コード例 #1
    def getMarkUnderWord(self, displayName, last20Words, wasPluralWithApostrophe):
        assert type(displayName) is str
        originalWord = displayName #needed when the name isn't actually a name
        displayName = Helper.cleanWord(displayName, True)

        for x in last20Words:
            print(x + ' ', end='')

        print('\n' + displayName + ':')
        numPossibleLastNames = 0

        if displayName in self.uniqueDisplayNamesToNameDict.keys(): #we've specified to give the same markup to all these display names
            firstName = self.uniqueDisplayNamesToNameDict[displayName][0]
            lastName = self.uniqueDisplayNamesToNameDict[displayName][1]
        else: #proceed normally
            firstName = ''
            print('Is this the proper first name for ' + displayName + '? [enter] for yes, [n] for no')
            isProperFirstName = input('>')
            if isProperFirstName == 'n':
                print('Enter proper first name (or enter "None" if this is not a name)')
                possibleFirstName = input('>')
                if possibleFirstName == 'None' or possibleFirstName == 'none': #not actually a name
                    return WordClass.addWordOrMarkup(originalWord)
                firstName = possibleFirstName
                firstName = displayName

                self.lastNamesForFirstNameDict[firstName] #trigger exception if there's one to be thrown
                for nameFromDict in self.lastNamesForFirstNameDict[firstName]:
                    print(str(numPossibleLastNames) + ': ' + nameFromDict)
                    numPossibleLastNames = numPossibleLastNames + 1
                print('Or type new last name (append "!" at end to auto assign all instance of this name to this last name):')
                print('Type last name (append "!" at end to auto assign all instance of this name to this last name):')

            #get the last name either from the number of the choice (if it's a number) or the last name that was directly entered
            lastName = ''
            choice = input('>')
            lastName = choice
            for x in range(0, numPossibleLastNames):
                if choice == str(x):
                    lastName = self.lastNamesForFirstNameDict[firstName][x]

            if lastName[-1] == '!': #specify that all instance of this display name are assigned to this last name, without asking again
                lastName = lastName[:-1]
                self.uniqueDisplayNamesToNameDict[displayName] = (firstName, lastName)

            if lastName not in self.lastNamesForFirstNameDict[firstName]:
            self.lastNamesForFirstNameDict[firstName] = [lastName]

        return WordClass.addNameWithMarkupPieces(displayName, firstName, lastName, wasPluralWithApostrophe)
コード例 #2
    def readFile(self, url):
            f = open(url, 'r')
            print('File not found')
            newPath = input('Enter new path > ');
            return self.readFile(newPath) #TODO: this doesn't work for entirely unknown reasons

        markupFile = open(self.markUpFilePath, 'a')
        allWords = []
        line = f.readline()
        last20Words = [] #maintains the last 20 words to give the user context for the name, which is a rolling list of 20 words ending in the particular name of note
        while line != '':
            markupFile = open(self.markUpFilePath, 'a')
            words = line.split(' ')
            last20Words = []
            for word_str in words:
                if len(last20Words) >= 20:

                (word_beforeStuff, word_str, word_afterStuff) = Helper.cleanWordForInitialAdd(word_str)

                if Helper.cleanWord(word_str, stripApostropheS=True) in self.namesSet:
                    wasPluralWithApostrophe = False
                    word_str = word_str.translate(str.maketrans({'‘':"'",'’':"'"})) #need to change from smart quotes to regular
                    if word_str.endswith("'s"):
                        word_str = word_str[:-2]
                        wasPluralWithApostrophe = True
                    word_class = self.getMarkUnderWord(word_str, last20Words, wasPluralWithApostrophe)
                    word_class = WordClass.addWordOrMarkup(word_str)
                markupFile.write(word_beforeStuff + word_class.printMarkup() + word_afterStuff + ' ') #need to manually add a space since they're removed in the split
                #TODO: add spaces back only where they were taken from
            line = f.readline()
コード例 #3
    def addLine(self, line, currentDate):
        # markunderFile = open(self.markUnderFilePath, 'a')

        words = line.split(' ')

        wordsToCount = 0 #used to calculate the length of entries - don't want to include invalid words in the word count TODO: rethink this?
        namesFound = set()
        for word in words:
            if word == '' or word == None or re.compile('^\s+$').search(word) != None:

            (beforeStuff, word, afterStuff) = Helper.cleanWordForInitialAdd(word)

            word = WordClass(word) #words are represented by the WordClass, which is basically an encapsulation of normal words and markup names in one object

            if self.prefs.COMBINE_PLURALS:
                if word.endswith("'s"):
                    word = WordClass.addWordOrMarkup(word.toString()[:len(word)-2]) #TODO: this is broken

            wasUpper = False;
            if word.toString()[:1].isupper():
                wasUpper = True;
            originalWord = word
            word = Helper.cleanWord(word) #this strips off all punctuation and other information that we want to pass into markup.

            if not Helper.valid(word):
            wordsToCount += 1

            if word in self.namesSet and (Preferences.REQUIRE_CAPS_FOR_NAMES and wasUpper):

                    self.namesDict[word] = (self.namesDict[word][0] + 1, currentDate)
                    self.namesDict[word] = (1, currentDate)

                #names per day
                    if self.namesPerDayDict[word][1] != currentDate:
                        self.namesPerDayDict[word] = (self.namesPerDayDict[word][0] + 1, currentDate)
                    self.namesPerDayDict[word] = (1, currentDate)

                #names for graphing purposes
                try: #{ word : [ [ date , count ] ] }
                    self.namesToGraphDict[word] #trigger exception
                    if self.namesToGraphDict[word][-1][0] == currentDate: #increment count
                        self.namesToGraphDict[word][-1][1] += 1
                    else: #start a new tuple with a new date
                        self.namesToGraphDict[word].append([currentDate, 1])
                except: #this name hasn't been encountered yet
                    self.namesToGraphDict[word] = [[currentDate, 1]]

                #names for graph, counting on unique occurences
                try: #{ word : [ date ] }
                    self.namesToGraphDictUniqueOccurences[word] = [currentDate]

            if self.wordDict.exists(word):
                self.wordDict.addOrReplaceWord(word, self.wordDict.getCount(word) + 1, currentDate, self.wordDict.getFirstOccurrence(word), wasUpper)
                self.wordDict.addWord(word, 1, currentDate, currentDate, wasUpper) #TODO: wasUpper wasn't there originally
            #words per day
            if self.wordsPerDayDict.exists(word):
                self.wordsPerDayDict.addWord(word, self.wordsPerDayDict.getCount(word), currentDate) #TODO: was addOrReplaceWord, need to think what it should be
                self.wordsPerDayDict(word, 1, currentDate)

            #TODO: this is being moved to its own class to be called separately
            # if self.prefs.DO_MARK_UNDER:
            #     #if it's a name, qualify it for the markunder
            #     if word in self.namesSet:# or not (Preferences.REQUIRE_CAPS_FOR_NAMES and wasUpper):
            #         markUnderWord = self.getMarkUnderWord(word, originalWord, line, currentDate)
            #     else:
            #         markUnderWord = word

            #     markunderFile.write(markUnderWord + ' ')

        # markunderFile.close()
        return (wordsToCount, namesFound)