コード例 #1
def importClassFromModuleString(s, verbose=False):

    if isinstance(s,str):
        s = s.strip()

        if(s[0] == "{"):
            # json string
            s = cF.jsonParse(s)
            if verbose:
                print("Load class: %s in module: %s" % (s["className"],s["moduleName"]) )
            return importClassFromModule(**s)

        # normal string e.g.: JobGenerator.jobGenerators.jobGeneratorMPI.RigidBodySim
        comps = s.split(".")
        clName =  comps[-1]
        mdName = ".".join(comps[0:-1])

        if verbose:
          print("Load class: %s in module: %s" % (clName,mdName) )

        return importClassFromModule(moduleName=mdName,className=clName)

    elif isinstance(s,dict):

        if verbose:
          print("Load class: %s in module: %s" % (s["className"],s["moduleName"]) )

        return importClassFromModule(**s)

      raise NameError("Could no load module by string: %s" % s)
コード例 #2
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: gabyx/HPCJobConfigurator
    def __checkConfig(self, interact):

        # expand global and local dirs

        if not path.exists(self.cTemplates.startJob):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Start Script template %s does not exist!" % self.cTemplates.startJob)
        if not path.exists(self.cTemplates.preProcessPerNode):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Start Script template %s does not exist!" % self.cTemplates.preProcessPerNode)
        if not path.exists(self.cTemplates.processPerCore):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Start Script template %s does not exist!" % self.cTemplates.processPerCore)
        if not path.exists(self.cTemplates.postProcessPerNode):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Start Script template %s does not exist!" % self.cTemplates.postProcessPerNode)
        if not path.exists(self.cTemplates.endJob):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Start Script template %s does not exist!" % self.cTemplates.endJob)

        if self.cJob.copyLocation and not path.exists(self.cJob.copyLocation):
            raise CE.MyValueError("Copy location %s does not exist!" % self.cJob.copyLocation)

        cF.checkNotExisting(self.cJob.globalDir, interact=interact, name="Global dir")

        # add no tar command if not tarCommandToGlobalDir is not specified
        if "tarCommandToGlobalDir" not in self.cJob:
            self.cJob["tarCommandToGlobalDir"] = ""

        if "pathChecker" in self.cJob:
            pathChecker = cF.jsonParse(self.cJob.pathChecker)
            pathChecker = cF.flatten(pathChecker)
            for s in pathChecker:
                if not os.path.exists(s) or not os.path.lexists(s):
                    raise CE.MyValueError("file: %s does not exist!" % s)

        # check executbles with which and return correct path
        if "executableChecker" in self.cJob:
            execCheck = cF.jsonParse(self.cJob.executableChecker)
            for varAccess, ex in execCheck:
                exec("self.configDict" + varAccess + "= cF.checkExecutable(ex)")
コード例 #3
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: gabyx/HPCJobConfigurator
    def writeTemplates(self , generator, configDicts ):

        # iterate over all template strings
        for k,templ in self.cTemplates.items():
            # get output file
            outFile = self.cTemplatesOut[k]
            # interprete the string as a json string if the first character is a {
            # { "inputFile" : "?" , "outputFile": "??" , "configurator" : "??" }
            # otherwise it is intrepreted as a inputFile which is configurated with the standart 
            # configurator which replaces strings and the output goes into the Job:scriptDir
            # where the file is made executable
            templ = templ.strip()
            configurator = None
            if templ and templ[0] == "{":
                templ = cF.jsonParse(templ)
                settings = {}
                if "settings" in templ:
                    settings = templ["settings"]
                inFile = templ["inputFile"]
                configurator = templ["configurator"] # jobConfigurator.generatorRigidBody.adjuster or what ever
                # only load each configurator once
                configuratorHash = self.makeConfiguratorHash(**configurator)
                 # load the special configurator if not loaded yet
                if configuratorHash not in self.templateConfigurators:
                    print("Instantiate configurator: " , configurator )
                    moduleType, classType = iH.importClassFromModule(**configurator)
                    self.templateConfigurators[configuratorHash] = classType({"commonFunctions":cF,"importHelpers":iH}) # make instance (hand over modules)

                configuratorFunc = self.templateConfigurators[configuratorHash];
                # configure file
                configuratorFunc(generator, inFile, outFile, self.configDict, configDicts, **settings )
                # use standart dictionary adjuster as default
                inFile = templ
                #configure file
                self.defaultTemplateConfigurator(generator,inFile, outFile, self.configDict, configDicts, verbose=self.cCluster.verbose, makeExecutable=True)