コード例 #1
def main():
  #if 1 > 0 :
  # declare the 2D ===> should be global variable
  model = NonResonantModel()
  # obtaining BSM/SM coeficients
  #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_A1A3A7.txt") 
  dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M_costHHSim_19-4.txt") 
  #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M.txt") 
  # now loop over events, calculate weights using the coeffitients and  plot histograms
  # We sum SM + box + the benchmarks from 2-13 
  # read the 2D histo referent to the sum of events
  #sumHAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("SumV0_AnalyticalBin")
  #histtitle= "SumV0_AnalyticalBinExt" #
  histtitle= "SumV0_AnalyticalBinExtSimCostHH" #
  sumHAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get(histtitle)
  calcSumOfWeights = model.getNormalization(kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g,histfilename,histtitle)  # this input is flexible, tatabb may have only the SM
  # print "sum of weights calculated" , calcSumOfWeights 
  # read the events
  pathBenchEvents="/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/" #"/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/" # events to reweight   
  nev = tree.GetEntries()
  # declare the histograms 
  CalcMhh = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcCost = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcPtH = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcPtHH = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcWeight = np.zeros((nev))

  CalcPtHgg = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcMhhReco = np.zeros((nev))
  CalcMXReco = np.zeros((nev))

  countevent = 0
  #for kll in range(-5,5) : model.getNormalization(kll, kt,sumHBenchBin)
  for iev in range(0,nev) :
      mhh = tree.Genmhh
      cost = tree.GenHHCost

      mhhcost= [mhh,cost,0,0] # to store [mhh , cost] of that event
      # find the Nevents from the sum of events on that bin
      bmhh = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().FindBin(mhh)
      bcost = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis().FindBin(abs(cost))
      #print (tree.GenHHCost,cost,bcost)
      effSumV0 = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(bmhh,abs(bcost))  # quantity of simulated events in that bin (without cuts)
      weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhh , cost,kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g, effSumV0 , calcSumOfWeights)   # model.effSM,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7, effSumV0) 
      # fill histograms to test
      if weight > 0: 
               #print countevent
               CalcMhh[countevent] = float(mhhcost[0]) 
               CalcCost[countevent] = float(abs(mhhcost[1])) 
               CalcPtH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[2]) 
               CalcPtHH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[3]) 
               CalcWeight[countevent] = weight 
  print "plotted histogram reweighted from ",countevent," events, ", float(100*(nev-countevent)/nev)," % of the events was lost in empty bins in SM simulation"
  print "sum of weights",sumWeight
  # Draw test histos
  drawtest =0 
  if kl == 1 and kt == 1 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 : 
     filne = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/GF_HH_0.lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM
     nevtest = 100000
     drawtest = 1 
  # BSM events
  pathBSMtest="/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/generateHH/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_toRecursive/" # events of file to superimpose a test
  # see the translation of coefficients for this last on: If you make this script smarter (to only read files we ask to test) you can implement more
  # https://github.com/acarvalh/generateHH/blob/master/fit_GF_HH_lhe/tableToFitA3andA7.txt
  if kl == -10 and kt == 0.5 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_42.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 2.25 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_9.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 2.5 and kt == 1.0 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_60.lhe.decayed"
  klJHEP=[1.0, 7.5,  1.0,  1.0,  -3.5, 1.0, 2.4, 5.0, 15.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.4, 15.0]
  ktJHEP=[1.0, 1.0,  1.0,  1.0,  1.5,  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  1.0, 1.5,  1.0, 1.0]
  c2JHEP=[0.0, -1.0, 0.5, -1.5, -3.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cgJHEP=[0.0, 0.0, 0.6,  0.0, 0.0,   0.8, 0.2, 0.2, -1.0, -0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
  c2gJHEP=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.8, 0.0, -1.0, -0.2,-0.2,  1.0,  0.6, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0]
  # python recastHH.py --kl 7.5 --kt 1 --c2 -1
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.5 --cg -0.8 --c2g 0.6
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 -1.5 --cg 0.0 --c2g -0.8
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.0 --cg 0.8 --c2g -1.0
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 1.0 --cg -0.6 --c2g 0.6
  for sam in range(0,13):
    #print (sam, ktJHEP[sam] , kt , klJHEP[sam] , c2 ,c2JHEP[sam] , cg , cgJHEP[sam] , c2g , c2gJHEP[sam])
    if kl == klJHEP[sam] and kt == ktJHEP[sam] and c2 ==c2JHEP[sam] and cg == cgJHEP[sam] and c2g ==c2gJHEP[sam] : 
       print sam
       drawtest = sam 
  CalcMhhTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcCostTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcPtHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcPtHHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))

  CalcPtHggTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcMhhRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcMXRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  if options.doPlot : 
    print "draw plain histogram to test"
コード例 #2
def main():
    model = NonResonantModel()
    # obtaining BSM/SM coeficients
    #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_A1A3A7.txt")
    #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M.txt")
    dumb = model.ReadCoefficients(
    # We sum SM + box + the benchmarks from 2-13
    # read the 2D histo referent to the sum of events
  sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H1bin2")
  SMAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H0bin2")
    fileHH = ROOT.TFile(
    )  #Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV.root") #Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root") #
    #sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H1bin3")
    histfile = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV_19-4.root"  #Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV.root" # #Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
    #histfile = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
    histtitle = "H1bin4"
    sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get(histtitle)
    SMAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H0bin4")

    #fileHHname = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
    calcSumOfWeights = model.getNormalization(
        kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, histfile,
        histtitle)  # this input is flexible, tatabb may have only the SM
    #print ("normalization is: ",calcSumOfWeights)
    #xaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis()
    #yaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis()
    #print "Sum hist ",sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsX(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsY(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.Integral(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(xaxis.GetNbins())
    #print SMAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(4,4)
    # now loop over events, calculate weights using the coeffitients and  plot histograms
    # events to reweights, in text format (for testing only)
    pathBenchEvents = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/"  # events to reweight
    # declare the histograms
    CalcMhh = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcCost = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcPtH = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcPtHgg = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcPtHH = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcWeight = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcMhhReco = np.zeros((1200000))
    CalcMXReco = np.zeros((1200000))
    # initialize tables of coefficients by bins
    # calculate mhh and cost* and find the bin
    # initialize events reading
    countline = 0
    countevent = 0
    counteventSM = 0
    # read events as text files for events to test
    # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
    # save the information of the two Higgses
    Px = np.zeros((2))
    Py = np.zeros((2))
    Pz = np.zeros((2))
    En = np.zeros((2))
    for sam in range(1, 13):  # read events from the list of 12 benchmarks
        filne = pathBenchEvents + "GF_HH_" + str(
        ) + ".lhe.decayed"  # 0 is SM = here it does not enter in the events to be reweighted in this version
        f = open(filne, 'r+')
        lines = f.readlines()  # get all lines as a list (array)
        countline = 0  # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
        for line in lines:
            model.ReadLine(line, countline, Px, Py, Pz, En)
            #print countline
            countline += 1
            mhhcost = [0, 0, 0,
                       0]  # to store [mhh , cost,ptH , ptHH] of that event
            if countline == 2:  # if read 2 lines
                model.CalculateMhhCost(mhhcost, countline, Px, Py, Pz,
                                       En)  # ==> adapt to your input
                bmhh = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().FindBin(mhhcost[0])
                bcost = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis().FindBin(abs(
                #print (mhhcost[1],bcost)
                effSumV0 = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(
                    bmhh, bcost
                )  # quantity of simulated events in that bin (without cuts)
                #weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost,kl, kt,0,model.effSM,model.effSum,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7,0)
                #print mhhcost[1],bcost
                #print effSumV0
                weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost[0], mhhcost[1], kl, kt,
                                              c2, cg, c2g, effSumV0,
                countline = 0
                # fill histograms
                if weight > 0:
                    #print countevent
                    CalcMhh[countevent] = float(mhhcost[0])
                    CalcCost[countevent] = float(mhhcost[1])
                    CalcPtH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[2])
                    CalcPtHH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[3])
                    CalcWeight[countevent] = weight
                    countevent += 1
                #else : print ("neg weight ",weight,mhhcost[0],mhhcost[1],bmhh,bcost,kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g,effSumV0,calcSumOfWeights)
    print "plotted hostogram reweighted from ", countevent, " events, ", float(
        100 * (1200000 - countevent) /
        1200000), " % of the events was lost in empty bins in SM simulation"
    print kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, "Sum of weights:", CalcWeight.sum(
    ), " correction ", calcSumOfWeights
    # Draw test histos
    drawtest = -1
    nevtest = 50000
    #if kl == 1 and kt == 1 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 :
    #   filne = pathBenchEvents+"GF_HH_0.lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM
    #   nevtest = 100000
    #   drawtest = 1
    # BSM events
    pathBSMtest = "/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/generateHH/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_toRecursive/"  # events of file to superimpose a test
    # see the translation of coefficients for this last on: If you make this script smarter (to only read files we ask to test) you can implement more
    # https://github.com/acarvalh/generateHH/blob/master/fit_GF_HH_lhe/tableToFitA3andA7.txt
    if kl == -10 and kt == 0.5 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_42.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 2.25 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_9.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 1.0 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_4.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 2.5 and kt == 1.0 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_60.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == -15 and kt == 0.5 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_40.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 5 and kt == 1.5 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_74.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 7.5 and kt == 2.0 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_88.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 0.0001 and c2 == -3.0 and cg == 0.0 and c2g == -1.5:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_281.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == -10 and kt == 0.0 and c2 == 1.0 and cg == 1.0 and c2g == 1.0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_280.lhe.decayed"
    klJHEP = [
        1.0, 7.5, 1.0, 1.0, -3.5, 1.0, 2.4, 5.0, 15.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.4, 15.0
    ktJHEP = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0]
    c2JHEP = [
        0.0, -1.0, 0.5, -1.5, -3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
    cgJHEP = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.2, -1.0, -0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    c2gJHEP = [
        0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.8, 0.0, -1.0, -0.2, -0.2, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    # python recastHH.py --kl 7.5 --kt 1 --c2 -1
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.5 --cg -0.8 --c2g 0.6
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 -1.5 --cg 0.0 --c2g -0.8
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.0 --cg 0.8 --c2g -1.0
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 1.0 --cg -0.6 --c2g 0.6
    for sam in range(0, 13):
        #print (sam, ktJHEP[sam] , kt , klJHEP[sam] , c2 ,c2JHEP[sam] , cg , cgJHEP[sam] , c2g , c2gJHEP[sam])
        if kl == klJHEP[sam] and kt == ktJHEP[sam] and c2 == c2JHEP[
                sam] and cg == cgJHEP[sam] and c2g == c2gJHEP[sam]:
            print sam
            filne = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/GF_HH_" + str(
                sam) + ".lhe.decayed"
            nevtest = 100000
            drawtest = sam

    CalcMhhTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcCostTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcPtHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcPtHHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcPtHggTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcMhhRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcMXRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    if options.doPlot and drawtest > 0:
        print "draw plain histogram to test"
        model.LoadTestEvents(CalcMhhTest, CalcCostTest, CalcPtHTest,
                             CalcPtHHTest, filne)
    model.plotting(kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, CalcMhh, CalcCost, CalcPtHgg, CalcPtHH,
                   CalcMhhReco, CalcMXReco, CalcWeight, CalcMhhTest,
                   CalcCostTest, CalcPtHggTest, CalcPtHHTest, CalcMhhRecoTest,
                   CalcMXRecoTest, drawtest)
コード例 #3
def main():
    #if 1 > 0 :
    # declare the 2D ===> should be global variable
    model = NonResonantModel()
    # obtaining BSM/SM coeficients
    #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_A1A3A7.txt")
    dumb = model.ReadCoefficients(
    #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M.txt")
    counteventSM = 0
    sumWeight = 0
    # now loop over events, calculate weights using the coeffitients and  plot histograms
    # We sum SM + box + the benchmarks from 2-13
    # read the 2D histo referent to the sum of events
    #sumHAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("SumV0_AnalyticalBin")
    histfilename = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/HistSum2D_4b_rebin_SimCostHH_19-4.root"
    #histtitle= "SumV0_AnalyticalBinExt" #
    histtitle = "SumV0_AnalyticalBinExtSimCostHH"  #
    fileHH = ROOT.TFile(histfilename)
    sumHAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get(histtitle)
    calcSumOfWeights = model.getNormalization(
        kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, histfilename,
        histtitle)  # this input is flexible, tatabb may have only the SM
    # print "sum of weights calculated" , calcSumOfWeights
    # read the events
    pathBenchEvents = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/"  #"/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/" # events to reweight
    file = ROOT.TFile(pathBenchEvents + "events_SumV0.root")
    tree = file.Get("treeout")
    nev = tree.GetEntries()
    # declare the histograms
    CalcMhh = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcCost = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcPtH = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcPtHH = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcWeight = np.zeros((nev))

    CalcPtHgg = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcMhhReco = np.zeros((nev))
    CalcMXReco = np.zeros((nev))

    countevent = 0
    #for kll in range(-5,5) : model.getNormalization(kll, kt,sumHBenchBin)
    for iev in range(0, nev):
        mhh = tree.Genmhh
        cost = tree.GenHHCost

        mhhcost = [mhh, cost, 0, 0]  # to store [mhh , cost] of that event
        # find the Nevents from the sum of events on that bin
        bmhh = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().FindBin(mhh)
        bcost = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis().FindBin(abs(cost))
        #print (tree.GenHHCost,cost,bcost)
        effSumV0 = sumHAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(bmhh, abs(
            bcost))  # quantity of simulated events in that bin (without cuts)
        weight = model.getScaleFactor(
            mhh, cost, kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, effSumV0, calcSumOfWeights
        )  # model.effSM,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7, effSumV0)
        # fill histograms to test
        if weight > 0:
            #print countevent
            CalcMhh[countevent] = float(mhhcost[0])
            CalcCost[countevent] = float(abs(mhhcost[1]))
            CalcPtH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[2])
            CalcPtHH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[3])
            CalcWeight[countevent] = weight
            countevent += 1
            sumWeight += weight
    print "plotted histogram reweighted from ", countevent, " events, ", float(
        100 * (nev - countevent) /
        nev), " % of the events was lost in empty bins in SM simulation"
    print "sum of weights", sumWeight
    # Draw test histos
    drawtest = 0
    nevtest = 50000
    if kl == 1 and kt == 1 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        filne = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/GF_HH_0.lhe.decayed"  # 0 is SM
        nevtest = 100000
        drawtest = 1
    # BSM events
    pathBSMtest = "/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/generateHH/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_toRecursive/"  # events of file to superimpose a test
    # see the translation of coefficients for this last on: If you make this script smarter (to only read files we ask to test) you can implement more
    # https://github.com/acarvalh/generateHH/blob/master/fit_GF_HH_lhe/tableToFitA3andA7.txt
    if kl == -10 and kt == 0.5 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_42.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 2.25 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_9.lhe.decayed"
    if kl == 2.5 and kt == 1.0 and c2 == 0 and cg == 0 and c2g == 0:
        drawtest = 1
        filne = pathBSMtest + "GF_HH_60.lhe.decayed"
    klJHEP = [
        1.0, 7.5, 1.0, 1.0, -3.5, 1.0, 2.4, 5.0, 15.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.4, 15.0
    ktJHEP = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0]
    c2JHEP = [
        0.0, -1.0, 0.5, -1.5, -3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
    cgJHEP = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.2, -1.0, -0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    c2gJHEP = [
        0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.8, 0.0, -1.0, -0.2, -0.2, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    # python recastHH.py --kl 7.5 --kt 1 --c2 -1
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.5 --cg -0.8 --c2g 0.6
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 -1.5 --cg 0.0 --c2g -0.8
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.0 --cg 0.8 --c2g -1.0
    # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 1.0 --cg -0.6 --c2g 0.6
    for sam in range(0, 13):
        #print (sam, ktJHEP[sam] , kt , klJHEP[sam] , c2 ,c2JHEP[sam] , cg , cgJHEP[sam] , c2g , c2gJHEP[sam])
        if kl == klJHEP[sam] and kt == ktJHEP[sam] and c2 == c2JHEP[
                sam] and cg == cgJHEP[sam] and c2g == c2gJHEP[sam]:
            print sam
            filne = "/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/GF_HH_" + str(
                sam) + ".lhe.decayed"
            nevtest = 100000
            drawtest = sam
    CalcMhhTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcCostTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcPtHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcPtHHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))

    CalcPtHggTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcMhhRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    CalcMXRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
    if options.doPlot:
        print "draw plain histogram to test"
        model.LoadTestEvents(CalcMhhTest, CalcCostTest, CalcPtHTest,
                             CalcPtHHTest, filne)
        model.plotting(kl, kt, c2, cg, c2g, CalcMhh, CalcCost, CalcPtHgg,
                       CalcPtHH, CalcMhhReco, CalcMXReco, CalcWeight,
                       CalcMhhTest, CalcCostTest, CalcPtHggTest, CalcPtHHTest,
                       CalcMhhRecoTest, CalcMXRecoTest, drawtest)
コード例 #4
def main():
  model = NonResonantModel()
  # obtaining BSM/SM coeficients
  #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_A1A3A7.txt") 
  #dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M.txt") 
  dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_extended_3M_costHHSim_19-4.txt") 
  # We sum SM + box + the benchmarks from 2-13 
  # read the 2D histo referent to the sum of events
  sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H1bin2")
  SMAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H0bin2")
  fileHH=ROOT.TFile("../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV_19-4.root") #Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV.root") #Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root") #
  #sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H1bin3")
  histfile = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV_19-4.root" #Distros_5p_SM3M_sumBenchJHEP_13TeV.root" # #Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
  #histfile = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
  histtitle = "H1bin4"
  sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get(histtitle)
  SMAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H0bin4")
  #fileHHname = "../../../Analysis/Support/NonResonant/Distros_5p_SM3M_rebin_sumBenchJHEP_5D_13TeV.root"
  calcSumOfWeights = model.getNormalization(kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g,histfile,histtitle)  # this input is flexible, tatabb may have only the SM
  #print ("normalization is: ",calcSumOfWeights)
  #xaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis()
  #yaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis()
  #print "Sum hist ",sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsX(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsY(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.Integral(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(xaxis.GetNbins())
  #print SMAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(4,4)
  # now loop over events, calculate weights using the coeffitients and  plot histograms
  # events to reweights, in text format (for testing only)
  pathBenchEvents="/eos/user/a/acarvalh/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_BSM/" # events to reweight
  # declare the histograms 
  CalcMhh = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcCost = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcPtH = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcPtHgg = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcPtHH = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcWeight = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcMhhReco = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcMXReco = np.zeros((1200000))
  # initialize tables of coefficients by bins
  # calculate mhh and cost* and find the bin
  # initialize events reading 
  # read events as text files for events to test 
  # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
  # save the information of the two Higgses
  Px = np.zeros((2)) 
  Py = np.zeros((2)) 
  Pz = np.zeros((2)) 
  En = np.zeros((2))  
  for sam in  range(1,13): # read events from the list of 12 benchmarks
       filne = pathBenchEvents+"GF_HH_"+str(sam)+".lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM = here it does not enter in the events to be reweighted in this version
       f = open(filne, 'r+')
       lines = f.readlines() # get all lines as a list (array)
       countline = 0 # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
       for line in  lines:
          model.ReadLine(line, countline,Px,Py,Pz,En)
          #print countline
          mhhcost= [0,0,0,0] # to store [mhh , cost,ptH , ptHH] of that event
          if countline==2 : # if read 2 lines 
            model.CalculateMhhCost(mhhcost,countline,Px,Py,Pz,En) # ==> adapt to your input 
            bmhh = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().FindBin(mhhcost[0])
            bcost = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis().FindBin(abs(mhhcost[1]))
            #print (mhhcost[1],bcost)
            effSumV0 = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(bmhh,bcost)  # quantity of simulated events in that bin (without cuts)
            #weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost,kl, kt,0,model.effSM,model.effSum,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7,0)  
            #print mhhcost[1],bcost
            #print effSumV0
            weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost[0],mhhcost[1],kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g, effSumV0,calcSumOfWeights) 
            # fill histograms
            if weight > 0: 
               #print countevent
               CalcMhh[countevent] = float(mhhcost[0]) 
               CalcCost[countevent] = float(mhhcost[1]) 
               CalcPtH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[2]) 
               CalcPtHH[countevent] = float(mhhcost[3]) 
               CalcWeight[countevent] = weight 
            #else : print ("neg weight ",weight,mhhcost[0],mhhcost[1],bmhh,bcost,kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g,effSumV0,calcSumOfWeights)
  print "plotted hostogram reweighted from ",countevent," events, ", float(100*(1200000-countevent)/1200000)," % of the events was lost in empty bins in SM simulation"
  print kl, kt,c2,cg,c2g, "Sum of weights:", CalcWeight.sum()," correction ",calcSumOfWeights
  # Draw test histos
  drawtest =-1 
  #if kl == 1 and kt == 1 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 : 
  #   filne = pathBenchEvents+"GF_HH_0.lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM
  #   nevtest = 100000
  #   drawtest = 1 
  # BSM events
  pathBSMtest="/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/generateHH/asciiHH_tofit/GF_HH_toRecursive/" # events of file to superimpose a test
  # see the translation of coefficients for this last on: If you make this script smarter (to only read files we ask to test) you can implement more
  # https://github.com/acarvalh/generateHH/blob/master/fit_GF_HH_lhe/tableToFitA3andA7.txt
  if kl == -10 and kt == 0.5 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_42.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 2.25 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_9.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 1.0 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_4.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 2.5 and kt == 1.0 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_60.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == -15 and kt == 0.5 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_40.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 5 and kt == 1.5 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_74.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 7.5 and kt == 2.0 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_88.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 0.0001 and c2 ==-3.0 and cg == 0.0 and c2g ==-1.5  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_281.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == -10 and kt == 0.0 and c2 ==1.0 and cg == 1.0 and c2g ==1.0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_280.lhe.decayed"
  klJHEP=[1.0, 7.5,  1.0,  1.0,  -3.5, 1.0, 2.4, 5.0, 15.0, 1.0, 10.0, 2.4, 15.0]
  ktJHEP=[1.0, 1.0,  1.0,  1.0,  1.5,  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  1.0, 1.5,  1.0, 1.0]
  c2JHEP=[0.0, -1.0, 0.5, -1.5, -3.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  cgJHEP=[0.0, 0.0, 0.6,  0.0, 0.0,   0.8, 0.2, 0.2, -1.0, -0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
  c2gJHEP=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.8, 0.0, -1.0, -0.2,-0.2,  1.0,  0.6, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0]
  # python recastHH.py --kl 7.5 --kt 1 --c2 -1
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.5 --cg -0.8 --c2g 0.6
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 -1.5 --cg 0.0 --c2g -0.8
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 0.0 --cg 0.8 --c2g -1.0
  # python recastHH.py --kl 1.0 --kt 1.0 --c2 1.0 --cg -0.6 --c2g 0.6
  for sam in range(0,13):
    #print (sam, ktJHEP[sam] , kt , klJHEP[sam] , c2 ,c2JHEP[sam] , cg , cgJHEP[sam] , c2g , c2gJHEP[sam])
    if kl == klJHEP[sam] and kt == ktJHEP[sam] and c2 ==c2JHEP[sam] and cg == cgJHEP[sam] and c2g ==c2gJHEP[sam] : 
       print sam
       drawtest = sam 

  CalcMhhTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcCostTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcPtHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcPtHHTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcPtHggTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcMhhRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcMXRecoTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  if options.doPlot and drawtest >0 : 
     print "draw plain histogram to test"
コード例 #5
def main():
  model = NonResonantModel()
  # obtaining BSM/SM coeficients
  dumb = model.ReadCoefficients("../data/coefficientsByBin_klkt.txt",model.effSM,model.effSum,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7) 
  # We sum SM + box + the benchmarks from 2-13 
  # read the 2D histo referent to the sum of events
  sumJHEPAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H1bin2")
  SMAnalyticalBin = fileHH.Get("H0bin2")
  xaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis()
  yaxis = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis()
  print "Sum hist ",sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsX(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetNbinsY(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.Integral(),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1),sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(xaxis.GetNbins())
  #print SMAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(4,4)
  # now loop over events, calculate weights using the coeffitients and  plot histograms
  # events to reweights, in text format (for testing only)
  pathBenchEvents="/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/public/toAnamika/GF_HH_BSM/" # events to reweight
  # declare the histograms 
  CalcMhh = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcCost = np.zeros((1200000))
  CalcWeight = np.zeros((1200000))
  # initialize tables of coefficients by bins
  # calculate mhh and cost* and find the bin
  # initialize events reading 
  # read events as text files for events to test 
  # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
  # save the information of the two Higgses
  Px = np.zeros((2)) 
  Py = np.zeros((2)) 
  Pz = np.zeros((2)) 
  En = np.zeros((2))  
  for sam in  range(1,13): # read events from the list of 12 benchmarks
       filne = pathBenchEvents+"GF_HH_"+str(sam)+".lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM = here it does not enter in the events to be reweighted in this version
       f = open(filne, 'r+')
       lines = f.readlines() # get all lines as a list (array)
       countline = 0 # particuliarity of the text file with events = each 2 lines are one event there
       for line in  lines:
          model.ReadLine(line, countline,Px,Py,Pz,En)
          #print countline
          mhhcost= [0,0] # to store [mhh , cost] of that event
          if countline==2 : # if read 2 lines 
            model.CalculateMhhCost(mhhcost,countline,Px,Py,Pz,En) # ==> adapt to your input 
            bmhh = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetXaxis().FindBin(mhhcost[0])
            bcost = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetYaxis().FindBin(mhhcost[1])
            effSumV0 = sumJHEPAnalyticalBin.GetBinContent(bmhh,bcost)  # quantity of simulated events in that bin (without cuts)
            #weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost,kl, kt,0,model.effSM,model.effSum,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7,0)  
            #print mhhcost[1],bcost
            #print effSumV0
            weight = model.getScaleFactor(mhhcost,kl, kt,model.effSM,model.MHH,model.COSTS,model.A1,model.A3,model.A7,effSumV0)  
            # fill histograms
            if weight > 0: 
               #print countevent
               CalcMhh[countevent] = float(mhhcost[0]) 
               CalcCost[countevent] = float(mhhcost[1]) 
               CalcWeight[countevent] = weight 
  print "plotted hostogram reweighted from ",countevent," events, ", float(100*(1200000-countevent)/1200000)," % of the events was lost in empty bins in SM simulation"
  # Draw test histos
  drawtest =0 
  if kl == 1 and kt == 1 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 : 
     filne = pathBenchEvents+"GF_HH_0.lhe.decayed"    # 0 is SM
     nevtest = 100000
     drawtest = 1 
  # BSM events
  pathBSMtest="/afs/cern.ch/work/a/acarvalh/public/toAnamika/GF_HH_toRecursive/" # events of file to superimpose a test
  # see the translation of coefficients for this last on: If you make this script smarter (to only read files we ask to test) you can implement more
  # https://github.com/acarvalh/generateHH/blob/master/fit_GF_HH_lhe/tableToFitA3andA7.txt
  if kl == -10 and kt == 0.5 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0 :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_42.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 0.0001 and kt == 2.25 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_9.lhe.decayed"
  if kl == 2.5 and kt == 1.0 and c2 ==0 and cg == 0 and c2g ==0  :
     drawtest =1
     filne = pathBSMtest+"GF_HH_60.lhe.decayed"
  CalcMhhTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  CalcCostTest = np.zeros((nevtest))
  if drawtest ==1 :
     print "draw plain histogram to test"