コード例 #1
    Currently, the graph has node attribute:
    - vid
    - ckn (insofar, checkin number)
    - sts (start timestamp)
    - ets (end timestamp)
    - lat
    - lng
    - category
    - pcategor
    And edge attribute:
    - trsn_cnt
    - duration
venue_g = GH.load_graph(graph_path, graph_name)
category_list = VH.get_category_list(venue_path, category_name)
pcategory_list = VH.get_category_list(venue_path, pcategory_name)
# GH.print_node_attr_names(venue_g)
# GH.print_edge_attr_names(venue_g)
# print category_list

# create snapshop of the graph - node accurate, but edge aren't
ts_list = TH.gen_ts_list("201201010000", "201301010000", 30)
for ts in ts_list:
    GH.filter_node_sts(venue_g, ts)
    GH.save_graph(venue_g, graph_path, "sf_venue_" + ts)