コード例 #1
ファイル: excel_interface.py プロジェクト: loongmxbt/GridCal
def interpret_excel_v3(circuit: MultiCircuit, data):
    Interpret the file version 3
    In this file version there are no complex numbers saved
    :param circuit:
    :param data: Dictionary with the excel file sheet labels and the corresponding DataFrame
    :return: Nothing, just applies the loaded data to this MultiCircuit instance

    # print('Interpreting V2 data...')

    # clear all the data

    circuit.name = data['name']

    # set the base magnitudes
    circuit.Sbase = data['baseMVA']

    # dictionary of branch types [name] -> type object
    branch_types = dict()

    # Set comments
    circuit.comments = data['Comments'] if 'Comments' in data.keys() else ''

    circuit.logger = Logger()

    # common function
    def set_object_attributes(obj_, attr_list, values):
        for a, attr in enumerate(attr_list):

            # Hack to change the enabled by active...
            if attr == 'is_enabled':
                attr = 'active'

            if attr == 'type_obj':
                attr = 'template'

            if attr == 'wire_name':
                attr = 'name'

            if hasattr(obj_, attr):
                conv = obj_.editable_headers[
                    attr].tpe  # get the type converter
                if conv is None:
                    setattr(obj_, attr, values[a])
                elif conv is BranchType:
                    cbr = BranchTypeConverter(None)
                    setattr(obj_, attr, cbr(values[a]))
                    setattr(obj_, attr, conv(values[a]))
                warn(str(obj_) + ' has no ' + attr + ' property.')

    # time profile #################################################################################################
    if 'time' in data.keys():
        time_df = data['time']
        circuit.time_profile = pd.to_datetime(time_df.values[:, 0])
        circuit.time_profile = None

    # Add the buses ################################################################################################
    bus_dict = dict()
    if 'bus' in data.keys():
        df = data['bus']
        hdr = df.columns.values
        vals = df.values
        for i in range(len(df)):
            obj = Bus()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            bus_dict[obj.name] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No buses in the file!')

    # add the loads ################################################################################################
    if 'load' in data.keys():
        df = data['load']
        bus_from = df['bus'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = df[hdr].values

        profles_attr = {
            'load_P_prof': 'P_prof',
            'load_Q_prof': 'Q_prof',
            'load_Ir_prof': 'Ir_prof',
            'load_Ii_prof': 'Ii_prof',
            'load_G_prof': 'G_prof',
            'load_B_prof': 'B_prof',
            'load_active_prof': 'active_prof',
            'load_Cost_prof': 'Cost_prof'

        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
            obj = Load()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            # parse profiles:
            for sheet_name, load_attr in profles_attr.items():
                if sheet_name in data.keys():
                    val = data[sheet_name].values[:, i]
                    idx = data[sheet_name].index
                    # setattr(obj, load_attr, pd.DataFrame(data=val, index=idx))
                    setattr(obj, load_attr, val)

                    if circuit.time_profile is None or len(
                            circuit.time_profile) < len(idx):
                        circuit.time_profile = idx

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Load bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'Load':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.loads) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No loads in the file!')

    # add the controlled generators ################################################################################
    if 'generator' in data.keys():
        df = data['generator']
        bus_from = df['bus'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = df[hdr].values
        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
            obj = Generator()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'generator_P_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['generator_P_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['generator_P_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)
                # also create the Pf array because there might not be values in the file
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx, arr=None)

                if circuit.time_profile is None or len(
                        circuit.time_profile) < len(idx):
                    circuit.time_profile = idx

            if 'generator_Pf_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['generator_Pf_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['generator_Pf_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'generator_Vset_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['generator_Vset_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['generator_Vset_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Vset', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'generator_active_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['generator_active_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['generator_active_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='active', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'generator_Cost_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['generator_Cost_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['generator_Cost_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Cost', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) +
                    ': Controlled generator bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'gen':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.controlled_generators) +
                                1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No controlled generator in the file!')

    # add the batteries ############################################################################################
    if 'battery' in data.keys():
        df = data['battery']
        bus_from = df['bus'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = df[hdr].values
        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
            obj = Battery()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'battery_P_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_P_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_P_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)
                # also create the Pf array because there might not be values in the file
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx, arr=None)

            if 'battery_Vset_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_Vset_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_Vset_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Vset', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'battery_active_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_active_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_active_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='active', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'battery_Cost_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_Cost_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_Cost_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Cost', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Battery bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'batt':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.batteries) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No battery in the file!')

    # add the static generators ####################################################################################
    if 'static_generator' in data.keys():
        df = data['static_generator']
        bus_from = df['bus'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = df[hdr].values
        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
            obj = StaticGenerator()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'static_generator_Sprof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_Sprof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_Sprof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Q', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

            if 'static_generator_P_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_P_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_P_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'static_generator_Q_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_Q_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_Q_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Q', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'static_generator_active_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_active_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_active_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='active', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'static_generator_Cost_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_Cost_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_Cost_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Cost', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) +
                    ': Static generator bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'StaticGen':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.static_generators) +
                                1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No static generator in the file!')

    # add the shunts ###############################################################################################
    if 'shunt' in data.keys():
        df = data['shunt']
        bus_from = df['bus'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = df[hdr].values
        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
            obj = Shunt()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'shunt_Y_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_Y_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_Y_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='G', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='B', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

            if 'shunt_G_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_G_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_G_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='G', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'shunt_B_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_B_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_B_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='B', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'shunt_active_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_active_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_active_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='active', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'shunt_Cost_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_Cost_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_Cost_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Cost', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Shunt bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'shunt':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.shunts) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No shunt in the file!')

    # Add the wires ################################################################################################
    if 'wires' in data.keys():
        df = data['wires']
        hdr = df.columns.values
        vals = df.values
        for i in range(len(df)):
            obj = Wire()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
        circuit.logger.append('No wires in the file!')

    # Add the overhead_line_types ##################################################################################
    if 'overhead_line_types' in data.keys():
        df = data['overhead_line_types']
        if data['overhead_line_types'].values.shape[0] > 0:
            for tower_name in df['tower_name'].unique():
                obj = Tower()
                dft = df[df['tower_name'] == tower_name]
                vals = dft.values

                wire_prop = df.columns.values[len(obj.editable_headers):]

                # set the tower values
                set_object_attributes(obj, obj.editable_headers.keys(),
                                      vals[0, :])

                # add the wires
                if len(wire_prop) == 7:
                    for i in range(vals.shape[0]):

                        # ['wire_name' 'xpos' 'ypos' 'phase' 'r' 'x' 'gmr']
                        name = dft['wire_name'].values[i]
                        gmr = dft['gmr'].values[i]
                        r = dft['r'].values[i]
                        x = dft['x'].values[i]
                        xpos = dft['xpos'].values[i]
                        ypos = dft['ypos'].values[i]
                        phase = dft['phase'].values[i]

                        wire = Wire(name=name, gmr=gmr, r=r, x=x)
                        w = WireInTower(wire=wire,

                branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No overhead_line_types in the file!')

    # Add the wires ################################################################################################
    if 'underground_cable_types' in data.keys():
        df = data['underground_cable_types']
        hdr = df.columns.values
        vals = df.values
        # for i in range(len(lst)):
        #     obj = UndergroundLineType()
        #     set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
        #     circuit.underground_cable_types.append(obj)
        #     branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No underground_cable_types in the file!')

    # Add the sequence line types ##################################################################################
    if 'sequence_line_types' in data.keys():
        df = data['sequence_line_types']
        hdr = df.columns.values
        vals = df.values
        for i in range(len(df)):
            obj = SequenceLineType()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No sequence_line_types in the file!')

    # Add the transformer types ####################################################################################
    if 'transformer_types' in data.keys():
        df = data['transformer_types']
        hdr = df.columns.values
        vals = df.values
        for i in range(len(df)):
            obj = TransformerType()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No transformer_types in the file!')

    # Add the branches #############################################################################################
    if 'branch' in data.keys():
        df = data['branch']

        # fix the old 'is_transformer' property
        if 'is_transformer' in df.columns.values:
            df['is_transformer'] = df['is_transformer'].map({
                True: 'transformer',
                False: 'line'
            df.rename(columns={'is_transformer': 'branch_type'}, inplace=True)

        bus_from = df['bus_from'].values
        bus_to = df['bus_to'].values
        hdr = df.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus_from'))
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus_to'))
        vals = df[hdr].values
        for i in range(df.shape[0]):
                obj = Branch(bus_from=bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])],
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Branch bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            # set the branch

            if 'branch_active_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['branch_active_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['branch_active_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='active', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'branch_Cost_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['branch_Cost_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['branch_Cost_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Cost', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'branch_temp_oper_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['branch_temp_oper_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['branch_temp_oper_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='temp_oper', index=idx, arr=val)

            # correct the branch template object
            template_name = str(obj.template)
            if template_name in branch_types.keys():
                obj.template = branch_types[template_name]
                print(template_name, 'updtaed!')

        circuit.logger.append('No branches in the file!')

    # Other actions ################################################################################################
    circuit.logger += circuit.apply_all_branch_types()
コード例 #2
ファイル: excel_interface.py プロジェクト: loongmxbt/GridCal
def interprete_excel_v2(circuit: MultiCircuit, data):
    Interpret the file version 2
    :param circuit:
    :param data: Dictionary with the excel file sheet labels and the corresponding DataFrame
    :return: Nothing, just applies the loaded data to this MultiCircuit instance

    # print('Interpreting V2 data...')

    # clear all the data

    circuit.name = data['name']

    # set the base magnitudes
    circuit.Sbase = data['baseMVA']

    # dictionary of branch types [name] -> type object
    branch_types = dict()

    # Set comments
    circuit.comments = data['Comments'] if 'Comments' in data.keys() else ''

    circuit.time_profile = None

    circuit.logger = Logger()

    # common function
    def set_object_attributes(obj_, attr_list, values):
        for a, attr in enumerate(attr_list):

            # Hack to change the enabled by active...
            if attr == 'is_enabled':
                attr = 'active'

            if attr == 'type_obj':
                attr = 'template'

            if hasattr(obj_, attr):
                conv = obj_.editable_headers[
                    attr].tpe  # get the type converter
                if conv is None:
                    setattr(obj_, attr, values[a])
                elif conv is BranchType:
                    cbr = BranchTypeConverter(None)
                    setattr(obj_, attr, cbr(values[a]))
                    setattr(obj_, attr, conv(values[a]))

                if attr in [
                        'Y', 'Z', 'I', 'S', 'seq_resistance', 'seq_admittance',

                    if attr == 'Z':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        re = 1 / val.real if val.real != 0.0 else 0
                        im = 1 / val.imag if val.imag != 0.0 else 0
                        setattr(obj_, 'G', re)
                        setattr(obj_, 'B', im)

                    if attr == 'Zf':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        re = 1 / val.real if val.real != 0.0 else 0
                        im = 1 / val.imag if val.imag != 0.0 else 0
                        setattr(obj_, 'r_fault', re)
                        setattr(obj_, 'x_fault', im)

                    if attr == 'Y':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        re = val.real
                        im = val.imag
                        setattr(obj_, 'G', re)
                        setattr(obj_, 'B', im)

                    elif attr == 'I':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        setattr(obj_, 'Ir', val.real)
                        setattr(obj_, 'Ii', val.imag)

                    elif attr == 'S':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        setattr(obj_, 'P', val.real)
                        setattr(obj_, 'Q', val.imag)

                    elif attr == 'seq_resistance':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        setattr(obj_, 'R1', val.real)
                        setattr(obj_, 'X1', val.imag)

                    elif attr == 'seq_admittance':
                        val = complex(values[a])
                        setattr(obj_, 'Gsh1', val.real)
                        setattr(obj_, 'Bsh1', val.imag)

                    warn(str(obj_) + ' has no ' + attr + ' property.')

    # Add the buses ################################################################################################
    bus_dict = dict()
    if 'bus' in data.keys():
        lst = data['bus']
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        vals = lst.values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Bus()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            bus_dict[obj.name] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No buses in the file!')

    # add the loads ################################################################################################
    if 'load' in data.keys():
        lst = data['load']
        bus_from = lst['bus'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Load()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'load_Sprof' in data.keys():

                idx = data['load_Sprof'].index

                # create all the profiles

                # create the power profiles
                val = np.array(
                    [complex(v) for v in data['load_Sprof'].values[:, i]])
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Q', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

                if circuit.time_profile is None or len(
                        circuit.time_profile) < len(idx):
                    circuit.time_profile = idx

            if 'load_Iprof' in data.keys():
                val = np.array(
                    [complex(v) for v in data['load_Iprof'].values[:, i]])
                idx = data['load_Iprof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Ir', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Ii', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

                if circuit.time_profile is None or len(
                        circuit.time_profile) < len(idx):
                    circuit.time_profile = idx

            if 'load_Zprof' in data.keys():
                val = np.array(
                    [complex(v) for v in data['load_Zprof'].values[:, i]])
                idx = data['load_Zprof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='G', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='B', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

                if circuit.time_profile is None or len(
                        circuit.time_profile) < len(idx):
                    circuit.time_profile = idx

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Load bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'Load':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.loads) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No loads in the file!')

    # add the controlled generators ################################################################################
    if 'controlled_generator' in data.keys():
        lst = data['controlled_generator']
        bus_from = lst['bus'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Generator()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'CtrlGen_P_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['CtrlGen_P_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['CtrlGen_P_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)
                # also create the Pf array because there might not be values in the file
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx)

            if 'CtrlGen_Pf_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['CtrlGen_Pf_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['CtrlGen_Pf_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'CtrlGen_Vset_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['CtrlGen_Vset_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['CtrlGen_Vset_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Vset', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) +
                    ': Controlled generator bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'gen':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.controlled_generators) +
                                1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No controlled generator in the file!')

    # add the batteries ############################################################################################
    if 'battery' in data.keys():
        lst = data['battery']
        bus_from = lst['bus'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Battery()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'battery_P_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_P_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_P_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx)

            if 'battery_Pf_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_Pf_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_Pf_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Pf', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'battery_Vset_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['battery_Vset_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['battery_Vset_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Vset', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Battery bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'batt':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.batteries) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No battery in the file!')

    # add the static generators ####################################################################################
    if 'static_generator' in data.keys():
        lst = data['static_generator']
        bus_from = lst['bus'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = StaticGenerator()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'static_generator_Sprof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_Sprof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_Sprof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Q', index=idx, arr=val.imag)

            if 'static_generator_P_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_P_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_P_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='P', index=idx, arr=val)

            if 'static_generator_Q_prof' in data.keys():
                val = data['static_generator_Q_prof'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['static_generator_Q_prof'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='Q', index=idx, arr=val)

                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) +
                    ': Static generator bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'StaticGen':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.static_generators) +
                                1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No static generator in the file!')

    # add the shunts ###############################################################################################
    if 'shunt' in data.keys():
        lst = data['shunt']
        bus_from = lst['bus'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Shunt()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            if 'shunt_Y_profiles' in data.keys():
                val = data['shunt_Y_profiles'].values[:, i]
                idx = data['shunt_Y_profiles'].index
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='G', index=idx, arr=val.real)
                obj.create_profile(magnitude='B', index=idx, arr=val.imag)
                bus = bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])]
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Shunt bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            if obj.name == 'shunt':
                obj.name += str(len(bus.shunts) + 1) + '@' + bus.name

            obj.bus = bus
        circuit.logger.append('No shunt in the file!')

    # Add the wires ################################################################################################
    if 'wires' in data.keys():
        lst = data['wires']
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        vals = lst.values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = Wire()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
        circuit.logger.append('No wires in the file!')

    # Add the overhead_line_types ##################################################################################
    if 'overhead_line_types' in data.keys():
        lst = data['overhead_line_types']
        if data['overhead_line_types'].values.shape[0] > 0:
            for tower_name in lst['tower_name'].unique():
                obj = Tower()
                vals = lst[lst['tower_name'] == tower_name].values

                # set the tower values
                set_object_attributes(obj, obj.editable_headers.keys(),
                                      vals[0, :])

                # add the wires
                for i in range(vals.shape[0]):
                    wire = Wire()
                    set_object_attributes(wire, obj.get_wire_properties(),

                branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No overhead_line_types in the file!')

    # Add the wires ################################################################################################
    if 'underground_cable_types' in data.keys():
        lst = data['underground_cable_types']
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        vals = lst.values
        # for i in range(len(lst)):
        #     obj = UndergroundLineType()
        #     set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
        #     circuit.underground_cable_types.append(obj)
        #     branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No underground_cable_types in the file!')

    # Add the sequence line types ##################################################################################
    if 'sequence_line_types' in data.keys():
        lst = data['sequence_line_types']
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        vals = lst.values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = SequenceLineType()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No sequence_line_types in the file!')

    # Add the transformer types ####################################################################################
    if 'transformer_types' in data.keys():
        lst = data['transformer_types']
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        vals = lst.values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            obj = TransformerType()
            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])
            branch_types[str(obj)] = obj
        circuit.logger.append('No transformer_types in the file!')

    # Add the branches #############################################################################################
    if 'branch' in data.keys():
        lst = data['branch']

        # fix the old 'is_transformer' property
        if 'is_transformer' in lst.columns.values:
            lst['is_transformer'] = lst['is_transformer'].map({
                True: 'transformer',
                False: 'line'
            lst.rename(columns={'is_transformer': 'branch_type'}, inplace=True)

        bus_from = lst['bus_from'].values
        bus_to = lst['bus_to'].values
        hdr = lst.columns.values
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus_from'))
        hdr = np.delete(hdr, np.argwhere(hdr == 'bus_to'))
        vals = lst[hdr].values
        for i in range(len(lst)):
                obj = Branch(bus_from=bus_dict[str(bus_from[i])],
            except KeyError as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    str(i) + ': Branch bus is not in the buses list.\n' +

            set_object_attributes(obj, hdr, vals[i, :])

            # correct the branch template object
            template_name = str(obj.template)
            if template_name in branch_types.keys():
                obj.template = branch_types[template_name]
                print(template_name, 'updated!')

            # set the branch

        circuit.logger.append('No branches in the file!')

    # Other actions ################################################################################################
    circuit.logger += circuit.apply_all_branch_types()