOS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name if == 'QemuDevice' and device['image']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, QemuDevice") if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.qemuimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.qemuimages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("Qemu image", "Qemu guest image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image") % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local Qemu guest image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name elif device['image']: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered QemuManager, elif device, possibly PIX") # must be a PIX device # check if the PIX image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.piximages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.piximages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', translate("PIX image", "PIX image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image") % device['image']) continue print translate("DynagenSub", "Local PIX image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name elif emulator == 'vbox' and globals.GApp.systconf['vbox'].enable_VBoxManager and globals.GApp.systconf['vbox'].import_use_VBoxManager and host in self.local_addresses: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered VBoxManager") globals.GApp.VBoxManager.startVBox(int(controlPort), host) # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', abspath = %s" % unicode(abspath)) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s") % server['workingdir']) debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', os.path.dirname(FILENAME) = %s" % unicode(os.path.dirname(FILENAME))) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server['workingdir'] or not os.access(server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access(globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf['vbox'].vboxwrapper_workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'], host, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), 'vbox', device...") else: = debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), = %s, = %s" % (unicode(, unicode( controlPort = None if ':' in #(, controlPort) =':') controlPort =':')[-1] = self.getHost( if server['port'] != None: controlPort = server['port'] if controlPort == None: controlPort = '7200' # need to start local hypervisors if globals.GApp.HypervisorManager and globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].import_use_HypervisorManager and in self.local_addresses: debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), entered Dynamips HypervisorManager") # update and to match with Hypervisor Manager Binding configuration, # having hypervisors using mixed with others using localhost will bring issues ... if ( == 'localhost' and != globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding): print "Warning: using localhost in your topology file is not recommended" # = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding # = + ':' + controlPort debug("Start hypervisor on port: " + str(controlPort)) try: s = socket.create_connection((, int(controlPort)), 60.0) s.close() print "Warning: a process is already running on port %i, please consider closing it or killing it as this may negatively impact your topology" % int(controlPort) except: pass hypervisor = globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.startNewHypervisor(int(controlPort),, processcheck=False) globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.waitHypervisor(hypervisor, # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s") % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server['workingdir'] or not os.access(server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access(globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].workdir debug(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s, use working directory %s instead") \ % (server['workingdir'],, controlPort, workdir)) server['workingdir'] = workdir debugmsg(3, ("DynagenSub::open_config(), server.sections = ", server.sections)) for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # check if the IOS image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if in DEVICETUPLE: # Check if this is a relative image path and convert to an absolute path if necessary abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative image path to absolute path: %s") % device['image']) if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): selected_images = [] image_to_use = None for (image, conf) in globals.GApp.iosimages.iteritems(): if conf.chassis == selected_images.append(image) if len(selected_images): message = unicode("Local IOS image %s\ncannot be found for hypervisor %s:%s\n\nPlease choose an alternative image:") % (device['image'],, controlPort) selected_images.sort() (selection, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(globals.GApp.mainWindow, translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image"), translate("DynagenSub", message), selected_images, 0, False) if ok: image_to_use = unicode(selection) if image_to_use == None and len(selected_images) == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image"), translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative %s image") % (device['image'], continue if image_to_use == None and len(selected_images) > 1: for image in selected_images: conf = globals.GApp.iosimages[image] if conf.default: image_to_use = image break if not image_to_use: image_to_use = selected_images[0] image_name = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].filename ram = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].default_ram idlepc = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].idlepc print translate("DynagenSub", "Local IOS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead") % (device['image'], image_name) device['image'] = image_name device['ram'] = ram if idlepc: device['idlepc'] = idlepc else: print translate("DynagenSub", "WARNING: no IDLE PC value found for %s, please apply one before using this topology!") % device['image'] # check if the config file is accessible, if not find an alternative config elif device.has_key('cnfg') and device['cnfg']: # Check if this is a relative config path and convert to an absolute path if necessary debugmsg(3, "DynagenSub::open_config(), device.has_key('cnfg') and device['cnfg']") abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['cnfg'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['cnfg'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative config path to absolute path: %s") % device['cnfg']) if not os.access(device['cnfg'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs: basename = os.path.basename(device['cnfg']) if sys.platform.startswith('win') and basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's an unix/posix path import posixpath basename = posixpath.basename(device['cnfg']) elif basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's a Windows path import ntpath basename = ntpath.basename(device['cnfg']) new_config_path = globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs + os.sep + basename if not os.path.exists(new_config_path): # this case is handled in NETFile print translate("DynagenSub", "Local configuration %s cannot be found for router %s, use default base configuration instead") \ % (device['cnfg'], else: print translate("DynagenSub", "Local configuration %s cannot be found for router %s, use configuration %s instead") \ % (device['cnfg'],, new_config_path) device['cnfg'] = new_config_path current += 1 progress.setValue(count) progress.deleteLater() progress = None debugmsg(2, "DynagenSub::open_config(), returning config") #debugmsg(3, ("config = ", config)) return config
def open_config(self, FILENAME): """ Open the config file """ if sys.platform.startswith('win'): self.check_replace_GUID_NIO(FILENAME) config = Dynagen.open_config(self, FILENAME) self.filename = FILENAME self.gns3_data = None if 'GNS3-DATA' in config.sections: self.gns3_data = config['GNS3-DATA'].copy() if self.gns3_data.has_key('configs'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['configs']): projectConfigsDir = self.gns3_data['configs'] else: projectConfigsDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['configs'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs = os.path.abspath(projectConfigsDir) if self.gns3_data.has_key('workdir'): if os.path.exists(self.gns3_data['workdir']): projectWorkdir = self.gns3_data['workdir'] else: projectWorkdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(self.gns3_data['workdir'])) globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir = os.path.abspath(projectWorkdir) config.sections.remove('GNS3-DATA') count = len(config.sections) progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(translate("DynagenSub", "Starting hypervisors ..."), translate("DynagenSub", "Abort"), 0, count, globals.GApp.mainWindow) progress.setMinimum(1) progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents) current = 0 for section in config.sections: progress.setValue(current) globals.GApp.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.AllEvents | QtCore.QEventLoop.WaitForMoreEvents, 1000) if progress.wasCanceled(): progress.reset() break server = config[section] if ' ' in (emulator, host) =' ') if ':' in host: # unpack the server and port # controlPort is ignored (host, controlPort) = host.split(':') if emulator == 'qemu' and (host == globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].QemuManager_binding or host == 'localhost') and globals.GApp.systconf['qemu'].enable_QemuManager: globals.GApp.QemuManager.startQemu(int(controlPort)) # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s") % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # ASA has no image if == '5520' and device['initrd'] and device['kernel']: if not os.access(device['initrd'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): initrd_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values()[0].initrd else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("ASA initrd", "ASA initrd %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative initrd")) % device['initrd']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA initrd %s cannot be found, use initrd %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['initrd']), initrd_name) device['initrd'] = initrd_name if not os.access(device['kernel'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.asaimages.keys()): kernel_name = globals.GApp.asaimages.values()[0].kernel else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("ASA kernel", "ASA kernel %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative kernel")) % device['kernel']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local ASA kernel %s cannot be found, use kernel %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['kernel']), kernel_name) device['kernel'] = kernel_name continue # IDS has no default image if == 'IDS-4215' and device['image1'] and device['image2']: if not os.access(device['image1'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image1_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values()[0].image1 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("IDS image (hda)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image")) % device['image1']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image1']), image1_name) device['image1'] = image1_name if not os.access(device['image2'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.idsimages.keys()): image2_name = globals.GApp.idsimages.values()[0].image2 else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("IDS image (hdb)", "IDS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image")) % device['image2']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local IDS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image2']), image2_name) device['image2'] = image2_name continue if not in ('525', 'O-series', 'QemuDevice'): continue # Check if the image path is a relative path if os.path.exists(device['image']) == False: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath if == 'O-series' and device['image']: if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.junosimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.junosimages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("JunOS image", "JunOS image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image")) % device['image']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local JunOS image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name if == 'QemuDevice' and device['image']: if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.qemuimages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.qemuimages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("Qemu image", "Qemu host image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image")) % device['image']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local Qemu host image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name elif device['image']: # must be a PIX device # check if the PIX image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): if len(globals.GApp.piximages.keys()): image_name = globals.GApp.piximages.values()[0].filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("PIX image", "PIX image %s cannot be found and cannot find an alternative image")) % device['image']) continue print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local PIX image %s cannot be found, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image']), image_name) device['image'] = image_name else: = controlPort = None if ':' in (, controlPort) =':') if server['port'] != None: controlPort = server['port'] if controlPort == None: controlPort = '7200' # need to start local hypervisors if ( == globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding or == 'localhost') and \ globals.GApp.HypervisorManager and globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].import_use_HypervisorManager: # update and to match with Hypervisor Manager Binding configuration, # having hypervisors using mixed with others using localhost will bring issues ... if ( == 'localhost' and != globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding): print "Warning: using localhost in your topology file is not recommended" # = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].HypervisorManager_binding # = + ':' + controlPort debug("Start hypervisor on port: " + str(controlPort)) hypervisor = globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.startNewHypervisor(int(controlPort), processcheck=False) globals.GApp.HypervisorManager.waitHypervisor(hypervisor) # Check if this is a relative working directory path and convert to an absolute path if necessary if server['workingdir']: abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(server['workingdir'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): server['workingdir'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative working directory path to absolute path: %s") % server['workingdir']) if server['workingdir'] == '.': server['workingdir'] = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) # check if the working directory is accessible, if not find an alternative working directory if not server.has_key('workingdir') or not server['workingdir'] or not os.access(server['workingdir'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir and os.access(globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir, os.F_OK): workdir = globals.GApp.workspace.projectWorkdir else: workdir = globals.GApp.systconf['dynamips'].workdir print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local working directory %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s, use working directory %s instead")) \ % (unicode(server['workingdir']), unicode( + ':' + controlPort, workdir) server['workingdir'] = workdir for subsection in server.sections: device = server[subsection] # check if the IOS image is accessible, if not find an alternative image if in DEVICETUPLE: # Check if this is a relative image path and convert to an absolute path if necessary abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['image'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['image'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative image path to absolute path: %s") % device['image']) if not os.access(device['image'], os.F_OK): selected_images = [] image_to_use = None for (image, conf) in globals.GApp.iosimages.iteritems(): if conf.chassis == selected_images.append(image) if len(selected_images): message = "Local IOS image %s\ncannot be found for hypervisor %s\n\nPlease choose an alternative image:" % (unicode(device['image']), unicode( + ':' + controlPort) selected_images.sort() (selection, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(globals.GApp.mainWindow, translate("DynagenSub", "IOS image"), translate("DynagenSub", message), selected_images, 0, False) if ok: image_to_use = unicode(selection) if image_to_use == None and len(selected_images) == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(globals.GApp.mainWindow, 'DynagenSub', unicode(translate("IOS image", "IOS image %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s and cannot find an alternative %s image")) % (device['image'], unicode( + ':' + controlPort, continue if image_to_use == None and len(selected_images) > 1: for image in selected_images: conf = globals.GApp.iosimages[image] if conf.default: image_to_use = image break if not image_to_use: image_to_use = selected_images[0] image_name = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].filename ram = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].default_ram idlepc = globals.GApp.iosimages[image_to_use].idlepc print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local IOS image %s cannot be found for hypervisor %s, use image %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['image']), unicode( + ':' + controlPort, image_name) device['image'] = image_name device['ram'] = ram device['idlepc'] = idlepc # check if the config file is accessible, if not find an alternative config elif device.has_key('cnfg') and device['cnfg']: # Check if this is a relative config path and convert to an absolute path if necessary abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FILENAME), unicode(device['cnfg'])) if os.path.exists(abspath): device['cnfg'] = abspath debug(unicode("Converting relative config path to absolute path: %s") % device['cnfg']) if not os.access(device['cnfg'], os.F_OK): if globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs: basename = os.path.basename(device['cnfg']) if sys.platform.startswith('win') and basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's an unix/posix path import posixpath basename = posixpath.basename(device['cnfg']) elif basename == device['cnfg']: # basename is the same as the original path, maybe it's a Windows path import ntpath basename = ntpath.basename(device['cnfg']) new_config_path = globals.GApp.workspace.projectConfigs + os.sep + basename print unicode(translate("DynagenSub", "Local configuration %s cannot be found for router %s, use configuration %s instead")) \ % (unicode(device['cnfg']), unicode(, new_config_path) device['cnfg'] = new_config_path current += 1 progress.setValue(count) progress.deleteLater() progress = None return config
def __init__(self): Dynagen.__init__(self) self.gns3_data = None