def main(return_results=False, parse_cmd_line=True, config_from_dict=None): """Runs the GoogleScraper application as determined by the various configuration points. The main() function encompasses the core functionality of GoogleScraper. But it shouldn't be the main() functions job to check the validity of the provided configuration. Args: return_results: When GoogleScrape is used from within another program, don't print results to stdout, store them in a database instead. parse_cmd_line: Whether to get options from the command line or not. config_from_dict: Configuration that is passed when GoogleScraper is called as library. Returns: A database session to the results when return_results is True. Else, nothing. """ external_config_file_path = cmd_line_args = None if parse_cmd_line: cmd_line_args = get_command_line() if cmd_line_args.get('config_file', None): external_config_file_path = os.path.abspath(cmd_line_args.get('config_file')) config = get_config(cmd_line_args, external_config_file_path, config_from_dict) if isinstance(config['log_level'], int): config['log_level'] = logging.getLevelName(config['log_level']) setup_logger(level=config.get('log_level').upper()) if config.get('view_config', False): print(open(os.path.join(get_base_path(), '')).read()) return if config.get('version'): from GoogleScraper.version import __version__ print(__version__) return if config.get('clean', False): try: os.remove('google_scraper.db') if sys.platform == 'linux': os.system('rm {}/*'.format(config.get('cachedir'))) except: pass return init_outfile(config, force_reload=True) kwfile = config.get('keyword_file', '') if kwfile: kwfile = os.path.abspath(kwfile) keyword = config.get('keyword') keywords = set(config.get('keywords', [])) proxy_file = config.get('proxy_file', '') proxy_db = config.get('mysql_proxy_db', '') proxy_list = config.get('proxy_list', []) # when no search engine is specified, use google search_engines = config.get('search_engines', ['google',]) if not isinstance(search_engines, list): if search_engines == '*': search_engines = config.get('supported_search_engines') else: search_engines = search_engines.split(',') assert isinstance(search_engines, list), 'Search engines must be a list like data type!' search_engines = set(search_engines) num_search_engines = len(search_engines) num_workers = int(config.get('num_workers')) scrape_method = config.get('scrape_method') pages = int(config.get('num_pages_for_keyword', 1)) method = config.get('scrape_method', 'http') if config.get('shell', False): namespace = {} session_cls = get_session(config, scoped=False) namespace['session'] = session_cls() namespace['ScraperSearch'] = ScraperSearch namespace['SERP'] = SERP namespace['Link'] = Link namespace['Proxy'] = GoogleScraper.database.Proxy print('Available objects:') print('session - A sqlalchemy session of the results database') print('ScraperSearch - Search/Scrape job instances') print('SERP - A search engine results page') print('Link - A single link belonging to a SERP') print('Proxy - Proxies stored for scraping projects.') start_python_console(namespace) return if not (keyword or keywords) and not kwfile: # Just print the help. get_command_line(True) print('No keywords to scrape for. Please provide either an keyword file (Option: --keyword-file) or specify and ' 'keyword with --keyword.') return cache_manager = CacheManager(config) if config.get('fix_cache_names'): cache_manager.fix_broken_cache_names()'renaming done. restart for normal use.') return keywords = [keyword, ] if keyword else keywords scrape_jobs = {} if kwfile: if not os.path.exists(kwfile): raise WrongConfigurationError('The keyword file {} does not exist.'.format(kwfile)) else: if kwfile.endswith('.py'): # we need to import the variable "scrape_jobs" from the module. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(kwfile)) try: modname = os.path.split(kwfile)[-1].rstrip('.py') scrape_jobs = getattr(__import__(modname, fromlist=['scrape_jobs']), 'scrape_jobs') except ImportError as e: logger.warning(e) else: # Clean the keywords of duplicates right in the beginning keywords = set([line.strip() for line in open(kwfile, 'r').read().split('\n') if line.strip()]) if not scrape_jobs: scrape_jobs = default_scrape_jobs_for_keywords(keywords, search_engines, scrape_method, pages) scrape_jobs = list(scrape_jobs) if config.get('clean_cache_files', False): cache_manager.clean_cachefiles() return if config.get('check_oto', False): cache_manager._caching_is_one_to_one(keyword) if config.get('num_results_per_page') > 100: raise WrongConfigurationError('Not more that 100 results per page available for searches.') proxies = [] if proxy_list: proxies = proxy_list elif proxy_db: proxies = get_proxies_from_mysql_db(proxy_db) elif proxy_file: proxies = parse_proxy_file(proxy_file) if config.get('use_own_ip'): proxies.append(None) if not proxies: raise Exception('No proxies available and using own IP is prohibited by configuration. Turning down.') valid_search_types = ('normal', 'video', 'news', 'image') if config.get('search_type') not in valid_search_types: raise WrongConfigurationError('Invalid search type! Select one of {}'.format(repr(valid_search_types))) if config.get('simulate', False): print('*' * 60 + 'SIMULATION' + '*' * 60)'If GoogleScraper would have been run without the --simulate flag, it would have:')'Scraped for {} keywords, with {} results a page, in total {} pages for each keyword'.format( len(keywords), int(config.get('num_results_per_page', 0)), int(config.get('num_pages_for_keyword')))) if None in proxies:'Also using own ip address to scrape.') else:'Not scraping with own ip address.')'Used {} unique ip addresses in total'.format(len(proxies))) if proxies:'The following proxies are used: \n\t\t{}'.format( '\n\t\t'.join([ + ':' + proxy.port for proxy in proxies if proxy])))'By using {} mode with {} worker instances'.format(config.get('scrape_method'), int(config.get('num_workers')))) return # get a scoped sqlalchemy session session_cls = get_session(config, scoped=False) session = session_cls() # add fixtures fixtures(config, session) # add proxies to the database add_proxies_to_db(proxies, session) # ask the user to continue the last scrape. We detect a continuation of a # previously established scrape, if the keyword-file is the same and unmodified since # the beginning of the last scrape. scraper_search = None if kwfile and config.get('continue_last_scrape', False): searches = session.query(ScraperSearch). \ filter(ScraperSearch.keyword_file == kwfile). \ order_by(ScraperSearch.started_searching). \ all() if searches: last_search = searches[-1] last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(last_search.keyword_file)) # if the last modification is older then the starting of the search if last_modified < last_search.started_searching: scraper_search = last_search'Continuing last scrape.') if not scraper_search: scraper_search = ScraperSearch( keyword_file=kwfile, number_search_engines_used=num_search_engines, number_proxies_used=len(proxies), number_search_queries=len(keywords), started_searching=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), used_search_engines=','.join(search_engines) ) # First of all, lets see how many requests remain to issue after searching the cache. if config.get('do_caching'): scrape_jobs = cache_manager.parse_all_cached_files(scrape_jobs, session, scraper_search) if scrape_jobs: # Create a lock to synchronize database access in the sqlalchemy session db_lock = threading.Lock() # create a lock to cache results cache_lock = threading.Lock() # A lock to prevent multiple threads from solving captcha, used in selenium instances. captcha_lock = threading.Lock()'Going to scrape {num_keywords} keywords with {num_proxies} proxies by using {num_threads} threads.'.format( num_keywords=len(list(scrape_jobs)), num_proxies=len(proxies), num_threads=num_search_engines)) progress_thread = None # Let the games begin if method in ('selenium', 'http'): # Show the progress of the scraping q = queue.Queue() progress_thread = ShowProgressQueue(config, q, len(scrape_jobs)) progress_thread.start() workers = queue.Queue() num_worker = 0 for search_engine in search_engines: for proxy in proxies: for worker in range(num_workers): num_worker += 1 workers.put( ScrapeWorkerFactory( config, cache_manager=cache_manager, mode=method, proxy=proxy, search_engine=search_engine, session=session, db_lock=db_lock, cache_lock=cache_lock, scraper_search=scraper_search, captcha_lock=captcha_lock, progress_queue=q, browser_num=num_worker ) ) # here we look for suitable workers # for all jobs created. for job in scrape_jobs: while True: worker = workers.get() workers.put(worker) if worker.is_suitabe(job): worker.add_job(job) break threads = [] while not workers.empty(): worker = workers.get() thread = worker.get_worker() if thread: threads.append(thread) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # after threads are done, stop the progress queue. q.put('done') progress_thread.join() elif method == 'http-async': scheduler = AsyncScrapeScheduler(config, scrape_jobs, cache_manager=cache_manager, session=session, scraper_search=scraper_search, db_lock=db_lock) else: raise Exception('No such scrape_method {}'.format(config.get('scrape_method'))) from GoogleScraper.output_converter import close_outfile close_outfile() scraper_search.stopped_searching = datetime.datetime.utcnow() session.add(scraper_search) session.commit() if return_results: return scraper_search
def main(return_results=False, parse_cmd_line=True): """Runs the GoogleScraper application as determined by the various configuration points. The main() function encompasses the core functionality of GoogleScraper. But it shouldn't be the main() functions job to check the validity of the provided configuration. Args: return_results: When GoogleScrape is used from within another program, don't print results to stdout, store them in a database instead. parse_cmd_line: Whether to get options from the command line or not. Returns: A database session to the results when return_results is True """ if parse_cmd_line: parse_cmd_args() # If the configuration file to use is explicitly specified, update the current configuration # with it. if Config['GLOBAL'].get('config_file', None): update_config_with_file(Config['GLOBAL'].get('config_file', None)) if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('view_config'): from GoogleScraper.config import CONFIG_FILE print(open(CONFIG_FILE).read()) return if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('version'): from GoogleScraper.version import __version__ print(__version__) return if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('clean', False): try: os.remove('google_scraper.db') if sys.platform == 'linux': os.system('rm {}/*'.format(Config['GLOBAL'].get('cachedir'))) except: pass return init_outfile(force_reload=True) kwfile = Config['SCRAPING'].get('keyword_file', '') if kwfile: kwfile = os.path.abspath(kwfile) keyword = Config['SCRAPING'].get('keyword') keywords = { keyword for keyword in set(Config['SCRAPING'].get('keywords', []).split('\n')) if keyword } proxy_file = Config['GLOBAL'].get('proxy_file', '') proxy_db = Config['GLOBAL'].get('mysql_proxy_db', '') proxy_tuples = Config['GLOBAL'].get('proxy_tuples', []) se = Config['SCRAPING'].get('search_engines', 'google') if se.strip() == '*': se = Config['SCRAPING'].get('supported_search_engines', 'google') search_engines = list({ search_engine.strip() for search_engine in se.split(',') if search_engine.strip() }) assert search_engines, 'No search engine specified' num_search_engines = len(search_engines) num_workers = Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_workers') scrape_method = Config['SCRAPING'].get('scrape_method') pages = Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_pages_for_keyword', 1) method = Config['SCRAPING'].get('scrape_method', 'http') if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('shell', False): namespace = {} session_cls = get_session(scoped=False) namespace['session'] = session_cls() namespace['ScraperSearch'] = ScraperSearch namespace['SERP'] = SERP namespace['Link'] = Link namespace['Proxy'] = GoogleScraper.database.Proxy print('Available objects:') print('session - A sqlalchemy session of the results database') print('ScraperSearch - Search/Scrape job instances') print('SERP - A search engine results page') print('Link - A single link belonging to a SERP') print('Proxy - Proxies stored for scraping projects.') start_python_console(namespace) return if not (keyword or keywords) and not kwfile: raise_or_log( 'No keywords to scrape for. Please provide either an keyword file (Option: --keyword-file) or specify and ' 'keyword with --keyword.') # Just print the help. get_command_line(True) return if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('fix_cache_names'): fix_broken_cache_names()'renaming done. restart for normal use.') return keywords = [ keyword, ] if keyword else keywords scrape_jobs = {} if kwfile: if not os.path.exists(kwfile): raise_or_log('The keyword file {} does not exist.'.format(kwfile), exception_obj=InvalidConfigurationException) else: if kwfile.endswith('.py'): # we need to import the variable "scrape_jobs" from the module. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(kwfile)) try: modname = os.path.split(kwfile)[-1].rstrip('.py') scrape_jobs = getattr( __import__(modname, fromlist=['scrape_jobs']), 'scrape_jobs') except ImportError as e: logger.warning(e) else: # Clean the keywords of duplicates right in the beginning keywords = set([ line.strip() for line in open(kwfile, 'r').read().split('\n') if line.strip() ]) if not scrape_jobs: scrape_jobs = default_scrape_jobs_for_keywords(keywords, search_engines, scrape_method, pages) scrape_jobs = list(scrape_jobs) if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('clean_cache_files', False): clean_cachefiles() return if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('check_oto', False): _caching_is_one_to_one(keyword) if Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_results_per_page') > 100: raise_or_log( 'Not more that 100 results per page available for searches.', exception_obj=InvalidConfigurationException) proxies = [] if proxy_tuples: proxies = tuples_to_proxies(proxy_tuples) elif proxy_db: proxies = get_proxies_from_mysql_db(proxy_db) elif proxy_file: proxies = parse_proxy_file(proxy_file) # Randomize proxies shuffle(proxies) if Config['SCRAPING'].getboolean('use_own_ip'): proxies.append(None) if not proxies: raise InvalidConfigurationException( 'No proxies available and using own IP is prohibited by configuration. Turning down.' ) valid_search_types = ('normal', 'video', 'news', 'image') if Config['SCRAPING'].get('search_type') not in valid_search_types: raise_or_log('Invalid search type! Select one of {}'.format( repr(valid_search_types)), exception_obj=InvalidConfigurationException) if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('simulate', False): print('*' * 60 + 'SIMULATION' + '*' * 60) 'If GoogleScraper would have been run without the --simulate flag, it would have:' ) 'Scraped for {} keywords, with {} results a page, in total {} pages for each keyword' .format(len(keywords), Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_results_per_page', 0), Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_pages_for_keyword'))) if None in proxies:'Also using own ip address to scrape.') else:'Not scraping with own ip address.')'Used {} unique ip addresses in total'.format( len(proxies))) if proxies:'The following proxies are used: \n\t\t{}'.format( '\n\t\t'.join([ + ':' + proxy.port for proxy in proxies if proxy ])))'By using {} mode with {} worker instances'.format( Config['SCRAPING'].get('scrape_method'), Config['SCRAPING'].getint('num_workers'))) return # get a scoped sqlalchemy session session_cls = get_session(scoped=False) session = session_cls() # add fixtures fixtures(session) # add proxies to the database add_proxies_to_db(proxies, session) # ask the user to continue the last scrape. We detect a continuation of a # previously established scrape, if the keyword-file is the same and unmodified since # the beginning of the last scrape. scraper_search = None if kwfile and Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('continue_last_scrape', False): searches = session.query(ScraperSearch). \ filter(ScraperSearch.keyword_file == kwfile). \ order_by(ScraperSearch.started_searching). \ all() if searches: last_search = searches[-1] last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(last_search.keyword_file)) # if the last modification is older then the starting of the search if last_modified < last_search.started_searching: scraper_search = last_search'Continuing last scrape.') if not scraper_search: scraper_search = ScraperSearch( id=generate_id(), keyword_file=os.path.abspath(kwfile), number_search_engines_used=num_search_engines, number_proxies_used=len(proxies), number_search_queries=len(keywords), started_searching=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), used_search_engines=','.join(search_engines)) # First of all, lets see how many requests remain to issue after searching the cache. if Config['GLOBAL'].getboolean('do_caching'): scrape_jobs = parse_all_cached_files(scrape_jobs, session, scraper_search) if scrape_jobs: # Create a lock to synchronize database access in the sqlalchemy session db_lock = threading.Lock() # create a lock to cache results cache_lock = threading.Lock() # A lock to prevent multiple threads from solving captcha, used in selenium instances. captcha_lock = threading.Lock() serp_log = SERPLog() out('Going to scrape {num_keywords} keywords with {num_proxies} proxies by using {num_threads} threads.' .format(num_keywords=len(list(scrape_jobs)), num_proxies=len(proxies), num_threads=num_search_engines), lvl=1) progress_thread = None # Let the games begin if method in ('selenium', 'http'): # Show the progress of the scraping q = queue.Queue() progress_thread = ShowProgressQueue(q, len(scrape_jobs)) progress_thread.start() workers = queue.Queue() num_worker = 0 for search_engine in search_engines: for proxy in proxies: for worker in range(num_workers): num_worker += 1 workers.put( ScrapeWorkerFactory(mode=method, proxy=proxy, search_engine=search_engine, session=session, db_lock=db_lock, cache_lock=cache_lock, scraper_search=scraper_search, captcha_lock=captcha_lock, progress_queue=q, browser_num=num_worker)) for job in scrape_jobs: while True: worker = workers.get() workers.put(worker) if worker.is_suitabe(job): worker.add_job(job) break threads = [] while not workers.empty(): worker = workers.get() thread = worker.get_worker(serp_log) if thread: threads.append(thread) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # after threads are done, stop the progress queue. q.put('done') elif method == 'http-async': scheduler = AsyncScrapeScheduler(scrape_jobs, session=session, scraper_search=scraper_search, db_lock=db_lock) else: raise InvalidConfigurationException( 'No such scrape_method {}'.format( Config['SCRAPING'].get('scrape_method'))) if method in ('selenium', 'http'): # progress_thread can be None try: progress_thread.join() except AttributeError: pass # in the end, close the json file. from GoogleScraper.output_converter import outfile, output_format if output_format == 'json': outfile.end() scraper_search.stopped_searching = datetime.datetime.utcnow() session.add(scraper_search) session.commit() ## Copy data to S3 retry = Config['SCRAPE_INFOS'].getboolean('retry') if retry: print("Saving data to S3 as RETRY...") else: print("Saving data to S3...") table_objs = [ ScraperSearch, SERP, Link, Proxy, SearchEngine, SearchEngineProxyStatus ] s3writers = [ s3.S3Table(to, Config['SCRAPE_INFOS'].get('scrape_id'), Config['ENV'], retry=retry) for to in table_objs ] for w in s3writers: w.load_data(session) for w in s3writers: w.write_buffer_to_s3() ## Save SERPS serp_log.write_to_s3() ## if return_results: return scraper_search
def main(return_results=False, parse_cmd_line=True, config_from_dict=None): """Runs the GoogleScraper application as determined by the various configuration points. The main() function encompasses the core functionality of GoogleScraper. But it shouldn't be the main() functions job to check the validity of the provided configuration. Args: return_results: When GoogleScrape is used from within another program, don't print results to stdout, store them in a database instead. parse_cmd_line: Whether to get options from the command line or not. config_from_dict: Configuration that is passed when GoogleScraper is called as library. Returns: A database session to the results when return_results is True. Else, nothing. """ external_config_file_path = cmd_line_args = None if parse_cmd_line: cmd_line_args = get_command_line() if cmd_line_args.get('config_file', None): external_config_file_path = os.path.abspath( cmd_line_args.get('config_file')) config = get_config(cmd_line_args, external_config_file_path, config_from_dict) if isinstance(config['log_level'], int): config['log_level'] = logging.getLevelName(config['log_level']) setup_logger(level=config.get('log_level').upper()) if config.get('view_config', False): print(open(os.path.join(get_base_path(), '')).read()) return if config.get('version'): from GoogleScraper.version import __version__ print(__version__) return if config.get('clean', False): try: os.remove('google_scraper.db') if sys.platform == 'linux': os.system('rm {}/*'.format(config.get('cachedir'))) except: pass return init_outfile(config, force_reload=True) kwfile = config.get('keyword_file', '') if kwfile: kwfile = os.path.abspath(kwfile) keyword = config.get('keyword') keywords = set(config.get('keywords', [])) proxy_file = config.get('proxy_file', '') proxy_db = config.get('mysql_proxy_db', '') # when no search engine is specified, use google search_engines = config.get('search_engines', [ 'google', ]) if not isinstance(search_engines, list): if search_engines == '*': search_engines = config.get('supported_search_engines') else: search_engines = search_engines.split(',') assert isinstance(search_engines, list), 'Search engines must be a list like data type!' search_engines = set(search_engines) num_search_engines = len(search_engines) num_workers = int(config.get('num_workers')) scrape_method = config.get('scrape_method') pages = int(config.get('num_pages_for_keyword', 1)) method = config.get('scrape_method', 'http') if config.get('shell', False): namespace = {} session_cls = get_session(config, scoped=False) namespace['session'] = session_cls() namespace['ScraperSearch'] = ScraperSearch namespace['SERP'] = SERP namespace['Link'] = Link namespace['Proxy'] = GoogleScraper.database.Proxy print('Available objects:') print('session - A sqlalchemy session of the results database') print('ScraperSearch - Search/Scrape job instances') print('SERP - A search engine results page') print('Link - A single link belonging to a SERP') print('Proxy - Proxies stored for scraping projects.') start_python_console(namespace) return if not (keyword or keywords) and not kwfile: # Just print the help. get_command_line(True) print( 'No keywords to scrape for. Please provide either an keyword file (Option: --keyword-file) or specify and ' 'keyword with --keyword.') return cache_manager = CacheManager(config) if config.get('fix_cache_names'): cache_manager.fix_broken_cache_names()'renaming done. restart for normal use.') return keywords = [ keyword, ] if keyword else keywords scrape_jobs = {} if kwfile: if not os.path.exists(kwfile): raise WrongConfigurationError( 'The keyword file {} does not exist.'.format(kwfile)) else: if kwfile.endswith('.py'): # we need to import the variable "scrape_jobs" from the module. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(kwfile)) try: modname = os.path.split(kwfile)[-1].rstrip('.py') scrape_jobs = getattr( __import__(modname, fromlist=['scrape_jobs']), 'scrape_jobs') except ImportError as e: logger.warning(e) else: # Clean the keywords of duplicates right in the beginning keywords = set([ line.strip() for line in open( kwfile, 'r', encoding='utf8').read().split('\n') if line.strip() ]) if not scrape_jobs: scrape_jobs = default_scrape_jobs_for_keywords(keywords, search_engines, scrape_method, pages) scrape_jobs = list(scrape_jobs) if config.get('clean_cache_files', False): cache_manager.clean_cachefiles() return if config.get('check_oto', False): cache_manager._caching_is_one_to_one(keyword) if config.get('num_results_per_page') > 100: raise WrongConfigurationError( 'Not more that 100 results per page available for searches.') proxies = [] if proxy_db: proxies = get_proxies_from_mysql_db(proxy_db) elif proxy_file: proxies = parse_proxy_file(proxy_file) if config.get('use_own_ip'): proxies.append(None) if not proxies: raise Exception( 'No proxies available and using own IP is prohibited by configuration. Turning down.' ) valid_search_types = ('normal', 'video', 'news', 'image') if config.get('search_type') not in valid_search_types: raise WrongConfigurationError( 'Invalid search type! Select one of {}'.format( repr(valid_search_types))) if config.get('simulate', False): print('*' * 60 + 'SIMULATION' + '*' * 60) 'If GoogleScraper would have been run without the --simulate flag, it would have:' ) 'Scraped for {} keywords, with {} results a page, in total {} pages for each keyword' .format(len(keywords), int(config.get('num_results_per_page', 0)), int(config.get('num_pages_for_keyword')))) if None in proxies:'Also using own ip address to scrape.') else:'Not scraping with own ip address.')'Used {} unique ip addresses in total'.format( len(proxies))) if proxies:'The following proxies are used: \n\t\t{}'.format( '\n\t\t'.join([ + ':' + proxy.port for proxy in proxies if proxy ])))'By using {} mode with {} worker instances'.format( config.get('scrape_method'), int(config.get('num_workers')))) return # get a scoped sqlalchemy session session_cls = get_session(config, scoped=False) session = session_cls() # add fixtures fixtures(config, session) # add proxies to the database add_proxies_to_db(proxies, session) # ask the user to continue the last scrape. We detect a continuation of a # previously established scrape, if the keyword-file is the same and unmodified since # the beginning of the last scrape. scraper_search = None if kwfile and config.get('continue_last_scrape', False): searches = session.query(ScraperSearch). \ filter(ScraperSearch.keyword_file == kwfile). \ order_by(ScraperSearch.started_searching). \ all() if searches: last_search = searches[-1] last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(last_search.keyword_file)) # if the last modification is older then the starting of the search if last_modified < last_search.started_searching: scraper_search = last_search'Continuing last scrape.') if not scraper_search: scraper_search = ScraperSearch( keyword_file=kwfile, number_search_engines_used=num_search_engines, number_proxies_used=len(proxies), number_search_queries=len(keywords), started_searching=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), used_search_engines=','.join(search_engines)) # First of all, lets see how many requests remain to issue after searching the cache. if config.get('do_caching'): scrape_jobs = cache_manager.parse_all_cached_files( scrape_jobs, session, scraper_search) if scrape_jobs: # Create a lock to synchronize database access in the sqlalchemy session db_lock = threading.Lock() # create a lock to cache results cache_lock = threading.Lock() # A lock to prevent multiple threads from solving captcha, used in selenium instances. captcha_lock = threading.Lock() 'Going to scrape {num_keywords} keywords with {num_proxies} proxies by using {num_threads} threads.' .format(num_keywords=len(list(scrape_jobs)), num_proxies=len(proxies), num_threads=num_search_engines)) progress_thread = None # Let the games begin if method in ('selenium', 'http'): # Show the progress of the scraping q = queue.Queue() progress_thread = ShowProgressQueue(config, q, len(scrape_jobs)) progress_thread.start() workers = queue.Queue() num_worker = 0 for search_engine in search_engines: for proxy in proxies: for worker in range(num_workers): num_worker += 1 workers.put( ScrapeWorkerFactory(config, cache_manager=cache_manager, mode=method, proxy=proxy, search_engine=search_engine, session=session, db_lock=db_lock, cache_lock=cache_lock, scraper_search=scraper_search, captcha_lock=captcha_lock, progress_queue=q, browser_num=num_worker)) # here we look for suitable workers # for all jobs created. for job in scrape_jobs: while True: worker = workers.get() workers.put(worker) if worker.is_suitabe(job): worker.add_job(job) break threads = [] while not workers.empty(): worker = workers.get() thread = worker.get_worker() if thread: threads.append(thread) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # after threads are done, stop the progress queue. q.put('done') progress_thread.join() elif method == 'http-async': scheduler = AsyncScrapeScheduler(config, scrape_jobs, cache_manager=cache_manager, session=session, scraper_search=scraper_search, db_lock=db_lock) else: raise Exception('No such scrape_method {}'.format( config.get('scrape_method'))) from GoogleScraper.output_converter import close_outfile close_outfile() scraper_search.stopped_searching = datetime.datetime.utcnow() session.add(scraper_search) session.commit() if return_results: return scraper_search
def main(return_results=False, parse_cmd_line=True, config_from_dict=None): """Runs the GoogleScraper application as determined by the various configuration points. The main() function encompasses the core functionality of GoogleScraper. But it shouldn't be the main() functions job to check the validity of the provided configuration. Args: return_results: When GoogleScrape is used from within another program, don't print results to stdout, store them in a database instead. parse_cmd_line: Whether to get options from the command line or not. config_from_dict: Configuration that is passed when GoogleScraper is called as library. Returns: A database session to the results when return_results is True. Else, nothing. """ external_config_file_path = cmd_line_args = None if parse_cmd_line: cmd_line_args = get_command_line() if cmd_line_args.get('config_file', None): external_config_file_path = os.path.abspath( cmd_line_args.get('config_file')) config = get_config(cmd_line_args, external_config_file_path, config_from_dict) keywords = config.get('keywords') kwfile = config.get('keyword_file', None) if isinstance(config['log_level'], int): config['log_level'] = logging.getLevelName(config['log_level']) setup_logger(level=config.get('log_level').upper()) if config.get('view_config', False): print(open(os.path.join(get_base_path(), '')).read()) return if config.get('version'): from GoogleScraper.version import __version__ print(__version__) return if config.get('clean', False): try: os.remove('google_scraper.db') if sys.platform == 'linux': os.system('rm {}/*'.format(config.get('cachedir'))) except: pass return init_outfile(config, force_reload=True) # in proxy_file = config.get('proxy_file', '') proxy_db = config.get('mysql_proxy_db', '') setup_shell_config(config) search_engines = get_search_engines( config.get('search_engines', ['google']), config.get('supported_search_engines')) num_search_engines = len(search_engines) num_workers = int(config.get('num_workers')) scrape_method = config.get('scrape_method') pages = int(config.get('num_pages_for_keyword', 1)) method = config.get('scrape_method', 'http') cache_manager = CacheManager(config) if config.get('fix_cache_names'): cache_manager.fix_broken_cache_names()'renaming done. restart for normal use.') return scrape_jobs = {} if not scrape_jobs: scrape_jobs = default_scrape_jobs_for_keywords(keywords, search_engines, scrape_method, pages) scrape_jobs = list(scrape_jobs) if config.get('clean_cache_files', False): cache_manager.clean_cachefiles() return if config.get('check_oto', False): cache_manager._caching_is_one_to_one(keyword) if config.get('num_results_per_page') > 100: raise WrongConfigurationError( 'Not more that 100 results per page available for searches.') proxies = [] if proxy_db: proxies = get_proxies_from_mysql_db(proxy_db) elif proxy_file: proxies = parse_proxy_file(proxy_file) if config.get('use_own_ip'): proxies.append(None) if not proxies: raise Exception( 'No proxies available and using own IP is prohibited by configuration. Turning down.' ) if config.get('search_type') not in VALID_SEARCH_TYPES: raise WrongConfigurationError( 'Invalid search type! Select one of {}'.format( repr(VALID_SEARCH_TYPES))) if config.get('simulate', False): run_simulation(config.get('num_results_per_page', 0), config.get('num_pages_for_keyword'), config.get('num_workers')) # get a scoped sqlalchemy session session_cls = get_session(config, scoped=False) session = session_cls() # add fixtures fixtures(config, session) # add proxies to the database add_proxies_to_db(proxies, session) # ask the user to continue the last scrape. We detect a continuation of a # previously established scrape, if the keyword-file is the same and unmodified since # the beginning of the last scrape. scraper_search = None if kwfile and config.get('continue_last_scrape', False): searches = session.query(ScraperSearch). \ filter(ScraperSearch.keyword_file == kwfile). \ order_by(ScraperSearch.started_searching). \ all() if searches: last_search = searches[-1] last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(last_search.keyword_file)) # if the last modification is older then the starting of the search if last_modified < last_search.started_searching: scraper_search = last_search'Continuing last scrape.') if not scraper_search: scraper_search = ScraperSearch( keyword_file=kwfile, number_search_engines_used=num_search_engines, number_proxies_used=len(proxies), number_search_queries=len(keywords), started_searching=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), used_search_engines=','.join(search_engines)) # First of all, lets see how many requests remain to issue after searching the cache. if config.get('do_caching'): scrape_jobs = cache_manager.parse_all_cached_files( scrape_jobs, session, scraper_search) if scrape_jobs: # Create a lock to synchronize database access in the sqlalchemy session db_lock = threading.Lock() # create a lock to cache results cache_lock = threading.Lock() # A lock to prevent multiple threads from solving captcha, used in selenium instances. captcha_lock = threading.Lock() 'Going to scrape {num_keywords} keywords with {num_proxies} proxies by using {num_threads} threads.' .format(num_keywords=len(list(scrape_jobs)), num_proxies=len(proxies), num_threads=num_search_engines)) progress_thread = None # Let the games begin if method in ('selenium', 'http'): # Show the progress of the scraping q = queue.Queue() progress_thread = ShowProgressQueue(config, q, len(scrape_jobs)) progress_thread.start() workers = queue.Queue() num_worker = 0 for search_engine in search_engines: for proxy in proxies: for worker in range(num_workers): num_worker += 1 workers.put( ScrapeWorkerFactory(config, cache_manager=cache_manager, mode=method, proxy=proxy, search_engine=search_engine, session=session, db_lock=db_lock, cache_lock=cache_lock, scraper_search=scraper_search, captcha_lock=captcha_lock, progress_queue=q, browser_num=num_worker)) # here we look for suitable workers # for all jobs created. for job in scrape_jobs: while True: worker = workers.get() workers.put(worker) if worker.is_suitabe(job): worker.add_job(job) break threads = [] while not workers.empty(): worker = workers.get() thread = worker.get_worker() if thread: threads.append(thread) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # after threads are done, stop the progress queue. progress_thread.join() elif method == 'http-async': scheduler = AsyncScrapeScheduler(config, scrape_jobs, cache_manager=cache_manager, session=session, scraper_search=scraper_search, db_lock=db_lock) else: raise Exception('No such scrape_method {}'.format( config.get('scrape_method'))) from GoogleScraper.output_converter import close_outfile close_outfile() scraper_search.stopped_searching = datetime.datetime.utcnow() session.add(scraper_search) session.commit() if return_results: return scraper_search