def __init__(self, chain, new_chain, is_reco_level=True, **kwargs): self.chain = chain self.new_chain = new_chain self.chain.strategy = kwargs.get('strategy') self.chain.region = kwargs.get('region') self.chain.selection = kwargs.get('selection') self.additional_options = kwargs.get('additional_options', None) self.chain.obj_sel = getObjectSelection(self.chain.selection) self.event_category = EventCategory(self.chain) self.event_selector = EventSelector( self.chain.region, self.chain, self.new_chain, is_reco_level=is_reco_level, event_categorization=self.event_category, additional_options=self.additional_options)
max_events = 20000 event_range = xrange(max_events) if max_events < len( sample.getEventRange(args.subJob)) else sample.getEventRange( args.subJob) else: event_range = sample.getEventRange(args.subJob) # # Get luminosity weight # from HNL.Weights.lumiweight import LumiWeight lw = LumiWeight(sample, sample_manager) from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory try: ec = EventCategory(chain) except: ec = None # # Define event selection # event = Event(chain, chain, is_reco_level=True, selection=args.selection, strategy='MVA', region=region_to_select) # # Create fake rate objects
eventRange = xrange(20000) else: eventRange = sample.getEventRange(int(args.subJob)) from HNL.Tools.helpers import progress def getSortKey(item): return item[0] from HNL.EventSelection.eventSelector import EventSelector from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory, filterSuperCategory from HNL.EventSelection.signalLeptonMatcher import SignalLeptonMatcher slm = SignalLeptonMatcher(chain) ec = EventCategory(chain) es = EventSelector('baseline', chain, chain, is_reco_level=False, event_categorization=ec) # # Create cutter to provide cut flow # from HNL.EventSelection.cutter import Cutter cutter = Cutter(chain=chain) #Loop over events for entry in eventRange:
if args.removeOverlap: if 'DYJets' in and chain._zgEventType>=3: continue if == 'ZG' and chain._hasInternalConversion: continue if args.genSkim: if not select3GenLeptons(chain, new_vars): continue elif not args.oldAnalysisSkim: # if not select3Leptons(chain, new_vars, light_algo=args.lightLeptonSelection, tau_algo=args.tauSelection): continue select3Leptons(chain, new_vars, light_algo=args.lightLeptonSelection, tau_algo=args.tauSelection, workingpoint = 'loose') if len(chain.leptons) < 3: continue else: select3Leptons(chain, new_vars, light_algo='cutbased', workingpoint = 'tight', no_tau = True, cutter = cutter) if len(chain.leptons) < 3: continue ec = EventCategory(new_vars) c = ec.returnCategory() new_vars.event_category = c print 'calcing' calculateGeneralVariables(chain, new_vars, is_reco_level=not args.genSkim) calculateThreeLepVariables(chain, new_vars, is_reco_level=not args.genSkim) new_vars.lumiweight = lw.getLumiWeight() output_tree.Fill() # print output_name.split('.')[-1]+'_cutflow.root' # cutter.saveCutFlow(output_name.split('.')[-1]+'_cutflow.root') output_tree.AutoSave() #if hcounter is not None:
if args.separateTriggers is not None: output_name += '/'+args.separateTriggers if args.isChild: output_name += '/tmp_'+sample.output if args.useRef: output_name += '/'+ +'_TrigEff_' +subjobAppendix+ '.root' else: output_name += '/'+ +'_TrigEffnoMET_' +subjobAppendix+ '.root' return output_name # # Define histograms # Could these lists could have been done in a nicer way but since the wanted lepton is different for different var, I was too lazy for now. Redo later if needed # (channel, dim) from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory, returnCategoryTriggerNames, returnCategoryTriggers ec = EventCategory(chain) categories = ec.categories category_triggers = lambda chain, category : returnCategoryTriggers(chain, category) #First if keeps old code for reference # if args.ignoreCategories: # category_map = {('eee', '1D') : ['integral'], # ('eee', '2D') : ['integral'], # ('eemu', '1D') : ('15to30', '30to55'), # ('eemu', '2D') : ('15to20', '20to25', '25to30', '30to40', '40to50', '55to100'), # ('emumu', '1D') : ('15to30', '30to55'), # ('emumu', '2D') : ('15to20', '20to25', '25to30', '30to40', '40to50', '55to100'), # ('mumumu', '1D') : ['integral'], # ('mumumu', '2D') : ['integral']} # var = {('pt', '1D') : (lambda c : c._lPt[c.l3], np.arange(5., 40., 5.), ('p_{T}(trailing) [GeV]', 'Events')),
output_name += '/tmp_'+args.flavor if args.baselineCut is None: output_name += '/'+ +'_signalSelection-noFilter_' +subjobAppendix+ '.root' else: output_name += '/'+ +'_signalSelection-'+args.baselineCut+'_' +subjobAppendix+ '.root' # # Calculate the range for the histograms. These are as a function of the mass of the signal samples. # This function looks at the names of all samples and returns an array with all values right the middle of those # It assumes the samples are ordered by mass in the input list # mass_range = getMassRange([sample_name for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names if '-'+args.flavor+'-' in sample_name]) from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory ec = EventCategory(chain) # # Define the variables and axis name of the variable to fill and create efficiency objects # var = {'HNLmass': (lambda c : c.HNLmass, np.array(mass_range), ('m_{N} [GeV]', 'Events'))} efficiency = createEfficiencies(output_name, ec.categories, var) # # Set event range # if args.isTest: max_events = 20000 event_range = xrange(max_events) if max_events < len(sample.getEventRange(args.subJob)) else sample.getEventRange(args.subJob) else: event_range = sample.getEventRange(args.subJob)
sample.getEventRange(args.subJob)) else sample.getEventRange( args.subJob) else: event_range = sample.getEventRange(args.subJob) chain.HNLmass = sample.getMass() chain.year = int(args.year) # # Get luminosity weight # from HNL.Weights.lumiweight import LumiWeight lw = LumiWeight(sample, sample_manager, skimmed=not args.noskim) from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory ec = EventCategory(chain) # # Object ID param # if args.selection == 'AN2017014': object_selection_param = { 'no_tau': True, 'light_algo': 'cutbased', 'workingpoint': 'tight' } else: object_selection_param = { 'no_tau': False, 'light_algo': 'leptonMVAtop', 'workingpoint': 'medium'
args.subJob) else: event_range = xrange(chain.GetEntries()) chain.HNLmass = float('-', 1)[1]) if is_signal else None chain.year = int(args.year) # # Loop over all events # from HNL.Tools.helpers import progress from HNL.EventSelection.eventSelectionTools import select3Leptons from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory from HNL.ObjectSelection.tauSelector import isGoodTau from HNL.ObjectSelection.leptonSelector import isGoodLepton ec = EventCategory(chain) for entry in event_range: chain.GetEntry(entry) progress(entry - event_range[0], len(event_range)) #if not select3GenLeptons(chain, chain): continue #chain.event_supercategory = ec.returnSuperCategory() #if chain.event_supercategory > 2: continue #Add here any additional cuts list_of_numbers['total'] += 1 chain.leptons = [ l for l in xrange(chain._nLight) if isGoodLepton(chain, l, 'tight')
else: event_range = sample.getEventRange(args.subJob) chain.HNLmass = sample.getMass() chain.year = int(args.year) # # Get luminosity weight # from HNL.Weights.lumiweight import LumiWeight if args.noskim: lw = LumiWeight(sample, sample_manager) from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory ec = EventCategory(chain) list_of_numbers = {} for c in listOfCategories(): list_of_numbers[c] = {} for sr in xrange(1, srm.getNumberOfSearchRegions()+1): list_of_numbers[c][sr] = Histogram('_'.join([str(c), str(sr)]), lambda c: 0.5, ('', 'Events'), np.arange(0., 2., 1.)) subjobAppendix = 'subJob' + args.subJob if args.subJob else '' selection_str = 'OldSel' if args.oldAnalysisCuts else 'NewCuts' mass_str = 'allMass' if args.massRegion is None else args.massRegion if not args.isTest: output_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', __file__.split('.')[0], selection_str, mass_str, sample.output) else: output_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', 'testArea', __file__.split('.')[0], selection_str, mass_str, sample.output)