コード例 #1
 def calculate_values(self, room_temperature):
     y = []
     yzero = []
     for x in self.datdict:
         item_label = x['item'] + str(x['nom_freq']) + x['ubrange']
         answer = ubridge.bridge_value(x['ubrange'], x['rdial'], x['xdial'], x['frequency'], 1, new_label=item_label)
         #  next multiply the ubrdige values by factors relating to the uut
         if x['item'] != 'coax zero':  # no uncertainty in the coax zero uut
             uuttemp = ureal(x['temperature'], x['tempu'], x['tempdf'],
                             'uuttemp' + x['item'])
             rtempco = ureal(x['uuttempcor'], x['uuttempcoru'], x['uuttempcordf'],
                             'rtempco' + x['item'])
             r_value = answer.real * (1 + mul2(rtempco, uuttemp - room_temperature))
             xtempco = ureal(x['uuttempcox'], x['uuttempcoxu'], x['uuttempcoxdf'],
                             'xtempco' + x['item'])
             x_value = answer.imag / (2 * pi * x['frequency']) * (
                     1 + mul2(xtempco, uuttemp - room_temperature))
             assert x['item'] == 'coax zero', "label not 'coax zero' when it should be"
             r_value = answer.real
             x_value = answer.imag / (2 * pi * x['frequency'])
         # create lists of the ubridge values
             (x['item'], x['ubrange'], str(x['nom_freq']), r_value,
              x_value))  # all tuples of R-L or G-C, including coax zeros
         if x[
             'item'] == 'coax zero':  # a list of just the coax zeros is also created, duplicating the entry in the full list
             yzero.append((x['ubrange'], str(x['nom_freq']), r_value, x_value))
     return y, yzero
コード例 #2
 def get_R1(self, f, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     R1r = self.get_xl_cell(4, 8, sheet)
     R1i = self.get_xl_cell(4, 9, sheet) * f * 2 * math.pi
     R1_r = ureal(R1r, R1r * uncL[13] / 1000000, dofL[13],
                  "Resistor (R1 real)")  # use same uncertainty as for R2
     R1_i = ureal(R1i, R1r * uncL[14] / 1000000 / (2 * f * math.pi),
                  dofL[14], "Resistor (R1 imag)")
     return R1_r, R1_i
コード例 #3
 def get_Kstar(self, f, dRSet, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     Kraw = self.get_Kraw(dRSet, sheet)
     K_r = ureal(Kraw[0], Kraw[0] * uncL[0] / 1000000, dofL[0],
                 "Divider Ratio (K real)")
     K_i = ureal(Kraw[0] * (f * Kraw[1] + Kraw[2]),
                 Kraw[0] * uncL[1] / 1000000, dofL[1],
                 "Divider Ratio (K imag)")
     return K_r, K_i
コード例 #4
 def get_beta(self, vd, v1, uncL, dofL):
     beta_r = ureal(vd, (vd * uncL[9] + uncL[22]) / 1000000, dofL[9],
                    "Beta Ratio (beta real)")
     beta_i = ureal(-v1 * 0.0000030, vd * uncL[24] / 1000000 + 3.5e-7,
                    dofL[24], "Beta Ratio (beta imag)")
     ## bet = vd-v1*0.0000030j      # real part is cell U10 of PowerCalc, imag is from offset in WattFuncs calculate() macro.  Also include offset as being proportional to V1.
     ## beta_u = ((vd*uncL[9]+uncL[22])/1000000, vd*1/1000000+3.5e-7) #imag uncertainty is 1 ppm of dial setting plus offset uncertainty from cell BI22 of "IVD offset SR830 readings May12.xls"
     ## return ucomplex(bet, beta_u, dofL[9], "Beta Ratio (beta)")
     return beta_r, beta_i
コード例 #5
 def get_alpha(self, wd, v1, uncL, dofL):
     alpha_r = ureal(wd, (wd * uncL[5] + uncL[21]) / 1000000, dofL[5],
                     "Alpha Ratio (alpha real)")
     alpha_i = ureal(-v1 * 0.0000033, wd * uncL[23] / 1000000 + 5.7e-7,
                     dofL[23], "Alpha Ratio (alpha imag)")
     ## alph = wd-v1*0.0000033j     # real part is cell Q10 of PowerCalc, imag is from offset in WattFuncs calculate() macro.  Also include offset as being proportional to V1.
     ## alpha_u = ((wd*uncL[5]+uncL[21])/1000000, wd*1/1000000+5.7e-7) #imag uncertainty is 1 ppm of dial setting plus offset uncertainty from cell BJ22 of "IVD offset SR830 readings May12.xls"
     ## return ucomplex(alph, alpha_u, dofL[5], "Alpha Ratio (alpha)")
     return alpha_r, alpha_i
コード例 #6
 def get_DetGain(self, f, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     DetG = self.get_xl_cell(4, 20, sheet)  # cell AC10 of PowerCalc
     DetAPh = math.radians(self.get_DAmpPhse(
         f, sheet))  # cell AD10 of PowerCalc
     G_mag = ureal(DetG, DetG * uncL[17] / 1000000, dofL[17],
                   "Detector Gain (G mag)")
     G_ph = ureal(DetAPh, uncL[18] / 1000000, dofL[18],
                  "Detector Gain Phase (G phase)")
     #return UncertainComplex(DetAmpGain*cos(DetAmpPhse), DetAmpGain*sin(DetAmpPhse))
     return G_mag, G_ph
コード例 #7
 def get_R1R2(self, f, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     R2R1r = self.get_xl_cell(4, 12, sheet)  # cell S10 of PowerCalc
     R2R1i = self.get_xl_cell(
         4, 13, sheet) * f * 2 * math.pi  # cell T10 of PowerCalc
     R2R1_r = ureal(R2R1r, abs(R2R1r * uncL[7] / 1000000), dofL[7],
                    "R2 R1 Ratio (R2/R1 real)")
     R2R1_i = ureal(R2R1i, abs(R2R1r * uncL[8] / 1000000), dofL[8],
                    "R2 R1 Ratio (R2/R1 imag)")
     ## return ucomplex(complex(R2R1_re, R2R1_im), (abs(R2R1_re*uncL[7]/1000000), abs(R2R1_re*uncL[8]/1000000)), dofL[7], "R2 R1 Ratio (R2/R1)")
     return R2R1_r, R2R1_i
コード例 #8
 def get_R2(self, f, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     R2r = self.get_xl_cell(4, 10, sheet)
     R2i = self.get_xl_cell(4, 11, sheet) * f * 2 * math.pi
     R2_r = ureal(R2r, R2r * uncL[13] / 1000000, dofL[13],
                  "Resistor (R2 real)")
     R2_i = ureal(R2i, R2r * uncL[14] / 1000000 / (2 * f * math.pi),
                  dofL[14], "Resistor (R2 imag)")
     ## R_2 = complex(self.get_xl_cell('D', 10, sheet), self.get_xl_cell('D', 11, sheet)*f*2*math.pi)  # cells Y10 and Z10 of PowerCalc
     ## R2_u = (R_2.real*uncL[13]/1000000, 10000*uncL[14]/1000000/(2*f*math.pi))
     ## return ucomplex(R_2, R2_u, dofL[13], "Resistor (R2)")
     return R2_r, R2_i
コード例 #9
 def get_DetC(self, f, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     DCr = self.get_xl_cell(4, 17, sheet)
     DCi = self.get_xl_cell(
         4, 16, sheet
     ) * f * 2 * math.pi * 1e-12  # cells AE10 and AF10 of PowerCalc
     ## DetC_u = (Det_C.real*uncL[19]/1000000,Det_C.imag*uncL[20]/1000000)
     DetC_r = ureal(DCr, DCr * uncL[19] / 1000000, dofL[19],
                    "Detector Admittance (Yd real)")
     DetC_i = ureal(DCi, DCi * uncL[20] / 1000000, dofL[20],
                    "Detector Admittance (Yd imag)")
     ## return ucomplex(Det_C, DetC_u, dofL[20], "Detector Admittance (Yd)")
     return DetC_r, DetC_i
コード例 #10
 def get_Y1(self, f, sheet, C1Tcrct, uncL, dofL):
     Y1r = self.get_xl_cell(4, 15, sheet)  # cell W10 of PowerCalc
     Y1i = f * 2 * math.pi * C1Tcrct * 0.000001  # cell X10 of PowerCalc
     Y1_r = ureal(Y1r, Y1i * uncL[11] / 1000000, dofL[11],
                  "Capacitor Admittance (Y1 real)")
     Y1_i = ureal(Y1i, Y1i * uncL[12] / 1000000, dofL[12],
                  "Capacitor Admittance (Y1 imag)")
     ## g_1 = self.get_xl_cell('D', 15, sheet)     # cell W10 of PowerCalc
     ## Y_1 = f*2*math.pi*C1Tcrct*0.000001    # cell X10 of PowerCalc
     ## C1_u = (Y_1*uncL[11]/1000000, Y_1*uncL[12]/1000000) # """!!! change from orignal excel template !!!"""
     ## return ucomplex(complex(g_1, Y_1), C1_u, dofL[12], "Capacitor Admittance (Y1)")
     return Y1_r, Y1_i
コード例 #11
    def calculate_enh_fact(T_kelvin, P_Pa):
        T = conv.float2GTC(T_kelvin)
        P = conv.float2GTC(P_Pa)

        if T.x < 273.15:
            medium = 'ice'
            medium = 'water'

        #calculate vapour pressure eT
        eT = conv.calculate_SVP(T, medium=medium)

        #initialize a,b coefficient
        A = np.zeros(4)
        B = np.zeros(4)
        if medium == 'ice':
            A[0] = -5.5898101e-2
            A[1] = 6.7140389e-4
            A[2] = -2.7492721e-6
            A[3] = 3.8268958e-9
            B[0] = -8.1985393e1
            B[1] = 5.8230823e-1
            B[2] = -1.6340527e-3
            B[3] = 1.6725084e-6

        elif medium == 'water':
            A[0] = -1.6302041e-1
            A[1] = 1.8071570e-3
            A[2] = -6.7703064e-6
            A[3] = 8.5813609e-9
            B[0] = -5.9890467e1
            B[1] = 3.4378043e-1
            B[2] = -7.7326396e-4
            B[3] = 6.3405286e-7

        a = ureal(0, 0)
        b = ureal(0, 0)
        #calculate a coefficient
        for i in range(4):
            a += A[i] * pow(T, i)

        # calculate b coefficient
        for i in range(4):
            b += B[i] * pow(T, i)
        b = exp(b)
        s1 = a * (1 - eT / P)
        s2 = b * (P / eT - 1)
        f = exp(s1 + s2)
        return f
コード例 #12
 def get_HPcrctn(self, sheet, uncL, dofL):
     HP3458corectn = self.get_xl_cell(4, 7, sheet)
     HP3458corectn_u = HP3458corectn * uncL[
         2] / 1000000  # 3458 type b uncertainty for GodsAC included here
     HP_crctn = ureal(HP3458corectn, HP3458corectn_u, dofL[3],
                      "Divider Output Voltage (V1)")
     return HP_crctn
コード例 #13
def lists2ureal(value_list,unc_list=[],k=2):
    for i,val in enumerate(value_list):
    result = [ureal(value_list_i, unc_list_i / k) for value_list_i, unc_list_i in zip(value_list, unc_list)]
    return result
コード例 #14
    def calculate_values(self, room_temperature, this_ubridge):
        Separates out all readings labelled 'coax zero' of which it is assumed that there is one and only one for each
        range used. These can subsequently be subtracted.
        :param room_temperature:
        :param this_ubridge: UNIVERSALBRIDGE object
        :return: a list of calculated values including the calculated zeros and a list of calculated zeros
        y = []
        yzero = []
        for x in self.datdict:
            this_label = x['item'] + str(x['nom_freq']) + x[
                'ubrange']  # str so e.g. 1k and 1000 both are strings
            answer = this_ubridge.bridge_value(x['ubrange'],
            #  next multiply the ubrdige values by factors relating to the uut
            if x['item'] != 'coax zero':  # no uncertainty in the coax zero uut
                uuttemp = ureal(x['temperature'], x['tempu'], x['tempdf'],
                                'uuttemp' + x['item'])
                rtempco = ureal(x['uuttempcor'], x['uuttempcoru'],
                                x['uuttempcordf'], 'rtempco' + x['item'])
                r_value = answer.real * (
                    1 + mul2(rtempco, uuttemp - room_temperature))
                xtempco = ureal(x['uuttempcox'], x['uuttempcoxu'],
                                x['uuttempcoxdf'], 'xtempco' + x['item'])
                x_value = answer.imag / (2 * pi * x['frequency']) * (
                    1 + mul2(xtempco, uuttemp - room_temperature))
                assert x[
                    'item'] == 'coax zero', "label not 'coax zero' when it should be"
                r_value = answer.real
                x_value = answer.imag / (2 * pi * x['frequency'])

            # create lists of the ubridge values
                (x['item'], x['ubrange'], str(x['nom_freq']), r_value,
                 x_value))  # all tuples of R-L or G-C, including coax zeros
            if x['item'] == 'coax zero':  # a list of just the coax zeros is also created, duplicating the entry in the full list
                    (x['ubrange'], str(x['nom_freq']), r_value, x_value))
        return y, yzero
コード例 #15
    def get_ShuntByTrans(self, f, sName, sheet, transR, uncL, dofL):
        shuntraw = self.get_shuntraw(sName, sheet)
        shunt_r = ureal(shuntraw[0], shuntraw[0] * uncL[3] / 1000000, dofL[3],
                        "Shunt Resistance (R3 real)")
        shunt_i = ureal(f * 2 * math.pi * shuntraw[1] * 0.000001,
                        shuntraw[0] * uncL[4] / 1000000, dofL[4],
                        "Shunt Resistance (R3 imag)")

        ## shnt = complex(shuntraw[0], f*2*math.pi*shuntraw[1]*0.000001)  # cells O10 and P10 of PowerCalc worksheet
        ## Shunt = ucomplex(shnt,(shnt.real*uncL[3]/1000000, shnt.real*uncL[4]/1000000), dofL[3], "Shunt Resistance (R3)")
        Trans = ucomplex(
            complex(transR, 0), (transR * 2 / 1000000, 0), 6,
            "Shunt by Transformer Resistance (R3)"
        )  ######## ! zeros as placeholder for phase & uncertainty of Transformer ratio
        if transR > 1:
            return Shunt / Trans
            return shunt_r, shunt_i
コード例 #16
 def dict_to_ureal(self, unr_dict):
     Takes a dictionary created by ureal_to_dict and creates a GTC uncertain real.
     :param unr_dict: dictionary of parts of a GTC uncertain real.
     :return: GTC uncertain real
     return ureal(unr_dict['x'],
コード例 #17
 def json_to_ureal(self, unr_json):
     Takes a json string as created by ureal_to_json and creates a GTC uncertain real.
     :param unr_json: a json string of a dictionary of parts of a GTC uncertain real.
     :return: GTC uncertain real
     unr_dict = loads(unr_json)
     return ureal(unr_dict['x'],
コード例 #18
 def muirhead_tand(self, caps):
     assumes 10,000 rad/s and returns G/wC in mrad
     also assumes a 0.005 ohm standar uncertainty in series connection
     caps:  is the list of jig_corrected muirhead capacitor values
     w = 1e4
     seriesR = 0.005
     tan_deltas = []
     for i in range(len(caps)):
         seriesG = ureal(0, (w * caps[i][1].x) ** 2 * seriesR, 10, 'seriesG')
         calc_tand = atan((caps[i][0] + seriesG) / (caps[i][1] * w))
         tan_deltas.append(calc_tand * 1e3)
     return tan_deltas
コード例 #19
 def muirhead_zeros(self, y_corrected):
     Returns list of muirhead capacitor values with jig zero subtracted
     Includes a 0.05 pF standard uncertainty in jig definition
     y_corrected: capacitance values that have had coaxial zeros subtracted
     jig_zero = ureal(0, 0.05e-12, 10, 'jig_zero')  # 0.05 pF 1 sigma
     names = ['M1', 'M0.1', 'M0.01', 'M0.001', 'M0.0005']
     muirhead_caps = []
     for i in range(len(y_corrected)):
         if self.data_block[i][0] in names:
             for j in range(len(y_corrected)):
                 if self.data_block[j][0] == self.data_block[i][0] + 'zero':  # e.g. 'M1zero, 'M0.0005zero'
                     thing = jig_zero + y_corrected[i][0]
                     jig_corrected = (
                         y_corrected[i][0] - y_corrected[j][0], jig_zero + y_corrected[i][1] - y_corrected[j][1])
     return muirhead_caps
コード例 #20
 def get_csv_data(self, path):
     :param path: the csv file formatted to hold all the calibration dictionaries
     :return: four dictionaries caldata, acdc, tempcoeffs, stability, ivd
     The caldata dictionary contains the calibrated component values, acdc contains frequency dependence uncertainty,
     tempcoeffs has estimates of termperature coefficients, stability has uncertainties for time dependence and ivd
     has linearity estimates for the two main inductive voltage dividers.
     cal_file = open(path, mode='r')
     reader = csv.reader(cal_file)
     table = []
     for row in reader:
     Nr = len(table)
     caldata = {}
     acdc = {}
     tempcoeffs = {}
     stability = {}
     ivd = {}
     for r in range(2, Nr):  # assumes 2 header rows
         dictionary = table[r][0]
         assert dictionary in [
             'caldata', 'acdc', 'tempcoeffs', 'stability', 'ivd'
         ], 'csv dictionary name not in list'
         key = table[r][1]
         value = ureal(float(table[r][2]), float(table[r][3]),
                       float(table[r][4]), table[r][5])
         if dictionary == 'caldata':
             caldata[key] = value
         elif dictionary == 'acdc':
             acdc[key] = value
         elif dictionary == 'tempcoeffs':
             tempcoeffs[key] = value
         elif dictionary == 'stability':
             stability[key] = value
         elif dictionary == 'ivd':
             ivd[key] = value
     return caldata, acdc, tempcoeffs, stability, ivd
コード例 #21
from humidity import gen2500
from GTC import ureal

gen = gen2500(uncertainty_mode=True)

Ps_PSI = ureal(14.7, 7e-5, label='Ps')
Ts_C = ureal(2, 0.01, label='Ts')
Pc_PSI = ureal(14.65, 7e-5, label='Pc')
Tc_C = ureal(31, 0.01, label='Tc')

gen.set_values(Ps_PSI=Ps_PSI, Ts_C=Ts_C, Pc_PSI=Pc_PSI, Tc_C=Tc_C)


print('RH=', gen.RH)
コード例 #22
            data_block[i].append(rU)  # expanded uncertainty
            # now for loss angle
            td = tandeltas[i].x
            utd = tandeltas[i].u
            ktd = k_factor(tandeltas[i].df)
            Utd = ktd * utd
        self.excel_obj.makeworkbook(data_block, 'muirhead')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    calfile = r'ubdict_dec_2019.csv'
    room_temperature = ureal(20, 0.5, 10,
                             'temperature')  # this should be the ambient temperature given in conditions
    # create the bridge object
    ubridge = ub.UNIVERSALBRIDGE(calfile,
                                 room_temperature)  # temperature put here as it might be in common with the UUT
    block_descriptor = [9, 24, 1, 15]  # this simply has to correctly match the spreadsheet.[9, 35, 1, 15]
    cap_set = UUT(ubridge, 'S22012.xlsx', 'pyUBreadings', block_descriptor, 'capResults.xlsx', 'pyUBresults')
    # note that a different temperature could be used for the UUT
    cap_answers, cap_zeros = cap_set.calculate_values(room_temperature)
    cap_zero_corrected = cap_set.subtract_zeros(cap_answers, cap_zeros)
    cmc_list = cap_set.cmc_check()
    ##     cap_set.create_output(cap_zero_corrected, cmc_list)  #creates capResults.xlsx with just C, G results
    a = cap_set.muirhead_zeros(cap_zero_corrected)
    for i in range(len(a)):
    b = cap_set.muirhead_tand(a)
    for i in range(len(b)):
コード例 #23
    def set_values(self,

        #write initial values to object
        self.Ps_input = Ps_PSI
        self.Ts_input = Ts_C
        self.Pc_input = Pc_PSI
        self.Tc_input = Tc_C
        self.flow = flow
        self.eta = eta
        self.eta_u = eta_u

        #convert initial values to proper format -! values in PSI and Celsius !!!
        self.Ps_GTC = Ps_PSI if conv.isGTC(Ps_PSI) else ureal(
            Ps_PSI, Ps_u_PSI, label='Ps')
        self.Ts_GTC = Ts_C if conv.isGTC(Ts_C) else ureal(
            Ts_C, Ts_u_C, label='Ts')
        self.Pc_GTC = Pc_PSI if conv.isGTC(Pc_PSI) else ureal(
            Pc_PSI, Pc_u_PSI, label='Pc')
        self.Tc_GTC = Tc_C if conv.isGTC(Tc_C) else ureal(
            Tc_C, Ts_u_C, label='Tc')
        self.eta_u_GTC = eta if conv.isGTC(eta) else ureal(
            eta, eta_u, label='eta')

        #conversion of units
        self.Ps_GTC = conv.PSI2Pa(self.Ps_GTC)
        self.Ts_GTC = conv.Celsius2Kelvin(self.Ts_GTC)
        self.Pc_GTC = conv.PSI2Pa(self.Pc_GTC)
        self.Tc_GTC = conv.Celsius2Kelvin(self.Tc_GTC)

        self.DewPoint = []
        self.SVP_Ts_GTC = conv.calculate_SVP(
        )  # saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of saturator
        self.SVP_Tc_GTC = conv.calculate_SVP(
        )  #saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of chamber
        self.f_TsPs_GTC = conv.calculate_enh_fact(
            self.Ts_GTC, self.Ps_GTC
        )  # enhancement factor for saturator pressure and temperature
        self.f_TcPc_GTC = conv.calculate_enh_fact(
            self.Tc_GTC, self.Pc_GTC
        )  # enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature
        self.RH_GTC = conv.calculate_RH_from_PT(self.Ps_GTC, self.Ts_GTC,
                                                self.Pc_GTC, self.Tc_GTC,
        self.DewPoint_GTC = conv.calculate_DewPoint2RH(self.RH_GTC,

        self.SVP_Ts = self.SVP_Ts_GTC.x
        self.SVP_Tc = self.SVP_Tc_GTC.x
        self.f_TsPs = self.f_TsPs_GTC.x
        self.f_TsPs = self.f_TsPs_GTC.x
        self.RH = self.RH_GTC.x
        self.DewPoint = self.DewPoint_GTC.x

        #print('self.SVP_Ts=', self.SVP_Ts)
        #print('self.f_TsPs=', self.f_TsPs)
        #print('self.f_TcPc=', self.f_TcPc)
        #print('self.RH_GTC=', self.RH_GTC)

        self.f_TcPc = [
        ]  #enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature
        self.f_TsPs = [
        ]  # enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature
        #self.RH = conv.calculate_RH_from_PT(self.Ps_GTC, self.Ts_GTC, self.Pc_GTC, self.Tc_GTC, self.eta_u_GTC)

        # Data for experiment
        self.N += 1
        self.mean = type_a.mean(self.history)
        self.std = type_a.standard_uncertainty(
            self.history) if self.N > 1 else 0
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self, uncertainty_mode=False):

        self.Ps_input = []  #Saturation pressure PSI
        self.Ts_input = []  #Saturation temperature C
        self.Pc_input = []  #Chamber pressure PSI
        self.Tc_input = []  #Chamber temperature C

        self.Ps = []  #Saturation pressure Pa
        self.Ts = []  #Saturation temperature K
        self.Pc = []  #Chamber pressure Pa
        self.Tc = []  #Chamber temperature K
        self.flow = 20  # air flow in liters/min
        self.eta = 1  #saturation efficiency coefficient
        self.k = 2

        self.RH = []
        self.DewPoint = []
        self.SVP_Tc = [
        ]  #saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of chamber
        self.SVP_Ts = [
        ]  # saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of saturator
        self.f_TcPc = [
        ]  #enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature
        self.f_TsPs = [
        ]  # enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature

        #data for GTC uncertainty mode
        self.uncertainty_mode = uncertainty_mode  # True if GTC uncertainty calculations available
        self.Ps_u = 0  #Saturation pressure standard uncertainty
        self.Ts_u = 0  #Saturation temperature standard uncertainty
        self.Pc_u = 0  #Chamber pressure standard uncertainty
        self.Tc_u = 0  #Chamber pressure standard uncertainty
        self.eta_u = 0  ##saturation efficiency coefficient standard uncertainty, 1%=0.01

        self.Ps_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #Saturation pressure GTC number
        self.Ts_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #Saturation temperature GTC number
        self.Pc_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #Chamber pressure GTC number
        self.Tc_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #Chamber pressure GTC number

        self.RH_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #GTC number
        self.DewPoint_GTC = ureal(0, 0)  #GTC number
        self.SVP_Tc_GTC = ureal(
            0, 0
        )  #saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of chamber GTC number
        self.SVP_Ts_GTC = ureal(
            0, 0
        )  # saturation vapour pressure  for temperature of saturator GTC number
        self.f_TcPc_GTC = ureal(
            0, 0
        )  #enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature GTC number
        self.f_TsPs_GTC = ureal(
            0, 0
        )  # enhancement factor for chamber pressure and temperature GTC number
        self.eta_u_GTC = ureal(0, 0)

        # reset data for experiment
        self.N = 0  # number of iterations
        self.history = []
        self.mean = 0
        self.std = 0

        #initiate new object for storage VISA commands
        self.VISA = VISA()
コード例 #25
    def calculate_SVP(T_kelvin, method='wexler', medium='water'):
        #possible options method='wexler' or 'sonntag', medium='water' or 'ice'
        T = conv.float2GTC(T_kelvin)
        SVP = ureal(0, 0)
        # WEXLER WATER
        if (method == 'wexler') and (medium == 'water'):
            s06 = 0  # sum of gi*T^(i-2) for  i=0:6
            g = np.zeros(8)

            g[0] = -2.83657440e3
            g[1] = -6.02807656e3
            g[2] = 1.95426361e1
            g[3] = -2.73783019e-2
            g[4] = 1.62616980e-5
            g[5] = 7.02290560e-10
            g[6] = -1.86800090e-13
            g[7] = 2.71503050

            for i in range(7):
                s06 += g[i] * pow(T, i - 2)
            s7 = g[7] * log(T)  #gi*ln(T) for  i=7
            s07 = s06 + s7
            SVP = exp(s07)
        #WEXLER ICE
        elif (method == 'wexler') and (medium == 'ice'):
            s04 = 0  # sum of ki*T^(i-1) for  i=0:4
            k = np.zeros(6)

            k[0] = -5.8666426e3
            k[1] = 2.2328702e1
            k[2] = 1.39387003e-2
            k[3] = -3.42624020e-5
            k[4] = 2.7040955e-8
            k[5] = 6.70635220e-1

            for i in range(5):
                s04 += k[i] * pow(T, i - 1)
            s5 = k[5] * log(T)  #ki*ln(T) for  i=5
            s05 = s04 + s5
            SVP = exp(s05)
        elif (method == 'sonntag') and (medium == 'water'):
            s03 = 0  # sum of ki*T^(i-1) for  i=0:3
            g = np.zeros(5)

            g[0] = -6096.9385
            g[1] = 21.2409642
            g[2] = -2.711193e-2
            g[3] = 1.673952e-5
            g[4] = 2.433502

            for i in range(4):
                s03 += g[i] * pow(T, i - 1)
            s4 = g[4] * log(T)  #gi*ln(T) for  i=4
            s04 = s03 + s4
            SVP = exp(s04)
        #SONNTAG ICE
        elif (method == 'sonntag') and (medium == 'ice'):
            s03 = 0  # sum of ki*T^(i-1) for  i=0:3
            k = np.zeros(5)

            k[0] = -6024.5282
            k[1] = 29.32707
            k[2] = 1.0613868e-2
            k[3] = -1.3198825e-5
            k[4] = -0.49382577

            for i in range(4):
                s03 += k[i] * pow(T, i - 1)
            s4 = k[4] * log(T)  #ki*ln(T) for  i=4
            s04 = s03 + s4
            SVP = exp(s04)
                "Error - possible options for function method='wexler' or 'sonntag', medium='water' or 'ice'"

        SVP = SVP + ureal(0, 1, label='SVP_aprox')
        return SVP
コード例 #26
 def float2GTC(value):
     if conv.isGTC(value):
         return value
         return ureal(value, 0)
コード例 #27
 def isGTC(value):
     typeGTC = type(ureal(0, 0))
     if type(value) == typeGTC:
         return True
         return False
コード例 #28
        T_Kelvin = conv.float2GTC(T_Kelvin)
        T_Celsius = conv.Kelvin2Celsius(T_Kelvin)
        A1 = 17.625
        B1 = 243.03  #Celsius

        numerattor = B1 * (log(RH / 100) + A1 * T_Celsius / (B1 + T_Celsius))
        denominator = A1 - log(RH / 100) - A1 * T_Celsius / (B1 + T_Celsius)

        DewPoint = numerattor / denominator
        return DewPoint


Ps = ureal(14.7, 7e-5, label='Ps')
Ts = ureal(2, 0.01, label='Ts')
Pc = ureal(14.65, 7e-5, label='Pc')
Tc = ureal(31, 0.01, label='Tc')
eta = ureal(1, 0.001, label='eta')

#print('RH value=',RH.x,'U(f)=',2*RH.u)

#Real data from generator
gen = gen2500(uncertainty_mode=True)

Ps_PSI = ureal(14.7, 7e-5, label='Ps')
Ts_C = ureal(2, 0.01, label='Ts')
Pc_PSI = ureal(14.65, 7e-5, label='Pc')
Tc_C = ureal(31, 0.01, label='Tc')
コード例 #29
def run():
    m = [[ureal(5, 1), ureal(-1, 0.3),
          ureal(3, 1.3)], [ureal(1, 0.1),
                           ureal(2, 0.8),
                           ureal(-3, 1)],
         [ureal(-1, 0.5), ureal(2, 1.1),
          ureal(4, 0.3)]]
    b = [ureal(1, 0.2), ureal(2, 1.1), ureal(3, 0.4)]

    ma = uarray(m)
    ba = uarray(b)

    # vector * vector

    z = b[0] * 1 + b[1] * 2 + b[2] * 3
    za = ba @ [1, 2, 3]
    assert equivalent(z.x, za.value())
    assert equivalent(z.u, za.uncertainty())

    # switch lhs and rhs
    z = 1 * b[0] + 2 * b[1] + 3 * b[2]
    za = [1, 2, 3] @ ba
    assert equivalent(z.x, za.value())
    assert equivalent(z.u, za.uncertainty())

        ba @ [1, 2]
    except ValueError:  # Expect this error -> shapes (3,) and (2,) not aligned: 3 (dim 0) != 2 (dim 0)
        raise ValueError('this should not work -> ba @ [1, 2]')

    # vector * matrix

    z = [
        1 * m[0][0] + 2 * m[1][0] + 3 * m[2][0],
        1 * m[0][1] + 2 * m[1][1] + 3 * m[2][1],
        1 * m[0][2] + 2 * m[1][2] + 3 * m[2][2]
    za = [1, 2, 3] @ ma
    for i in range(3):
        assert equivalent(z[i].x, za[i].x)
        assert equivalent(z[i].u, za[i].u)

        [1, 2] @ ma
    except ValueError:  # Expect this error -> shapes (2,) and (3,3) not aligned: 2 (dim 0) != 3 (dim 0)
        raise ValueError('this should not work -> [1, 2] @ ma')

    # matrix * vector

    z = [
        m[0][0] * b[0] + m[0][1] * b[1] + m[0][2] * b[2],
        m[1][0] * b[0] + m[1][1] * b[1] + m[1][2] * b[2],
        m[2][0] * b[0] + m[2][1] * b[1] + m[2][2] * b[2]

    za = ma @ ba
    for i in range(3):
        assert equivalent(z[i].x, za[i].x)
        assert equivalent(z[i].u, za[i].u)

        ma @ np.arange(4)
    except ValueError:  # Expect this error -> shapes (3,3) and (4,) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 4 (dim 0)
        raise ValueError('this should not work -> ma @ np.arange(4)')

    # matrix * matrix

    na = np.arange(10 * 10).reshape(10, 10) * -3.1
    nb = np.arange(10 * 10).reshape(10, 10) * 2.3
    nc = na @ nb

    ua = uarray(na.copy() * ureal(1, 0))
    ub = uarray(nb.copy() * ureal(1, 0))
    uc = ua @ ub
    assert nc.shape == uc.shape

    i, j = nc.shape
    for ii in range(i):
        for jj in range(j):
            assert equivalent(na[ii, jj], ua[ii, jj].x)
            assert equivalent(nb[ii, jj], ub[ii, jj].x)
            assert equivalent(nc[ii, jj], uc[ii, jj].x, tol=1e-10)

    # switch the ndarray and uarray order and also use a regular Python list
    for mix in [na @ ub, ua @ nb, na.tolist() @ ub, ua @ nb.tolist()]:
        assert mix.shape == nc.shape
        i, j = mix.shape
        for ii in range(i):
            for jj in range(j):
                assert equivalent(mix[ii, jj].x, nc[ii, jj], tol=1e-10)

        ma @ np.arange(4 * 4).reshape(4, 4)
    except ValueError:  # Expect this error -> shapes (3,3) and (4,4) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 4 (dim 0)
        raise ValueError(
            'this should not work -> ma @ np.arange(4*4).reshape(4,4)')

    # test a bunch of different dimensions
    test_dims = [
        #[(), ()],
        [(0, ), (1, 3)],
        [(1, ), (1, 3)],
        [(4, ), (4, 3)],
        [(2, 4), (4, )],
        [(2, 4), (3, )],
        [(2, 4), (3, 2)],
        [(2, 4), (4, 2)],
        [(1, 2, 4), (1, 4, 2)],
        [(2, 2, 4), (1, 4, 2)],
        [(1, 2, 4), (2, 4, 2)],
        [(2, 2, 4), (2, 4, 2)],
        [(3, 2, 4), (3, 4, 2)],
        [(6, 2, 4), (3, 2, 2)],
        [(6, 2, 4), (3, 4, 8)],
        [(6, 2, 4), (6, 4, 8)],
        [(5, 3, 2, 4), (5, 3, 4, 2)],
        [(3, 2, 2, 4), (3, 9, 4, 2)],
        [(8, 3, 1, 2, 4), (8, 3, 9, 4, 2)],

    for s1, s2 in test_dims:
        na = np.arange(int(np.prod(np.array(s1)))).reshape(s1)
        nb = np.arange(int(np.prod(np.array(s2)))).reshape(s2)
            nc = na @ nb
            nc = None

        ua = uarray(na.copy() * ureal(1, 0))
        ub = uarray(nb.copy() * ureal(1, 0))
            uc = ua @ ub
            if nc is not None:
                raise AssertionError(
                    'The regular @ PASSED, the custom-written @ FAILED')
            if nc is None:
                raise AssertionError(
                    'The regular @ FAILED, the custom-written @ PASSED')
            assert np.array_equal(
                nc, uc), 'The arrays are not equal\n{}\n{}'.format(nc, uc)
コード例 #30
def lists2ureal(value_list,unc_list=[],k=2):
    for i,val in enumerate(value_list):
    result = [ureal(value_list_i, unc_list_i / k) for value_list_i, unc_list_i in zip(value_list, unc_list)]
    return result

#Dane ze świadectwa dla typu 5685 nr 1114




#Dane ze świadectwa

#Konwersja liczb do postaci ureal
