def testFindMatchingProductions(self): # Providing no productions should result in no matches. gen = Generator() g = Graph() self.assertEquals( len(gen._findMatchingProductions(g, [])), 0) # We have a production, but the LHS can't be found in the graph. # No solutions. g = Graph() g.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'A'), Vertex('g1', 'B')) lhs = Graph() lhs.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'C'), Vertex('g1', 'D')) rhs = Graph() p1 = Production(lhs, rhs) gen = Generator() self.assertEquals( len(gen._findMatchingProductions(g, [p1])), 0) # One matching production, a simple vertex "A". g = Graph() g.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'A'), Vertex('g1', 'B')) lhs = Graph() lhs.addVertex(Vertex('g0', 'A', '1')) rhs = Graph() p1 = Production(lhs, rhs) self.assertEquals( len(gen._findMatchingProductions(g, [p1])), 1) # Two matching productions. g = Graph() g.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'A'), Vertex('g1', 'B')) lhs = Graph() lhs.addVertex(Vertex('g0', 'A', '2')) rhs = Graph() p1 = Production(lhs, rhs) p2 = Production(lhs, rhs) self.assertEquals( len(gen._findMatchingProductions(g, [p1, p2])), 2)
def __init__(self, template_dir, basepackage): Generator.__init__(self,None,None,None,None) self.basepackage = basepackage if not template_dir: self.template_path='./templates/pom/template.txt' else: self.template_path=join(template_dir,'template.txt')
def logistic_regression(n, mx1, vx1, my1, vy1, mx2, vx2, my2, vy2, optimizer='SGD'): """ weights : shape=(k=3,1) Input ----- optimizer : 'SGD' or 'NTM' 'SGD' == 'Steepest Gradient Descent' 'NTM' == 'Newton's Method' """ inputs = [] labels = [] D1_label = 0.0 D2_label = 1.0 bias_term = 1.0 for _ in range(n): # Data 1 D1x = Generator.univariate_gaussian(mx1, vx1) D1y = Generator.univariate_gaussian(my1, vy1) inputs.append([bias_term, D1x, D1y]) labels.append([D1_label]) # Data 2 D2x = Generator.univariate_gaussian(mx2, vx2) D2y = Generator.univariate_gaussian(my2, vy2) inputs.append([bias_term, D2x, D2y]) labels.append([D2_label]) inputs = Mat(inputs) labels = Mat(labels) # init weights weights = Mat([[-6.0], [1.0], [-0.1]]) print('inputs shape:\t', inputs.shape) print('labels shape:\t', labels.shape) print('weights shape:\t', weights.shape) # optimization if optimizer == 'SGD': weights = steepest_gradient_descent(weights, inputs, labels) elif optimizer == 'NTM': weights = newton_method(weights, inputs, labels) else: raise AttributeError('{} is not a valid optimizor'.format(optimizer)) # inference logits = inference(weights, inputs) # evaluate model CM = ConfusionMatrix(logits, labels) CM.show_matrix() CM.show_accuracy() CM.show_sensitivity() CM.show_specificity()
def on_create_train(self): msg = "" if self.selectedPathes: for p in self.selectedPathes: if os.path.isdir(p): self.generator = Generator(p, self.logger) self.generator.createCSVLabelMap() else: self.generator = Generator(, self.logger) self.generator.createCSVLabelMap()
def build_generators(self): self.generator_A = Generator( n_filters = self.generator_filters, image_size = 128, image_channels = 3 ) self.generator_B = Generator( n_filters = self.generator_filters, image_size = 128, image_channels = 3 )
def test_get_values_for_recursive_simple_functions(self): right_result = [ '114BT00F', '114BT0OF', '114BTO0F', '114BTOOF', '11ABT00F', '11ABT0OF', '11ABTO0F', '11ABTOOF', '1L4BT00F', '1L4BT0OF', '1L4BTO0F', '1L4BTOOF', '1LABT00F', '1LABT0OF', '1LABTO0F', '1LABTOOF', 'L14BT00F', 'L14BT0OF', 'L14BTO0F', 'L14BTOOF', 'L1ABT00F', 'L1ABT0OF', 'L1ABTO0F', 'L1ABTOOF', 'LL4BT00F', 'LL4BT0OF', 'LL4BTO0F', 'LL4BTOOF', 'LLABT00F', 'LLABT0OF', 'LLABTO0F', 'LLABTOOF', '114BT3KS4B', '114BT3KSAB', '114BTEKS4B', '114BTEKSAB', '11ABT3KS4B', '11ABT3KSAB', '11ABTEKS4B', '11ABTEKSAB', '1L4BT3KS4B', '1L4BT3KSAB', '1L4BTEKS4B', '1L4BTEKSAB', '1LABT3KS4B', '1LABT3KSAB', '1LABTEKS4B', '1LABTEKSAB', 'L14BT3KS4B', 'L14BT3KSAB', 'L14BTEKS4B', 'L14BTEKSAB', 'L1ABT3KS4B', 'L1ABT3KSAB', 'L1ABTEKS4B', 'L1ABTEKSAB', 'LL4BT3KS4B', 'LL4BT3KSAB', 'LL4BTEKS4B', 'LL4BTEKSAB', 'LLABT3KS4B', 'LLABT3KSAB', 'LLABTEKS4B', 'LLABTEKSAB' ] patterns = Pattern('|upper(leet(reverse(hobbies)))|') tokens = patterns.get_tokens() manipulated_result = [] for token in tokens: # function = token.get_function() function_and_args = token.get_function_and_args() category = token.get_category() generator = Generator(patterns, self.profile) result = generator.get_values_for_simple_token(category) while function_and_args: cur_function, args = function_and_args.pop() result = Utils.manipulate_list(cur_function, result) manipulated_result += result self.assertEqual(right_result, manipulated_result)
def run(fread, fwrite, models, factory): gold, lexicalized, realized = [], {}, {} for amr in utils.parse_corpus(fread, True): print amr['sentence'] try: gen = Generator(amr=amr['amr'], erg_factory=factory, models=models, beam_n=10) candidates = for i in range(10): if i not in lexicalized: lexicalized[i] = [] if i < len(candidates): tree = candidates[i].tree lexicalized[i].append(tree.realize(root=tree.root, text='')) # print tree.realize(root=tree.root, text=''), ' \t', tree.prettify(root=tree.root, isRule=False) else: lexicalized[i].append('-') except: print 'Error' for i in range(10): if i not in lexicalized: lexicalized[i] = [] lexicalized[i].append('-') gold.append(amr['sentence']) write(gold, os.path.join(fwrite, 'gold')) write(lexicalized, os.path.join(fwrite, 'lexicalized'))
def __init__(self, monet_path, photo_path, image_shape, batch_size): # Load Datasets self.monet_path = monet_path self.photo_path = photo_path self.monets = glob.glob(self.monet_path) = glob.glob(self.photo_path) self.num_monets = len(self.monets) self.num_photos = len( self.batch_size = batch_size # Data shape self.image_shape = image_shape # Instantiate models self.generator = Generator(self.monets,, self.image_shape, self.batch_size) self.generator.model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy') print('-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=' * 3) self.discriminator = Discriminator(self.monets,, self.image_shape, self.batch_size) self.discriminator.model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy')
def main(): clientGenerator = Generator(UniformDistribution(8, 12)) firstQueue = [] secondQueue = [] operators = [ Operator(firstQueue, UniformDistribution(15, 25)), Operator(firstQueue, UniformDistribution(30, 50)), Operator(secondQueue, UniformDistribution(20, 60)) ] processors = [ Processor(firstQueue, UniformDistribution(15, 15)), Processor(secondQueue, UniformDistribution(30, 30)) ] totalRequests = 3000 tStart = time() res = modeling(clientGenerator, operators, processors, totalRequests) print('time (secs)', time() - tStart) for key in res.keys(): print(key, res[key]) print('lost', res['lost'] / totalRequests)
def testApplyProduction_Blackbox4(self): # More complex black-box test. This time we have several productions # in various configurations, and we build a big graph (50 vertices). input = """ configuration { min_vertices = 50; } productions { # Start graph A->B, A->C; # Productions A->C, A->B ==> A->D->C, A->B; A->D ==> A->D->E; D->E ==> D->F->E, D->G; G ==> G->A->D; } """ gen = Generator() f = gen._parseGrammarFile(input) logging.debug('start graph is...') logging.debug(f.startGraph) gen.applyProductions(f.startGraph,, f.config) self.assertEqual(f.startGraph.numVertices, 50)
def addPass(): # ask the user what catagory the password is in, and where the password is used if PasswordManager.mstrPWStor.keys().__str__() == "dict_keys([])": catagory = input("What do you want to call your first catagory? ") passFor = input("Where is this password going to be used? ") else: while True: catagory = input(f"What category is this password; {useful.Strings.lstToStr(PasswordManager.mstrPWStor, ', ', False)}, or enter a new name to create a new catagory? ") passFor = input("Where is this password going to be used? ") break # ask the user what the password is, or generate one for them ui = getpass("Type a password, or put a number 1 to 3 for a password with that strength to be generated, 1 being super weak, 3 being super strong: ") while True: useful.Terminal.clear() if ui.isdigit(): if 3 <= int(ui) + 2 <= 5: if not catagory in PasswordManager.mstrPWStor: PasswordManager.mstrPWStor[catagory] = {} randPass = Password( Generator.genPass(int(ui) + 2) ) PasswordManager.mstrPWStor[catagory][passFor] = randPass.getPass() break else: passTemp = Password(ui) if passTemp.check(): if not catagory in PasswordManager.mstrPWStor: PasswordManager.mstrPWStor[catagory] = {} PasswordManager.mstrPWStor[catagory][passFor] = passTemp.getPass() break ui = getpass("That password was insecure, type a password, or put a number 1 to 3 for a password with that strength to be generated, 1 being super weak, 3 being super strong: ")
def test(FLAGS): sample_size = FLAGS.eval_size z_size = FLAGS.zsize cuda = FLAGS.cuda g_path = FLAGS.gpath d_path = FLAGS.dpath map_location = 'cuda' if cuda else 'cpu' # Load the models dckpt = torch.load(d_path, map_location=map_location) gckpt = torch.load(g_path, map_location=map_location) D = Discriminator(784, 128, 1) G = Generator(100, 32, 784) D.load_state_dict(dckpt['state_dict']) G.load_state_dict(gckpt['state_dict']) # Define some latent vectors z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(sample_size, z_size)) z = torch.from_numpy(z).float() if cuda: z = z.cuda() # Eval mode G.eval() rand_images = G(z) view_samples(0, [rand_images])
def __init__(self, experiment_name, vizualize, num_epochs, n_observations): # Create Experiment name dir for records self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.n_observations = n_observations self.viz = create_viz('{}_{}'.format( name_env, self.experiment_name)) if vizualize else None self.dataset, self.dataloader, self.device = load_dataset( self.viz, folder_name=self.experiment_name) self.netG = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) self.netD = Discriminator(ngpu).to(self.device) self.start_epoch = self.filehandling_experiment() self.num_epochs = num_epochs # We create a fixed subset of random for the latent variable, this way we can evauate our progress. self.fixed_noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=self.device) # Setup Adam optimizers for both G and D self.optimizerD = optim.RMSprop(self.netD.parameters(), lr=lr) self.optimizerG = optim.RMSprop(self.netG.parameters(), lr=lr) # Fixed noise for visualisation self.fixed_noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=self.device)
def main(): client_generator = Generator(EvenDistribution(8, 12)) first_queue = [] second_queue = [] operators = [ Operator(first_queue, EvenDistribution(15, 25)), # самый производительный Operator(first_queue, EvenDistribution(30, 50)), Operator(second_queue, EvenDistribution(20, 60)) # наименее производительный ] processors = [ Processor(first_queue, EvenDistribution(15, 15)), # ровно 15 минут Processor(second_queue, EvenDistribution(30, 30)) # ровно 30 минут ] total_requests = 300 t_start = time() res = modeling(client_generator, operators, processors, total_requests) print('time seconds', time() - t_start) for key in res.keys(): print(key, res[key]) print('lost', res['lost'] / total_requests)
def get_row_key(datetime_str, use_old_generator=True): rk_generator = DatetimeKeyGenerator() if use_old_generator: rk_generator = Generator() row_key = rk_generator.generateTimeRowKeyStart(datetime_str) return row_key
def testApplyProduction_Blackbox3(self): # Another black-box test. This time with a split LHS: A->B,A->C input = """ # Grammar file for testing. configuration { min_vertices = 4; } productions { # Start graph A->B, A->C; # Productions A->C, A->B ==> A->D->C, A->B; } """ gen = Generator() f = gen._parseGrammarFile(input) logging.debug('start graph is...') logging.debug(f.startGraph) gen.applyProductions(f.startGraph,, f.config) self.assertEqual(f.startGraph.numVertices, 4)
def setUp(self): = open('namesBoys.txt', 'r') self.min_name_length = 2 self.max_name_length = 5 self.number_of_names = 5 self.model_order = 2 self.model = Generator(, self.min_name_length, self.max_name_length, self.model_order, self.number_of_names)
def testApplyProductions(self): # Start graph already has the minimum number of vertices. Nothing done. g = Graph() c = {'min_vertices':0} gen = Generator() gen.applyProductions(g, None, c) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) # No matching productions raises an error. c = {'min_vertices':1} self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, gen.applyProductions, g, [], c) # When we're done, g has more at least min_vertices. g.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'A'), Vertex('g1', 'A')) c = {'min_vertices':10} # Production is A1->A2 ==> A1->A->A2 lhs = Graph() lhs.addEdge(Vertex('l0', 'A', 1), Vertex('l1', 'A', 2)) rhs = Graph() rhs.addEdge(Vertex('r0', 'A', 1), Vertex('r1', 'A')) rhs.addEdge('r1', Vertex('r2', 'A', 2)) p = Production(lhs, rhs) gen.applyProductions(g, [p], c) logging.debug(g) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 10)
def process_torrent(self, info): if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.log.debug('metainfo: %s', pprint.pformat(info)) self.generator = Generator(info, self.fileFinder, self.media_dirs, self.dest_dir) pieces = StringIO.StringIO(info['pieces']) # Iterate through pieces last_file_pos = 0 for piece in self.generator.pieces_generator(): if self.generator.torrent_corrupted: self.log.warning('torrent corrupted: %s', info['name']) break # Compare piece hash with expected hash piece_hash = hashlib.sha1(piece).digest() # seek the offset (skip unwanted files) if self.generator.new_candidate: #save the actual position of pieces corresponding to the #0th byte of any relevant file last_file_pos = pieces.tell() self.generator.get_last_number_of_skipped_pieces() * 20, os.SEEK_CUR) if piece_hash != self.generator.corruption() # ensure we've read all pieces if self.generator.corruption()
def __init__(self): self.dataset, self.dataloader, self.device = load_dataset() self.netG = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) self.netD = Discriminator(ngpu).to(self.device) # Initialise Weights self.netG.apply(weights_init) self.netD.apply(weights_init) # define loss function self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() # We create a fixed subset of random for the latent variable, this way we can evauate our progress. self.fixed_noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=self.device) # Establish convention for real and fake labels during training self.real_label = 1 self.fake_label = 0 # Setup Adam optimizers for both G and D self.optimizerD = optim.Adam(self.netD.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=(beta1, 0.999)) self.optimizerG = optim.Adam(self.netG.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=(beta1, 0.999)) # Fixed noise for visualisation self.fixed_noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=self.device)
def sequential_estimate(mean, variance): """ Sample Mean: Xbar(n) = Xbar(n-1) + (X(n)-Xbar(n-1))/n Sample Variance: S(n) = (n-2)/(n-1)*S(n-1) + (X(n)-Xbar(n-1))**2/n Avoid numerical instability M(2,n) = sum(X-Xbar)**2 M(2,n) = M(2,n-1) + (X(n)-Xbar(n-1))*(X(n)-Xbar(n)) S(n) = M(2,n)/n-1 var(n) - M(2,n)/n """ estimated_mean = math.inf estimated_variance = math.inf last_estimated_mean = -math.inf M = math.inf iteration_idx = 0 while abs(estimated_mean - last_estimated_mean)>1e-4: iteration_idx += 1 data_point = Generator.univariate_gaussian(mean, variance) if iteration_idx==1: estimated_mean = data_point estimated_variance = 0.0 M = 0.0 else: last_estimated_mean = estimated_mean estimated_mean = estimated_mean + (data_point-estimated_mean)/iteration_idx M = M + (data_point-last_estimated_mean)*(data_point-estimated_mean) estimated_variance = M/(iteration_idx-1) print('Iteration: {}'.format(iteration_idx)) print('New Data Point: {}'.format(data_point)) print('Estimated Mean: {}'.format(estimated_mean)) print('Estimated Variance: {}'.format(estimated_variance))
def main(): firstQueueGroup = [[], [], []] secondQueueGroup = [[], []] clientGenerator = Generator(UniformDistribution(1, 5), firstQueueGroup) operators = [ Operator(firstQueueGroup[0], secondQueueGroup, UniformDistribution(2, 5)), Operator(firstQueueGroup[1], secondQueueGroup, UniformDistribution(4, 8)), Operator(firstQueueGroup[2], secondQueueGroup, UniformDistribution(10, 15)) ] Attractions = [ Attraction(secondQueueGroup[0], UniformDistribution(5, 9)), Attraction(secondQueueGroup[1], UniformDistribution(10, 25)) ] totalVisitors = 300 tStart = time() res = modeling(clientGenerator, operators, Attractions, totalVisitors) print('time (secs)', time() - tStart) for key in res.keys(): print(key, res[key]) print('lost', res['lost'] / totalVisitors)
def testDeleteMissingVertices(self): # lhs has no vertices(!). Nothing done. g = Graph() lhs = Graph() rhs = Graph() p = Production(lhs, rhs) gen = Generator() gen._deleteMissingVertices(g, p, {}) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) # lhs has vertices, but they all appear in the rhs. Nothing done. g.addVertex(Vertex('g0', 'A', 1)) lhs.addVertex(Vertex('l0', 'A', 1)) rhs.addVertex(Vertex('r0', 'A', 1)) p = Production(lhs, rhs) gen._deleteMissingVertices(g, p, {'l0':'g0'}) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 1) # lhs has a vertex (A2) that don't appear in the rhs. It should be # deleted from g. g.addVertex(Vertex('g1', 'A', 2)) lhs.addVertex(Vertex('l1', 'A', 2)) p = Production(lhs, rhs) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 2) gen._deleteMissingVertices(g, p, {'l0':'g0', 'l1':'g1'}) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 1)
def generate(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, index, output_path = None): ir_img = imread(ir_path) / 255.0 vis_img = imread(vis_path) / 255.0 ir_dimension = list(ir_img.shape) vis_dimension = list(vis_img.shape) ir_dimension.insert(0, 1) ir_dimension.append(1) vis_dimension.insert(0, 1) vis_dimension.append(1) ir_img = ir_img.reshape(ir_dimension) vis_img = vis_img.reshape(vis_dimension) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: SOURCE_VIS = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = vis_dimension, name = 'SOURCE_VIS') SOURCE_ir = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = ir_dimension, name = 'SOURCE_ir') # source_field = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = source_shape, name = 'source_imgs') G = Generator('Generator') output_image = G.transform(vis = SOURCE_VIS, ir = SOURCE_ir) # D1 = Discriminator1('Discriminator1') # D2 = Discriminator2('Discriminator2') # restore the trained model and run the style transferring saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, model_path) output =, feed_dict = {SOURCE_VIS: vis_img, SOURCE_ir: ir_img}) output = output[0, :, :, 0] imsave(output_path + str(index) + '.bmp', output)
def testApplyProduction(self): # A basic test that tests all four cases: add and remove vertex, # and add and remove edge. # Graph starts with A->B g = Graph() g.addEdge(Vertex('g0', 'A'), Vertex('g1', 'B')) g1 = g._vertices['g1'] # Production lhs matches A->B lhs = Graph() lhs.addEdge(Vertex('l0', 'A', 1), Vertex('l1', 'B', 1)) # Production rhs transforms that to A->C rhs = Graph() rhs.addEdge(Vertex('r0', 'A', 1), Vertex('r1', 'C')) p = Production(lhs,rhs) gen = Generator() gen._applyProduction(g, p, {'l0':'g0','l1':'g1'}) # g has a new vertex, <v2,C>. self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 2) self.assertEqual(g._vertices['v1'].label, 'C') # <g0,A> points to <v2,C> self.assertEqual(len(g._edges['g0']), 1) self.assertEqual(g._edges['g0'][0].id, 'v1') self.assertEqual(g._vertices['v1'].label, 'C') # <g0,A> no longer points to <g1,B> self.assertNotIn(g1, g._edges['g0']) # Vertex <g1,B> has been deleted. self.assertNotIn('g1', g._vertices)
def test_evolution(self): generator = Generator() card = UnitCard(Unit, 1, 60, 1, 0.01, 0.01) generator.evolution(card, 100) self.assertEqual(2, card.max_count)
def make_model(src_vocab, tgt_vocab, N=6, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, h=8, dropout=0.1): "Helper: Construct a model from hyperparameters." c = copy.deepcopy attn = MultiHeadedAttention(h, d_model) ff = PositionwiseFeedForward(d_model, d_ff, dropout) position = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout) model = EncoderDecoder( Encoder(EncoderLayer(d_model, c(attn), c(ff), dropout), N), Decoder(DecoderLayer(d_model, c(attn), c(attn), c(ff), dropout), N), nn.Sequential(Embeddings(d_model, src_vocab), c(position)), nn.Sequential(Embeddings(d_model, tgt_vocab), c(position)), Generator(d_model, tgt_vocab)) # This was important from their code. # Initialize parameters with Glorot / fan_avg. for p in model.parameters(): if p.dim() > 1: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(p) """ #權值初始化 Xavier均勻分佈""" return model
def testAddNewVertices(self): # Production rhs has no vertices, so nothing done. g = Graph() lhs = Graph() rhs = Graph() p = Production(lhs, rhs) gen = Generator() self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) gen._addNewVertices(g, p, {}) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) # Production rhs has vertices, but they all appear in the LHS. Hence # they aren't new and nothing is done. lhs.addVertex(Vertex('l1', 'A', 1)) rhs.addVertex(Vertex('r1', 'A', 1)) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) gen._addNewVertices(g, p, {}) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) # rhs has one new vertex not in the lhs. rhsMapping = {} rhs.addVertex(Vertex('r2', 'B', 2)) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 0) gen._addNewVertices(g, p, rhsMapping) self.assertEqual(len(g._vertices), 1) self.assertIn('v0', g._vertices) # new vertex is v0 self.assertEqual(g._vertices['v0'].label, 'B') # with label B self.assertEqual(g._vertices['v0'].number, 2) # with number 2 self.assertIn('r2', rhsMapping) # now appears in rhsMapping self.assertEqual(rhsMapping['r2'], 'v0') # r2 mapped to v0 (the newly added vertex) in graph
def __init__(self): torch.random.manual_seed(42) self.dim_latent_g = 128 self.dim_output_g = 28 * 28 self.dim_hidden_g = 128 self.dim_output_d = 1 self.dim_input_d = 28 * 28 self.batch_size = 64 self.learning_rate = 1e-4 self.num_epochs = 50 # default for time saving on colab self.display_freq = 50 self.d_train_iter = 2 # This is possible to have a relation with TTsUR self.g_train_iter = 1 self.dist_latent = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc=0, scale=1) # Gaussian(0, 1) self.g = Generator(self.dist_latent, self.dim_latent_g, self.dim_hidden_g, self.dim_output_g).cuda() self.d = Discriminator(self.dim_input_d, self.dim_output_d).cuda() self.transforms = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,)), ] ) self.dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="dataset/", transform=self.transforms, download=True) self.loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True) # TTsUR => different learning rates self.optimizer_G = optim.Adam(self.g.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate / 2) self.optimizer_D = optim.Adam(self.d.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate * 2) self.criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # This changed a little bit some loss values
def test_disc_loss(max_tests=10): z_dim = 64 gen = Generator(z_dim).to(device) gen_opt = torch.optim.Adam(gen.parameters(), lr=lr) disc = Discriminator().to(device) disc_opt = torch.optim.Adam(disc.parameters(), lr=lr) num_steps = 0 for real, _ in dataloader: cur_bath_size = len(real) real = real.view(cur_bath_size, -1).to(device) # Zero out the gradient before backpropagation disc_opt.zero_grad() disc_loss = get_disc_loss(gen, disc, criterion, real, cur_bath_size, z_dim, device) assert (disc_loss - 0.68).abs() < 0.05 # Update the gradients disc_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) assert gen.gen[0][0].weight.grad is None old_weight = disc.disc[0][0] # Updata optimizer disc_opt.step() new_weight = disc.disc[0][0] assert not torch.all(torch.eq(old_weight, new_weight)) num_steps += 1 if num_steps >= max_tests: break
def test_menu(self): generator = Generator() space = MagicMock() generator.init_levels() self.assertTrue(space.clear.called)
def __init__(self, name, head): Generator.__init__(self, name, head) self.stimulusTimes = [] self.currentStimulus = 0
def __init__(self, name, head, position=[0, 0, 0], mean=0, stddev=0): Generator.__init__(self, name, head, position) self.mean = mean self.stddev = stddev
def __init__(self): Generator.__init__(self, NameGenerator.filenames)
output_file = args['--output'] ast = None try: with open(input_file, 'r') as f:"Program") source = ast = Parser.parse(source) except IOError: print 'Error opening file %s. Please check the file or ' \ 'the directory.' % input_file sys.exit(1) if ast is None: error_list = list(Parser.error_list.keys()) error_list.sort() for key in error_list: sys.stdout.write(Parser.error_list[key]) sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(-1) if args['-O']: ast = Optimizer.optimize(ast) try: with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(Generator.generate(ast)) except IOError: print 'Error writing to file %s. Please check the file or ' \ 'the directory.' % output_file sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, name, head, position = [0,0,0], frequency = 2, phaseShift = 0): Generator.__init__(self, name, head, position) self.frequency = frequency self.phaseShift = phaseShift self.currentPhase = self.phaseShift self.lastTimePoint = 0