コード例 #1
ファイル: task.py プロジェクト: sandervankasteel/gtg
    def set_due_date(self, new_duedate):
        """Defines the task's due date."""
        def __get_defined_parent_list(task):
            """Recursively fetch a list of parents that have a defined due date
               which is not fuzzy"""
            parent_list = []
            for par_id in task.parents:
                par = self.req.get_task(par_id)
                if par.get_due_date().is_fuzzy():
                    parent_list += __get_defined_parent_list(par)
            return parent_list

        def __get_defined_child_list(task):
            """Recursively fetch a list of children that have a defined
               due date which is not fuzzy"""
            child_list = []
            for child_id in task.children:
                child = self.req.get_task(child_id)
                if child.get_due_date().is_fuzzy():
                    child_list += __get_defined_child_list(child)
            return child_list

        old_due_date = self.due_date
        new_duedate_obj = Date(new_duedate)  # caching the conversion
        self.due_date = new_duedate_obj
        # If the new date is fuzzy or undefined, we don't update related tasks
        if not new_duedate_obj.is_fuzzy():
            # if the task's start date happens later than the
            # new due date, we update it (except for fuzzy dates)
            if not self.get_start_date().is_fuzzy() and \
                    self.get_start_date() > new_duedate_obj:
            # if some ancestors' due dates happen before the task's new
            # due date, we update them (except for fuzzy dates)
            for par in __get_defined_parent_list(self):
                if par.get_due_date() < new_duedate_obj:
            # we must apply the constraints to the defined & non-fuzzy children
            # as well
            for sub in __get_defined_child_list(self):
                sub_duedate = sub.get_due_date()
                # if the child's due date happens later than the task's: we
                # update it to the task's new due date
                if sub_duedate > new_duedate_obj:
                # if the child's start date happens later than
                # the task's new due date, we update it
                # (except for fuzzy start dates)
                sub_startdate = sub.get_start_date()
                if not sub_startdate.is_fuzzy() and \
                        sub_startdate > new_duedate_obj:
        # If the date changed, we notify the change for the children since the
        # constraints might have changed
        if old_due_date != new_duedate_obj:
コード例 #2
ファイル: tasks2.py プロジェクト: jaesivsm/gtg
    def date_due(self, value: Date) -> None:
        self._date_due = value

        if not value or value.is_fuzzy():

        for child in self.children:
            if (child.date_due and not child.date_due.is_fuzzy()
                    and child.date_due > value):

                child.date_due = value

        if (self.parent and self.parent.date_due
                and self.parent.date_due.is_fuzzy()
                and self.parent.date_due < value):
            self.parent.date_due = value
コード例 #3
ファイル: versioning.py プロジェクト: jaesivsm/gtg
def convert_task(task: et.Element, ds: datastore) -> Optional[et.Element]:
    """Convert old task XML into the new format."""

    tid = task.attrib['id']
    real_task = ds.task_factory(tid)

    if task is None:

    # Get the old task properties
    # TIDs were stored as UUID, but sometimes they were not present
    tid = task.get('uuid') or real_task.get_uuid() or tid_cache[tid]
    status = task.get('status')
    title = task.find('title').text
    content = task.find('content')

        done_date = task.find('donedate').text
    except AttributeError:
        done_date = None

        due_date = task.find('duedate').text
    except AttributeError:
        due_date = None

        modified = task.find('modified').text
    except AttributeError:
        modified = None

        added = task.find('added').text
    except AttributeError:
        added = None

        start = task.find('startdate').text
    except AttributeError:
        start = None

    # Build the new task
    new_task = et.Element('task')

    new_task.set('status', status)
    new_task.set('id', tid)

    new_title = et.SubElement(new_task, 'title')
    new_title.text = title

    tags = et.SubElement(new_task, 'tags')

    for tag_name in task.get('tags').split(','):
        if tag_name:
            tag_id = tags_cache[tag_name]
            task_tag = et.SubElement(tags, 'tag')
            task_tag.text = tag_id

    dates = et.SubElement(new_task, 'dates')
    new_added = et.SubElement(dates, 'added')
    new_modified = et.SubElement(dates, 'modified')

    if added:
        added = str(Date(added))
        added = date.today().isoformat()

    new_added.text = added

    if modified:
        modified = modified[:10]
        modified = str(Date(modified))
        modified = date.today().isoformat()

    new_modified.text = modified

    if done_date:
        new_done = et.SubElement(dates, 'done')
        new_done.text = str(Date(done_date))

    if start:
        start = Date(start)

        if start.is_fuzzy():
            new_start = et.SubElement(dates, 'fuzzyStart')
            new_start = et.SubElement(dates, 'start')

        new_start.text = str(start)

    if due_date:
        due_date = Date(due_date)

        if due_date.is_fuzzy():
            new_due = et.SubElement(dates, 'fuzzyDue')
            new_due = et.SubElement(dates, 'due')

        new_due.text = str(due_date)

    recurring = et.SubElement(new_task, 'recurring')
    recurring.set('enabled', 'false')

    subtasks = et.SubElement(new_task, 'subtasks')

    for sub in task.findall('subtask'):
        new_sub = et.SubElement(subtasks, 'sub')
        new_sub.text = tid_cache[sub.text]

    new_content = et.SubElement(new_task, 'content')

    if content is not None:
        new_content.text = et.CDATA(convert_content(content.text))
        new_content.text = et.CDATA('')

    return new_task