def downloadFile(remotepathname, localpathname): try: urllib.urlretrieve("%s/%s" % (remoteUrl, remotepathname), localpathname) except socket.timeout: raise GtBurstException( 11, "Time out. Check your internet connection, and that you can access %s, then retry" % (remoteUrl)) except: raise GtBurstException( 1, "Problems with the download. Check your connection, and that you can reach %s, then retry" % (remoteUrl)) pass
def computeCovarianceMatrix(self, statisticGradient): self.covMatrix = computeCovarianceMatrix(statisticGradient, self.params) #Check that the covariance matrix is positive-defined negativeElements = (numpy.matrix.diagonal(self.covMatrix) < 0) if (len(negativeElements.nonzero()[0]) > 0): raise GtBurstException( 8, "The background fit has failed. Select one interval before the transient and one after, as close as possible " + "to respectively the beginning and the end of the transient, and few hundreds seconds in duration." )
def makeLikelihoodTemplate(self, start, stop, chatter=1): #Transform in relative time (the BKGE wants that!) start = float(start) - int( float(start) > 231292801.000) * self.triggertime stop = float(stop) - int( float(stop) > 231292801.000) * self.triggertime outdir = self.outdir + '/Bkg_Estimates/%.2f_%.2f/' % (start, stop) try: _ = BKGE_interface.allowedIRFS except AttributeError: if (self.irf.upper().find("P8") >= 0): raise RuntimeError( "Looks like you are using the old Background Estimator," + " and Pass 8 IRFS. You cannot do that. You have to update" + " your Science Tools.") else: #It is fine, this is the old BKGE with P7 pass pass else: #Using the new version of the BKGE if (not self.irf.upper() in BKGE_interface.allowedIRFS): raise GtBurstException( 7, "IRF %s is not supported by the BKGE" % (self.irf)) else: BKGE_interface.setResponseFunction(self.irf.upper()) try: BKGE_interface.MakeGtLikeTemplate(start, stop, self.triggertime, self.ra, self.dec, self.ft1, self.ft2, OUTPUT_DIR=self.outdir, chatter=10, ROI_Radius=self.roi, GRB_NAME=self.grbname) except: print("ERROR executing the BKGE") bkgetemplate = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(outdir, '%s_gtlike_%s_CR_EGAL.txt' % (self.irf, self.grbname))) statisticalError = 0 return bkgetemplate, statisticalError, systematicError
def update(debug=False): print("Searching updates at %s..." % (remoteUrl)) #Download file_list file try: os.remove("__file_list") except: pass urllib.urlcleanup() try: urllib.urlretrieve("%s/__file_list" % remoteUrl, "__file_list") except socket.timeout: raise GtBurstException( 11, "Time out when connecting to %s. Check your internet connection, then retry" % (remoteUrl)) except: raise GtBurstException( 1, "Problems with the download. Check your connection, and that you can reach %s" % (remoteUrl)) pass #Read the list of files f = open('__file_list') files = f.readlines() f.close() os.remove("__file_list") #Get the path of the gtburst installation path = GtBurst.__file__ installationPath = os.path.join( os.path.sep.join(path.split(os.path.sep)[0:-3])) nUpdates = 0 for ff in files: atoms = ff.split() pathname = atoms[-1].replace('*', '') if (ff.find("__file_list") >= 0): if (debug): print("Skipping %s..." % (ff)) else: remoteMD5 = atoms[0] if (debug): print("File %s has remote MD5 checksum %s" % (pathname, remoteMD5)) #Get the MD5 of the same file in the GtBurst package path pathnameThisSys = pathname.replace("/", os.path.sep) localPath = os.path.join(installationPath, pathnameThisSys) if (not os.path.exists(localPath)): print( "File %s does not exist in the current installation. Creating it..." % (localPath)) #If the new file is in a new directory, the directory needs to be created try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(localPath)) except: #This will fail if the directory already exists pass downloadFile(pathname, localPath) nUpdates += 1 else: #File exists. Check the size localMD5 = md5.md5(open(localPath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if (localMD5 != remoteMD5): print("Updating %s..." % (localPath)) downloadFile(pathname, localPath) nUpdates += 1 else: if (debug): print( "NOT updating %s (local MD5: %s, remote MD5: %s)..." % (localPath, localMD5, remoteMD5)) pass pass if (debug): print("\n\n") pass pass return nUpdates
def run(**kwargs): if (len(kwargs.keys()) == 0): #Nothing specified, the user needs just help! thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get parameters values thisCommand.setParValuesFromDictionary(kwargs) try: eventfile = thisCommand.getParValue('eventfile') rspfile = thisCommand.getParValue('rspfile') ft2file = thisCommand.getParValue('ft2file') ra = thisCommand.getParValue('ra') dec = thisCommand.getParValue('dec') rad = thisCommand.getParValue('rad') irf = thisCommand.getParValue('irf') zmax = thisCommand.getParValue('zmax') tstart = thisCommand.getParValue('tstart') tstop = thisCommand.getParValue('tstop') emin = thisCommand.getParValue('emin') emax = thisCommand.getParValue('emax') skybinsize = thisCommand.getParValue('skybinsize') outfile = thisCommand.getParValue('skymap') strategy = thisCommand.getParValue('strategy') thetamax = float(thisCommand.getParValue('thetamax')) allowEmpty = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('allowEmpty')) clobber = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('clobber')) verbose = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('verbose')) figure = thisCommand.getParValue('figure') except KeyError as err: print("\n\nERROR: Parameter %s not found or incorrect! \n\n" % (err.args[0])) #Print help print thisCommand.getHelp() return pass from GtBurst import dataHandling global lastDisplay LATdata = dataHandling.LATData(eventfile, rspfile, ft2file) if (strategy.lower() == "time"): #gtmktime cut filteredFile, nEvents = LATdata.performStandardCut(ra, dec, rad, irf, tstart, tstop, emin, emax, zmax, thetamax, True, strategy='time') elif (strategy.lower() == "events"): #no gtmktime cut, Zenith cut applied directly to the events filteredFile, nEvents = LATdata.performStandardCut(ra, dec, rad, irf, tstart, tstop, emin, emax, zmax, thetamax, True, strategy='events') pass LATdata.doSkyMap(outfile, skybinsize) #Now open the output file and get exposure and total number of events skymap = totalNumberOfEvents = numpy.sum(skymap[0].data) totalTime = numpy.sum(skymap['GTI'].data.field('STOP') - skymap['GTI'].data.field('START')) skymap.close() print("\nTotal number of events in the counts map: %s" % (totalNumberOfEvents)) print("Total time in Good Time Intervals: %s" % (totalTime)) if ((totalTime == 0) and allowEmpty == False): raise GtBurstException( 2, "Your filter resulted in zero exposure. \n\n" + " Loose your cuts, or enlarge the time interval. You might want to " + " check also the navigation plots (in the Tools menu) to make sure " + " that the ROI is within the LAT FOV in the desired time interval." ) displ = None if (figure != None): if (lastDisplay != None): lastDisplay.unbind() pass from GtBurst.InteractiveFt1Display import InteractiveFt1Display lastDisplay = InteractiveFt1Display(filteredFile, outfile, figure, ra, dec) pass return 'skymap', outfile, 'filteredeventfile', filteredFile, 'irf', irf, 'eventDisplay', lastDisplay
def run(**kwargs): if (len(kwargs.keys()) == 0): #Nothing specified, the user needs just help! thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get parameters values thisCommand.setParValuesFromDictionary(kwargs) try: ra = thisCommand.getParValue('ra') dec = thisCommand.getParValue('dec') particlemodel = thisCommand.getParValue('particle_model') galacticmodel = thisCommand.getParValue('galactic_model') sourcemodel = thisCommand.getParValue('source_model') filteredeventfile = thisCommand.getParValue('filteredeventfile') xmlmodel = thisCommand.getParValue('xmlmodel') triggername = thisCommand.getParValue('triggername') ft2file = thisCommand.getParValue('ft2file') fglmode = thisCommand.getParValue('fgl_mode') clobber = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('clobber')) verbose = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('verbose')) except KeyError as err: print("\n\nERROR: Parameter %s not found or incorrect! \n\n" % (err.args[0])) #Print help print thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get the IRF from the event file try: f = except: raise GtBurstException( 31, "Could not open filtered event file %s" % (filteredeventfile)) tstart = float(f[0].header['_TMIN']) tstop = float(f[0].header['_TMAX']) irf = str(f[0].header['_IRF']) ra = float(f[0].header['_ROI_RA']) dec = float(f[0].header['_ROI_DEC']) roi = float(f[0].header['_ROI_RAD']) #Lookup table for the models models = {} if (particlemodel == 'isotr with pow spectrum'): models[ 'isotr with pow spectrum'] = LikelihoodComponent.IsotropicPowerlaw( ) elif (particlemodel == 'isotr template'): models['isotr template'] = LikelihoodComponent.IsotropicTemplate(irf) pass if (galacticmodel == 'template'): models['template'] = LikelihoodComponent.GalaxyAndExtragalacticDiffuse( irf, ra, dec, 2.5 * roi) elif (galacticmodel == 'template (fixed norm.)'): models[ 'template (fixed norm.)'] = LikelihoodComponent.GalaxyAndExtragalacticDiffuse( irf, ra, dec, 2.5 * roi) models['template (fixed norm.)'].fixNormalization() pass deltat = numpy.sum(f['GTI'].data.field('STOP') - f['GTI'].data.field('START')) f.close() triggertime = dataHandling.getTriggerTime(filteredeventfile) if (irf.lower().find('source') >= 0 and particlemodel != 'isotr template'): raise GtBurstException( 6, "Do not use '%s' as model for the particle background in SOURCE class. Use '%s' instead." % (particlemodel, 'isotropic template')) modelsToUse = [ LikelihoodComponent.PointSource(ra, dec, triggername, sourcemodel) ] if (particlemodel != 'none'): if (particlemodel == 'bkge'): if (ft2file is None or ft2file == ''): raise ValueError( "If you want to use the BKGE, you have to provide an FT2 file!" ) modelsToUse.append( LikelihoodComponent.BKGETemplate(filteredeventfile, ft2file, tstart, tstop, triggername, triggertime)) else: modelsToUse.append(models[particlemodel]) if (galacticmodel != 'none'): modelsToUse.append(models[galacticmodel]) xml = LikelihoodComponent.LikelihoodModel() xml.addSources(*modelsToUse) xml.writeXML(xmlmodel) if (fglmode == 'complete'): #Use a very large delta T so that #all FGL sources are included in the #xml model deltat = 1e12 xml.add2FGLsources(ra, dec, float(roi) + 8.0, xmlmodel, deltat) dataHandling._writeParamIntoXML(xmlmodel, IRF=irf, OBJECT=triggername, RA=ra, DEC=dec) return 'xmlmodel', xmlmodel
def run(**kwargs): if (len(kwargs.keys()) == 0): #Nothing specified, the user needs just help! thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get parameters values thisCommand.setParValuesFromDictionary(kwargs) try: eventfile = thisCommand.getParValue('filteredeventfile') rspfile = thisCommand.getParValue('rspfile') ft2file = thisCommand.getParValue('ft2file') expomap = thisCommand.getParValue('expomap') ltcube = thisCommand.getParValue('ltcube') xmlmodel = thisCommand.getParValue('xmlmodel') showmodelimage = thisCommand.getParValue('showmodelimage') optimize = thisCommand.getParValue('optimizeposition') spectralfiles = thisCommand.getParValue('spectralfiles') tsmin = float(thisCommand.getParValue('tsmin')) skymap = thisCommand.getParValue('skymap') liketype = thisCommand.getParValue('liketype') clobber = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('clobber')) verbose = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('verbose')) figure = thisCommand.getParValue('figure') except KeyError as err: print("\n\nERROR: Parameter %s not found or incorrect! \n\n" % (err.args[0])) #Print help print thisCommand.getHelp() return pass from GtBurst import dataHandling from GtBurst.angularDistance import getAngularDistance LATdata = dataHandling.LATData(eventfile, rspfile, ft2file) try: if (liketype == 'unbinned'): outfilelike, sources = LATdata.doUnbinnedLikelihoodAnalysis( xmlmodel, tsmin, expomap=expomap, ltcube=ltcube) else: #Generation of spectral files and optimization of the position is #not supported yet for binned analysis if (spectralfiles == 'yes'): print( "\nWARNING: you specified spectralfiles=yes, but the generation of spectral files is not supported for binned analysis\n" ) spectralfiles = 'no' if (optimize == 'yes'): print( "\nWARNING: you specified optimize=yes, but position optimization is not supported for binned analysis\n" ) optimize = 'no' outfilelike, sources = LATdata.doBinnedLikelihoodAnalysis( xmlmodel, tsmin, expomap=expomap, ltcube=ltcube) except GtBurstException as gt: raise gt except: raise #Transfer information on the source from the input to the output XML irf = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'IRF') ra = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'RA') dec = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'DEC') name = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'OBJECT') try: grb = filter(lambda x: >= 0, sources)[0] grb_TS = grb.TS except: #A model without GRB print("\nWarning: no GRB in the model!") grb_TS = -1 pass if (irf == None): print( "\n\nWARNING: could not read IRF from XML file. Be sure you know what you are doing..." ) else: dataHandling._writeParamIntoXML(outfilelike, IRF=irf, OBJECT=name, RA=ra, DEC=dec) pass if (spectralfiles == 'yes'): phafile, rspfile, bakfile = LATdata.doSpectralFiles(outfilelike) pass localizationMessage = '' bestra = '' bestdec = '' poserr = '' distance = '' if (optimize == 'yes'): sourceName = name #If the TS for the source is above tsmin, optimize its position #grb = filter(lambda>=0,sources)[0] if (math.ceil(grb_TS) >= tsmin): try: bestra, bestdec, poserr = LATdata.optimizeSourcePosition( outfilelike, sourceName) except: raise GtBurstException( 207, "gtfindsrc execution failed. Were the source detected in the likelihood step?" ) else: localizationMessage += "\nNew localization from gtfindsrc:\n\n" localizationMessage += "(R.A., Dec) = (%6.3f, %6.3f)\n" % ( bestra, bestdec) localizationMessage += "68 %s containment radius = %6.3f\n" % ( '%', poserr) localizationMessage += "90 %s containment radius = %6.3f\n" % ( '%', 1.41 * poserr) distance = getAngularDistance(float(ra), float(dec), float(bestra), float(bestdec)) localizationMessage += "Distance from initial position = %6.3f\n\n" % ( distance) localizationMessage += "NOTE: this new localization WILL NOT be used by default. If you judge" localizationMessage += " it is a better localization than the one you started with, update the" localizationMessage += " coordinates yourself and re-run the likelihood\n" pass pass if (figure != None and skymap != None and showmodelimage == 'yes'): #Now produce the binned exposure map (needed in order to display the fitted model as an image) modelmapfile = LATdata.makeModelSkyMap(outfilelike) #Display point sources in the image, and report in the table #all 2FGL sources with TS > 9 + always the GRB, independently of its TS detectedSources = [] grbFlux = 1e-13 for src in sources: weight = 'bold' if (src.type == 'PointSource'): if (src.TS > 4): detectedSources.append(src) if ('2FGL') < 0): #GRB grbFlux = src.flux pass pass pass #Display the counts map from GtBurst import aplpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure.clear() orig = aplpy.FITSFigure(skymap, convention='calabretta', figure=figure, subplot=[0.1, 0.1, 0.45, 0.7]) vmax = max([0].data.flatten()) nEvents = numpy.sum([0].data) telapsed =[0].header['TSTOP'] - eventfile)[0].header['TSTART'] orig.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') orig.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') orig.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', vmin=0.1, vmax=max(vmax, 0.11), stretch='log', aspect='auto') # Modify the tick labels for precision and format orig.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') orig.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties orig.show_grid() #Renormalize the modelmapfile to the flux of the grb f =, 'update') f[0].data = f[0].data / numpy.max(f[0].data) * nEvents / telapsed print(numpy.max(f[0].data)) f.close() img = aplpy.FITSFigure(modelmapfile, convention='calabretta', figure=figure, subplot=[0.55, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7]) img.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') img.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') #vmax = max([0].data.flatten()) img.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', aspect='auto', stretch='log') for src in detectedSources: img.add_label(float(src.ra), float(src.dec), "%s\n(ts = %i)" % (, int(math.ceil(src.TS))), relative=False, weight=weight, color='green', size='small') pass # Modify the tick labels for precision and format img.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') img.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties img.show_grid() #ax = figure.add_axes([0.1,0.72,0.85,0.25],frame_on=False) #ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) #ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) #col_labels =['Source Name','TS','Energy flux','Photon index'] #table_vals = map(lambda x:[,"%i" %(int(math.ceil(x.TS))), # "%s +/- %s" % (x.flux,x.fluxError), # "%s +/- %s" % (x.photonIndex,x.photonIndexError)],detectedSources) # #if(len(table_vals)>0): # the_table = ax.table(cellText=table_vals, # colLabels=col_labels, # loc='upper center') figure.canvas.draw() figure.savefig("likelihood_results.png") pass if (figure != None): #Assume we have an X server running #Now display the results likemsg = "Log(likelihood) = %s" % (LATdata.logL) displayResults( figure.canvas._tkcanvas, LATdata.resultsStrings + "\n" + likemsg + "\n" + localizationMessage) print(localizationMessage) return 'likexmlresults', outfilelike, 'TS', grb_TS, 'bestra', bestra, 'bestdec', bestdec, 'poserr', poserr, 'distance', distance, 'sources', sources
def downloadDirectoryWithFTP(self, address, filenames=None, namefilter=None): #Connect to the server if (address.find("ftp://") == 0): serverAddress = address.split("/")[2] directory = "/" + "/".join(address.split("/")[3:]) else: serverAddress = address.split("/")[0] directory = "/" + "/".join(address.split("/")[1:]) pass #Open FTP session try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(serverAddress, "anonymous", '', '', timeout=60) except socket.error as socketerror: raise GtBurstException( 11, "Error when connecting: %s" % os.strerror(socketerror.errno)) print("Loggin in to %s..." % serverAddress), try: ftp.login() except: #Maybe we are already logged in try: ftp.cwd('/') except: #nope! don't know what is happening raise pass pass print("done") self.makeLocalDir() try: ftp.cwd(directory) except: #Remove the empty directory just created try: os.rmdir(self.localRepository) except: pass raise GtBurstException( 5, "The remote directory %s is not accessible. This kind of data is probably not available for trigger %s, or the server is offline." % (serverAddress + directory, self.trigName)) pass if (filenames is None): filenames = [] ftp.retrlines('NLST', filenames.append) pass maxTrials = 10 #Build the window for the progress if (self.parent is None): #Do not use any graphical output root = None m1 = None else: #make a transient window root = Toplevel() root.transient(self.parent) root.grab_set() l = Label(root, text='Downloading...') l.grid(row=0, column=0) m1 = Meter(root, 500, 20, 'grey', 'blue', 0, None, None, 'white', relief='ridge', bd=3) m1.grid(row=1, column=0) m1.set(0.0, 'Download started...') l2 = Label(root, text='Total progress:') l2.grid(row=2, column=0) m2 = Meter(root, 500, 20, 'grey', 'blue', 0, None, None, 'white', relief='ridge', bd=3) m2.grid(row=3, column=0) m2.set(0.0, 'Download started...') pass for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): if (namefilter is not None and filename.find(namefilter) < 0): #Filename does not match, do not download it continue if (root is not None): m2.set((float(i)) / len(filenames)) skip = False if (not self.getCSPEC): if (filename.find("cspec") >= 0): skip = True if (not self.getTTE): if (filename.find("tte") >= 0): skip = True if (not self.getRSP): if (filename.find("rsp") >= 0): skip = True if (not self.getCTIME): if (filename.find("ctime") >= 0): skip = True pass #if(filename.find(".pdf")>0 or filename.find("gif") >0 or filename.find(".png")>0): # skip = (not self.minimal) if (skip): print("Skipping %s ..." % (filename)) continue else: print("Retrieving %s ..." % (filename)), if (root is not None): l['text'] = "Downloading %s..." % filename done = False local_filename = os.path.join(self.localRepository, filename) while (done == False): try: f = open(local_filename, 'wb') except: raise IOError( "Could not open file %s for writing. Do you have write permission on %s?" % (local_filename, self.localRepository)) g = downloadCallback.get_size() try: ftp.dir(filename, g) totalsize = g.size #*1024 printer = downloadCallback.Callback(totalsize, f, m1) ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, printer) localSize = f.tell() f.close() if (localSize != totalsize): #This will be catched by the next "except", which will retry raise done = True except: print("\nConnection lost! Trying to reconnect...") #Reconnect f.close() try: ftp.close() except: pass ftp = ftplib.FTP(serverAddress, "anonymous", '', '', timeout=60) try: ftp.login() except: pass ftp.cwd(directory) done = False continue pass print(" done") pass ftp.close() print("\nDownload files done!") if (root is not None): m2.set(1.0) root.destroy() pass
def update(debug=False): print("Searching updates at %s..." % (remoteUrl)) #Download file_list file try: os.remove("__file_list") except: pass #now check if we have write permission in this directory try: with open("_write_test", "w+") as f: f.write("TEST") except: raise GtBurstException( 1, "The updater cannot write in directory %s. Do you have write permission there?" % (os.getcwd())) else: os.remove("_write_test") urllib.urlcleanup() try: urllib.urlretrieve("%s/__file_list" % remoteUrl, "__file_list") except socket.timeout: raise GtBurstException( 11, "Time out when connecting to %s. Check your internet connection, then retry" % (remoteUrl)) except: raise GtBurstException( 1, "Problems with the download. Check your connection, and that you can reach %s" % (remoteUrl)) pass #Read the list of files f = open('__file_list') files = f.readlines() f.close() os.remove("__file_list") #Check if there is a HTML tag in the __file_list. This can #happen if there is a proxy in between which is forwarding to #a page different than the one intended if (" ".join(files).lower().find("<html>") >= 0): raise GtBurstException( 1, "Download was redirected. This happens usually when you are behind a proxy." + " If you are behind a proxy, make sure to log in and " + "that executables from the command line can reach the internet directly." ) # First check if we need to update the updater script itself self_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) updater_line = filter(lambda x: x.find("GtBurst/") >= 0, files)[0] remote_self_md5 = updater_line.split()[0] local_self_md5 = md5.md5(open(self_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if remote_self_md5 != local_self_md5: # Need to update the updater downloadFile(updater_line.split()[-1].replace('*', ''), self_path) print("Bootstrapping new updater...") # Execute the new copy of myself :-) os.system("python %s" % self_path) print("done") return 999 #Get the path of the gtburst installation path = GtBurst.__file__ installationPath = os.path.join( os.path.sep.join(path.split(os.path.sep)[0:-3])) nUpdates = 0 for ff in files: atoms = ff.split() pathname = atoms[-1].replace('*', '') if (ff.find("__file_list") >= 0): if (debug): print("Skipping %s..." % (ff)) else: remoteMD5 = atoms[0] if (debug): print("File %s has remote MD5 checksum %s" % (pathname, remoteMD5)) #Check if the file exists in the local installation pathnameThisSys = pathname.replace("/", os.path.sep) if (pathname.find("data") == 0): #This is a data file localPath = os.path.join( data_path, pathnameThisSys.replace("data%s" % (os.path.sep), "")) else: #This is some other file localPath = os.path.join( python_path, pathnameThisSys.replace("python%s" % (os.path.sep), "")) pass if (not os.path.exists(localPath)): print( "File %s does not exist in the current installation. Creating it..." % (localPath)) #If the new file is in a new directory, the directory needs to be created try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(localPath)) except: #This will fail if the directory already exists pass downloadFile(pathname, localPath) nUpdates += 1 else: #File exists. Check the size localMD5 = md5.md5(open(localPath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if (localMD5 != remoteMD5): print("Updating %s..." % (localPath)) downloadFile(pathname, localPath) nUpdates += 1 else: if (debug): print( "NOT updating %s (local MD5: %s, remote MD5: %s)..." % (localPath, localMD5, remoteMD5)) pass pass if (debug): print("\n\n") pass pass return nUpdates