コード例 #1
ファイル: Configuration.py プロジェクト: atlas-org/gaudi
def configurationDict(all=False):
    """Return a dictionary representing the configuration.
    The dictionary contains one entry per configurable which is a dictionary
    with one entry per property.
    The optional argument "all" is used to decide if to include only values
    different from the default or all of them.
    from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import getNeededConfigurables

    catalog = allConfigurables
    keys = getNeededConfigurables() # use only interesting configurables
    conf_dict = {}
    if all:
        for n in keys :
            if n not in conf_dict:
                conf_dict[n] = {}
            for p, v in  catalog[n].getDefaultProperties().items() :
                conf_dict[n][p] = v

    for n in keys :
        if n not in conf_dict:
            conf_dict[n] = {}
        for p, v in catalog[n].getValuedProperties().items() :
            conf_dict[n][p] = v
    # purge empty configurables
    keys = conf_dict.keys()
    for n in keys:
        if not conf_dict[n]:
            del conf_dict[n]
    return conf_dict
コード例 #2
ファイル: Main.py プロジェクト: atlas-org/gaudi
 def _writepickle(self, filename) :
     #--- Lets take the first file input file as the name of the pickle file
     import pickle
     output = open(filename, 'wb')
     # Dump only the the configurables that make sense to dump (not User ones)
     from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import getNeededConfigurables
     to_dump = {}
     for n in getNeededConfigurables():
         to_dump[n] = Configuration.allConfigurables[n]
     pickle.dump(to_dump, output, -1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Bindings.py プロジェクト: l1calo/gaudi
    def __init__(self, outputlevel = -1, joboptions = None, selfoptions = {},
                 dllname = None, factname = None) :
        global _gaudi
        if _gaudi : return
        # Protection against multiple calls to exit() if the finalization fails
        self.__dict__['_exit_called'] = False
        # keep the Gaudi namespace around (so it is still available during atexit shutdown)...
        self.__dict__['_gaudi_ns'] = Gaudi
            from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import expandvars
        except ImportError:
            # pass-through implementation if expandvars is not defined (AthenaCommon)
            expandvars = lambda data : data
        if dllname and factname:
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr(dllname,factname)
        elif dllname:
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr(dllname)
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr()
        self.__dict__['_svcloc'] = gbl.Gaudi.svcLocator()
        self.__dict__['_algmgr'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IAlgManager)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['_evtpro'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IEventProcessor)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['_svcmgr'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.ISvcManager)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['pyalgorithms'] = []
        iService.__init__(self, 'ApplicationMgr', self._appmgr )
        #------python specific initialization-------------------------------------
        if self.FSMState() < Gaudi.StateMachine.CONFIGURED :  # Not yet configured
            self.JobOptionsType = 'NONE'
            if joboptions :
                from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
            # Ensure that the ConfigurableUser instances have been applied
            import GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable
            if hasattr(GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable, "applyConfigurableUsers"):
            # This is the default and could be overridden with "selfopts"
            self.OutputLevel = 3
            selfprops = Configurable.allConfigurables.get('ApplicationMgr',{})
            if selfprops : selfprops = expandvars(selfprops.getValuedProperties())
            for p,v in selfprops.items()   : setattr(self, p, v)
            for p,v in selfoptions.items() : setattr(self, p, v)
            # Override job options
            if outputlevel != -1 : self.OutputLevel = outputlevel
        ms = self.service('MessageSvc')
        if 'MessageSvc' in Configurable.allConfigurables:
            msprops = Configurable.allConfigurables['MessageSvc']
            ms = self.service('MessageSvc')
            if hasattr(msprops,"getValuedProperties"):
                msprops = expandvars(msprops.getValuedProperties())
            for p,v in msprops.items():
                setattr(ms, p, v)
        if outputlevel != -1 : ms.OutputLevel = outputlevel
        self.__dict__['_optsvc'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IJobOptionsSvc)(Helper.service(self._svcloc,'JobOptionsSvc'))
        #------Configurables initialization (part2)-------------------------------
        for n in getNeededConfigurables():
            c = Configurable.allConfigurables[n]
            if n in ['ApplicationMgr','MessageSvc'] : continue # These are already done---
            for p, v in  c.getValuedProperties().items() :
                v = expandvars(v)
                # Note: AthenaCommon.Configurable does not have Configurable.PropertyReference
                if hasattr(Configurable,"PropertyReference") and type(v) == Configurable.PropertyReference:
                # this is done in "getFullName", but the exception is ignored,
                # so we do it again to get it
                    v = v.__resolve__()
                if   type(v) == str : v = '"%s"' % v # need double quotes
                elif type(v) == long: v = '%d'   % v # prevent pending 'L'
                self._optsvc.addPropertyToCatalogue(n, StringProperty(p,str(v)))
        if hasattr(Configurable,"_configurationLocked"):
            Configurable._configurationLocked = True

        # Ensure that the exit method is called when exiting from Python
        import atexit

        #---Hack to avoid bad interactions with the ROOT exit handler
        # Look for an exit handler installed by ROOT
        root_handler_installed = False
        for h in atexit._exithandlers:
            func = h[0]
            if hasattr(func, "__module__") and func.__module__ == "ROOT":
                root_handler_installed = True

        # If the handler is not yet installed, let's install our private version
        # that detects that the ROOT exit handler is installed and add our own
        # after it to ensure it is called before.
        if not root_handler_installed:
            orig_register = atexit.register
            def register(func, *targs, **kargs):
                orig_register(func, *targs, **kargs)
                if hasattr(func, "__module__") and func.__module__ == "ROOT":
                    # we do not need to remove out handler from the list because
                    # it can be safely called more than once
            register.__doc__ = (orig_register.__doc__ +
                                "\nNote: version hacked by GaudiPython to work " +
                                "around a problem with the ROOT exit handler")
            atexit.register = register