コード例 #1
def main() :
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# tanb_grid_new.py "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# You are using the following configuration: "
    print "# --tanb                :", options.tanb
    print "# --parameter1          :", options.parameter1 #for the lowmH scenario this is the higgs/higgsino mass parameter; everywhere else its mass of A
    print "# --morphing-htt_ee     : ", options.morphing_htt_ee
    print "# --morphing-htt_em     : ", options.morphing_htt_em
    print "# --morphing-htt_mm     : ", options.morphing_htt_mm
    print "# --morphing-htt_mt     : ", options.morphing_htt_mt
    print "# --morphing-htt_et     : ", options.morphing_htt_et
    print "# --morphing-htt_tt     : ", options.morphing_htt_tt
    print "# --morphing-htaunu_had : ", options.morphing_htaunu_had
    print "# Check option --help in case of doubt about the meaning of one or more of these confi-"
    print "# guration parameters.                           "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    ## directory that contains all datacards in question
    path = args[0]
    print "path = %s" % path
    label = '_{PARAMETER1}_{TANB}'.format(PARAMETER1=options.parameter1, TANB=options.tanb)
    ## mophing configuration
    morph = {
        'htt_ee'     : options.morphing_htt_ee,
        'htt_em'     : options.morphing_htt_em,
        'htt_mm'     : options.morphing_htt_mm,
        'htt_mt'     : options.morphing_htt_mt,
        'htt_et'     : options.morphing_htt_et,
        'htt_tt'     : options.morphing_htt_tt,
        'htaunu_had' : options.morphing_htaunu_had,
    ## complete model for given mass and tanb value (including uncertainties)
    models = {}
    ## adaptor of the datacard for given mass and tanb value
    adaptor = ModelDatacard(options, label, options.parameter1, False, options.ana_type)
    adaptor.cleanup('.' if not path.find('/')>0 else path[:path.rfind('/')], label)
    ## parse datacard (first go)
    old_file = open(path, 'r')
    card = parseCard(old_file, options)
    ##if ana_type=="Hhh" mH has to be translated into mA  
    if options.ana_type=="Hhh" : #mH has to be translated into mA  
        neededParameter = mX_to_mA(card)
    else :
        neededParameter = options.parameter1   
    ## determine MODEL for given datacard.
    model = MODEL(float(neededParameter), float(options.tanb), options.modelname)
    match = re.compile('(?P<CHN>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[0-9]+_(?P<PER>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
    for bin in card.list_of_bins() :
        print "processing bin = %s:" % bin 
        ## a bin can be made up of different decay channels or different run periods. Pick decay channel (chn) and run period
        ## (per) either from bin or from from datacards name in case it is not accessible from bin.
        if match.match(bin) :
            chn = match.match(bin).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(bin).group('PER')
        else :
            chn = match.match(path[path.rfind('/')+1:]).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(path[path.rfind('/')+1:]).group('PER')
        ## check which processes are still missing for given decay channel and run period
        missing_procs = model.missing_procs(chn, per, card.list_of_signals())
        if len(missing_procs)>0 :
            if options.ana_type=="Hplus":
                print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu']
                model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu'])
            else :
                print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf']
                model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf'])
    ## create new datacard
    new_name = path[:path.rfind('.txt')]+'_%.2f'%float(options.tanb)+'.txt'
    os.system("cp {SRC} {TARGET}".format(SRC=path, TARGET=new_name))
    ## adapt datacards
    if options.MSSMvsSM :
        ## this options rejects the scaling of bbH and ggH by 1/tanb -> therefore at each mA/tanb point all signals (including SM) are xs*BR
        model.tanb = 1
    adaptor.make_model_datacard(new_name, model, morph)
コード例 #2
def main() :
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# tangb_grid_new.py "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# You are using the following configuration: "
    print "# --tanb            :", options.tanb
    print "# --mA              :", options.mA
    print "# --morphing-htt_ee : ", options.morphing_htt_ee
    print "# --morphing-htt_em : ", options.morphing_htt_em
    print "# --morphing-htt_mm : ", options.morphing_htt_mm
    print "# --morphing-htt_mt : ", options.morphing_htt_mt
    print "# --morphing-htt_et : ", options.morphing_htt_et
    print "# --morphing-htt_tt : ", options.morphing_htt_tt
    print "# Check option --help in case of doubt about the meaning of one or more of these confi-"
    print "# guration parameters.                           "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    ## directory that contains all datacards in question
    path = args[0]
    label = '_{MASS}_{TANB}'.format(MASS=options.mA, TANB=options.tanb)
    ## mophing configuration
    morph = {
        'htt_ee' : options.morphing_htt_ee,
        'htt_em' : options.morphing_htt_em,
        'htt_mm' : options.morphing_htt_mm,
        'htt_mt' : options.morphing_htt_mt,
        'htt_et' : options.morphing_htt_et,
        'htt_tt' : options.morphing_htt_tt,
    ## complete model for given mass and tanb value (including uncertainties)
    models = {}
    ## adaptor of the datacard for given mass and tanb value
    adaptor = ModelDatacard(options, label, False)
    adaptor.cleanup('.' if not path.find('/')>0 else path[:path.rfind('/')], label)
    ## parse datacard (first go)
    old_file = open(path, 'r')
    card = parseCard(old_file, options)
    ## determine MODEL for given datacard.
    model = MODEL(float(options.mA), float(options.tanb), options.modelname)
    match = re.compile('(?P<CHN>\w*)_\w*_[0-9]?_(?P<PER>[0-9]*\w*)')
    for bin in card.list_of_bins() :
        ## a bin can be made up of different decay channels or different run periods. Pick decay channel (chn) and run period
        ## (per) either from bin or from from datacards name in case it is not accessible from bin.
        if match.match(bin) :
            chn = match.match(bin).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(bin).group('PER')
        else :
            chn = match.match(path[path.rfind('/')+1:]).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(path[path.rfind('/')+1:]).group('PER')
        ## check which processes are still missing for given decay channel and run period
        missing_procs = model.missing_procs(chn, per, card.list_of_signals())
        if len(missing_procs)>0 :
            print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf']
            model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf'])
    ## create new datacard
    new_name = path[:path.rfind('.txt')]+'_%.2f'%float(options.tanb)+'.txt'
    os.system("cp {SRC} {TARGET}".format(SRC=path, TARGET=new_name))
    ## adapt datacards
    if options.MSSMvsSM :
        ## this options rejects the scaling of bbH and ggH by 1/tanb -> therefore at each mA/tanb point all signals (including SM) are xs*BR
        model.tanb = 1 
    adaptor.make_model_datacard(new_name, model, morph)
コード例 #3
def main():
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# tanb_grid_new.py "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# You are using the following configuration: "
    print "# --tanb                :", options.tanb
    print "# --parameter1          :", options.parameter1  #for the lowmH scenario this is the higgs/higgsino mass parameter; everywhere else its mass of A
    print "# --ana_type            :", options.ana_type
    print "# --morphing-htt_ee     : ", options.morphing_htt_ee
    print "# --morphing-htt_em     : ", options.morphing_htt_em
    print "# --morphing-htt_mm     : ", options.morphing_htt_mm
    print "# --morphing-htt_mt     : ", options.morphing_htt_mt
    print "# --morphing-htt_et     : ", options.morphing_htt_et
    print "# --morphing-htt_tt     : ", options.morphing_htt_tt
    print "# --morphing-htaunu_had : ", options.morphing_htaunu_had
    print "# --morphing-htt-AZh    : ", options.morphing_htt_AZh
    print "# Check option --help in case of doubt about the meaning of one or more of these confi-"
    print "# guration parameters.                           "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    ## directory that contains all datacards in question
    path = args[0]
    print "path = %s" % path
    label = '_{PARAMETER1}_{TANB}'.format(PARAMETER1=options.parameter1,
    ## mophing configuration       }
    morph = {
        'htt_ee': options.morphing_htt_ee,
        'htt_em': options.morphing_htt_em,
        'htt_mm': options.morphing_htt_mm,
        'htt_mt': options.morphing_htt_mt,
        'htt_et': options.morphing_htt_et,
        'htt_tt': options.morphing_htt_tt,
        'htaunu_had': options.morphing_htaunu_had,
        'htt_AZh': options.morphing_htt_AZh,
    ## complete model for given mass and tanb value (including uncertainties)
    models = {}
    ## adaptor of the datacard for given mass and tanb value
    adaptor = ModelDatacard(options, label, options.parameter1, False,
    adaptor.cleanup('.' if not path.find('/') > 0 else path[:path.rfind('/')],
    ## parse datacard (first go)
    old_file = open(path, 'r')
    card = parseCard(old_file, options)

    if options.ana_type == "Hhh" and options.postfit:  #mH has to be translated into mA to get the correct BR and xs from the model file when making postfit plots
        neededParameter = mX_to_mA(card)
        neededParameter = options.parameter1

    print options.ana_type
    ## determine MODEL for given datacard.
    model = MODEL(float(neededParameter), float(options.tanb),
    match = re.compile(
    for bin in card.list_of_bins():
        print "processing bin = %s:" % bin
        ## a bin can be made up of different decay channels or different run periods. Pick decay channel (chn) and run period
        ## (per) either from bin or from from datacards name in case it is not accessible from bin.
        if match.match(bin):
            chn = match.match(bin).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(bin).group('PER')
            chn = match.match(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:]).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:]).group('PER')
        ## check which processes are still missing for given decay channel and run period
        missing_procs = model.missing_procs(chn, per, card.list_of_signals())
        if len(missing_procs) > 0:
            if options.ana_type == "Htaunu":
                print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, [
                model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu'])
            elif "2HDM" in options.modelname:
                print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs
                model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs)
                print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, [
                    'mu', 'pdf'
                model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf'])
    ## create new datacard
    new_name = path[:path.rfind('.txt')] + '_%.2f' % float(
        options.tanb) + '.txt'
    os.system("cp {SRC} {TARGET}".format(SRC=path, TARGET=new_name))
    ## adapt datacards
    if options.MSSMvsSM:
        ## this options rejects the scaling of bbH and ggH by 1/tanb -> therefore at each mA/tanb point all signals (including SM) are xs*BR
        model.tanb = 1
    adaptor.make_model_datacard(new_name, model, morph)
コード例 #4
def main():
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# tangb_grid_new.py "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "# You are using the following configuration: "
    print "# --tanb            :", options.tanb
    print "# --mA              :", options.mA
    print "# --morphing-htt_ee : ", options.morphing_htt_ee
    print "# --morphing-htt_em : ", options.morphing_htt_em
    print "# --morphing-htt_mm : ", options.morphing_htt_mm
    print "# --morphing-htt_mt : ", options.morphing_htt_mt
    print "# --morphing-htt_et : ", options.morphing_htt_et
    print "# --morphing-htt_tt : ", options.morphing_htt_tt
    print "# Check option --help in case of doubt about the meaning of one or more of these confi-"
    print "# guration parameters.                           "
    print "# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    ## directory that contains all datacards in question
    path = args[0]
    label = '_{MASS}_{TANB}'.format(MASS=options.mA, TANB=options.tanb)
    ## mophing configuration
    morph = {
        'htt_ee': options.morphing_htt_ee,
        'htt_em': options.morphing_htt_em,
        'htt_mm': options.morphing_htt_mm,
        'htt_mt': options.morphing_htt_mt,
        'htt_et': options.morphing_htt_et,
        'htt_tt': options.morphing_htt_tt,
    ## complete model for given mass and tanb value (including uncertainties)
    models = {}
    ## adaptor of the datacard for given mass and tanb value
    adaptor = ModelDatacard(options, label, False)
    adaptor.cleanup('.' if not path.find('/') > 0 else path[:path.rfind('/')],
    ## parse datacard (first go)
    old_file = open(path, 'r')
    card = parseCard(old_file, options)

    ## determine MODEL for given datacard.
    model = MODEL(float(options.mA), float(options.tanb), options.modelname)
    match = re.compile('(?P<CHN>\w*)_\w*_[0-9]?_(?P<PER>[0-9]*\w*)')
    for bin in card.list_of_bins():
        ## a bin can be made up of different decay channels or different run periods. Pick decay channel (chn) and run period
        ## (per) either from bin or from from datacards name in case it is not accessible from bin.
        if match.match(bin):
            chn = match.match(bin).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(bin).group('PER')
            chn = match.match(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:]).group('CHN')
            per = match.match(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:]).group('PER')
        ## check which processes are still missing for given decay channel and run period
        missing_procs = model.missing_procs(chn, per, card.list_of_signals())
        if len(missing_procs) > 0:
            print "updating model to parameter set:", per, chn, missing_procs, [
                'mu', 'pdf'
            model.setup_model(per, chn, missing_procs, ['mu', 'pdf'])
    ## create new datacard
    new_name = path[:path.rfind('.txt')] + '_%.2f' % float(
        options.tanb) + '.txt'
    os.system("cp {SRC} {TARGET}".format(SRC=path, TARGET=new_name))
    ## adapt datacards
    adaptor.make_model_datacard(new_name, model, morph)