コード例 #1
# %%
KinkyExample = KinkedRconsumerType(**KinkedRdict)
KinkyExample.cycles = 0  # Make the example infinite horizon

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# An element of a $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$'s solution will have all the same attributes as that of a $\texttt{IndShockConsumerType}$; see that notebook for details.
# We can plot the consumption function of our "kinked R" example, as well as the MPC:

# %%
print("Kinked R consumption function:")
plotFuncs(KinkyExample.solution[0].cFunc, KinkyExample.solution[0].mNrmMin, 5)

print("Kinked R marginal propensity to consume:")
plotFuncsDer(KinkyExample.solution[0].cFunc, KinkyExample.solution[0].mNrmMin, 5)

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# ## Simulating the "kinked R" model
# In order to generate simulated data, an instance of $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ needs to know how many agents there are that share these particular parameters (and are thus *ex ante* homogeneous), the distribution of states for newly "born" agents, and how many periods to simulated.  These simulation parameters are described in the table below, along with example values.
# | Description | Code | Example value |
# | :---: | --- | --- |
# | Number of consumers of this type | $\texttt{AgentCount}$ | $10000$ |
# | Number of periods to simulate | $\texttt{T_sim}$ | $500$ |
# | Mean of initial log (normalized) assets | $\texttt{aNrmInitMean}$ | $-6.0$ |
# | Stdev of initial log  (normalized) assets | $\texttt{aNrmInitStd}$ | $1.0$ |
# | Mean of initial log permanent income | $\texttt{pLvlInitMean}$ | $0.0$ |
# | Stdev of initial log permanent income | $\texttt{pLvlInitStd}$ | $0.0$ |
# | Aggregrate productivity growth factor | $\texttt{PermGroFacAgg}$ | $1.0$ |
コード例 #2
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# The single-period solution to an idiosyncratic shocks consumer's problem has all of the same attributes as in the perfect foresight model, with a couple additions.  The solution can include the marginal marginal value of market resources function $\texttt{vPPfunc}$, but this is only constructed if $\texttt{CubicBool}$ is $\texttt{True}$, so that the MPC can be accurately computed; when it is $\texttt{False}$, then $\texttt{vPPfunc}$ merely returns $\texttt{NaN}$ everywhere.
# The $\texttt{solveConsIndShock}$ function calculates steady state market resources and stores it in the attribute $\texttt{mNrmSS}$.  This represents the steady state level of $m_t$ if *this period* were to occur indefinitely, but with income shocks turned off.  This is relevant in a "one period infinite horizon" model like we've specified here, but is less useful in a lifecycle model.
# Let's take a look at the consumption function by plotting it, along with its derivative (the MPC):

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print('Consumption function for an idiosyncratic shocks consumer type:')
print('Marginal propensity to consume for an idiosyncratic shocks consumer type:')

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# The lower part of the consumption function is linear with a slope of 1, representing the *constrained* part of the consumption function where the consumer *would like* to consume more by borrowing-- his marginal utility of consumption exceeds the marginal value of assets-- but he is prevented from doing so by the artificial borrowing constraint.
# The MPC is a step function, as the $\texttt{cFunc}$ itself is a piecewise linear function; note the large jump in the MPC where the borrowing constraint begins to bind.
# If you want to look at the interpolation nodes for the consumption function, these can be found by "digging into" attributes of $\texttt{cFunc}$:

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print('mNrmGrid for unconstrained cFunc is ',IndShockExample.solution[0].cFunc.functions[0].x_list)
print('cNrmGrid for unconstrained cFunc is ',IndShockExample.solution[0].cFunc.functions[0].y_list)
print('mNrmGrid for borrowing constrained cFunc is ',IndShockExample.solution[0].cFunc.functions[1].x_list)
print('cNrmGrid for borrowing constrained cFunc is ',IndShockExample.solution[0].cFunc.functions[1].y_list)

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コード例 #3
    BasicType(aXtraMax=100, aXtraCount=64)
    BasicType(vFuncBool=False, CubicBool=True)

    # Solve the basic type and plot the results, to make sure things are working
    start_time = clock()
    end_time = clock()
    print('Solving the basic consumer took ' + mystr(end_time - start_time) +
          ' seconds.')
    print('Consumption function:')
    plotFuncs(BasicType.cFunc[0], 0, 5)  # plot consumption
    print('Marginal consumption function:')
    plotFuncsDer(BasicType.cFunc[0], 0, 5)  # plot MPC
    if BasicType.vFuncBool:
        print('Value function:')
        plotFuncs(BasicType.solution[0].vFunc, 0.2, 5)

    # Make many copies of the basic type, each with a different risk aversion
    BasicType.vFuncBool = False  # just in case it was set to True above
    my_agent_list = []
    CRRA_list = np.linspace(
        1, 8, type_count)  # All the values that CRRA will take on
    for i in range(type_count):
        this_agent = deepcopy(BasicType)  # Make a new copy of the basic type
            CRRA=CRRA_list[i])  # Give it a unique CRRA value
        my_agent_list.append(this_agent)  # Addd it to the list of agent types