コード例 #1
def createGroup( domain
               , auth_token
               , group_id
               , groupname=None
               , description=""
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/group/2.0/{0}".format(domain)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)
    if groupname is None:
        groupname = group_id
    body   = template.GROUP_ENTRY.format( group_id=group_id
                                        , groupname=groupname
                                        , description=description
                                        , domain=domain

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    group_entry = data.GroupEntry(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #2
def createAlias( domain
               , auth_token
               , user_email
               , alias_email
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    # Get additional domain
    (alias_name, alias_domain) = alias_email.split("@")

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/alias/2.0/{0}".format(alias_domain)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)

    body   = template.ALIAS_ENTRY_M.format( alias_name=alias_name
                                          , alias_domain=alias_domain
                                          , user_email=user_email

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    nickname_entry = data.AliasEntry_M(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #3
def createOu( auth_token
            , customer_id
            , ou_path               # "/ou1/ou1-1/" <-- prefix "/" is needed
            , description=""
            , blockInheritance="false"
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/orgunit/2.0/{0}".format(customer_id)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)

    ou_path_rel    = ou_path[1:]
    ou_basename    = ou_path_rel.split("/")[-1]
    ou_parent_path = "/".join(ou_path_rel.split("/")[:-1])
    if ou_parent_path == "":
        ou_parent_path = "/"

    body = template.OU_ENTRY.format(
              customer_id          = customer_id 
            , ou_name              = ou_basename
            , ou_name_quote        = urllib.quote(ou_basename)
            , ou_parent_path_quote = urllib.quote(ou_parent_path)
            , description          = description
            , blockInheritance     = blockInheritance

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    ou_entry = data.OuEntry(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #4
def assignOwnerToGroup(domain, auth_token, owner_name, group_id):
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template
    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/group/2.0/{0}/{1}/owner".format(domain, group_id)
    header = { "Content-type"   : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization"  : "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)
    body   = template.GROUP_OWNER_ENTRY.format( domain=domain
                                              , group_id=group_id
                                              , owner_name=owner_name

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    # Get group feed
    group_owner_entry = data.GroupOwnerEntry(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #5
def createUser( domain
              , auth_token
              , user_email
              , password
              , sn
              , given_name
              , hash_function_name="SHA-1"
              , is_suspended="false"
              , is_admin="false"
              , is_change_password="******"
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    # Get additional domain
    (user_name, mail_domain) = user_email.split("@")

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/user/2.0/{0}".format(mail_domain)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)

    body   = template.USER_ENTRY_M.format( user_name=user_name
                                         , mail_domain=mail_domain
                                         , password=password
                                         , hash_function_name=hash_function_name
                                         , sn=sn
                                         , given_name=given_name
                                         , is_change_password=is_change_password
                                         , is_suspended=is_suspended
                                         , is_admin=is_admin

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    user_entry = data.UserEntry_M(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #6
def createNickname( domain
                  , auth_token
                  , user_name
                  , nickname
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/{0}/nickname/2.0".format(domain)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)

    body   = template.NICKNAME_ENTRY.format( user_name=user_name
                                           , nickname=nickname
                                           , domain=domain

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    nickname_entry = data.NicknameEntry(status, xml_string=response)
    return True
コード例 #7
def createUser( domain
              , auth_token
              , user_name
              , password
              , sn
              , given_name
              , hash_function_name="SHA-1"
              , suspended="false"
              , limit="10240" # Not available
    from GoogleAppsAccountManager import template

    server = "apps-apis.google.com"
    path   = "/a/feeds/{0}/user/2.0".format(domain)
    header = { "Content-type" : "application/atom+xml"
             , "Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth={0}".format(auth_token)
    # Quota is not available.
    # So nothing will be done whether limit has value or not.
    # With an eye toward a future, I leave this implemention
    limit  = "10240"
    body   = template.USER_ENTRY.format( user_name=user_name
                                       , password=password
                                       , sn=sn
                                       , given_name=given_name
                                       , hash_function_name=hash_function_name
                                       , suspended=suspended
                                       , limit=limit
                                       , domain=domain

    # HTTP Request
    (response, status) = http.httpsPOSTRequest(server, path, header, body)

    user_entry = data.UserEntry(status, xml_string=response)
    return True