コード例 #1
ファイル: test_ad.py プロジェクト: tbarchyn/FEAST
def test_exp_probs():
    inst_params = {"scale": 20 * mcfpd_to_gps}

    time = simulation_classes.Time()
    gas_field = simulation_classes.GasField()
    test_ad = AD(time, gas_field, detection_model_name="exponential")

    test_fluxes = np.array([5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 120, 2000]) * mcfpd_to_gps

    probs = test_ad.get_exp_probabilities(test_fluxes, inst_params=inst_params)

    truth_probs = [
        0.221199, 0.393469, 0.632121, 0.917915, 0.993262, 0.997521, 1.
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(probs, truth_probs)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_ad.py プロジェクト: tbarchyn/FEAST
def test_legacy_AD():
    inst_params = {}  # legacy has no parameters.

    time = simulation_classes.Time()
    gas_field = simulation_classes.GasField()
    test_ad = AD(time, gas_field)

    test_fluxes = np.array([5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 120, 2000]) * mcfpd_to_gps

    probs = test_ad.get_legacy_probabilities(test_fluxes,

    truth_probs = [
        0.99001, 0.99006, 0.990161, 0.990462, 0.990964, 0.991165, 1.

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(probs, truth_probs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ad.py プロジェクト: tbarchyn/FEAST
def test_exp_erf_probs():
    inst_params = {
        "center": 35 * mcfpd_to_gps,
        "width": 21 * mcfpd_to_gps,
        "scale": 3 * mcfpd_to_gps

    time = simulation_classes.Time()
    gas_field = simulation_classes.GasField()
    test_ls = AD(time, gas_field)

    test_fluxes = np.array([5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 120, 2000]) * mcfpd_to_gps

    probs = test_ls.get_exp_erf_probabilities(test_fluxes, inst_params)
    truth_probs = [
        0.011896, 0.034174, 0.134452, 0.79465, 0.97044, 0.97531, 0.998501
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(probs, truth_probs)
コード例 #4
def field_simulation(gas_field=None,
    field_simulation generates a single realization of scenario. The scenario is defined by the input values.
    gas_field           a GasField object
    atm                 an Atmosphere object
    input_leaks         a list of leaks to be generated at each timestep
    dir_out             directory name in which to save results
    time                a Time object
    econ_set            a FinanceSettings object
    tech_dict           a dict of detection technology objects
    detection_techs     a list of detection technology identifying strings
    # -------------- Define settings --------------
    # time defines parameters related to time in the model. Time units are days.
    if time is None:
        time = simulation_classes.Time()

    if gas_field is None:
        gas_field = simulation_classes.GasField()
    leak_list = copy.deepcopy(gas_field.initial_leaks)

    # Note: econ_settings are not used during the simulation, but are saved for use in post simulation data processing
    if econ_set is None:
        econ_set = simulation_classes.FinanceSettings()

    if atm is None:
        atm = simulation_classes.Atmosphere(time.n_timesteps)

    if detection_techs is None:
        detection_techs = ['fid.FID', 'null.Null', 'ir.AIR', 'ir.MIR', 'dd.DD']

    new_leaks, no_repair_leakage = [], []
    if tech_dict is None:
        tech_dict = dict()
        for tech in detection_techs:
            [tech_mod, tech_class] = tech.split(sep='.')
            tech_dict[tech_class] = eval('Dm.' + tech_mod.lower() + '.' +
                                         tech_class + '(time, gas_field)')
    elif 'Null' not in tech_dict:
        tech_dict['Null'] = Dm.null.Null(time, gas_field)
    # -------------- Run the simulation --------------
    n_leaks = []
    for time.time_index in range(0, time.n_timesteps):
        time.current_time += time.delta_t
        if display_status and time.current_time % int(
                time.end_time / 10) < time.delta_t:
            print("Currently evaluating time step " + str(time.time_index) +
                  " of " + str(time.n_timesteps))
        if input_leaks is None:
                gas_field.leak_size_maker(new_leak_count(time, gas_field),
        # Loop through each LDAR program:
        for tech_obj in tech_dict.values():
            tech_obj.detection(time, gas_field, atm)
    # -------------- Save results --------------
    results = simulation_classes.Results(time, gas_field, tech_dict, leak_list,
                                         no_repair_leakage, atm, econ_set,
                                         new_leaks, n_leaks)
    save_results(dir_out, results)
コード例 #5
def field_simulation(gas_field=None, atm=None, input_leaks=None, dir_out="Results", time=None,
                     econ_set=None, tech_dict=None, detection_techs=None, display_status=True,
                     label=None, runID=None, fullResults=False):
    field_simulation generates a single realization of scenario. The scenario is defined by the
    input values.
    gas_field           a GasField object
    atm                 an Atmosphere object
    input_leaks         a list of leaks to be generated at each timestep
    dir_out             directory name in which to save results
    time                a Time object
    econ_set            a FinanceSettings object
    tech_dict           a dict of detection technology objects
    detection_techs     a list of detection technology identifying strings
    label               a string to include in the filenames of the realization results
    runID               a number to include in the filenames of the realization results

    # -------------- Define settings --------------
    # time defines parameters related to time in the model. Time units are days.
    if time is None:
        time = simulation_classes.Time()

    if gas_field is None:
        gas_field = simulation_classes.GasField()
    leak_list = copy.deepcopy(gas_field.initial_leaks)

    # Note: econ_settings are not used during the simulation, but are saved for use in post
    # simulation data processing
    if econ_set is None:
        econ_set = simulation_classes.FinanceSettings()

    if atm is None:
        atm = simulation_classes.Atmosphere(time.n_timesteps)

    if detection_techs is None:
        detection_techs = ["FID", "Null", "AIR", "MIR", "DD", "AD"]
        print("Running {}".format(detection_techs))

    new_leaks, no_repair_leakage = [], []
    if tech_dict is None:
        tech_dict = dict()
        for tech in detection_techs:
            tech_dict[tech] = DETECTION_CLASSES[tech](time, gas_field)
    elif "Null" not in tech_dict:
        print("Warning: Null tech not in dict. Adding it.")
        tech_dict["Null"] = Dm.null.Null(time, gas_field)

    # --- Establish base conditions
    # print("field_simulation run {}".format(runID))
    # print("field_simulation: Timesteps: {}. Current time: {} Time index: {}".format(
    #     time.n_timesteps,
    #     time.current_time,
    #     time.time_index))

    # -------------- Run the simulation --------------
    n_leaks = []
    for time.time_index in range(0, time.n_timesteps):
        time.current_time += time.delta_t
        # if display_status and time.current_time % int(time.end_time / 10) < time.delta_t:
        #     print("Currently evaluating time step " + str(time.time_index)
        #           + " of " + str(time.n_timesteps))
        if input_leaks is None:  # and LEAKSTHERE_ALREADY_WHY NOT THERE:
            new_leaks.append(make_leaks(new_leak_count(time, gas_field), gas_field))
            # print("New leaks on Day {:.1f}: {}".format(time.current_time,
            #                                            len(new_leaks[-1].flux)))
        # Loop through each LDAR program:
        for tech_obj in tech_dict.values():
            # the following is a terrible idea, it should be 2-D
            # just append the number of leaks for this tech for this step in a long list.
            # append leakage in this step (not necessarily total daily leakage) for this tech
            # Find and remove leaks
            tech_obj.detection(time, gas_field, atm)
            # Tack on the new leaks for this time step
    # -------------- Save results --------------
    results = simulation_classes.Results(time, gas_field, tech_dict, leak_list, no_repair_leakage,
                                         atm, econ_set, new_leaks, n_leaks)
    save_results(dir_out, results, label=label, runID=runID, fullResults=fullResults)