def test_drive_activity_list_command_human_readable(mocker_http_request, gsuite_client): """ Scenario: For google-drive-activity-list command successful run. Given: - Command args. When: - Calling google-drive-activity-list command with the parameters provided. Then: - Ensure command's human redable should be as expected. """ from GoogleDrive import drive_activity_list_command with open('test_data/drive_activity_primary_activities.json', encoding='utf-8') as data: mock_response = json.load(data) with open('test_data/drive_activity_list_hr.txt') as data: expected_hr = mocker_http_request.return_value = mock_response args = {} result = drive_activity_list_command(gsuite_client, args) assert result.readable_output == expected_hr
def test_drive_activity_list_command_success(mocker_http_request, gsuite_client): """ Scenario: For google-drive-activity-list command successful run. Given: - Command args. When: - Calling google-drive-activity-list command with the parameters provided. Then: - Ensure command's raw_response, outputs should be as expected. """ from GoogleDrive import drive_activity_list_command with open('test_data/drive_activity_response.json', encoding='utf-8') as data: mock_response = json.load(data) with open('test_data/drive_activity_context.json', encoding='utf-8') as data: expected_res = json.load(data) mocker_http_request.return_value = mock_response args = {} result = drive_activity_list_command(gsuite_client, args) assert result.raw_response == mock_response assert result.outputs == expected_res
def test_drive_activity_list_command_no_records(mocker_http_request, gsuite_client): """ Scenario: For google-drive-activity-list command when no records found. Given: - Command args. When: - Calling google-drive-activity-list command with the parameters provided. Then: - Ensure command's readable_output. """ from GoogleDrive import drive_activity_list_command mocker_http_request.return_value = {"activities": []} args = {} result = drive_activity_list_command(gsuite_client, args) assert result.readable_output == "No Drive Activity found."