コード例 #1
def mu(Ybus, Ibus, J, incS, dV, dx, pvpq, pq, npv, npq):
    Calculate the Iwamoto acceleration parameter as described in:
    "A Load Flow Calculation Method for Ill-Conditioned Power Systems" by Iwamoto, S. and Tamura, Y."
        Ybus: Admittance matrix
        J: Jacobian matrix
        incS: mismatch vector
        dV: voltage increment (in complex form)
        dx: solution vector as calculated dx = solve(J, incS)
        pvpq: array of the pq and pv indices
        pq: array of the pq indices

        the Iwamoto's optimal multiplier for ill conditioned systems
    # evaluate the Jacobian of the voltage derivative
    # theoretically this is the second derivative matrix
    # since the Jacobian (J2) has been calculated with dV instead of V

    # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
    pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(np.max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
    pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))

    createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq)
    J2 = _create_J_with_numba(Ybus, dV, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq)

    # J2 = Jacobian(Ybus, dV, Ibus, pq, pvpq)

    a = incS
    b = J * dx
    c = 0.5 * dx * J2 * dx

    g0 = -a.dot(b)
    g1 = b.dot(b) + 2 * a.dot(c)
    g2 = -3.0 * b.dot(c)
    g3 = 2.0 * c.dot(c)

    roots = np.roots([g3, g2, g1, g0])
    # three solutions are provided, the first two are complex, only the real solution is valid
    return roots[2].real
コード例 #2
def levenberg_marquardt_pf(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Ibus, pv, pq, tol, max_it=50):
    Solves the power flow problem by the Levenberg-Marquardt power flow algorithm.
    It is usually better than Newton-Raphson, but it takes an order of magnitude more time to converge.
        Ybus: Admittance matrix
        Sbus: Array of nodal power injections
        V0: Array of nodal voltages (initial solution)
        Ibus: Array of nodal current injections
        pv: Array with the indices of the PV buses
        pq: Array with the indices of the PQ buses
        tol: Tolerance
        max_it: Maximum number of iterations
        Voltage solution, converged?, error, calculated power injections

    @Author: Santiago Peñate Vera
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    V = V0
    Va = np.angle(V)
    Vm = np.abs(V)
    dVa = np.zeros_like(Va)
    dVm = np.zeros_like(Vm)

    # set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)

    # j1:j2 - V angle of pv and pq buses
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv + npq
    # j2:j3 - V mag of pq buses
    j3 = j2 + npq

    if (npq + npv) > 0:
        normF = 100000
        update_jacobian = True
        converged = False
        iter_ = 0
        nu = 2.0
        lbmda = 0
        f_prev = 1e9  # very large number
        nn = 2 * npq + npv
        ii = np.linspace(0, nn-1, nn)
        Idn = sparse((np.ones(nn), (ii, ii)), shape=(nn, nn))  # csc_matrix identity

        # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
        pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(np.max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
        pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
        createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq)

        while not converged and iter_ < max_it:

            # evaluate Jacobian
            if update_jacobian:
                H = _create_J_with_numba(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq)
                # H = Jacobian(Ybus, V, Ibus, pq, pvpq)

            # evaluate the solution error F(x0)
            Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
            mis = Scalc - Sbus  # compute the mismatch
            dz = np.r_[mis[pvpq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # mismatch in the Jacobian order

            # system matrix
            # H1 = H^t
            H1 = H.transpose().tocsr()

            # H2 = H1·H
            H2 = H1.dot(H)

            # set first value of lmbda
            if iter_ == 0:
                lbmda = 1e-3 * H2.diagonal().max()

            # compute system matrix A = H^T·H - lambda·I
            A = H2 + lbmda * Idn

            # right hand side
            # H^t·dz
            rhs = H1.dot(dz)

            # Solve the increment
            dx = linear_solver(A, rhs)

            # objective function to minimize
            f = 0.5 * dz.dot(dz)

            # decision function
            val = dx.dot(lbmda * dx + rhs)
            if val > 0.0:
                rho = (f_prev - f) / (0.5 * val)
                rho = -1.0

            # lambda update
            if rho >= 0:
                update_jacobian = True
                lbmda *= max([1.0 / 3.0, 1 - (2 * rho - 1) ** 3])
                nu = 2.0

                # reassign the solution vector
                dVa[pvpq] = dx[j1:j2]
                dVm[pq] = dx[j2:j3]

                # update Vm and Va again in case we wrapped around with a negative Vm
                Vm -= dVm
                Va -= dVa
                V = Vm * np.exp(1.0j * Va)

                update_jacobian = False
                lbmda *= nu
                nu *= 2.0

            # check convergence
            Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus.dot(V))
            ds = Sbus - Scalc
            e = np.r_[ds[pvpq].real, ds[pq].imag]
            normF = 0.5 * np.dot(e, e)
            converged = normF < tol
            f_prev = f

            # update iteration counter
            iter_ += 1
        normF = 0
        converged = True
        Scalc = Sbus  # V * np.conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
        iter_ = 0

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, normF, Scalc, iter_, elapsed
コード例 #3
def IwamotoNR(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Ibus, pv, pq, tol, max_it=15, robust=False):
    Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method with the Iwamoto optimal step factor.
        Ybus: Admittance matrix
        Sbus: Array of nodal power injections
        V0: Array of nodal voltages (initial solution)
        Ibus: Array of nodal current injections
        pv: Array with the indices of the PV buses
        pq: Array with the indices of the PQ buses
        tol: Tolerance
        max_it: Maximum number of iterations
        robust: Boolean variable for the use of the Iwamoto optimal step factor.
        Voltage solution, converged?, error, calculated power injections

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @Author: Santiago Penate Vera
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    converged = 0
    iter_ = 0
    V = V0
    Va = np.angle(V)
    Vm = np.abs(V)
    dVa = np.zeros_like(Va)
    dVm = np.zeros_like(Vm)

    # set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)

    # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv + npq
    # j2:j3 - V mag of pq buses
    j3 = j2 + npq

    if (npq + npv) > 0:

        # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
        pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(np.max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
        pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
        createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq)

        # evaluate F(x0)
        Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
        mis = Scalc - Sbus  # compute the mismatch
        f = np.r_[mis[pvpq].real, mis[pq].imag]

        # check tolerance
        norm_f = np.linalg.norm(f, np.Inf)

        if norm_f < tol:
            converged = 1

        # do Newton iterations
        while not converged and iter_ < max_it:
            # update iteration counter
            iter_ += 1

            # evaluate Jacobian
            # J = Jacobian(Ybus, V, Ibus, pq, pvpq)
            J = _create_J_with_numba(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq)

            # compute update step
                dx = linear_solver(J, f)
                converged = False
                iter_ = max_it + 1  # exit condition

            # reassign the solution vector
            dVa[pvpq] = dx[j1:j2]
            dVm[pq] = dx[j2:j3]
            dV = dVm * np.exp(1j * dVa)  # voltage mismatch

            # update voltage
            if robust:
                # if dV contains zeros will crash the second Jacobian derivative
                if not (dV == 0.0).any():
                    # calculate the optimal multiplier for enhanced convergence
                    mu_ = mu(Ybus, Ibus, J, f, dV, dx, pvpq, pq, npv, npq)
                    mu_ = 1.0
                mu_ = 1.0

            Vm -= mu_ * dVm
            Va -= mu_ * dVa

            V = Vm * np.exp(1j * Va)

            Vm = np.abs(V)  # update Vm and Va again in case
            Va = np.angle(V)  # we wrapped around with a negative Vm

            # evaluate F(x)
            Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
            mis = Scalc - Sbus  # complex power mismatch
            f = np.r_[mis[pvpq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # concatenate again

            # check for convergence
            norm_f = np.linalg.norm(f, np.Inf)

            if norm_f < tol:
                converged = 1
        norm_f = 0
        converged = True
        Scalc = Sbus

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed
コード例 #4
def NR_LS(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Ibus, pv, pq, tol, max_it=15, acceleration_parameter=0.05, error_registry=None):
    Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method with backtrack correction.
    @Author: Santiago Peñate Vera
    :param Ybus: Admittance matrix
    :param Sbus: Array of nodal power injections
    :param V0: Array of nodal voltages (initial solution)
    :param Ibus: Array of nodal current injections
    :param pv: Array with the indices of the PV buses
    :param pq: Array with the indices of the PQ buses
    :param tol: Tolerance
    :param max_it: Maximum number of iterations
    :param acceleration_parameter: parameter used to correct the "bad" iterations, should be be between 1e-3 ~ 0.5
    :param error_registry: list to store the error for plotting
    :return: Voltage solution, converged?, error, calculated power injections
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    back_track_counter = 0
    back_track_iterations = 0
    converged = 0
    iter_ = 0
    V = V0
    Va = np.angle(V)
    Vm = np.abs(V)
    dVa = np.zeros_like(Va)
    dVm = np.zeros_like(Vm)

    # set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)

    # j1:j2 - V angle of pv and pq buses
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv + npq
    # j2:j3 - V mag of pq buses
    j3 = j2 + npq

    if (npq + npv) > 0:

        # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
        pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(np.max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
        pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
        createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq)

        # evaluate F(x0)
        Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
        dS = Scalc - Sbus  # compute the mismatch
        f = np.r_[dS[pvpq].real, dS[pq].imag]

        # check tolerance
        norm_f = 0.5 * f.dot(f)

        if error_registry is not None:

        if norm_f < tol:
            converged = 1

        # do Newton iterations
        while not converged and iter_ < max_it:
            # update iteration counter
            iter_ += 1

            # evaluate Jacobian
            # J = Jacobian(Ybus, V, Ibus, pq, pvpq)
            J = _create_J_with_numba(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq)

            # compute update step
            dx = linear_solver(J, f)

            # reassign the solution vector
            dVa[pvpq] = dx[j1:j2]
            dVm[pq] = dx[j2:j3]

            # update voltage the Newton way (mu=1)
            mu_ = 1.0
            Vm -= mu_ * dVm
            Va -= mu_ * dVa
            Vnew = Vm * np.exp(1.0j * Va)

            # compute the mismatch function f(x_new)
            Scalc = Vnew * np.conj(Ybus * Vnew - Ibus)
            dS = Scalc - Sbus  # complex power mismatch
            f_new = np.r_[dS[pvpq].real, dS[pq].imag]  # concatenate to form the mismatch function
            norm_f_new = 0.5 * f_new.dot(f_new)

            if error_registry is not None:

            cond = norm_f_new > norm_f  # condition to back track (no improvement at all)

            if not cond:
                back_track_counter += 1

            l_iter = 0
            while not cond and l_iter < 10 and mu_ > 0.01:
                # line search back
                # update voltage with a closer value to the last value in the Jacobian direction
                mu_ *= acceleration_parameter
                Vm -= mu_ * dVm
                Va -= mu_ * dVa
                Vnew = Vm * np.exp(1.0j * Va)

                # compute the mismatch function f(x_new)
                Scalc = Vnew * np.conj(Ybus * Vnew - Ibus)
                dS = Scalc - Sbus  # complex power mismatch
                f_new = np.r_[dS[pvpq].real, dS[pq].imag]  # concatenate to form the mismatch function

                norm_f_new = 0.5 * f_new.dot(f_new)

                cond = norm_f_new > norm_f

                if error_registry is not None:

                l_iter += 1
                back_track_iterations += 1

            # update calculation variables
            V = Vnew
            f = f_new

            # check for convergence
            if l_iter == 0:
                # no correction loop executed, hence compute the error fresh
                norm_f = 0.5 * f_new.dot(f_new)
                # pick the latest computer error in the correction loop
                norm_f = norm_f_new

            if error_registry is not None:

            if norm_f < tol:
                converged = 1

        norm_f = 0
        converged = True
        Scalc = Sbus

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed