def render_GET(self, request): HashTableNew.HashTable.do_clean_up() start = time.clock() info_hash_lst = [] if 'info_hash' in request.args: info_hash_lst = request.args['info_hash'] else: return bencode_faild_str('Mising info_hash') ret = {} for info_hash in info_hash_lst: peers_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_peers_count(info_hash) seeders_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_seeders_count(info_hash) leechers_cnt = peers_cnt - seeders_cnt completed_cnt = HashTable.get_completed_by_info_hash(info_hash) info_table = {"complete": seeders_cnt, "downloaded": completed_cnt, "incomplete": leechers_cnt} ret.update({info_hash:info_table}) ret = {'files': ret} ret = bencode.bencode(ret) end = time.clock() logging.debug('process scrape query at:%lf' % (end-start)) Config.process_scrape_query_at = end-start return ret
def render_GET(self, request): HashTableNew.HashTable.do_clean_up() start = time.clock() info_hash_lst = [] if 'info_hash' in request.args: info_hash_lst = request.args['info_hash'] else: return bencode_faild_str('Mising info_hash') ret = {} for info_hash in info_hash_lst: peers_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_peers_count(info_hash) seeders_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_seeders_count(info_hash) leechers_cnt = peers_cnt - seeders_cnt completed_cnt = HashTable.get_completed_by_info_hash(info_hash) info_table = { "complete": seeders_cnt, "downloaded": completed_cnt, "incomplete": leechers_cnt } ret.update({info_hash: info_table}) ret = {'files': ret} ret = bencode.bencode(ret) end = time.clock() logging.debug('process scrape query at:%lf' % (end - start)) Config.process_scrape_query_at = end - start return ret
def render_GET(self, request): HashTableNew.HashTable.do_clean_up() # print request.uri start = time.clock() # ipv6ip = None client = request.client if isinstance(client, address.IPv4Address): socketIp = # notice if use ipv6 couldn't get real ipv4 ip # elif isinstance(client, address.IPv6Address): # ipv6ip = # if ipv6ip is None: ipv6ip = self.get_argument(request, "ipv6") ip = self.get_argument(request, "ip") info_hash = self.get_argument(request, "info_hash") peer_id = self.get_argument(request, "peer_id") key = self.get_argument(request, "key") port = self.get_argument(request, "port") ipv6port = None downloaded = self.get_argument(request, "downloaded", 0) uploaded = self.get_argument(request, "uploaded", 0) left = self.get_argument(request, "left", 0) passkey = self.get_argument(request, "passkey") event = self.get_argument(request, "event", "") numwant = self.get_argument(request, "numwant", 50) if Config.PRIVETE_TRACKER: if passkey is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing passkey") # check argments if info_hash is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing info_hash") if len(info_hash) != 20: return bencode_faild_str("Valid info_hash") if peer_id is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing peer_id") if len(peer_id) != 20: return bencode_faild_str("Valid peer_id") if port is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing port") if len(port) > 5: return bencode_faild_str("Valid port") if ip is not None and len(ip) > 15: # return bencode_faild_str('Valid ip') ip = None if ipv6ip is not None and len(ipv6ip) > 37: # [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]:00000 ipv6ip = None downloaded = self.str2long(downloaded) uploaded = self.str2long(uploaded) left = self.str2long(left) numwant = self.str2int(numwant) if downloaded is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing downloaded") if uploaded is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing uploaded") if left is None: return bencode_faild_str("Missing left") if numwant is None: return bencode_faild_str("Valid numwant") if numwant > 100: numwant = 100 # bep_0007 if ipv6ip is not None: if ipv6ip[0] == "[": pos = ipv6ip.rfind("]:") if pos != -1: # [::]:0 ipv6port = ipv6ip[pos + 2 :] ipv6ip = ipv6ip[0 : pos + 1] else: # [::] ipv6port = port else: #:: ipv6ip = "[" + ipv6ip + "]" ipv6port = port ret_ipv6 = False if ipv6ip is not None: if ipv6ip[1:6].lower() != "fe80:": ret_ipv6 = True if socketIp is None: # ipv6 socket ret_ipv6 = True if event is None or event == "": # some client event=& p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) p.update( socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey ) if event == "completed": p = HashTable.find_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) HashTable.add_completed_by_info_hash(info_hash) p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) p.update( socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey ) if event == "started": # pt need process something else p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) p.update( socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey ) p.uploaded_first = uploaded p.downloaded_first = downloaded p.left_first = left elif event == "stopped": HashTable.remove_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) if event == "stopped": peers = "" else: peers = HashTable.find_peers_by_info_hash(info_hash) peers = self.generate_peer_list(peers, numwant, ret_ipv6) peers_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_peers_count(info_hash) seeders_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_seeders_count(info_hash) leechers_cnt = peers_cnt - seeders_cnt ret = { "interval": Config.INTERVAL, "min interval": 15, "complete": seeders_cnt, "incomplete": leechers_cnt, "peers": peers, } ret = bencode.bencode(ret) end = time.clock() logging.debug("process announce query at:%lf" % (end - start)) Config.process_announce_query_at = end - start return ret
def render_GET(self, request): HashTableNew.HashTable.do_clean_up() #print request.uri start = time.clock() #ipv6ip = None client = request.client if isinstance(client, address.IPv4Address): socketIp = #notice if use ipv6 couldn't get real ipv4 ip #elif isinstance(client, address.IPv6Address): # ipv6ip = #if ipv6ip is None: ipv6ip = self.get_argument(request, 'ipv6') ip = self.get_argument(request, 'ip') info_hash = self.get_argument(request, 'info_hash') peer_id = self.get_argument(request, 'peer_id') key = self.get_argument(request, 'key') port = self.get_argument(request, 'port') ipv6port = None downloaded = self.get_argument(request, 'downloaded', 0) uploaded = self.get_argument(request, 'uploaded', 0) left = self.get_argument(request, 'left', 0) passkey = self.get_argument(request, 'passkey') event = self.get_argument(request, 'event', '') numwant = self.get_argument(request, 'numwant', 50) if Config.PRIVETE_TRACKER: if passkey is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing passkey') #check argments if info_hash is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing info_hash') if len(info_hash) != 20: return bencode_faild_str('Valid info_hash') if peer_id is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing peer_id') if len(peer_id) != 20: return bencode_faild_str('Valid peer_id') if port is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing port') if len(port) > 5: return bencode_faild_str('Valid port') if ip is not None and len(ip) > 15: #return bencode_faild_str('Valid ip') ip = None if ipv6ip is not None and len(ipv6ip) > 37: #[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]:00000 ipv6ip = None downloaded = self.str2long(downloaded) uploaded = self.str2long(uploaded) left = self.str2long(left) numwant = self.str2int(numwant) if downloaded is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing downloaded') if uploaded is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing uploaded') if left is None: return bencode_faild_str('Missing left') if numwant is None: return bencode_faild_str('Valid numwant') if numwant > 100: numwant = 100 #bep_0007 if ipv6ip is not None: if ipv6ip[0] == '[': pos = ipv6ip.rfind(']:') if pos != -1: #[::]:0 ipv6port = ipv6ip[pos + 2:] ipv6ip = ipv6ip[0:pos + 1] else: #[::] ipv6port = port else: #:: ipv6ip = '[' + ipv6ip + ']' ipv6port = port ret_ipv6 = False if ipv6ip is not None: if ipv6ip[1:6].lower() != 'fe80:': ret_ipv6 = True if socketIp is None: #ipv6 socket ret_ipv6 = True if event is None or event == '': #some client event=& p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash( peer_id, info_hash) p.update(socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey) if event == 'completed': p = HashTable.find_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash( peer_id, info_hash) HashTable.add_completed_by_info_hash(info_hash) p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash( peer_id, info_hash) p.update(socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey) if event == 'started': #pt need process something else p = HashTable.update_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash( peer_id, info_hash) p.update(socketIp, ip, ipv6ip, port, ipv6port, peer_id, info_hash, downloaded, uploaded, left, event, passkey) p.uploaded_first = uploaded p.downloaded_first = downloaded p.left_first = left elif event == 'stopped': HashTable.remove_peer_by_peer_id_and_info_hash(peer_id, info_hash) if event == 'stopped': peers = '' else: peers = HashTable.find_peers_by_info_hash(info_hash) peers = self.generate_peer_list(peers, numwant, ret_ipv6) peers_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_peers_count(info_hash) seeders_cnt = HashTable.get_torrent_seeders_count(info_hash) leechers_cnt = peers_cnt - seeders_cnt ret = { "interval": Config.INTERVAL, "min interval": 15, "complete": seeders_cnt, "incomplete": leechers_cnt, "peers": peers, } ret = bencode.bencode(ret) end = time.clock() logging.debug('process announce query at:%lf' % (end - start)) Config.process_announce_query_at = end - start return ret