コード例 #1
   def changeJobProperties(self, clientName, propertyName, newValue):
      """Change the property of a client to a new value. Both client and property
         can be a regular expression in which case all properties matching will
         be changed to the new value. Note, this will only change properties that
         already exist in the JobOptionsCatalogue.
         Example: trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'OutputLevel', DEBUG)"""
      jobOptSvc = InterfaceCast(gbl.IJobOptionsSvc)(Helper.service(gbl.Gaudi.svcLocator(), "JobOptionsSvc"))
      if not jobOptSvc:
         log.error("Cannot find JobOptionsSvc")

      import re
      reClient = re.compile(clientName)
      reProp = re.compile(propertyName)

      ## Loop over all clients/properties
      for client in jobOptSvc.getClients():
         for prop in jobOptSvc.getProperties(client):      
            if reClient.match(client) and reProp.match(prop.name()):
               self.log.info("Changing %s.%s from '%s' to '%s'" % \
                             (client, prop.name(), prop.value(), newValue))
               iprop = iProperty(client)
               setattr(iprop, prop.name(), newValue)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Configurable.py プロジェクト: atlas-control/control
 def getHandle(self):
     # Auditor handles don't exist ... use iProperty
         from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
     except ImportError:
         from gaudimodule import iProperty
     return iProperty(self.getJobOptName())
コード例 #3
ファイル: Configurable.py プロジェクト: atlas-control/control
 def getHandle(self):
     # iAlgTool isn't useful, unless one knows for sure that the tool exists
         from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
     except ImportError:
         from gaudimodule import iProperty
     return iProperty(self.getJobOptName())
コード例 #4
def setTHistSvcOutput():
    """Helper to set THistSvc.Output"""

    ## Do this only in a function to not pollute the global namespace
    from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerGetter import setTHistSvcOutput
    output = []
    setattr(iProperty("THistSvc"), "Output", output)
コード例 #5
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaHLT.py --postcommand 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_BFieldAutoConfig.py")' ...
# Use DCS currents to configure magnetic field
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger('dbmod_BFieldAutoConfig.py')

db = 'CONDBR2'
if '_run_number' in dir() and _run_number < 222222: db = 'COMP200'

# Add the DCS folder (note the double-use of quotes)
log.info("Adding folder %s to IOVDbSvc" % f)
iProperty('AtlasFieldSvc').UseDCS = True
コード例 #6
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaMT/PT -C 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_CostMonForCAF.py")' ...
# Enable writing of cost monitoring ntuples at CAF
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty

isL2 = len(iProperty('TrigSteer_L2').properties()) > 0
isEF = len(iProperty('TrigSteer_EF').properties()) > 0
isHLT = len(iProperty('TrigSteer_HLT').properties()) > 0

if isL2:
    iProperty('TrigSteer_L2').doOperationalInfo = 1
    iProperty('TrigSteer_L2.TrigCostExecL2').writeAlways = True

if isEF:
    iProperty('TrigSteer_EF').doOperationalInfo = 1
    iProperty('TrigSteer_EF.TrigCostExecEF').writeAlways = True

if isHLT:
    iProperty('TrigSteer_HLT').doOperationalInfo = 1
    iProperty('TrigSteer_HLT.TrigCostExecHLT').writeAlways = True
コード例 #7
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaMT/PT -C 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_setTimeout.py")' ...
# Set timeouts
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty

l2timeout = 10 * 1e9  # ns
eftimeout = 180 * 1e9  # ns

# This will work for L2
if len(iProperty('TrigSteer_L2').properties()) > 0:
    iProperty('TrigSteer_L2').softEventTimeout = 0.9 * l2timeout
    iProperty('TrigSteer_L2').hardEventTimeout = l2timeout

# and this for EF
if len(iProperty('TrigSteer_EF').properties()) > 0:
    iProperty('TrigSteer_EF').softEventTimeout = 0.9 * eftimeout
    iProperty('TrigSteer_Ef').hardEventTimeout = eftimeout
コード例 #8
 def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
         from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
     except ImportError:
         from gaudimodule import iProperty
     return setattr(iProperty("StoreGateSvc", self), attr, value)
コード例 #9
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaMT/PT -C 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_chronoAuditor.py")' ...
# Enable ChronoStat auditor
from TrigCommon.TrigPyHelper import trigApp
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty

trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditAlgorithms', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditServices', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditTools', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditInitialize', True)

iProperty('ChronoStatSvc').ChronoDestinationCout = True
iProperty('ChronoStatSvc').PrintEllapsedTime = True
コード例 #10
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaMT/PT -C 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_nameAuditor.py")' ...
# Enable NameAuditor
from TrigCommon.TrigPyHelper import trigApp
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditAlgorithms', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditServices', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditTools', True)
trigApp.changeJobProperties('.*', 'AuditInitialize', True)


コード例 #11
# Change the partition name in HLTConfigSvc to avoid collissions between
# parallel running ATN tests
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
from TrigP1Test.PrescaleChange import partitionName

prop = iProperty('HLTConfigSvc')
prop.PartitionName = partitionName
コード例 #12
# TrigDB modifier
# Usage: athenaMT/PT -C 'include("TriggerRelease/dbmod_ignorePrescales.py")' ...
# Ignore prescales
from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty

# This will work for L2
if len(iProperty('TrigSteer_L2.Lvl1Converter').properties())>0:
   iProperty('TrigSteer_L2.Lvl1Converter').ignorePrescales = True
# and this for EF
if len(iProperty('TrigSteer_EF.Lvl1Converter').properties())>0:
   iProperty('TrigSteer_EF.Lvl1Converter').ignorePrescales = True   
コード例 #13
ファイル: Bindings.py プロジェクト: atlas-control/control
 def __setattr__( self, attr, value ):
     try:                from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
     except ImportError: from gaudimodule          import iProperty
     return setattr( iProperty("StoreGateSvc", self), attr, value )
コード例 #14
## Set OutputLevel in JobOptionsSvc if "-l" option was used in athenaMT/PT
if logLevel[0] != "INFO":
    outputLevel = int(locals()[logLevel[0]])
    outputLevelProp = gbl.IntegerProperty("OutputLevel", outputLevel)

    ## Reset message levels
    trigApp.service("MessageSvc", gbl.ITrigMessageSvc).resetOutputLevels()
    trigApp.service("MessageSvc", gbl.IMessageSvc).setOutputLevel(outputLevel)

    jobOptSvc = trigApp.service("JobOptionsSvc", gbl.IJobOptionsSvc)
    ## Set OutputLevel in JobOptionsSvc
    for client in jobOptSvc.getClients():
        for prop in jobOptSvc.getProperties(client):
            if prop.name() == "OutputLevel":
                iProperty(client).OutputLevel = outputLevel

## For running with offline THistSvc from online DB
from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import _Conf
if not _Conf.useOnlineTHistSvc:
    isvcMgr = InterfaceCast(gbl.ISvcManager)(gbl.Gaudi.svcLocator())
    ## Change service type from TrigMonTHistSvc to THistSvc
    isvcMgr.declareSvcType("THistSvc", "THistSvc")

if 'interactive' in dir():
    PscConfig.interactive = bool(interactive)
    del interactive

## Some cleanup
del _Conf